bonus II

I start making this while still 197k views
In the middle of writing already became 200k
And now finish when it reaches 202k 😂😂
Dedicate to my lovely followers and readers cause it reaches 200k .. Love you guys and stay safe!
Oh yeah, as always help me if you find some errors..
Sorry, to post it late. :)


Dan was the last one to leave after having a long day. He had to put aside the new spare parts order and the wheels he used. His accountant was here with him and they just finished the last verification. But he had to do something about his new idea so here he was.

He turned off the light and stepped down. He checked everything before he went home like he uses to do. He locked the front door with double securities and alarm.

He was about to reach his car when he heard the click clack of heels. He knew because his sisters. Something was wrong he thought. He walked to the source and it was small alley.

He had a bad feeling so he started to make first step inside the alley and heard a whimper. His heart thumped loudly. Then he heard some voices and he turned only to watch two guys like some delinquet or gang stood behind him. They had spike hairs and too many tattoos. They wore black included the leather jackets and eyeliner below their eyes.

What year it is? He thought.

His face scrunched and honestly he looked so intimidating.

"may I help you? "

"did you see a chick run here? " one of them asked.

"what chick? I just got here to grab my car," Dan shrugged.

"that bitch wore red dress and black heels. Her hair is long enough to grab, " the shorter one added. He had some accent Dan can't implied.

"as I said before, I just got here, " he made himself sounded harsher.

"chill, dude! Say you don't see her so we can go to find her," the first guy looked like challenging him.

"ease, B. I got what he said, " the taller one held his friend's shoulder. "excuse me, we will just go. "

And their footsteps were gone.

"what a fucker, " he mumbled and started to step inside the alley again but now he heard sobbing.

Dan followed the sound and he looked at behind of big trash can. There was a woman with the description earlier and she hugged her knee with her face was wet because of tears. He knew the woman was scared of them.

Fucking bastard, he cursed under his breath.

"hey, it's clear. They already gone, " he said slowly get on his knee.

"please...., " her sobbing became more painful. He felt something churned inside. " I don't have any money. Don't take my paycheck for today. I can't pay you know. "

"hey, " he tried to touch her shoulder. Just one soft pat. " it's okay. They are gone. You are safe. "

She lifted her head and those wet eyes stared back at him. In the dim light he can't see what color her eyes are.

" it's late, what are you doing at this time? "

Dan tried not to shout because he was upset and he didn't know why.

" you know about doing some work to have some cash, " her voice shook mixture of fear and betrayal. " I have to go home. I can't waste my time here. "

She abruptly stood up and started to walk fast. But before Dan caught her arm not to squeeze her so she didn't have to feel more trauma.

"where is your car? "

" I... I can't talk to some stranger. "

Her head didn't turn at him. She hung her head still shaking.

"you just escaped from those guys and hid behind the trash can while crying and now you won't talk? And wearing that outfit? "

"you don't know me and still you judge me, mister? " she said softly.

Dan sighed.

"I just want to help. You are practically standing beside my building," he pointed at the building with his thumb.

She gaped at the three floor building and finally turned at him. Her purse slided down on her arms.

Dan can see, the woman was quite beautiful. She has bangs, round eyes and the messy chignon. He assumed those bastards were right, she had long hair. Her dress was short and it's red. Those heels were killing her because he can see the redness on her feet.

"please, I have to go home quickly, " she pleaded as she clenched her hand.

" I ask you again, Miss, " Dan said still holding her. "where is your car? "

" I.. I don't have.. One, " she turned her head away so he can't see her embarrassed eyes but he knew something was wrong with her.

" I can give you a ride, " Dan oferred casually. " I promise I will keep my hands off and you can call 911 if something bad happen. "

" I don't have a choice, " she whispered. She clenched her strap.

"follow me. "

She walked behind him. He opened the door to her but she looked at him weirdly. After they had some unspoken debating, she got in and he closed the door. Dan started to drive his car to the address he was been told.

She was quiet. The ride was awfully quiet and it's so uncomfortable. He knew something wasn't right. His brain kept chanting and it made him more upset.

