Chapter 17 《Comfort 》

Arriving at his apartment building with you in his arms, Keigo didn't land on his balcony but instead landed on Recovery Girls balcony. It wasn't unusual for him to do so before he began relying on you so although it was late, Recovery Girl was still up and about looking over some hospital papers when she had heard the abrupt landing on her balcony. Already knowing who it was she lets out a sigh as she gets up from her seat and makes her way over to her balcony expecting to see an injured Keigo and was ready to scold him.

"Why are you always coming to me inju-" she says as she opens her door before pausing abruptly as she see Keigos distraught form with your injured body in his arms. "Oh dear, bring her inside" she tells him as she hurries inside and goes to grab the medical supplies she has.

Keigo gently places you down on the couch just as Recovery Girl hurriedly comes back with her medical supplies. "What happened to her?" Recovery Girl ask as she quickly works to cut your shirt off and begins treating your wounds and cleaning them before stitching the areas that needs to be stitched, ever so often using her quirk on you as she works. "She was attacked by a group of people in her apartment..." Keigo explains briefly, "I have to go back to her place and call Tsukauchi. Please save her" Keigo say solemnly, his voice laced with sadness and concern.

Recovery Girl looks up at Keigo for a short second with a warm smile before looking back down to continue treating your injuries, "don't worry, she's in good hands, I'll make sure she's okay. Just make sure you catch the people who did this" she says reassuringly to Keigo before he makes his way out of the apartment and heads straight for yours as he calls Tsukauchi mid flight explaining to him what had happened to you not too long ago. "I don't exactly know her state right now but I just dropper her off at Recovery Girl because that's where she wanted to go." Tsukauchi lets out a small sigh of relief, "she'll be alright since she's in Recovery Girls hands" he reassures Keigo as he makes his way over to your apartment.

It wasn't long until Keigo reached your apartment, landing on your balcony he makes his way in just as Tsukauchi arrives with a group of officers outside your door who when they all walked in, stopped in their tracks seeing how Keigos clothes were covered in blood and how your apartment was in total shambles, with how things were broken, blood scatter on the floors and walls and there were bodies laying around.

After the initial shock they began working quickly, handcuffing and taking those who were still alive in while having paramedics come and treat those who were injured while being closely monitored when they were being taken to the hospital.

While all that was happening Keigo calls Endeavor to fill him in on what's going on while simultaneously explaining the culprits he and Dabi had fought when they arrived at your place and the call Dabi had received the night before to both Tsukauchi and Endeavor.


After spending a long and strenuous amount of time at your apartment and the police station helping out with the investigation, Keigo finally made his way back to his place. But of course, as he gets back he lands on Recovery Girls balcony and quietly makes his way in to see Recovery Girl sitting on a chair she had pulled up next to the couch were you layed just taking a breather after finishing your treatment not to long ago.

Hearing the quite footsteps from Keigo she peers up at him with a warm smile, "everything's fine now. She just needs to rest now, it'll be at least a day before she wakes up because of how bad her injuries were" she says as she gently rest her hand on your head.

Keigo lets out a sigh of relief as he smiles tiredly at Recovery Girl, "that's a relief. I know you have to go back and stay at UA for a while so can I move her to my place so I can watch over her?" Kiego asks as he looks down at you feeling a little pang in his heart seeing your whole torso and left shoulder all bandaged up. Recovery Girl has a delighted smile as she nods her head, "I was just about to ask you too because I can't necessarily watch over her since I have to go back. Thankfully her condition isn't too bad so all you need to do it just let her rest and help her change her bandages when she wakes up" Recovery Girl says as she walks into a room and comes back out with a bag in hand filled with bandages and other things.

"Come on, I know you're tired too, let me help you get her situated at your place" she says as she makes her way over to the door. Keigo can't help but smile thankfully at Recovery Girl as he gently picks you up and Recovery Girl opens the door for him.

