Author's Note & a Timeline

Hey guys! Me here. 

Today I published the first chapter of the second book and it's called That's Madness. Go have a read of it, I'm really looking forward to sharing this one with you all! You can find it on my profile. 

Also, one of my readers requested that I make a timeline for The Dragonborn Comes. This is actually really important because I've changed a lot of the dates around. For example, the Great War breaks out in 4E 171, but I've altered that. And you'll understand why, in later books. 


4E 158: Kodlak Whitemane joins The Companions

4E 159: Aldmeri Dominion and Empire form an alliance. Elenwen is sent to Skyrim as an Ambassdor

4E 159: Belethor's wife gives birth to Madanach. She dies in labour

4E 160: Jondann Whitemane is born, son of Kodlak and an unnammed woman who dies in labour

4E 161: Colette Whitemane is born out of an affair between Elenwen and Belethor

4E 175: Madanach begins campaigning for an independent Reach

4E 176: Colette and Jondann run away together

4E 177: Madanach's tribe attacks a travelling family of Altmers. Outraged, Elenwen demands compensation or threatens war

Aela the Huntress is born

4E 178: Marco Whitemane is born, son of Jondann and Colette. Madanach, Colette and Jondann are taken prisoner. Elenwen realises her daughter is to blame and orders her deportation, along with her son and husband. Madanach is imprisoned

4E 180: Vilkas and Farkas are born

4E 183: Madanach escapes from prison

4E 184: Skjor joins The Companions

4E 185: Skylar Whitemane is born and she is sent away to Skyrim, where she is intercepted by Madanach and his tribe

4E 190: The Aldmeri Dominion invades Elsweyr and the King submits to their rule. Jondann, Colette and Marco escape into Black Marsh and Jondann writes to Kodlak, begging him to find Skylar and to send her to Raven Rock, where they are planning to move

Kodlak finds Skylar and brings her to Jorrvaskr. Then he learns that riots have broken out in Black Marsh and decides to keep Skylar for longer

4E 191: Jondann, Colette and Marco attempt to board a ship that will take them to Solstheim. Before they can leave, they are attacked and only Marco makes it onto the ship. Their fates remain unknown

4E 192: Kodlak takes Skylar to Raven Rock, where he finds Marco working on a farm. They stay together for a few months.

The Aldmeri Dominion invade Cyrodiil and the Great War breaks out. Kodlak and Jergen are drafted into it and Marco and Skylar are left alone on Solstheim.

Aela joins The Companions

4E 195: The Great War ends

Torvar and Athis join the Companions

4E 199: Njada joins the Companions

4E 200: Ria join the Companions

4E 201: Skylar leaves for Skyrim

4E 202: Skylar joins the Companions

4E 203: Marco arrives in Whiterun. Kodlak is killed and Skylar becomes Harbinger

4E 204: Skylar learns she is pregnant and marries Vilkas

4E 205: Maryse Whitemane is born