He turned off the engine and already unstrapped his belt. He glanced at her to ask but what he saw is only horrified look from her.

For seconds the woman gaped at the darkness of her small house. Dan didn't understand first because he saw nothing suspicious. He was a little surprised when she abruptly opened the door and ran inside. He then started following her still confused.

The light was on when he stepped inside. It was more surprising him when he saw many broken glasses he didn't know where it come from splattered everywhere. He looked around and it was horrifying. The sofas were upside down and so many scratches. The walls were bare and he saw some frames were broken too. He walked into something like the kitchen and it was not far from what happen in the living room.

What's going on here?

He clenched and unclenched his hands to keep him sane when his brain worked on something. He would ask his brother.

He heard the heels were coming from behind him. He now saw the second floor from the stairs. He can't see clearly that this house was small two story house type.

The woman have two cases on her hand and one was on her shoulder. She held a small body and it whimpered holding stuff like doll.

" I... I have to go, " she said holding her tears.

Dan was more confused and stared at her longer. He can't speak.

"where are you going at this hour? " that was his first words he can speak.

" I.. I don't.. know, " she hiccuped. "but this house is.. No longer safe for both of us. "

"come on, " Dan grabbed her cases from her.

He held one on his left and slung the cases on his shoulder and his right hand was on her waist to keep her close. She looked at him confused when they walked out.

"just get in. I will put this on the back, " he said before he opened the trunk of his SUV. He get in the driver seat and looked at them still shaking. "you don't have booster seat for her? "

He can see that the woman was holding a little girl. She shook her head no when the little girl fall asleep. He took something from the backseat and draped his jacket on them.

She was surprised of his doing and the car pulled away on the road. They lived not far from the city but she didn't have any neighbour.

"can you tell me what's going on? "

He needed to keep himself calm. They turned left to the city.

"Mommy, hungry, " Dan heard what the little girl said.

"baby! " she hushed the little girl softlty.

Dan sighed and he saw McD still opened so he drove to the drive thru. After receiving his order, he stopped at the parking lot.

"here," he gave the paper bag to them.

She was hesitant first before she took it from him.

"thank you, " she said softly.

"no problem. I am hungry too. "

He finished his burger in no time and chugged in his drink empty. He saw the two of them beside him. She ate the chicken nugget slowly and drink from the bottle. He ordered 3 bottles water because he didn't know what was their favorite.

The little girl munched the chips and chicken nugget too. He bought her orange juice because it's the only thing he knows to give a toddler something to drink beside water.

" it's good, Mommy, " the woman smiled at the little girl as she wiped her little hands.

"what do you say? " the woman wiped the crumb on her little girl's mouth.

"thank you, mister, " she smiled cheekily at him making him smile.

" you're welcome, " he smiled at her. " it's good you have had your dinner, " he said to the woman. "so you can tell me what happen. "

"uh... Oh.. Yeah it's..., " she stammered when they were on the road again. "come on, sleep baby. "

The little girl fall asleep again in no time. She was holding her close and her doll was in her embrace.

"but first, my name is Josephine Cougar. This is my daughter, Annie. "

"oh yeah, I am Dan Norton. "

She was quiet before she talked again.

"that was... I don't know what to say but.. My parents had quite amount of debt. They didn't know the money was from the leader of a loan shark. So until now I am chased by them. He sends his goons after me. Every time, every chance they are asking me for some dollars. I can't always give them. We have a life too. I have to take many jobs in different days and today was my paycheck. They knew so they went after me again. "

"so where are your parents? "

"My parents were passed away long time ago," she looked gloomy.

"and why is your daughter alone in the house? "

"she.., " she sighed. " I have someone to babysit my daughter. That's why I was a bit surprised the house was all dark. The nanny always wait for me till I went home."

"did she stay at your place? "

"yes, she went home in the morning because my job was from 2 to 11."

"so where is the nanny? "

" I think she was scared when the goons came. She can't deal with them. Poor old lady. "

"but, it's not good to leave your child alone."

"please, don't continue. I am tired of this..., " she waved her hand.

"how old is she? "

"she is three, " she said.

