Chapter 12: Strong Beats Weak

Izuku is watching the news with his captains.

Izuku: HAHAHA nicely done Hitoshi. You didn't compromise your position right?

Hitoshi: Nah I didn't. I doubt Nezu or the police suspects me. Just in case though, I also made that bitch sick on the day too.

Toga: Who?

Hitoshi: Just an annoying ass that keeps pestering me, you don't need to know.

Dabi: Anyways. Citrus also did a good job, Stain stood no chance.

Izuku: Agree. But now, finally our main business. Let's kill Overhaul.

Captains: Yes boss.

Scene change to Overhaul

Overhaul just got his new recruits in from AfO. They were temporary members who stayed with Overhaul as a sign of alliance between the 2.

The new members are Twice and Musuclar.

Twice is currently being shown around the area by Chronostasis. Both of them actually get along well together due to both sharing internal struggles. Musuclar is sparring with Rappa since both of them think they are the strongest. The score is 3-3.

Overhaul is doing what he does best, torturing a little girl for blood, the usual. He wasn't paying attention to what's going on with his other captains since he rather spend the time doing his research.

Since it's currently Midnight, they need to start their business soon anyways. However, things got interrupted.

Random Goon: Sir Overhaul, we got multiple intruders storming our place right now.

Overhaul: Tell the captains to handle this, I'm busy.

Random Goon: But 2 of our captains have already been taken out.

Overhaul: I said I'm busy, don't disturb me unless you want to be the next human couch.

The goon sweats a little as he retreats back out of the room. Overhaul didn't think much of the intrusion since he just got 2 new strong members from AfO.

As a added bonus, he got a new quirk too, so if anyone were to disturb him, he will gladly try his new power on them.

Scene change to Izuku

Izuku: Charge!

Izuku, his captains and many goons storms Overhaul's base all at once. Citrus and Toga rushes in to compete on kills while Dabi burns anyone trying to escape.

Hitoshi and Mashiro both are tasked with killing specific targets in Overhaul's base as all the captains begin to split up.

They had already killed 2 of Overhaul's captains at the entrance and want to keep this momentum going. Izuku rushes into the base, breaking the skulls to anyone who tried to stop him. He only has one mission which is to save Eri and get out.

The one to encounter trouble was Toga and Citrus. They had encountered Chronostasis and Twice while on their rampage.

Toga: They don't look like normal goons Citrus.

Citrus: Yeah right, they look like upper goons.

Twice: We aren't goons!/ Yes we are!

Chronostasis: Dammit, the Blood Tyrant is attacking us, someone go inform Overhaul.

One of the Overhaul goons nearby immediately ran towards where Overhaul was on the command of Chronostasis.

Toga: Call him all you like, but now it's time for stabby stabby.

Toga said as she rushes Chronostasis head on. Toga throws her knives at him, causing him to get cut in the arm. Chronostasis attack back with a hidden blade under his white hoodie as he also rushed Toga.

Chronostasis uses his hair as an extra blade, trying to cut Toga with it to activate his quirk while Toga swiftly dodged the hair blade as Izuku instructed.

Meanwhile, Citrus is trading blows with Twice. Both of them are expert in hand to hand combat so trading blows in itself doesn't get them anywhere.

Citrus: You are one tough son of a gun, I can't beat you alone.

Citrus said as he jumps back to gain some distance. Just as Twice was about to chase him, Citrus smiles evilly as he looks around at the corpses from dead Overhaul goons.

Citrus: I command all of you dammed souls to rise, Necromancy!

Suddenly, the corpses of fallen goons reanimated themselves as they change appearance. Their skin slowly fall off as they turn into the appearance of Citrus. All the copies of Citrus grins as they look at twice.

Twice looks in horror as the once dead corpses are now swarming him one by one. Twice tried to fight it off but when he deals with 1 copy, 3 more appear and beats him up. The clones don't feel pain nor do they tire, the only way to counter them is to make the corpse immobile or kill it with fire.

As Twice slowly gets mauled to death by the clones, the original Citrus looks at Twice as he grins.

Citrus: Looks like you aren't much after all, don't worry you will become one of me soon.

Twice: Nononono, I am me! I refuse!

Suddenly the Citrus clones burst back as they fall onto the ground.

Twice: Sad Man's Parade!

Numerous Twice clones pop out of the original twice as more clones pop of the clones as more clones pop of the more clones. Hundreds of Twice generated in a few seconds as they began to fight with the Citrus clones.

Citrus clones begin to fight them off but is getting overwhelmed by the sheer number of Twice clones. Twice clones are tearing the Citrus clones apart limb for limb whenever they fight.

Citrus: What the? I command all you dammed souls to rise, Necromancy!

Citrus chants again as more corpses begin to rise and turn into Citrus clones. It was a clone was clone army fight between Twice's quantity and Citrus's quality.

This all happened when Toga was fighting Chronostasis at the side. Both of stopped for a moment to watch the clone fight for a second then got back into trying to cut each other.

