
"We have to go. Now." I said to Grayson and Cisco, "thank you Barbara."
I dragged Cisco and Grayson out of the building. I hated myself. How couldn't I see this coming? Wells-- Eobard, coming to me, destroying everything, everyone I love. That's destroys me.
"Where are we going?" Cisco yelled.
"Back To Central City. I know where Eobard and Strange are." I started to run with them in my arms. We snook on the train,no one bothered asking for tickets.
I closed the door for a little privacy.
"Where are they?" Cisco asked
"My old house, where my Mom was murdered." I responded "it's complete irony. That's why I didn't think about at first. Eobard is smarter than me. But one thing that I do know is that he hates me. He want to make me feel dead. He wants to enjoy it."
"So what are we going to do? Barge in?" Grayson said
"No. We have be smarter." I responded, "I just can't wait anymore, he's ruling my life, it time I take my life back. Joe, he has Caitlin."
I breathed. My hands where shaking, what if I'm wrong what if she's not there. She dies.
No Eobard wants me to suffer.
What do I do than? A Speed Mirage to distract him so Cisco and Grayson can get her out?
Think! Barry, Think!
So how do you outsmart a man that studied you for over a century? Who beat you in everything.
Just keep moving forward.
Go faster.
We arrived at STAR Labs and Even Iris was there.
"Okay. We know where he is, now how do we kick his ass?"
"Unless we do a trade?"
"That's crazy." Joe stepped "Barry the maniac killed your mother! And he's holding the woman you love hostage!"
"I know, but listen. He wants me dead right? So, let's just him that."
Iris laughed. "I can't believe we're actually having this conversation right now."
"Better believe it." I quickly said.
"What now?" Iris said "what if he has you, he will kill you."
"I don't know."
Cisco came into the room fast his face lighten up. "I do." He held up a syringe, with a yellow liquid in inside, "It's a speed modifier, slows you speed down, I don't know for how long yet though. But if we hit Reverse Flash with this we can slap him with these."
He held cuffs. Big ones, they were silver and they world cover the whole forearm, "Touch." Joe leaned in? "Uh sorry Barry can only touch."
I looked at him and I held out my hand slowly. And I touched the metal. It was vibrating. But the metal shocked me. "Ow," I pulled my hand back.
" 'Ow' is good that means it's working." He said.
"What is it?" Dick asked
"Glad you asked that Grayson." Cisco pulled up the screen "these handcuffs. Give off vibrations opposite that the atoms of The Flash and Reverse Flash give off. When wearing this, Reverse Flash doesn't have his speed."
"He'll be slower. Like us." Joe said
"That's when we get Caitlin out of there."
I smiled finally I'm faster. Then I frowned "what's the dosage to lose his speed for at least five minutes?"
"I want you to shoot him once. Just enough time to get Caitlin away from him."
"You've got to be serious." Iris argued, "you gonna fight him. In all the things you been through payback is the only solution to you? He  kill you. You're a toy to him."
"In all the things I've been I grown and I can fight back Iris I can get my life back. Live a normal life without looking over my shoulder praying that Eobard is going to kill me, he stole my mother, my father, he stole the woman I love. I have to fight. back." I look at Iris straight in the eye. She knew that I was serious about this, I changed into my Flash suit .
"And if he kills you."
"He won't."
"How can you be so sure?"
"I'm his way home. Aren't I?"
"We will be following you, Flash." Cisco smiled.