"why didn't you put her in the daycare? "

"I don't have a choice," she leaned on the seat. " I don't have a time to go here and there. I have to focus about earn some money. "

Silence engulfed them.

"where are we going? "

Dan looked at his rear mirror. He glanced at her then back to the road.

"my place. "


" it's too much already for my daughter and I, Sir, " she stood in the middle of the room after putting her daughter on the bed.

"please, just Dan, " he said leaning on the door frame.

"you know, you don't know me and already you have helped me in the alley."

" at least my intuition is right. You are not some of criminal or anything, " Dan shrugged.

"but, I have to go back work tomorrow. The nanny won't take the babysit thing, and Annie .."

"where do you work? "

Dan was curious about this, no judgement needed but her outfit was to revealing for some work and he hoped she was not do the bad thing.

" uuhmm.. I have afternoon shift at the Local Resto from Wednesday to Friday, " Dan thought tomorrow is Wednesday. "Saturday and Sunday I have part time job at the local store. And just today I took a job at the bar, I usually go home at 4 or 5 everyday. But today my boss has something to do so the bar was close early. "

"wow, " Dan muttered in disbelief. "can you stop with the bar job? "

"what? " she almost yelled at him.

She took him outside so Annie could sleep. They stood in the hallway.

"what do you mean I have to stop? " suddenly she was in rage.

"may I know which part you do at the bar? "

" you just met me and already you judge me? "

"no! Please, just answer me, " he held both of her arms.

" I am a waitress but mostly I sing at the bar. The payment is good, " she sighed. She lowered her head.

" it's not safe for you taking a night job. Just today you already chased by those guys."

" you know about debt has to pay off, " she said sarcastically.

" that's not what I mean, " he put his hand on his waist. " I will help you but please just don't take the night job. The daily work you do is okay. "

" you barely know me, Mr. Norton, " she said frustratedly.

" and I know you are a good woman, " he almost scream but Josephine flinched at his tone.

" but.. But I can't repay you. My situation is life is a mess, " she cried.

She almost gave up but Annie made her strong enough to fight this.

Dan's hands were itchy to hug her. He can't stand watching a woman cried but the woman in front of him was fragile.

"okay, let's talk tomorrow," he held her shoulders, she nodded at him. "go to your room to take some sleep. Your daughter may wake up and will cry not finding you beside her. "

She nodded and she left him alone in the hallway. Dan stood a bit longer because of what she said earlier.

Mr. Norton?

He chuckled but he didn't want to correct her. Let it be. He was not celebrity but as one of successful bachelors everyone knew him. And also the women. He guessed she would know him, but it wouldn't.


Josephine was up without the annoying alarm to wake her. She looked at her daughter, hugging her doll and let out little snore. She kissed her on the forehead then she walked to the attach bathroom to do her morning routine.

She stepped out and heard her daughter calling her.

"mommy, where are you? " she slightly pouted as she rubbed her eyes.

"sorry, baby. Mommy was in the bathroom, " she kissed Annie.

Annie held her arms out asking for to carry up. Josephine carried her outside. She walked through the hallway. She didn't know which way to the kitchen but her feet bringing her to the stairs, so she walked downstairs.

"mommy, hungry, " she said softly.

" that's what you said last night, " Josephine chuckled.

"but it's true, " Annie hugged her mother with her one hand hugging her doll.

"okay, let's find the kitchen first, " she kissed Annie's hair.

It's not hard to find the kitchen cause the house is not like maze. It's big but still you can handle it.

She placed Annie on the chair as she inspected the fridge. She found carton milk and she heated it for Annie because she likes her milk warm. She was so easily to find glasses and other kitchen utensils. She was impressed by the way.

"what do you want for breakfast, baby? "

"can we have bacon and scrambled eggs, mommy? " she asked cheekily.

" I think I just found them, " she prepared to cook them. "Drink your milk while I cook, yes? "

"okay, mommy. "

She cracked the eggs and put another pan on the burner for the bacons. She almost finished them but then, the door bell was ringing. Josephine turned off the burner, wiping her hands, she walked to open the door.