Scene change to Hitoshi and Mashiro

Hitoshi is currently running into a big problem, literally. 2 massive dude just appeared infront of him
and Mashiro demanding to fight them.

Muscular: So which one do you want Rappa?

Rappa: I want the boy, he seems less weak.

Muscular: Then I shall kill the girl.

The 2 buff men were now picking Hitoshi and Mashiro like it was dodgeball. Muscular approaches Mashiro as Rappa approaches Hitoshi.

Mashiro: Great another muscles for brains.

Musuclar: What you say girl, you can going to be in so much pain for saying that.

Mashiro: Huh. Pain? I'll show you real pain.

Mashiro begins to get into her fighting stance as she activated her quirk on Musuclar. This causes Musuclar to feel a bit weird as he buffs up into his big form.

He charges at Mashiro preparing a right punch. Mashiro just stood still until the last moment as she just ducks her head while using a knife to slice his muscles. Muscular immediately jumps back as he holds the arm while screaming.


Mashiro: That's already too painful for you? Aww, I only powered it to 20%.

Musuclar: You bitch!

The pain amplifier quirk Mashiro has has worked wonders on someone like Muscular who has tons of weak and exposed spots on him.

Mashiro went in as she dodged several punches and slices another piece of his muscle off. This causes Muscular to tear up a little from the pain as he tries to continue the fight.

Mashiro: I will cut your muscles off one piece at a time until pain shock knock you out, which then, I'll kill you.

Mashiro said this as she ups her quirk intensity to 40% and continues to slice up Muscular.

Meanwhile Hitoshi is brawling with Rappa. Unlike normally where Hitoshi assassinates his target, he doesn't have the element of surprise this time. Hitoshi doesn't have the physical strength like Rappa but he does have a good quirk, he is just waiting for a good moment.

Rappa: Stop dodging, fight back already, or else it's no fun.

Hitoshi: You are just mad because I'm faster than you.

Rappa: Arrogant kid, prepare to...

With that Hitoshi for Rappa under control. This is almost too easy for Hitoshi. Hitoshi slices Rappa's throat in an instance to end him quickly so he can't snap out of control.

Hitoshi: I wonder how is Mashiro doing.

Hitoshi turns to his left to see a very erm, interesting sight.

Mashiro is just torturing a broken Muscular with a knife and a whip. The pain Muscular is feeling must be very bad right now. Muscular went from attacking to being attacked. Needless to say Hitoshi just let Mashiro do her work and have her fun.

Hitoshi: I will remind myself not to mess with her.

With that Hitoshi ran off to find Izuku.

Scene change to Izuku

Izuku kicks down a reinforced steel door with his legs as he walks into the room. He had already slain most of the Yakuza captains along the way and he was in his bloodlust mode.

Izuku's eyes were crimson red as he stares down the person infront of him.

Overhaul: Of course you will be disturbing me, Blood Tyrant.

Overhaul turns around and speaks to Izuku. Eri was still tied to the surgical table, unconscious.

Izuku: Overhaul...Time to Die.

Izuku unleashed his overwhelming blooodlust into the atmosphere, instantly causing Overhaul to tense up slightly.

Overhaul instantly created a barrier using concrete ground as he separates himself from Izuku. However, the moment the wall was up, it was down again. Izuku had punched a large hole in in.

Overhaul: That was high grade concrete!

Izuku launched himself at Overhaul, as he kicks the man in the stomach with superhuman speeds. Overhaul flies back into some surgical tools he had on a table as he crashed into it.

Overhaul quickly uses his quirk to transform the tools into a long sharp pole to try to keep Izuku back. Izuku grabs the sharp pole as he bends it out of shape.

Overhaul: You monster get back!

Izuku just laughs in his face as he begins to kick Overhaul when he is down. The first kick broke his nose, the second broke his ribs. And the last kick broke his skull. That was it, Overhaul was defeated.

It was less exciting than Izuku thought it will be. But he is a Tyrant for a reason. A tyrant without power is just waiting to be overthrown.

Izuku stops his quirk as his eyes turn back into normal. He sees the still unconscious Eri on the surgical table as he quickly breaks the bindings.

He picks up Eri as both of them exit the room. Izuku isn't going to use her at all, in fact, he may let one of his captains adopt her. But he is ultimately going to give that choice to Eri.

With that he regroups at the surface with his captains as the Blood Tyrant group retreats.

Scene change to Nezu

Aizawa: Ok this is getting absurd.

Present Mic: Honestly I agree also.

Nezu: Yep. The Blood Tyrant managed to wipe out the Yakuza. They managed to get on headlines 3 days in a row.

Toshinori: Can you please hurry up the plan Nezu.

Nezu: I know, I'm already involving a third party in the plan. He is the best shot we can get.

Toshinori doesn't look convinced as he returns to playing with his thumbs in nervousness.

Aizawa: When is the attack on the Blood Tyrant again?

Nezu: In a week.