After Keigo gently places you down on the bed in his spare room and tucks you in, Recovery Girl explains to him a little more about your injuries. That being that the stab wound has been closed up and should be fine but will need to be monitored incase it opens up again or there's any sudden bleeding and as for your shoulder, there was a large burse, probably caused by being hit and, or straining it from what she could tell, so keeping it bandaged with a specially made medicinal patch she made along with telling you not to use your left shoulder as much for at least a week should help you recover. 

But as she explains, she lets out a semi distressed sigh. "One last thing Keigo, it usually takes one or two days for her wings to fully develop again but in this case, since they were cut off and not naturally used like she usually does, I think it may take anywhere from 5 days to about a month before they're fully back. The soonest I think majority of her wings will be back is about one and a half weeks to two. While her wings are growing back, there may be some drawbacks and I would say she can use her quirk but just no flying until she has at least half of her wingspan back... Also, because of where her injuries are, they might bring back bad memories for her so please stay by her side" she explains as she and Keigo makes their way to the door.

Just as they get to the door, before Recovery Girl leaves she motions for Keigo to crouch down to her level to which he does, "I trust that you'll take care of her and be by her side so if anything comes up don't hesitate to call me, okay" she says as she gives Keigo a warm embrace, patting his head.

"Also, here are supplements for your wings, tell her to take 2 each day once she's awake and as for you take 1 a day" she says handing him a small jar filled with red and white wing shaped gummies before making her way down the hall giving him a wave, making him smile. "Thank you so much" he says sincerely, waving back at her before closing his door.

~One day later~

For the past day Keigo barely left your side, although he was suppose to go into the Commission building with Endeavor and you for a meeting the day before, it was postponed after the report of your attack to let you recover and to let the police and Commission continue investigating those who were involved in your attack.

During that day Endeavor had taken sometime to worked along side the police and commission to continue the investigation while Keigo did some scouting with his feathers and sat by your bed side looking over you to make sure there wasn't any sudden bleeding or anything, just patiently waiting for you to wake up.

It was about late in the afternoon, almost evening, and Keigo had fallen asleep by your side after looking over you for most of the day when you began to stir awake. Waking up you let out a long exhausted exhale as you slowly sat up and looked at your surroundings.

When you had looked at your surroundings you realized that they were yet again different but familiar, with your mind buffering trying to figure out where you were, you finally realized that you were at Keigos place once again, however as you tried turning your body so you could move off of the bed you felt a sharp pain on your side.

Not noticing before as you peered down to where the pain was, you see Keigo who was asleep on a chair resting his head on the bed as his hand was placed on top of yours. As you tried to process everything that happened the day before, Keigo began stirring awake. Once his eyes adjusted to the room his eyes went wide seeing you now awake and okay, and before you could even react or say anything Keigo pulled you into him, wrapping his arms securely around you. "Ahh ow ow ow Kei-go you're squeezing me too tight" you breathe out semi comforted by the embrace but wincing in pain since Keigo was squeezing your injuries.

Pulling away with a sheepish but relived smile Keigo looks up at you, "sorry. I'm glad you're okay" he says, voice laced with relief. You let out a sigh of relief as the pain eased, "you know I wouldn't go down without a fight" you say with a small huff making Keigo lightly chuckle at your response before he stops and turns away, "ah, let me grab you one of my shirts" he says as he quickly leaves the room. You look down at yourself and your face heats up as you realized you were basically shirtless but everything was covered because of the bandages.

Quickly coming back into the room Keigo hands you the shirt before pausing and telling you to raise your arms slightly, "let me help you since you're injured" he says making you turn your head in embarrassment as you raise one arm and the other the very slightest.

"Are you hungry?" he ask as he's slipping the shirt on, knowing that you've been asleep for a little more than a day and a half and in response you nodded. "Alright, let's go to the kitchen and I'll cook something for you" he says and before you could say anything Keigo picks you up bridal style causing you to let out a sudden gasp and your cheeks to heat up, "w- why are you carrying me?" you ask trying to squirm from his arms.