"morning? "

An old lady greeted her a bit amused. She wore simple dress and hand bag and she held something like rectangular plastic box. That's the food, Josephine can smell it. And it's freaking Tupperware, not ordinary plastic.

"hello, " Josephine responded. "may I help you, ma'am? "

"I am not at the wrong house, am I? "

"who are you looking for, ma'am? "

"is my son here? "

"oh, I am sorry. Where's is my manner, " Josephine opened the door wider. " I think Mr. Norton is still asleep. "

"Mr. Norton? "


But before Josephine answered her, Annie was running towards her. She clung on to her mother's leg.

"hello there, cutie, " the lady greeted Annie.

"hello," she waved behind her mother legs.

" let me help you to put it in the kitchen, Mrs. Norton, " Josephine offered to carry the Tupperware. "come on, baby. "

She ushered her daughter to follow her. She put it on the table and faced the old lady who was already sitting in the dining room.

" I am sorry, I borrow your son's kitchen. My daughter and I are hungry, " her cheeks slightly red.

" it's okay. I hope my son is treating you well, " she smiled at Josephine.

"he is, " Josephine gave the old lady kind smile. "can I get you something, Mrs. Norton? "

"tea would be nice, hun, " she smiled at Josephine.

"how about breakfast? "

" I have one with my husband."

"oh.. "

They heard someone walked downstairs. Dan appeared in his boxer and his mouth wide opened. After yawning he stretched his arms and mumbling 'morning'.

" Dan Norton West! "

It woke him up and startled Josephine to the core. She called her with wrong name and a bit scared of her tone.

"Ma! " he awkwardly stood up and looked down.

"fuck! I forgot mom is coming and I have guests! " he mumbled.

Valentina heard him but thank GOD, the little ears are enjoying her breakfast. Josephine hung her head facing the faucet. It's getting more embarrassing and Valentina glared at Dan.

"okay, Ma. Wait a moment, " Dan dashed out and came quickly. He wore shorts and t shirt. "morning, Mama!"

" I remember you were not telling me about having the guests? " Valentina raised her eyebrows.

"sorry, Mama. It slipped off my mind. "

Dan kissed her mother's cheek and sat beside her.

"hello, mister, " Annie greeted him with her mouth stained with the ketchup.

" I see you already have some," he chuckled and wiped her little mouth.

"mommy makes eggs and bacon!"

"and she brought you some food, too, " Josephine gives him plate full of food. His mom's exactly. "sorry, I borrowed your kitchen."

" it's okay. You can use it anytime. "

"thank you, " she softly answered. "coffee? "

"black and no sugar, please."

"you owe me some explanations, son, " she gave him a look.

"Mama, later okay? "

Valentina nodded and they had comfortable breakfast.


Josephine were giving Annie a bath while Dan and Valentina had the talk. He explained everything what happened last night.

Valentina gasped and touched her chest. She watched Dan in horror.

" fortunately you were there. I can't imagine what she had been through. She has a tough life. "

" I know, Ma, " Dan sighed. He looked at the clock.

"she had 2 o'clock job. "

"and you have to go right now. You never miss coming to work, " she said.

"but, what about Annie? "

"what about her? " Valentina looked at him confused.

"as I told you, Ma, Annie doesn't go to the daycare because of it and Josephine used to have a nanny. "

" I can babysit her, " she mumbled. " I miss having you around. You and all your siblings grow too fast."

Valentina sighed dramatically and almost made Dan rolled his eyes. Almost.

" you have to ask Josephine first, Ma, " Dan sighed and leaned on the back rest. They had nice chit chat in the living room.

" and I already called my office I will come late. "

Valentina raised her brows needing an answer. She knew her son never late coming to work.

"the situation, Ma. Please, don't give me that eye! "

Valentina laughed. She never knew that her son would be late because of his guests. She knew something is fishy. And she already likes Josephine and her daughter. They are cute especially the little Missy.


"stupid him.. I am so embarrassed calling her Mrs. Norton and he didn't correct me too last night," she mumbled while picked her daughter's outfit from her cases. She didn't have time last night and she had to do this today before go to work.

"Okay, baby, " Josephine laughed as she's undressing her daughter from her towel. She sat on the dresser making faces. "you want to dress by yourself again? "

"I want mommy to dress me, " she looked at her innocently.

