Shikamaru vs Kotoko

Shikamaru POV

Kotoko lunged at me I quickly stepped back before she could hit me with the attack but I tripped over something and fell onto my butt.

"ha you call yourself a ninja when you can't watch where your stepping!" Kotoko laughed looking down at me.

I looked down and realized I had fell on a paper bomb. I panicked and quickly jumped off of it causing the explosion.

"I'm crying this is to fun!" Kotoko said laughing hysterically.

I landed on the ground next to our kids and our younger selves. Seeing Sasuke and Naruto's dead bodies made me want to puke. I looked back at Kotoko.

"How could you do this?" I asked while she had stopped attacking me.

"How could I do this you ask" Kotoko said to me.

"I mean it's amazing to see the way the past affects the future" Kotoko said as if she was teaching some school kids.

"What was the purpose how did you even know there were even a way to time travel?" I asked looking at Kotoko

"How do I know you ask?" Kotoko asked when she had stopped laughing hysterically.

"I would tell you but I don't feel like keeping you alive that long" Kotoko said walking over to my younger self.


Kotoko stopped and and rubbed her chin with her hand

"Maybe there is something you could do for me" Kotoko said with evilish smile on her face.

Sakura POV

As me and everyone hop through the tree's we start to see the hideout Kotoko was talking about, We stopped in front it.

"Alright guys what is our plane? Are we just gonna storm the place?" Temari asked

"No that will only make her angry" Ino said

"Then what do we do?" Lee asked looking at everyone.

"I don't know but whatever we gotta do we need to figure it out! Look" Temari said poiting towards the hideout.

We look towards the hideout and see someone coming out.

"Be ready" I said to everyone who was already in fight stance.

we watched her come out and before long we realized it wasn't a 'her' it was a 'he' more specifically it was Shikamaru.

"Shikamaru" Lee said walking up to Shikamaru.

I looked at Shikamaru weirdly he looked...different.

"So this is where you were?" Lee asked confused.

Shikamaru stayed still not saying or doing anything, then I noticed something weird about Shikamaru his eyes...they Thats when I realized something wasn't right.


Lee stopped dead in his track and looked at his eyes before jumping back and into fighting stance again. That's when we heard hysterical laughing and we saw something walking from the hideout to with there hands out in front of themselves. Now this was the person we were looking for.

"hahaha you like my puppet?!" Kotoko said happily.

That's when I realized that she had chakara strings coming from her finger tips.

"You killed Shikamaru!" Temari yelled angrily.

"Oh no he is very much alive see"

Kotokolet go of Shikamaru with her chakara strings and he fell to the ground gasping for air, Temari tried to run over but Kotoko stopped her by connecting the chakara strings to his body again.

"Only way you can have your kids and and past selves is if you: 1. Give me Sakura or 2. Kill shikamaru but then again you'll have to go through me" Kotoko said as she pulled Shikamaru in front of herself.

"oh and did I tell you I also have millions of chakara strings running through his nerves so I can control how much pain he feels and badly he get hurts so might not want to any big attacks" Kotoko said giggling hysterically again.

