Chapter 29: Preparation for Downfall

Izuku: So catch me up with what happened when I was asleep.

Hitoshi: Well, quite a few interesting events did happen.

3 months.

That's how long Izuku has slept.

In that 3 months, many notable events has happened.

One of them is the reemergence of a familiar face, Trumpet. He has rallied multiple provinces in Japan to go against the current status quo and government.

With the rapid decline in value of the Japanese Yen, it is no surprise that many have followed his extreme ideals of overthrowing the government.

In response, the government had permitted more extreme actions against their own citizens. Mass suppression against those who don't stand with the government starts to happen, with each instance being more extreme than the last.

The currently estimate is that at least 5% of all Japanese citizens have already defected from the country, with many changing their citizenship too.

Downfall of Japan is already on the way, whether the country likes it or not. The government is only keeping total collapse from happening by a slither of a twine. With suppression as bad as it is, there is no freedom or free media, which means unhappy citizens that easy to manipulate and convert into extremist.

Izuku isn't really worried about the rebels, in fact, it just means more people that can join them. He's just worried with the increasing number of members and the lack of order, resources will go low.

Izuku: I see. Are out supply lines doing well?

Hitoshi: Food and water are stable for now, our reserves haven't been tapped into yet. However, medical supplies have slowed down, with many of our suppliers being out of stock. Every other sector should be fine too.

Izuku: Medical huh. I'll check on that in a while. Anything else?

With a downcast gaze, Hitoshi whispered.

Hitoshi: Citrus has passed.

Izuku: I know...

Hitoshi: We had buried his corpse together with our fallen members a few weeks ago. Dabi was the one who read his will.

Izuku has a downcast gaze as he internally mourn his comrade and dead friend. Hitoshi read the mood as he does so too.

After a while, Izuku raised his head again as he asked.

Izuku: Where's Dabi and Toga?

Hitoshi: Dabi is busy with managing everything right now, including training the new recruits and paperwork. Toga is out on a missi-


The door slammed opened as someone blitzed in pass Izuku. The presence tackles Izuku to the ground as both of them fall backwards.

???: I miss you so much Izu! I miss you!

Izuku: I miss you too Toga.

Izuku hugs the happy-crying girl as he comforts her in an attempt to calm her down. Toga hugs Izuku back twice as hard, nearing reopening one of his wounds.

Hitoshi is silently observing, trying to not interrupt the moment.

Soon, Toga gets up as she got off Izuku. She woke up a few days after Izuku had fallen asleep. When she heard that Izuku was in a coma like state, she couldn't bring herself to leave his side. However, the lack of a management and a lot of pressure from Dabi, eventually pulled her away and made her do work.

When he heard that Izuku had woke up, she ditched everything on her mission and ran back as fast as she can. Is it the right way? Probably not. But it's Toga's way.

After a bit of catching up with Toga, Izuku turns his attention to the schedule for the day. Hitoshi hands him a paper which contains the schedule.

Izuku: Woah what? I have 2 hours reserved for greeting new recruits? How many did y'all bring?

Hitoshi: Around 100.

Izuku: Wow, the rebellion is really serious if it can convert that many to our organisation.

Toga: Yeah, you can say that again. Dabi even brought back some UA students!

Izuku: What?

Toga: Yeah, and apparently one of them has a crush on Hitoshi.

Hitoshi: Shuddap Toga!

Izuku burst into laughter at that statement. Hitoshi clicks his tongue as he explains.

Hitoshi: That fucking whore. She's the reason why my stay at UA went from tolerable to absolute shit. Do you understand how many times she has interrupted my sleep and peace time. She's more annoying than ads on Spotify!

Izuku: Yeesh, alright alright. No need to be so agitated in the morning.

As Izuku stops laughing, he stands up as he puts the schedule in his pocket.

Izuku: Alright, let's get to business.

Toga/Hitoshi: Yes.

Scene change to AfO

AfO is currently making some final preparations on Kurogiri. The doctor and him had spent the past 10 days on him.

There was blood and guts all over the surgical table. Of course, those weren't Kurogiri's, but some poor souls.

Ring, ring, ring, ring...

His landline phone suddenly rings.

AfO: Urggg, it's him again.

Doctor: Do you want me to get it?

AfO: Nah, I've been avoiding him for too long. Might as well talk now.

Doctor: Alright.

AfO walks and picks up the phone with his bloody hands.

???: Greetings All for One, it has been difficult to contact you these days, how are you?

AfO: Cut the small talk, you know neither one of us wants to talk to each other.

???: Very well. Is Kurogiri ready yet.

AfO: Not yet.

???: You do realise we are already behind schedule already right? I hope you understand that this alliance of ours only exist because we share a common goal.

AfO: You need not repeat that. Kurogiri will be ready when he's ready.