Letting out a chuckle he looks down at you, "taking you to the kitchen because you're my injured dove" he says simply, amused by your little reaction and how your ears were redden. "I could've walked by myself" you reply meekly, giving in and hiding your blushing face in his chest.

Getting to the kitchen Keigo gently places you down on a chair at the counter and begins cooking up what you had said you were craving which was (simple dish/ food you're currently craving).

As Keigo was cooking, from the counter where you sat you looked up at him before looking back down at the counter, "thank you" you say meekly making him turn to you with a smile, "you don't have to thank me, I'm the one that's thankful. Even though I might annoy the living hell out of you sometimes, you're always taking care of me and by my side making my days better" he says with a small chuckle

It didn't take long for Keigo to finish cooking and for the both of you to finish eating and although you offered to do the dishes because he cooked, he refused so you just sat there. But as you sat and watched Keigo finish cleaning, it was as if all your emotions had just finally hit you and tears began rolling down your cheeks and you let out a hollow laugh, "why am I crying" you say to Keigo as you wipe your tears away. Keigo looks at you as his expression saddens and he stops what he was doing and comes up to you and pulls you into his chest as he rest his chin on the top of your head.

"Hey, hey it okay, I know it hurts being reminded of your past, but just know that you're not alone. I'm right here by your side so cry all you want, scream all you want, get angry all you want, I won't leave your side" Keigo says as he gives you a little squeeze and gently pats your head.

Deep down as he holds you he feels his heart break seeing you break down right in front of him knowing how strong you are and how just like him, you don't fully express yourself since you never had anyone to do so with. But there is also a part of him that feels a little warmth knowing that you trust him enough to show your vulnerable side.

Hearing that, it's as if all your bottled up emotions just came rushing out and your tears began flowing heavily as your body shook and you tightly clutched Keigos shirt with your head buried in Keigo's chest crying uncontrollably.

After a while your crying stopped and Keigo pulled away slightly to look at you, "better?" he ask and you looked up at him with tear stained cheeks nodding your head the very slightest. Seeing that he smiles warmly at you as he grabs a few tissues to help wipe your nose and tears before picking you up, "let's go wash your face and then get you to bed since it's already getting late and you still need to rest. We'll talk about everything that's going on tomorrow" he says as he carries you to the bathroom before carrying you back to your bed.

Once in the room Keigo places you down on the bed, "if you need anything just let me know okay" he says as he turns around to leave, but just before he leaves you gently tugged on his wing. "Can... can you stay with me tonight or... can I sleep with you tonight. I- I don't want to be alone..." you say sheepishly looking down.

Keigo turns around and looks down at your bashful form and couldn't help but smile heartfeltly, "let me get changed and I'll come back. Unless, you want to sleep in my room" he says pointing across to his room. You look up following his finger, "your room" you say meekly and Keigo nods briefly, "alright, up you go" he says as he lifts you up bridal style.

"Ah, I can walk on my own" you tired protesting once again but honestly couldn't put up much of a fight since you were still injured. You can feel the vibrations from Keigo chuckling, "you're my injured dove, so enjoy this" he says carrying you to his room before gently placing you down on his bed.

After getting changed Keigo walks over to the other side of the bed from where you're sitting down with the blanket over your legs, fiddling with it in a brooding manner when he see you look up at him, "I'm sorry for being a hassle" you say quietly.

Keigo smiles warmly at you shaking his head, "don't be. You already know I'm more of a pain in the ass to you" he says trying to lighten the mood which he successfully does when he hears a small laugh from you as he sits down on the bed next to you before opening his arms welcoming you into his warm embrace, which you give into and is slowly lulled to sleep by the comfort of his presence.

A couple hours had gone by and it was the middle of the night when Keigo woke up feeling your trembling form. Looking down at you, from the moon light shining in he can see your brows scrunched up as you had a sadden look and there were tears collected on your lashes. "Stop... please... please don't leave...I don't want to be alone again..." he hears you quietly whimper out as you clutch onto him. Keigo frowned, feeling a small crack in his heart seeing you like that, "I'm right here by your side, I won't leave you" he whispers as he pulls you closer and wraps his wings around you with his hand gently stoking your head.

