Chapter 65: demons go to school (part 7)

(in the gym)

we see the girls in the changing room, but there was a slight problem....the clothes that were given to jacob's GFs didn't fit them and they were nervous that if they should wear them or not as crymini said

crymini: i don't think i should wear this.

loona: it doesn't fit me.

she said as she was struggling on trying to put her gym clothes on

apple: is this all you got?

she asked to zuzu, who's fully dressed with her gym clothes

zuzu: i'm afraid so, sorry.

she said as charlie got an idea as she said

charlie: let me try something.

she said as she snapped her fingers and the size of their clothes changed, thus making them fit as they put them on, it even made loona's tail fit as well when they left the room as the coach came in and said

coach ross: ok, today you'll all be playing a game we humans call dodge ball, it's a human game that if one of you get's hit with the ball, you're out of the game, you girls got it?

he said as he referred to jacob's GFs as they said

Jacob's GFs: yes sir.

coach ross: good.

he said as he said one last thing

coach ross: and one more thing, i want this to be a fair game, meaning no powers being used because this is a game, not a challenge, ok?

charlie: got it, coach.

coach ross: good.

he said as when he blowed his whistle, the demon girls, along with jacob, zuzu and their friends start playing the game. loona understood and tried her best to not hurt the students she's competing against in this game as she threw the ball as it hit a blonde student as ross said

coach ross: marty, you out.

marty: ah, geez.

then  zuzu grabbed the ball and threw it at a female black haired student and ross said

coach ross: daisy, you out.

daisy: oh, come on.

then as the game went on, charlie wa lucky that she didn't get hit by the ball as she never wanted to hurt them, even though it's just a game as loona and jacob were down at each othe as jacob said

jacob: you really a fast learner, loona. but you'll never beat me in the gym since i'm really good at this class.

loona smirked at him as she said

loona: oh, you'll regret that.

she said as when she threw the dodge ball at jacob, loona's hand was glowing so bright as the coach noticed this and when she threw the ball, it was flying at him in a massive speed as it hit jacob in his gut and crashed him onto a wall. it made loona shocked at what she did, along with the coach and students, even apple, charlie, octavia, crymini, zuzu and her friends as loona ran towards jacob as she said


she said as jacob got up while groaning as he said

jacob: it's fine, i've been through worse.

zuzu: what happened?

bobby; i think i saw loona's hand glowing, when she threw that ball at him.

loona looked at her hand and said

loona; but i never had this power before. did i?

denzel: maybe you awoke it or something.

he said as he fixed his glasses and sees the coach walking up to loona

loona: i'm so dead.

coach ross: it's ok, i'll let this slide but please try to keep your new power under control, ok?

loona: ok coach ross.

(after school)

we see everyone leaving school and going home as jacob and the others were walking together as jacob said

jacob: (sighed) well, i think we should figure out how loona got her new power soon, right everyone?

adam: yeah.

loona: i still don't know what happened back there.

charlie: it's ok, we'll figure it out.

octavia: yeah, what she said.

she said as loona smiled and said

loona: thanks, guys.

bobby: welp, see you guys tomorrow.

jacob: ok, see ya tomorrow.

he said, leaving him, zuzu and the girls as jacob said as he opened his car's door

jacob: welp, see ya later zuzu....zuzu?

he said to his alpha girlfriend, who didn't leave as she said while blushing

zuzu: actually...there's something i want to tell you jacob.

she said, which got his and the girls' attention as he said

jacob: what is it, love-cake?

zuzu:...............i'm moving in with you.


zuzu: yes i am serious....i talked about it with my parents and they agreed on it, and they said that they're thinking on letting some demons live with them because they want to help make peace just like we're doing and promised charlie to make them happy and help them find a place to live.

she said, making jacob and the girls shocked at what she's saying as crymini asked

crymini: wait, when did this happen?

zuzu: two nights ago after i got off playing halo infinite with jacob and the rest of my friends before you made that list on who to bring to school.

she said as she kissed jacob on the lips and said

zuzu; is it ok if i sleep on your lap?

she asked, making jacob blush madly as steam blew out of his ears as he smiled and said

jacob: yeah, yeah you can.

he said as they enter jacob's car and drove off, with jacob and the other girls smiling happily as he drove back home as the screen went dark

(end of the school arc, hope you liked it and check what i saw earlier today that's sonic related)

hope you liked it.