???: Alright. In the meantime, I have a few quirks I'll be sending your way. Same drop off point.

AfO: Very well, is that all?

???: Yes it is, now have a nice day.

The phone hangs up as AfO clicks his tongue in annoyance.

AfO: Stupid rat.

Scene change to Trumpet

Trumpet has stationed himself in the north of Hokkaido. Most of the prefecture has already become rebels for him to use, with many sharing his feelings of discontent for the government.

He is currently occupying a office building, having meetings with his appointed new ministers. They are worrying about the supply lines to the north as the government has already been notified about Hokkaido's status.

Minister 1: If the supply line gets cuts off, we would be as good as dead. We have to push forward to occupy other prefectures.

Minister 2: No. This will only attract more attention of the government. Worst comes to worst, they will let loose the military on us. I suggest we negotiate with the areas surrounding us for supplies. It's a safer option.

Minister 1: But what if they don't agree and side with the government.

Minister 2: It doesn't hurt to try negotiating first.

Minister 1: Yes it does. Our supplies are already short, there is no point wasting more time. The longer we wait, the more our people suffer.

This argument is getting more heated by the moment. With a lot of them not even trying to agree with each other.

Trumpet: Okok, I'll try to negotiate with the other areas. With my quirk, I'm sure something will come out of it. No need to get this heated.

Minister 1: Trumpet, I respect you with the bottom of my heart, but you gotta listen to me. Negotiations are a waste of time, we barely have 2 months of supplies left, let alone enough to draw out a negotiation.

Minister 2: I believe in our leader. 2 months is more than enough for our leader to produce results.

Trumpet is getting sick of those 2 arguing endlessly. He doesn't know how ReDestro does this constantly.


The doors to the room swing open as a person bursts in. The man was covered in blood as he fells onto the floor.

Goon: Help! Our leader! There is a mad man slaying everyone in this build...

Before he could finish his sentence, his head suddenly fell from his body.


His body falls over as his head rolls to one of the Minister.

Minister 1: AHHHHHHH!

A man covered in red comes in. He walks slowly in, with a large red feather in his right hand. The man had messy blonde hair, dyed in red. His eyes looked like they haven't rested in 2 months.

The clear characteristic that distinct him is 1 pair of wings sprouting from his back. The size of the wings are enormous, being as tall as him.

He didn't have a shirt on, with his only clothes being a few pieces of cloth for pants. His appearance can be described as a primal being, one of coming from the Stone Age.

If you squint closely, you can barely see the humanity left in him.

His name was Hawks.

Hawks: Are you the ones in charge of this rebellion.

Trumpet: Yes.

Hawks: I want in.

Trumpet: No problem Hawks...

Hawks: Don't call me that!

Hawks shouted as he hear his hero name. His disgust for the name was clear as day. It was a name forced upon him since young, with the promise of becoming the strongest.

However, ever since his incident with Izuku, he has had time to think. What does he really want to do. Who he wants to be. Does he really want to be a tool for the government.

No. He does not.

With that, he has new found determination.

When dawn broke for Hawks, he had shed the name of hatred. He's now just Keigo Takami, the name he was suppose to have.

And with his new name, he had decided to make his first move, on the monster that has been chasing him for eons.

Keigo waited for its next sleep cycle. And that's when he will strike. Using his sharpened feather, he unleashed it into the nose of the beast, and pierced it so hard that it entered its skull.

The monster woke up immediately after Keigo did this and fell into a rage like state. Using the feather, Keigo started scrambling the brain of beast, and within a few seconds, the beast fell on the ground, cold as ice.

With Gigantomachia off his tail, Hawks flew to the very top of the forest and flew off at sonic speed to find the closest city there is.

It took him 3 hours of flying to find civilisation. When he landed, he immediately sought out food and water. The people around him didn't recognise him as Hawks, and those who did, didn't dare approach him.

It was when he was eating that he had learned about the rebellion. The rebellion came up on a TV nearby with them showing a battlefield.

Hawks saw light in this. He knew he couldn't take down the country by himself. He needed an army. With that, he flew to Hokkaido looking for the leader of the rebellion.

And that is how he ended up in Trumpet's office.

Trumpet was sweating his balls off when he saw a bloody Keigo in his office. He clearly didn't care about keeping up a hero front anymore with that look. So the chance of his being a spy is cleared out.

Keigo: So, now bring me up. Where are we attacking now.

Trumpet: The north region of-

Before Trumpet can continue, a minister interrupted.

Minister 1: Wait, are you really letting this outsider just listen to our secret meeting, this meeting is only for the top of the top of leaders.

Keigo: Huh? Say that again? I didn't hear ya.

At the speed of sound, a feather flew over to the Minister's neck as he's being held at featherpoint.

Minister 1: Eeeek!

Keigo: Let me emphasise what I said. I am the leader now, not you.
