chapter 49: the harvest moon festival (part 10)

we see jacob walking to the stage and says this to striker before he walked away

jacob: i gotta say, that was a good song you wrote.

he said as striker smirked and said

striker: i thank you for saying that.

he said as jacob grew a serious face as he said

jacob: but it's not like you copied that song because ''sweet victory'' was already made by us humans. and that was like years before our worlds even merged so i suggest that you should write a new song before you could get arrested.

he said as his friends agree as they call out from the bleachers

adam: he's right, your song is just a rip-off.

zuzu: 0/10 ratings on it.

???: BOO, YOU STINK!!!!!!

he said as jacob said while smirking

jacob: and is that the only song you wrote? because us humans made like, millions of songs and i have 3 of them i wish to sing.

he said as he started to sing the first song

(this song is to honor kitty0706 for his masterpiece for the TF2 community ''TEAM FABULOUS 2'', so i suggest to honor hom...type in ''KITTY'' for his namesake)

after he sang the first song, the wrath imps were amazed at hearing him sing, even jacob's lovers as well. but as for striker, he was shocked at him hearing that until he realized something

striker: that's not even a western song.

jacob: i know, i'm just not a fan of western stuff. now for the 2nd one.

as he sang the 2nd song, almost every wrath imp was going wild at his songs and striker was shocked again at hearing how good he is, but jacob wasn't done yet as he said

jacob: ok, this 3rd song goes to moxxie, just to make him feel better after striker hurt his feelings.

as he sang the 3rd song, the crowd broke out cheering loudly as jacob thought of a bonus song that he'll hope that every demon here might love

jacob: ok i know i said i was going to sing 3 songs, but here's a bonus's my favorite song from my favorite rock band ''breaking benjamin''.

he said as he started to sing his favorite song ''angels fall''

as he finished the song, everyone was shouting in joy and happiness as one imp took his shirt off and doing what muscle man does with it on regular show, meaning they loved the heck out of what he sang, even stolas and octavia were amazed as well and wally was cheering like a freaking maniac. meanwhile, striker was stunned, but when jacob gave him the f-bomb, striker growled and stomped off as jacob said

jacob: what's the matter striker? are gonna cry? because if you are, i'm glas i ain't JO MAMA!!!!!!!!

he joked as everyone, including jacob's freind and lovers started to burst out laughing as striker had steam blowing out of his ears and he left

(at the ranch)

back at the ranch, we see jacob looking at his lovers and friends helping everyone pack up as sallie may sat next to him as jacob said

jacob: so, you wanna tell me something?

sallie: yes, i heard from stolas that you have a harem, is it true?

jacob: yep, and i'm glad that i have one and i don't mind having more to join in....wait, aren't you a transgender?

he asked as sallie blushed madly as she said

sallie: ...i used to be until i decided to fully become a woman when you showed up.

jacob; understandable, you can move in with me if you want, stolas made my house bigger so any girl who wants to be in my harem can live in.

sallie: really? well in that case.

she said as she pulled jacob and kissed him, but stopped as she said

sallie: consider me your new harem member.

she said as she smirked, jacob included as he said

jacob: well, my cowgirl. you can be, but why not respect moxxie?

sallie: because my parents hate him due to him being weak.

jacob: weak or not, it doesn't mean that you should hate him, he's doing his best to fit in.

he said, making sallie tilt her head in confusion

sallie: huh?

jacob: it means he'll do anything to be a part of a group, even a family like you and millie's. my dad told me this before he died ''no matter whoever you'll love, they'll be a part of our family and will fit right in''.

he said as sallie thought about those words and realized what they meant as she said

sallie: yeah, maybe we were a little hard on him. i hope mom and dad will realize it soon.

jacob: i'm sure they will.

he said to her

(in the ranch's kitchen)

We see carol making sandwiches and lin doing the dishes while talking to each other as carol said

carol: i'm sorry that we have to leave, we just started being friends after all.

lin: uh huh.

she grumbled as carol continued talking

carol: you know, i was thinking that if your daugher and moxxie move into our home, find a new job and maybe move closer to my family's house, then we could start talking about our families and get to know each othe-

she was cut off as lin started to lose her anger


she screamed at carol as she turned away and resumed doing the dishes. but as for carol, she was shocked at hearing that, which reminded her of a memory in her teenage years as she continued making sandwiches and said

carol: you're right, i don't know about your family's life.

she said as lin smiled until...

carol: but that doesn't mean that what you said reminded moxxie and millie of myself and john when we were young.

she said as lin stopped cleaning with wide eyes and started to listen

carol: years before jacob and his sisters were born, i was an average teenage girl back in highschool, made lots of friends, looking for trouble, that kind of stuff....but then one day, i met john and he became my first crush. during lunch on the same day we met, we talked a lot about our lives, john's parents owned an auto shop and mine owned a bakery. but one day, he asked me if i wanted to be his girlfreind and you know what i told him? i was so happy and i said yes repeatedly. then we went out on our first date and it was the best day of my life and when i invited him to my place for dinner, my parents had trouble trusting him like you and joe did with moxxie. then one day when i was about to go hang out with john and my friends at a concert, my parents stopped me and said i can't go and after i asked why, it shocked me that they said that i can't see him anymore. i was so mad that we argued, but when i threw my arms in the air, i accidently broke my grandma's vase, which had her ashes in it and after that, my parents grounded me for life, i lost it and ran to my room crying and i called my friends and explained them everything. but one of my friends told me to sneak out when my parents fell asleep and when they did, i snuck out anyway and went to the concert. but after we left the concert, john said he got me a gift and showed me a ring, but when he did, i realized what was happening and when he said ''will you marry me?", i immediately said yes and we kissed passionately.

she said lin widened her eyes more

carol: but what i'm gonna say next, you'll understand....when me and john were walking down a street, talking about our future, and hoped that my parents will love him in the future, we took a shortcut and a gang of thugs showed up, but when their leader said to give me mu stuff, we refused. but when he saw my grandma's necklace, who gave it to me before she died, he took it away from me and when he did, john started to beat the living shit out of a thug and when the gang leader took me hostage and said he'll kill me if john gives up and to our happiness, the cops came after i called out for help and when they arrested the thugs, i was crying in fear, thinking that if he didn't save my life, i would've died that day as i passed out and next thing i knew i woke up in a hospital bed. after i woke up, the doctor came in and told me what happened and he said that he called my parents and they came in scared and i broke down crying saying i was sorry, and they said they were sorry too and i understood why they wouldn't let me be with john because they were protecting me. after our parents met each other, they became fast friends as our dads were laughing together and our moms were having conversations, like all moms do. but when i said that john proposed to me, they were shocked and were also happy that i was getting married. our wedding was the best day of our lives, and then jacob and our daughters were born. but when he died, my parents comforted me saying that he's in a better place now and they helped me go through his death. so now you understand why i have to go through all that, now i suggest that you should give your son in law the respect he deserves before your daughter leaves.

she said as she finished the sandwiches and when she left, lin was thinking of what carol told her of her past on how she and john met. she tried so hard to not think about it, but she couldn't because those words were strong enough to not forget as tears were streaming down her eyes and began crying after realizing carol's right about not giving moxxie respect. but out in an open window, joe heard the whole thing and he also felt bad for not giving moxxie respect, even not calling him ''son'' as he wiped a tear forming from his eye and continued working as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, hope you liked it, especially blotart if he reads this)
