Chapter 38

Inside the shield, the spectators watched in awe of the fox queen. Those who had not been present for the battle with hei an, now understood what they had missed out on. They hadn't just been shocked at the way, the young queen had addressed the former ruler of heaven and earth, donghua dijun directly by his name, though no one dared to do that before, not even the demons and foes that came to their deaths at the end of his blade. Their shocked expressions had also, stepped from the fact that she had somehow managed to make him take a step back and went in his stead.

The moment the fox queen had stepped outside the shield, the whole atmosphere outside the shield had seemed to change. She had easily disposed of the red symbols of power that had apparently, protected the bai siblings from hellfire. It was only after they paid close attention to it, the viewers finally recognized that the red unfurled phoenix flower symbol ensuring their protection had been the mirror image of the exquisite birthmark present on the young fox queen's forehead. They had been still contemplating on this little piece of information when the whole sky behind the fox queen became saturated with a blood-red hue. The power seemed to emanate from the young queen herself. The visual had already looked so regal and majestic but then the legendary sword of the master of the universe, the canghe had condensed back into its original form and came to rest in the hands of the young queen. The crowd inside the shield was left flabbergasted at the ease with which the fox queen wielded the notorious sword and the power that oozed around her. The sight had been simply, too divine.

After feng jiu had come face to face with the gigantic beast, a long silence had ensued. The curiosity ran high among the celestials and the lords outside the court alike. Among the latter though stood lian song who was having a hard time containing his curiosity and impatiently he asked donghua about it, "what is going on up there?"

Donghua had already been listening in on the conversation between feng jiu and the beast, so he readily explained, "the beast that rained hellfire is no ordinary creature. It's called the yingzi, meaning shadow. Almost a hundred thousand years back, I had heard about the devastation, yingzi had been causing around the lands and shores of the black sea. Its power had been too vast and no method I tried, would kill her, so left with no choice, I had to seal her on the secluded island of ash in the black sea where it resided. Two days back, it had intercepted the power burst of her queen's coming to life. Using all the power it possessed, yingzi broke free of its prison and came to meet her queen. At this very moment, it is elucidating to xaio bai, how she came to be this way. And from what I know, I believe she is saying the truth. Yingzi and its children had meant no harm to the celestials, it was their demonic side that had overruled them when they were provoked, which they unintentionally had been. Instead, they came here with the sole purpose of meeting their queen to seek salvation from her."

With no further response from donghua, everyone looked at each other with an obvious question in their eyes not knowing how to ask. It was yang cuo, ye hua's father and the eldest son of tianjun, that hesitantly stepped forward and asked in a meek voice, "forgive me, your majesty, but I fail to understand why the beast would consider the qingqui queen as its ruler."

Donghua understood that these people had not yet been privy to the true existence of feng jiu but giving the same explanation again and again was getting on his nerves since he was used to never having to repeat himself ever before. But as the matter regarded feng jiu, he made an exception, and for the last time, he explained, "because she is not just the qingqui queen, first prince. She is the holy spirit of all living. Do you not notice the blood-red aura that she exudes? Even though she had expanded only half of it, the whole celestial sky had been permeated with its ethereal red glow. Tell me yang cuo, where else had you seen an aura like this before?"

There existed only one person in all of the realms that possessed such a mighty aura. Looking at donghua with the answer clear in his eyes , he nodded towards dijun indicating his reply. Donghua took pity on the man and explained further, "your answer is correct, yang cuo. Since you failed to make the connection, I will explain, though not just for the peace of your addled brain but instead to introduce the realms to their true queen."

"The bai feng jiu that you know of is no ordinary immortal. She is a primordial spirit that is as old as time. She is the source of all living in this universe just as I am the source of nature. Separate, our spirits are parts of a whole, and together, they form this universe. Her ascension trial was no ordinary trial, either. What she had received were the 900 bolts of enlightenment. She didn't ascend to high immortal or high god instead she skipped every level of ascension there is and gained back the true powers of her primordial spirit to become my equal, my fated, my female counterpart and my true mate. She is the fire to my ice and the living to my rock. Her powers are equivalent to mine as is her rank. As the holy spirit of all living, she is the true queen of every animal, bird, creature, beast, demon, and immortals alike, anything that has a life in this universe has come from her primordial source and is her rightful subject. Mind my words, never question her power, you have no clue to the extent of it and if you incite her, then even, I might not be able to save you from her wrath."

