Chapter 7: Lasting Impact

It has been 2 days since the USJ attack. Katsuki was in the ICU under heavy treatment. His lack of an arm had made his condition unstable and he will require quite a lot of time at the hospital.

Meanwhile Nezu and the staff are having a meeting at UA.

Nezu: I believe you all know why I called a meeting today.

The staff nodded as Nezu continues.

Nezu: Due to the recent attack by the Blood Tyrant and a group who call themselves the league of villains in our school, we will need to tighten our security. I hope I can leave that to you Majima.

Powerloader: On in.

Nezu: Good. Now the main concern is the Blood Tyrant. He has gained a lot of attention in the media due to this, and there is no doubt that this attention will attract powerful people to his side. We managed to hide the fact that a student of ours lost an arm but that isn't going to remain a secret for long. The main problem we are facing is that the hero commission wants the Blood Tyrant off asap.

Toshinori: Agree. We need him gone. He has hurt heroes enough.

Hound Dog: You say that but we don't have any leads on him, we don't even know his name.

Toshinori sighs.

Toshinori: I really wanted to keep this a secret for as long as possible but now that push comes to shove, everyone needs to know.

Nezu: The Blood Tyrant is Toshinori's son here.

Everyone in the staff is shocked except for Nezu, Toshinori, Inko and Eraserhead. They all stare at Toshinori, waiting for an explanation.

Present Mic: Wait Shota! Why don't you seem shocked!

Aizawa: Izuku told me when I fought him during USJ, plus I'm still trying to sort this out myself.

Nezu: Indeed, before that, only Toshinori and myself knows. I believe Inko here figured it out herself when she saw Izuku.

Inko: Yes, it can't be anyone else.

Vlad King: So what, even if we know who he is, how will this help?

Nezu: Well an acquaintance of acquaintance of acquaintance of mine has a locator quirk that will show the location of someone if he digest some DNA of the person. And it just so happens that I have found some hair left by Izuku when he visited us.

Aizawa: I won't even ask anymore.

Vlad Kind: Is that it? It's that simple?

Nezu: Not really. Even if we know where he is, he is still ridiculously strong along with the his group. We will need to have a well organised and secretive raid on their base. The Blood Tyrant has ears everywhere so if he finds out, we are done for. I estimate this will take 1-2 months to prepare.

Toshinori: I see, in the meantime, I'll still try to find him manually, in case this acquaintance of acquaintance of acquaintance of acquaintance of yours can't be found.

Nezu: That is actually 1 too many acquaintance but yeah it's a good idea. The rest of you, I want you all to protect UA and our students. Do not let a repeat of USJ happen again.

Everyone: Understood.

Nezu: Very well. Dismissed.

Scene change to Tomura

Tomura is currently smashing everything and anything in his underground bar. While Kurogiri is trying to save as many wine glasses as possible.

Tomura: Dammit! That Blood Tyrant guy not only killed the Nomu, he also stole the show on the media! Dammit!

Tomura is fuming as All for One watches from the other side of the TV screen.

Tomura: And Dabi too! He works for him also and betrayed me! At this rate, I'm going to hate the Blood Tyrant more than All Might!

AfO: Relax Tomura. We just need to make our next attack succeed. And this time. But you are right, the Blood Tyrant is indeed annoying.

AfO really needs the Blood Tyrant gone. He used to be king of the underworld until he showed up one day. AfO didn't think much of Izuku back then, but within merely a few months, his name was feared more than AfO.

As fate will have it, their first encounter happened soon after when the Blood Tyrant accidentally discovered his hideout. Since AfO was still weak at the time, he got his ass handed to him by Izuku. He only managed to escape due to him forcing an incomplete Kurogiri to wake up and teleporting them away.

He was forced to disappear from the underworld, leaving the Blood Tyrant to rule it. Needless to say he also has a bone to pick with him.

Tomura: Sensei, what can we even do? He is a cheater!

AfO: I'll come up with a plan Tomura, but for now, let's lay low.