You're still trembling but not as much any more and it didn't take long for you to calm down as you were engulfed in Keigos warmth. Seeing your trembling form and features finally relax, he was content and slowly fell back asleep holding you close in his arms with his wings wrapped securely around you, reassuring you that he was still right there with you.

~The next day~

It was just about the afternoon when you got ready to go back to your place to look at the damages as well as go over the details of the investigation with Endeavor, Tsukauchi and Keigo. Just as you were done throwing on whatever warm spare clothes you had at Keigos place, Keigo had just got back from his agency with some documents. "Ready?" he asks looking over at you as he placed his documents down, you nod you head in response as you make your way to the door only to be stopped by Keigo as he sees what you're wearing which consisted of just a hoodie and (sweats/ leggings/ joggers).

"You're just going to wear that? It's cold out" he says and you nod your head, "it's not that far, I was going to throw on one of my jackets once we got there" you say as you tried going outside only to be stopped by Keigo again as he lets out a small sigh and shakes his head with a small smile, "here, wear this" he says as he takes off his hero jacket and places it over your shoulder. You were going to protest but just gave in, slipping your arms in and taking in the warmth of it from him wearing it, when he had walked away to his room to grab another jacket for himself.

As you got outside Keigo picks you up, "ha ha, wait, wait ,wait, wait" you nervously pleaded as you tightly held onto him, still mentally preparing yourself for the flight since you weren't in control of the flight like usual. Keigo, with a grin looks down at you, "I won't drop you, I promise..." he says giving you a gentle squeeze.

"Well maybe" he playfully says as he jumps off the railing and the two of you free falled. "You son of a b-" you say only to be cut off when he jumped. Keigo couldn't help but laugh as you tightly clutched onto him before he sprawled out his wings stopping the two of you in the air. "See that wasn't so bad" he says with a grin as you glared at him and jabbed him with your elbow causing him to chuckle.


Landing at your place, Keigo places you down and as you approach your door you took in a deep breath before walking in. After taking a quick walk around your apartment you had a frown on you face seeing how a place you called home for a number of years was destroyed just like that in a single night.

Letting out a sigh, you turn to Endeavor who had just got there and was standing next to Keigo, "I guess since my place has been destroyed, I'll need to move whatever's still good out" you say defeatedly and both Endeavor and Keigo nod in agreement. "You probably already know what I'm going to say, but while you were recovering, the commission had informed me and Hawks that since they found where you live, there's a chance what happened could happen again so you'll need to move places and they're currently looking at places you'll be able to choose from but for the time being you'll need a place to temporarily stay at" Endeavor explains as Keigo nods his head along in agreement.

You let out yet another sigh as Endeavor comes up to you and pats the top of your head, "if you would like, you are more than welcome to stay at my house. Fuyumi would be more than happy to have your company there" he said making you look up at him and give him a warm smile. "Thanks for the offer Endeavor but the bird over there said I could stay at his place" you say and Endeavors brows raises slightly, "he did?" he ask skeptically and you nod you head.

"I did?" Keigo playfully says as he walks over to you, "just kidding. Yes, I told her this morning that she can stay with me if she likes since her apartment was basically destroyed. Plus, it's also better since I can keep an eye on her to make sure nothing else happens to her, and in addition, since I have wings I can help her out" Keigo say and you nod along before walking over to your room to see what clothes you had left which weren't torn apart or destroyed.

As you were away Endeavor eyed Keigo suspiciously, "what are you getting at?" Endeavor questions and Keigo looks up at him with an innocent smile, "nothing" Keigo simply responds with a shrug making the flame man look at the birdman more skeptically with an intense gaze. "I don't believe you" Endeavor says making Keigo chuckle nervously as he breaks under the intense gaze of Japan's number one hero. "Really, nothing, I just want to be by her side to help her... and I may be falling for her a little" Keigo says, quickly mumbling the last part as he adverts his gaze.

