"Your not supposed to be out of bed." Bruce told me.

"I don't take orders from you." I retorted.

"You do now, go back to bed." He blatantly ordered.

"No." I gave him, and leaned my crutches against the table, sitting at the seat opposite of him. He gave me an evil glare, and I awkwardly sat there, still content to disobey him. One of my feet weren't touching the ground because the cast was on my upper leg, and the other one was only lightly touching it. My bad arm rested on the table, while the other held my rib cage.

"Dark, y'now, we just want you to heal faster, so, please, go back to bed?" Dick asked nicely.

"Will you ever, give up?" I asked the group of five. They all looked at eachother, and hung their heads slightly. "I knew it." I said, and I stood up, wobbling, and grabbed my crutches. I let go of my ribs, and while I was leaving the kitchen, I slipped on something, falling onto my back.

"Ahhh!" I yelled and held my rib cage. But my back didn't completely collide with the floor, something small and round hit it as well. I continued to hold my ribs on one side, the boys all hovering over my collapsed form, but I reached over my shoulder to feel something round, with six of something coming out and connecting to my back. I tried to grab it and pull it off, but it was firmly attached.

Veronica Wayne, I am a protection Scarab no. 2. I fused to your spine in order to keep you from completely dying during the explosion. Once the bomb exploded, my duties ceased, and I chose you as my new duty. I'm am now meant to protect you.

Im guessing that the thing attached to my spine told me, and I thought about it for a moment.

I had come back and green arrow gave me a welcome party to suit my new accomplishment, with a cake. There was a little crafts table as well, that had all the fixings for new arrows. I sat down at the table, and began painting some dowels pure black, fitting a dark purple arrow head at the front and white feathers at the back.

"Whatcha doin'?" Roy, aka red arrow slid in behind me.

"What's it look like?" I giggled. We had grown extremely close over our time, and he was the only person I let my tough guy act down around.

"It looks like your falling in love, with, me~" he sang the last part, and I completely agreed, I loved this man, and would easily agree to be his girlfriend.

"No, no I'm not." I giggled, and tried to resume my tough act, but it didn't work, and he just kissed the top of my head, and left.

Ozzie A.K.A Green Arrow, walked up behind me. "Do you want me to let the League know about you?" He asked, "Cause I can save you a spot on the protégé team, if you want." He continued, and I waved my head back and forth no.

"I'm a one pony show. GA, I am glad to be working with you, but of the only way for me to be your protégé is to tell the League, than I guess that this partnership is over." I told him. He had been bugging me about the team for a while, and even though he never told me anything about it, like who's on it, or where their located, I didn't get a real idea for it.

I got up, and grabbed my arrows, throwing them into my carrier, and walked out, shooting a glance back to red, who was looking at me pleadingly. I waved goodbye to him, and sprinted off into the night.

"Are you okay?!" I heard Tim, and stood, clutching my ribs once again. I felt a wave of nausea overtake my stomach, and in seconds Dick's feet were covered in vomit.

"Maybe, I should lay down." I said, and in a flash Jason was holding me, carrying me bridal style over to a couch outside of the kitchen, so that they could clean up the mess I made. I laid on my side, feeling a sudden pain in my legs, more than what I've already been experiencing.

I am sincerely sorry, that is because of me, my systems have sent my own T cells to fix your leg to the best of my ability, and your body seems to be reacting in a negative effect. I will work faster.

"No!" I yelled. I squirmed, hoping maybe I could shake it off of me, but when I came out to no avail I sprawled out on the couch, shooting my legs and arms out in pain, and holding my rib cage.
