Chapter Three: Marketplace

I head down into the living quarters and I listen out for Aela's voice. I follow the sound of it, coming to what I think are her private living quarters. She's talking with a man there, who looks a fair bit younger than Kodlak but definitely older than Vilkas. They're standing closely together and Aela has a small smile on her face. 

Aela notices me standing there. "Ah, good. I've been waiting for this. Wait...I remember you. So the old man thinks you've got some heart, I guess," she takes the shield off of me.

"I told you, this is the whelp Vilkas mentioned," the older man says.

Vilkas was talking about me? How flattering. 

"I heard you gave him quite a thrashing," Aela smirks.

"Don't let Vilkas catch you saying that," the man laughs gently.

"Do you think you could handle Vilkas in a real fight?" Aela asks me.

"I don't think I should be bragging about my skills...yet. But I suppose I could," I reply carefully.

"A woman who lets her actions speak for her. I knew there was something I liked about you...I like your fire too. You'll make a good Companion, we should hunt together sometimes," Aela smiles at me. "Let's have Farkas show you where you'll be resting your head,"

"Farkas!" the man shouts.

A man who looks just like Vilkas (but he's wearing a different style of armour and he's a little more muscular) comes running into Aela's room, brushing past me. "Did you call me?"

"Of course we did, icebrain," Aela rolls her eyes. "Show this new blood where the rest of the whelps sleep,"

"New blood? Oh, hello, I'm Farkas. Come, follow me," Farkas beckons for me to follow him.

Feeling glad Farkas doesn't seem to be as much of an ass as his lookalike, I follow after him. I presume the two of them are brothers, most likely twins. Farkas seems a little more bulkier than Vilkas, and his choice of weapon is the huge steel battleaxe strapped firmly in place on his back. But they both have the same dark hair and icy blue eyes.

"So..." I try to start a conversation.

"Skjor and Aela like to tease me, but they're good people. They challenge us to be our best," Farkas cuts me off. He leads me to the communal bedroom. "The bed over there is free and so is the chest. Put whatever you like in there, but don't take other people's things,"

"So what now?" I ask him.

"Come to me or Aela if you're looking for work," he says. "I guess you're one of us now, until your Trial. Then we'll see if you're really worthy of us. Don't worry though, I'm sure you'll do well!"

"Thank you," I smile at him.

Farkas leaves me and I pull open the lid to the chest near my bed. Inside it, I place the dragon mask I picked up from the temple when I was first on my way to take on Alduin. I put in my journal, a few letters, some healing potions and a few other spell tomes. I know Nords have a distrust of magic, but I've got a knack for it. Well, I suppose it helps being a Breton.

I pick up one of the letters. It's the latest letter my brother sent me, which was a year ago. I came to Skyrim on the 17th of Last Seed 4E201...and if I'm not mistaken, it's the 17th of Last Seed today...a smile creeps onto my face. I've been here a whole year now.

I look back at the letter and sigh. I suppose I owe my brother a response. I rummage around the room and I find a piece of paper, a quill and some ink. I'm sure nobody will mind too much if I borrow them. I then begin the letter.

Dear Marco,

Will this letter reach you? Are you still on Solstheim? I am alive and well and I apologise for not getting in contact with you. The past year has been...hectic. I am Dragonborn and I've spent the year honing my skills to prepare to slay the World-Eater Aluin. I promise I'm not mad, it's all true. I journeyed to the Nordic heaven of Sovengarde and that's where I killed Alduin, alongside some other ancient Nord heroes. I know I sound Netch-shit crazy (pardon my language) but it's all true. Every bit of it. 

I'm with the Companions of Whiterun now...this is my new home, I suppose. How are things on Solstheim? Are you an apprentice for Neloth now? How is Dreyla? Give my love to her. Also, will you consider coming to visit me in Skyrim? I don't think the boat fare is overly expensive. Or perhaps I should come to Solstheim for a bit?

Before I finish this letter, I must ask you a question. When will you ever tell me how two Breton children (as in, the two of us) managed to come to be on Solstheim with no parents? Where did our parents go? I know you know the answers to my just won't tell me.

With love and curiosity,

Your sister Skylar

I finish the letter and I look around the bedroom. I feel strange, almost like I've been to this place before. It feels so familiar. I shake off the feeling and I go to find Farkas upstairs.

There's an old woman sweeping the floor and she smiles at me kindly. "Welcome, dear. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you," I reply.

"My name is Tilma. I've been tending to the warriors of Jorrvaskr for as long as I can remember," she then frowns and stares at me for a few seconds. Then her face brightens into a smile.

"I'm Skylar. Have you seen Farkas about anywhere?"

"Skylar?" something flashes across her face and I begin to feel strange. First Kodlak looked surprised to see me, then Eorland got me mixed up with someone and now Tilma is acting strange...I need answers. "Oh. I think Farkas is outside training with some of the other Companions,"

I thank her and I head out into the training yard. It's mid afternoon and soon it'll be evening. How strange to think that only yesterday I was searching for a way to Sovngarde as I fought off Draugr and skeletons.

"Farkas?" I get his attention. He's sat down, watching Ria and the Nord woman that won the brawl this morning spar.