Tomura sighs as he destroys another wine glass to Kurogiri's dismay.

Scene change to Izuku

Izuku: HAHAHAHA! Did you see the expression on Kacchan? That was priceless!

Izuku was laughing as he talked about USJ with Dabi.

Dabi shook his head since by then he had ran away.

Izuku: Still though, I was surprised the small time group you joined turns out to be not all talk. However, I feel like I've seen that purple mist before somewhere, but I can't put my finger on it.

Dabi: I just know that crusty has some unknown sponsor behind him. Although he refuses to show his face.

Izuku: They pose no threat to us for now. We still need to be cautious though in case the sponsor turns out to be a big time boss.

Izuku poured another glass of sake to Dabi as Izuku holds his cup up high.

Izuku: To another day of living the best possible life we fucking can! Cheers!

Dabi: Cheers!

A drunk Izuku and still somehow sober Dabi drank another round of sake as they catch up with each other.

Suddenly, the door burst open.

Toga: Izuku how dare you not invite me to this party!

Toga looks kind of angry as she stomps towards a drunk Izuku.

Izuku: Sorry bae, I didn't know you were at main base.

Toga: I just came back so it is no surprise. But you should have called me at least:

Toga was pouting as she sits beside Izuku.

Izuku: My bad my bad.

Izuku said as he pours another cup of sake for Toga. Toga doesn't like alcohol though and rejects it, opting for a cup for orange juice.

The 3 of them then catches up with each other for the night until the early morning.

Scene change to Hitoshi

Hitoshi: Why do I feel like I'm missing out on something important.

Hitoshi shrugs it off as he continued his homework from UA.

Scene change to Katsuki

Katsuki POV

Grrrr, what happened?

Where am I?


I wake up to see a white ceiling with wires attached to me and me wearing a ventilator.

???: He's awake!

???: Really? That's fast. I expected him to be out for another day.

I look around to see a man in a white coat and a woman in white coat standing around me. I presume they are doctors.

Suddenly, a sharp pain hits my left shoulder. I moved my right arm but my body feels weak to move. I look at my left side to find my arm missing.

Oh yea, that happened.

Doctor: Please lie back down, you are in no shape to move.

Katsuki knows this since his whole body feels weak and sore. But he wanted to know something.

Katuski: Can I call someone?

Doctor: No. You need rest.

Katuski: Oh ok.

A/N: Wait why did you say no.

Doctor: Because it's logical.

A/N: Yeah but I need plot.

Doctor: Oh.

Take 2:

Katuski: Can I call someone?

Doctor: Sure, what's the number.

Katuski: XXX3XXX9XX

Doctor: And done, it's ringing now.

The doctor leaves the phone near Katuski and puts it on speaker mode. Both doctors leave the room to give Katuski some privacy.

???: Kacchan you're fine!

Katsuki: Yeah Izumi, I'm alive for now.

Izumi: Great to hear! That's a huge relive for the class.

Katuski: Look I'm dead tired but I got one question.

Izumi: What is it?

Katuski takes a deep breathe.

Katuski: Did De...Izuku get caught?

Izumi: No...

Izumi sounded sad at the other end, her words filled with no energy.

Katsuki: I see.

Usually Katuski will get mad, but this time, he had no energy to be mad. Not only that, but his hatred for Izuku somehow just subsided, it was as if he knew deep down that he deserves this.

He traded his arm for his life. Katuski just felt weird that Izuku did that. He really thought that the Blood Tyrant would have ended him. Izuku could have and in fact very easily. All Might couldn't stop him from chopping off his arm, what's the difference between that and lobbing of his head.

Was it mercy? He didn't know, or rather he didn't want to know. However, one thing is for sure Izuku didn't sound done at all. In fact, the may be the beginning.

Katuski: Thanks Izumi, I'm going back to sleep now.

Izumi: Ok Kacchan, take care.

Katuski raised him hand and pressed the end calm button. He began to lay back down on the hospital bed as he thought about this new Izuku he saw.