Endeavor lets out a sigh as he looks down at Keigo again with a softer, yet still intense gaze, "you better look after her, if anything happens to her, I will scorch y-" Endeavor says only to be cut off when their attention is turned to you after hearing your loud audible gasp from your room and hurried footsteps coming back into the living room.

Both men look in your direction with concerned looks as their eyes followed your quick movement looking over your shelf. They both approached you wanting to help with whatever it was you were looking for when they both stopped, seeing you turn around to them with a relieved smile as you held up an Endeavor plushie and small glass box with a feather, "they're perfectly fine" you say relieved, smiling brightly at the two items.

A few hours goes by and Keigo's the only one left with you, occasionally using his feathers to bring boxes of your stuff over to his place. Endeavor helped you packed for a bit but had left a couple hours ago with Tsukauchi  after he had stopped by to tell you the details of the investigation which were that they were able to get a lead on the group they belonged to and surprisingly they were actually connected to the group you had encountered before. That group being the one with the quirk nullifying and enhancing bullets, and once they gather enough intel they will conduct a raid so as for now, you don't have to do anything besides give a statement on what happened.

For the most part, you got everything that was still in good conditioned boxed and brought over to Keigo's apartment and by the time that was done it was almost evening and so you and Keigo headed back to his place. During the flight back you were exhausted and so feeling the warmth from Keigo and his jacket along with the comforting scent of him, you were slowly lulled to sleep in his arms. Noticing this Keigo couldn't help but smile down at you as he held you closer to him and when you felt this in your sleep, a small smile formed on your lips. 


"This... this is embarrassing" you say with an nervous laugh, dropping your head down in embarrassment feeling your ears heat up. The two of you had just finished eating and since your bandages had some dried old blood on them, Keigo tells you that he'll help you change them before he has to leave on his night patrol which is where the two of you are at now.

You, shirtless with bandages off and your arms covering your bare chest as Keigo stood in front of you with new bandages. Keigos cheeks were warm but he knew that this had to be done and so you had closed your eyes since you were too embarrassed to even look at him. 

Walking to your back Keigo pauses when he fully sees your back for the first time. He was intrigued by your wing marking but also surprised and sadden seeing the current state of your wings and the old scars that littered your back around the base of your wings. Gently touching your back in-between the base of your wings, you were startled and quickly whipped around, "wha- what are you doing?" You asked as you took a step back. "Ah, sorry, it's just... your scars" he says in a tender tone with a sadden look. 

"Oh-" you quietly say as you turn back around, "they're from back then but... they don't bother me anymore" you say looking down. Keigo frowns and on a whim hugs you, seeing how your form slightly slumped down at the mention of it. 'I wish I could've been there for you back then' he thinks to himself.

You were surprised and although you were in a awkward spot being shirtless as he held you, you felt comforted. Pulling away without saying a word Keigo gently raises your arms the very slightest and began rebandaging your torso. "Usually there are nurses and doctors who can use recovery quirks. How come you wanted to go to Recovery Girl instead of a hospital?" He asked trying to get your mind off the topic and awkwardness.  

You peeked your eye open seeing that he had your chest nicely done already and now wrapping your shoulder, "Oh, I never told you about this? I thought Endeavor might've said something before but, because my ability is healing, compared to many others who have healing abilities some healing abilities aren't compatible with me so most of the time healing quirks don't work on me. That's the reason why and also one reason why I have a pretty close relation with Recovery Girl, because out of many people, her quirk is compatible with me and for the most part she's taught me a lot about medicine" you warmly explain to Keigo recalling back to when you had first met Recovery Girl looking like a itty bitty delicate injured little bird. 


Was feeling a little low but hopefully you guys like this chapter 🙂

Like always thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting, and I hope all of you are staying safe out there and I hope you all have an wonderful day/ night!❤

I'm excited for the next two chapters 🤭😏