"Oh, hello. Did you need something?" he looks up.

"Is there any work for me to do?" I ask him, trying not to sound too eager.

Farkas nods his head. "Yeah. Someone's been causing some trouble and I'm sending you out to stop them. Don't kill them or anything, just rough them up. Make them sorry," Farkas explains. "You'll get your coin when you've completed the job,"

"Who is it?" I ask. 

"Anoriath. He's the Bosmer down at the marketplace that runs the meat stall. I hear he's been harassing Carlotta Valentia a fair bit...go teach him a lesson," Farkas says.

I leave Jorrvaskr and I head down to the marketplace. The smell of the food there makes me hungry, and I realise I haven't eaten since breakfast this morning at High Hrothgar...and my muscles are hurting even more after fighting with Vilkas. I really should take a break...

"I hear you've been harassing Carlotta," I say to Anoriath.

"It's none of your business," he shrugs nonchalantly.

"Hey. You're going to stop," I snap at him.

"Oh yeah? Is the tiny little Breton girl going to teach me a lesson?" he asks mockingly.

"Watch me," I snarl.

Anoriath suddenly swings a punch at me and catches me on my cheek. I wince and try to get my bearings before he can hit again. I hit him back, thanking the Gods for my Dwemer gauntlets. He lets out a cry of pain and I hit him again. I hit him twice and then he starts begging me to stop.

"Alright, alright...I'll leave her alone!"

"Good," I reply.

A few people clap for me and others mutter nervously. The guards are watching me intently.

"Hitting the Bosmer with those Dwemer gauntlets?" one shakes his head.

"Companions business," I reply.

"Hey, aren't you the Dragonborn?" the second guard laughs. "The Dovahkiin being reduced to mead-fetching?"

I put a hand on my sword, a sudden rage coming over me. I cannot stand people laughing at temper is also a bit of a weak spot.

"Watch out before she Shouts at you," the first guard sniggers. "What are you going to do? Fus Ro Da us?"

I begin to walk away but then I hear them laughing more. I swing around angrily and I shout: "Fus...RO DA!"

The two of them go flying and the hit the wall of Belethor's shop. They're both silent for a few seconds I stand there in fear...murdering a guard will incur a serious bounty that I can't afford to pay.

Then they start shouting at me and the townspeople begin to back away from me. I turn on my heel and I run as fast as I can back to Jorrvaskr. I didn't run this fast when I was escaping the Thalmor Embassy and I certainly didn't run this fast when trying to escape the Dwemer ruin of Blackreach.

I dodge past more guards that are up by the Gildergreen and I race up the steps to Jorrvaskr. Vilkas is stood outside, having recently returned from a morning hunt. When he sees my panicked look and hears the guards' yells, his face darkens.

"What did you do?" he almost shouts at me.

"It's complicated," I groan.

"By order of the Jarl, stop right there," Commander Caius says to me. Oh Gods. Half of the Whiterun guard are with him, as are some of the townspeople. Good going, Skylar. Real great going. 

"Caius, is there a problem here?" Vilkas asks.

"The girl assaulted a Bosmer on the streets and then two guards. She's dangerous and unstable," Caius replies.

"They provoked me...they were being unkind," I mutter.

Caius frowns at me for a second. "Hey. Hold on...weren't you the girl that helped us with the dragon yesterday? Ysmir, you are! You were the one that lured the dragon and helped us trap him!" I make desperate eye contact with Caius, trying to get him to shut up in front of Vilkas. "By the gods - you're the one that killed Alduin!"

"Yeah, I just got back last night," I murmur, avoiding Vilkas's gaze.

"It's the Dragonborn! Our saviour!" one of the guards exclaims. "Let her go, Caius. I heard what the two idiots were saying in the market. She should not have Shouted, but it would be wrong to arrest our hero,"

"I'll let it slide this time," Caius nods his head. "Just don't go around Shouting all day, dovah. But you have my thanks for keeping Skyrim and its people safe,"

The guards trickle away and go back to their duties. I glance over at Vilkas. He doesn't look impressed with me. Great...literally an hour after coming to Jorrvaskr, the guy hates me. 


"Don't tell the others," I look away from his fiery gaze.

"I don't believe you!" Vilkas yells. "First you waltz in Jorrvaskr with your arrogance and fancy armour, thinking it'll secure you a place. Then you mess up on your very first job and you don't have the honour or decency to admit to your crimes and pay the fine for assaulting two guards! You get away with it because you're an overrated hero!"

"An overrated hero that saved your life!" I shout back. "Alduin would have eventually killed all of you if I hadn't stopped him!"

"Save it," Vilkas says savagely. "You won't be one of us, never in my eyes," he says darkly and walks away from me. I groan and then follow him into the mead hall, mentally preparing myself for whatever'll happen next. 


This was more of a filler chapter. Chapter 4 will have a little bit more action, but Chapter 5 is going to be when the fun starts. Just bear with me!

I've gotten a few readers and commentors already, thank you so much! It means a lot, honestly. I've always wanted to publish a Skyrim fanfiction and I'm so excited that it's gaining recognition!

Featured picture is Rose Leslie/Aela