While everyone was rendered speechless, trying to absorb this significant piece of news, lian song noticed the carefully chosen words donghua had spoken and smiled secretively. He had noticed the way donghua had arranged his words in such a smart manner that he had said the truth without giving away its basic essence. With just a twist of meaning, he had made sure no one could comprehend that this was not the entire truth rather just the barest parts of it. at the same time, he had accorded so much power and grace to feng jiu that no one would dare to question her on it. in a handful of sentences, donghua had made bai feng jiu the most powerful being in this universe that even the unifier of the realms wouldn't dare cross.

The lords and the celestials were trying to relate what they had just heard from donghua dijun to the fox queen in front of them. As dijun had mentioned, they could see the raw power that emanated from her and manifested itself inside her aura. But as they watched, something even stranger happened. The beast hung down its head with closed eyes as if it was waiting for the verdict of its death. But in its gloom, the beast didn't notice that the queen had dematerialized the cang he. Everyone watched with wonder and fascination when feng jiu spread her hands wide at her sides, and slowly, a fire began to pour out from her hands. It wasn't a normal fire that covered her hands and arms. The flames of this fire burned red with a core of yellow and it faded out in tips of gold. For the immortals, the red flames of fire signified the constitution of hellfire but what they were clueless about was this specific fire had emerged from her primordial spirit. The golden tips of the flames were characteristic of their divine nature as the pure phoenix fire of the queen's primordial spirit. With her hands and arms blazing on fire, she grabbed hold of the beast's downturned head, and moving forward, she pressed her forehead against it.

The fire that had been blazing through her hands spread through the beast's body, the flames engulfing it in their red form. Covered in dancing red blazes, a red aura encircled the beast as the dark storm clouds rolled in the sky.

The fire that covered every inch of the beast's body, locked itself and transformed into a red sheen of power that sheathed its whole body. With her part of this process done, feng jiu stepped back from the beast. While the transformation of the beast was underway, feng jiu moved towards its children, the smaller creatures that had appeared first. She could feel the fear and hesitancy in the air that surrounded them, so instead of going through the process into her mortal form, feng jiu changed into her phoenix form.

The spectators inside the shield found themselves unable to even blink, afraid that they would miss out on something. They watched as the queen stepped back from the beast after a red layer of power covered its whole form and moved towards its kin. But instead of repeating the actions, she had performed earlier, this time she took it up a notch. With their mouths on the floor, they gawked as the fox queen transformed into a colossal blood-red phoenix with wings and crown of fire. Taking form, the phoenix queen spread her wings to their full span covering the whole horde of these creatures under just one wing and created an orb of pure red power around them. the phoenix took flight and started flying in a circle around the creatures creating a massive swirl of golden-red fire from its wings and tails around the orb of raw power that surrounded the horde. The fire manifested inside the orb, sealing itself into a golden sphere of light as the phoenix stepped back to take in its' work.

While everyone thought that the phoenix queen had stepped back to admire her handiwork, donghua knew that something was wrong. The transformation of the yingzi should have been complete by now, but the beast was sealed inside the red sheen of power that signified its transformation process. As he was analyzing the situation, he saw the phoenix head turn towards him and heard feng jiu's voice in his brain, "my love, the living cannot exist without nature. I need your help, donghua, these poor souls need your help. they need nature to purify their spirits, my love." Donghua nodded in affirmation and sprang forth heading straight towards the storm cloud that had gathered.

The spellbound audience looked in a daze as donghua dijun also joined the fray. With one leg slightly lifted, he floated in the middle of the storm clouds and gathered their energy in his spread hands. Moments later, he brought together his hands in front of him, directing the charge in the sky towards him and as both of his hands came together, lightning from the storm clouds began congregating around him. the vision was truly transcendental giving to the fact that when the master of the universe called every aspect of nature complied with his wishes. Separating his hands, donghua directed the flow of the lightning towards the beast. The power that had originally shone red around the beast was now infused with the azure blue lightning of donghua. As he rained lightning on the beasts form, a distance away, he let loose one of the clouds on the golden sphere surrounded the horde.

As the lightning flow from donghua gradually stopped and feng jiu came back to his side returning to her immortal form, the azure blue from the lightning slowly merged with the pre-existing red, creating a glorious purple.
