chapter 80: halloween bloodfest. (part 4)

soon, jacob, zuzu and verosika's crew arrived at the studio and when they saw it, they were amazed at seeing a human music studio

(like this one, right here)

as they see the studio, verosika spoke to her boyfriend as she said

verosika: whoa, and you really think that this micheal might hire us, jacob?

jacob: as long as you don't use your ''lust'' powers on him, then yeah. he might even help with your career problem.

he said as verosika smiled and when they walked in, they see a blonde man in his 30s, who smiled as he saw jacob, walked over to him and they shaked hands as he said

micheal: hey man, how's it goin?

jacob: good micheal. and thanks for having verosika and her crew to work with you.

micheal: hey, that's what friends are for, even ones that can sing.

he said as he looked at verosika and her crew, who smiled at micheal as kiki said

kiki: well, we're glad to be here and start working with you.

she said as when micheal and verosika's gang were talking to each other, jacob sat down on a bench as he started to feel tired and fell asleep

(in jacob's dream-land)

in jacob's mind, we see him wake up in what looks like heaven, but halloween themed as he said

jacob: whoa, i didn't know heaven celebrates halloween.

he said to himself as he started walking around, but stopped walking as he spotted a large building that looks like one of those haunted house jumpscare rides, but then heard calm chuckling as he sees God in front of the ride as he said

God: ah, jacob. good timing.

jacob: hey God, is there something you want to tell me?

God: why yes, there is. hop in and i'll explain everything.

he said as jacob shrugged and hopped in the ride, along with God as he hopped in as well when the ride started moving and he started talking

God: before i tell you my warning, there's something i should give you.

jacob: like what? upgrade for your gauntlet.

he said with a smile, which made jacob's eyes widen in suprise as he said

jacob: REALLY!!! FOR REAL!!!????

God: (chuckles) yes, this new upgrade will allow you to turn into forms of your favorite characters from video games, anime and other stuff.

jacob: does that mean-

he was cut off as God said

God: yep, even male overwatch characters as well. such as reaper or soldier 76. just to make things fair since Zuzu can turn into Tracer that one time ago. also, here's a little something i also did to your gauntlet, tap on the orb on it.

as jacob tapped onto his gauntlet's orb, it showed holograms of his new forms from that upgrade the big man upstairs (who he's currently sitting next to) gave to the young human as he smiled in joy and said

jacob: thank you so much....but, is there a reason why you gave me the upgrade right now? because i'm getting a vibe here.

god: (sigh) yes, i'm afraid that someone is out to destroy the spirit of halloween, literally.

jacob: huh?

he questioned as god showed jacob who he's talking about

jacob: who's that supposed to be?

god: his name is jack, the pumpkin demon. he's the embodiment of halloween itself. he's the one who started the holiday that everyone loves.....but i fear that someone is out to destroy it.

jacob: like in that regular show christmas special, but in reverse.

he said as god nodded and said

God: exactly, you must find and protect him, or halloween will no longer exist.

jacob: you can count on me and my friends on this.

he said with determination, which made god smile as he said

god: good, now before i send you back, i have to say two things: 1, if any girls are willing to join your harem, don't hesitate to let them join.

jacob: i promise.

god: and two, your dad says happy halloween.

he said as jacob smiled and he started to wake up as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you liked it)
