Meeting "fancy people"

I'm currently being dragged away by peacekeepers, with tears in my eyes.

I wanna go home..
is all I'm thinking.

The peacekeepers pick me up and carry me bridal style as I'm getting harder to drag because of how tired I am. I start to drift off as I hear a door slam and heard footsteps descending down a hallway. At that point I'm already asleep.

When I wake up I'm confused as to where I am but then it makes sense after a hot minute. I'm sitting there on a not-so-comfy bed when peacekeepers come back and start dragging me to a train station where we get on a train.

When I'm on the train I just look around, kind of feeling amazed. I see chandeliers all over the train and food and so much more luxurious things. It was crazy.

I'm now in a room with the other tributes and I'm basically trying to hide myself not wanting anything bad to happen. I hear footsteps ascending and a door opens. Then Effie and a grown man (that looks perverted and drunk) come and sit down. Now I'm terrified as to what's happening.

Effie starts to explain "Tributes, this is Haymitch Abernathy. He is going to be your mentor." All the tributes are looking down at the floor, with a careless expression knowing that they were all gonna die. "Well isn't this a bright bunch?" Haymitch says sarcastically. He started to get himself another drink. "uh- Remind me your names again?." Haymitch says with a slurred speech.

I started to open my mouth but nothing really came out. Nobody else said anything either. "tell me your NAMES!" Haymitch said with an increasing number of anger levels in his voice. I jumped at the increase of volume and felt my eyes tear up. I muster up some courage, "I'm Y/n Everdeen.." I say kind of quiet but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it?" Haymitch remarked. "Shut up" you said coldly, whilst getting up and walking to a bedroom and laying down to sleep. When you wake up you realize that your getting close to the capitol and farther from home. You know your not going to service the Hunger Games. All you want to do is go home , not to your mother, but to the woods. That was where your comfort spot was. You'd go there anytime your mother yelled at you.

Getting more lost in thought the other female tribute comes up to you. "Y/n right?" She asks as you nod. "I'm Morrel." She says and holds her hand out for you to shake. "Wanna be Friends?" She asked kindly and sweetly so you gave her a slight smile and happily accepted. "You know, I think we need a handshake." She says as you agree to acting childish.

As soon as you feel the train stop you also feel your stomach drop. Your terrified to see what's going to happen now. Peacekeepers start to drag you out of the train and you think to yourself

This is the capitol huh?.. it's terrifying.
