chapter 1: jacob mcfoley

jacob's household

location: san diego, CA.

time: 6:45 A.M.

as the sun rose up in the morning skies, the birds started singing, and people began to go to work and do their business as we see jacob in his bed sleepin in his room, which had posters ranging from star wars, transformers, halo, final space, and a poster of rick sanches doing that ''piece among worlds'' bit he did on that episode of a universe in his spaceship as the sun shined on his eyes, making him groan tirely as he accidentally fell on the floor

jacob: (groans)

he groaned as he looked at his clock saying the time, which made his eyes widen as he said

jacob: OH SHIT, I'M GOING TO BE LATE!!!!!!!

he said as he grabbed his clothes, went to his bathroom to take a quick shower, got out, brushed his teeth, put on his clothes and went downstair to go to school as he went outside and got in his camaro and began to drive to school

as he was driving and people were doing their jobs, we see a big crowd of people who looked stunned as they looked at something coming from the other side of the beach and see a massive red fog, but as it evaporated, most of the people rubbed their eyes and removed their sunglasses in disbelief, then started murmering in confusion as they see land near the coastlines, which appeared out of thin air

(back with jacob)

as we see jacob parking his car near the school entrance and went inside, we see one of his friends coming up to him

adam: hey dude, glas you made it.

jacob: yeah, now let's go inside and get to class.

as the two buds started walking, jacob accidentally bumped into someone, and that someone is jacob's crush, zuzu ergon

as he saw her, he blushed at seeing her as he said

jacob: ooh i'm sorry zuzu, i didn't see you there.

he apologized

zuzu: no, it was my fault i wasn't looking at where i was going.

she apologized back as before the two got up, they noticed that they were holding each others hand and blushed as they back their hands away

both: sorry.

they apologized to each other and zuzu walked away with a blush on her face with jacob having a wea smile

jacob: see ya...

he said weakly, because he had a nuke-sized crush on her since elementary school and been seeing her every year in every school they've been at together, right now they're just friends, but sooner or later, he will ask her out on a date one day
pentagram city news station

location: earth

in pentagram city, where crime is the new normal, even though everyone there is sick of it and begging their leader to do something about it, we see the news about to begin, showing the news anchors....katie killjoy and tom trench

katie: good morning, i'm katie killjoy.

tom: and i'm tom trench, and this news is a juicy one because we've been getting reports that, even though you already know this, that the sky is blue instead of being red like it always is.

katie: and not only that, even the pentagram is missing as well, we've even been getting reports that the other parts of our home have been relocated to wherever we are now.

tom: and onto other news, a turf war is raging all over on the west side of the city, between notable kingpin sir pentious, and and selft proclaimed spunky powerhouse cherry bomb.

katie; that's right tom... since the start of the turf war, many areas are up for grabs, demons all over the place are already duking it out to gain new territory.

tom: and those two are really seem to be going at it

katie; looks like they're fighting tooth and nail for that hotspot they're fighting over.

she said as she literally ate them

tom: and i sure like to nail her hotspot, hoho.

katie: (chuckles) you sure are a limp-dick jackass, tom...or should i say, no-dick.

she said as she rudely poured coffee on tom's groin area as he is now in pain

katie: and we'll be right back after the break, (then turns to tom) suck it up you little bi--

she was cut off as the screen went dark

end of chapter, hope you liked it.
