chapter 26: i have a what now?

after a few seconds of zuzu kissing jacob on the lips, she stopped kissing and smiled at jacob

jacob: zuzu?

zuzu: i knew you would confess your feelings for me one day.

jacob: what?

zuzu: listen, when we first me and became friends, started acting wierd for a while until i realized you had a crush on me.

she said as jacob became shocked that she knew

jacob: what? you knew?

zuzu: yep, ever since i found out i knew you want me to be your girlfriend, but i didn't want to ruin our relationship until the time was right. but before you died, i was happy that you told me that you loved me and you want me to be your girlfriend, and i accept.

she said as jacob and zuzu smiled and kissed

zuzu: but i'm not the only one who loves you.

jacob: who?

he asked as zuzu pointed at charlie and vaggie as charlie spoke up

charlie: jacob, before we first met and our worlds merged, i used to have a boyfriend named seviathan until he cheated on me with someone else. after i found out i was heartbroken and my dad was not happy about my ex cheating on me and made sure he won't go near me. but with everything that happened the last few days, i began to fell in love with you after me and vaggie heard you singing at your home. i know you wanted to tell zuzu your feelings but my feelings became stronger when you came back as a armored robot with wings and saved everyone here. i know that you'll do great things and help so many humans and demons, and i bet your dad is so proud of the person you grew up to be.

she said as she kissed jacob as well and vaggie spoke up as well

vaggie: charlie's not the only one, i used to have a boyfriend until he and his gang tried to kill me and gave me this x over my eye and my trust for me reduced to ash. but when i met you and heard you sing that song called...what was it called again?

jacob: angels fall.

vaggie: yeah that, when i heard you sing ''angels fall'', my trust for men was fixed when i met you and started to have feelings for you as well. i love you jacob, we both do and i want to be your girlfriend as well.

she said as jacob was shocked at hearing that charlie and vaggie love him until he said

jacob: (sigh) i'm happy to hear that you two love me, really i do, but before earth and your world became one, i had feelings for zuzu for a very long time. but i can't love you two because i already have zuzu, i'm sorry.

he said as charlie and vaggie pouted as zuzu spoke up

zuzu: actually, we talked about it one time and they said they're willing to share you, but except that i'm your first, i'll be the alpha of your girlfriends.

jacob: share? alpha? you don't mean that-

he was cut off as zuzu said

zuzu: yep, you're about to have a harem like in anime, plus you did promise to help charlie and her family make peace between us and her people.

she said as jacob was at a loss of words as he slipped and fell and got back up as he said

jacob: (stammers) i don't know what to say.

zuzu: don't be.

she said as she kissed him

zuzu: i think it's best if we go before we encounter more demon girls if they saw you on tv a couple days ago, ok. and are you willing to give this harem a chance

she said as jacob smiled

jacob: ok, i don't see why not.

he said as jacob kissed zuzu and as charlie and vaggie squeal as they hug and kiss jacob with adam lauging triumphantly at seeing this until they heard someone call his name

???: jacob!!!!

they stopped hugging as they turn around and see velvet, dia and summer running towards them and breathing heavily, making jacob confused

jacob: what are you 3 doing here?

he asked as velvet spoke up

velvet: we want to be in your harem as well.

adam: you serious? you want to be in jacob's harem?

jacob: why?

he asked as summer spoke up

summer: because humans like you have better lives than us and you humans have a better payment that us, even val never gave us a bonus or say ''i'm impressed'' to us at all. but when you showed up, you saved us from being enslaved by that jerkwad val.

dia: yeah, and since he's dead and we no longer work for him, we decided to move in with you and find a new job.

jacob: wow, i never knew you would be serious about this.

velvet: yeah, and i liked your mom's cake when i...broke in and took angel. sorry about that angel.

angel: apology accepted.

jacob: eh, it's fine and i bet my mom can teach you how to make her cake.

velvet: also...i kinda fell in love with you when i saw you on tv becaue i tried to find a boyfriend, but no one wanted me.

jacob: eh, i don't mind as long as you don't kill me.

he said as velvet kissed jacob as dia and summer say

dia: and also, me and summer fell in love with you as well and we'd like to join your harem.

jacob: the more the merrier.

he said as he hugged the two, who blushed madly

jacob: ok, now let's go home.

(mcfoley residence)

we see angel, jacob and his new harem enter the house as jacob said

jacob: hey mom, i'm home and i found angel.

he said as carol rushed out of the kitchen and hugged her son in tears

carol: oh jacob, i was so worried about you.

jacob: it's ok mom, i'm fine.

carol: good, i was just fixing to call the police until you came in.

zuzu: your son is fine. we just had to save angel from his kidnapper.

she said as marcy (one of jacob's sisters) came in and said

marcy: who kidnapped him?

velvet: just my former boss, valentino. along with vox, who is now dead, and me. i'm so sorry about kidnapping angel, it's just that he never said a single ''thank you'' to me at all and, like i said, i'm sorry.

marcy: it's ok....wait who are you?

jacob: marcy, meet velvet, dia and summer.

carol: welcome, but why are you here?

zuzu: we'll tell you later, but first things first, i'm you son's new girlfriend.

jacob; she's right.

he said as they kissed, leaving his mom and both his sisters shocked and happy that jacob has a girlfriend as carol hugged jacob tightly

carol: oh i'm so proud of you!!!!!!

she said happily as she let go of him

jacob: thanks, but she's not the only one who loves me.

marcy: who else does?

jacob: them.

he said as he pointed at the rest of his girlfriends

zuzu: he not only has me, but also 5 others, meaning that your son now has 6 girlfriends but i'm the alpha of his harem.

she said to jacob's mom, who looked broken in shock at hearing that her only son has a harem as katie waved her hand in front of her mom's face

katie: i think you broke mom, but seriously?

charlie: yep.

jacob: i hope mom snaps out of it because i need to explain to her why i have a harem.

carol: (snaps out of her trance) you don't have to explain son, because...

she trailed off until she hugged him again, but this time she started crying with tears of joy

carol: I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!

she cried happily as jacob's girlfriends and sisters sweat drop anime style

katie: and we lost her.

marcy: come on katie, you're just upset that we don't have a boyfriend.

katie: (pouts) you're right.

jacob: MOM, CAN'T BREATHE!!!

he said as he's losing his breath as his mom stopped hugging her son as she said

carol: sorry, i'm just happy that you now have girlfriends that are willing to share you.

jacob; yeah, thanks and i was thinking that since velvet, dia, and summer might stay here and might find a new job.

carol: ok, i'll allow it, but first tell me what happened when you went to get angel back.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(1 hour later)

jacob: and that's the whole story. i'm sorry that i made you worry and i promise that it won't happen again.

carol: it better not or else we'll have a long talk, but i'm just glad that you're alive.

jacob: i'm just glad to be alive.

katie: ok but just one problem brother, where are they gonna sleep? we only have one guest room.

she asked as she reffered to velvet, dia, and summer as jacob was thinking about where would they sleep at until a lightbulb appeared over his head

jacob: mom, do you remember what dad did to the basement years ago with his friends and me?

he asked to his mom, who didn't know was he was talking about until she remembered

carol: are you sure, sweetie? i mean it's been a while since-

she was cut off as jacob spoke up

jacob: i know but i think it's time to use it again.

he said

charlie: what are you talking about?

jacob: you'll see. but first, follow me.

he said as jacob got up and his harem followed him to where he was walking at as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, but don't worry, the last chapter of this arc will be finished today, you just have to wait, especially blotart)