"alright, " Josephine sat in front of her on the floor while Annie stood up.

"here, " Josephine applied the lotion because her daughter has sensitive skin. "you're not itchy here, baby? "

"no, mommy. Me fine, " she smiled.

"good..., " she combed her hair into ponytail.

"how about Mrs. Lisha? " Annie asked about her nanny.

"she doesn't babysit you for a while, baby, " Josephine sighed.

"why? "

"she doesn't inform me yet, " she touched her daughter's face. Annie still has little rosey cheeks.

"how about our house? " her doe eyes stared at Josephine.

"our house is under construction, " she half lied. It's true that their house was a mess. "come on, " she took her hand to go downstairs. She brought Annie's drawing books and her crayons.

"mommy, is that lady the mister's mom? "

"yes. you are right, baby."

" you will go to work again? "

"of course. So we can have the money to buy you new dress and toys, " Josephine touched her nose.

Annie giggled and her voice could be heard in the living room.

"you don't go to work, Mr. West? "

Josephine stepped inside where the West are. Annie ran inside and put her drawing tools on the glasses table.

"no, we have some new arrangement, " Dan answered making Josephine remembered their situation.

"that's right, " she sat behind her daughter facing the West. Valentina only looked at them back and forth.

Dan told her their staying in his house. No strictly rules but for their comfort they had to work together.

"but, I can't take you for granted, Mr. West."

"please call me Dan, " he was annoyed about her calling him that. " I already contact my brother about this situation and he can help you. "

"but.., " her cheeks turned red. "you know about my financial... "

"we can help you, hun, " Valentina finally spoke up.

"but Mrs. West-"

"hush! Call me Valentina. And I am gladly take this cutie to my house. Don't worry about your daughter, she is safe while you go to work. "

Josephine bit her bottom lip preventing her to cry. She was glad to meet him last night, he was like her savior even though they didn't know each other.

"thank you, " she said softly. "but I can't stay here much longer. I don't want to disturb your privacy-"

"no. No! Don't mind that. You already saw me last night and that is my daily routine. "

"you don't have girlfriend? I don't want to come between your relationship. I don't want to be burden-"

"there is no way about that, Josephine, " he had to strained himself from yelling at her. She already made him upset about it.

"okay, I am sorry."

"alright, " Valentina clapped her hands. "my chauffeur will pick me up in 5 minutes and gladly to take her so you can prepare yourself before go to work."

"can I have a minute with my daughter? "

"of course!" Valentina rose from her seat. "I will go to the kitchen first before we go. "

"okay, " Dan watched his mother left. " I want to take a shower before we go. "

"what? Who will go? " Josephine didn't understand what Dan said.

"I will drive you to your workplace," Dan stood before he walked out.

"but Dan!"

"don't reject this offer, Josephine!"

His tone sent her some chill. Her heart beat so loud even he can't hear it but she is nervous. What is he thinking?

She sighed and sat back. Her daughter can't be distracted because once she draws she is into her own world.

"Baby? "

"yes, mommy, " Annie turned her head towards Josephine.

"you want to go with Mrs. West while I go to work? "

"where? "

"she wants some company to go somewhere, " she explained.

"she is with me until you home?" she hugged her doll.

"yes. "

"just like me with Mrs. Lisha?"

" that's right, baby," she smiled at her daughter.

"okay. She seems nice lady. "

She turned to her drawing book and continued her doing. Josephine sighed and leaned her head on the back rest. It's not been 24 hours but she was so tired.


She organized Annie's clothes and put it in the closet. Dan said it needs time to make her house normal again. He said, her brother already contact his friend in the police department.

She remembered what she said, "but it doesn't solve my problem. "

" I will solve it!"

"but, Dan!"

"if you are not comfortable I help you, you can pay me later," Dan stood in front of Josephine and Annie's room. " it's better I pay your debt full than you're always chased and threatened by them, just last night I heard them saying they could pull your hair. It's kinda an assault, you know. "

She lost of words.

"better you unpack your suitcases. Put them in the closet," Dan walked leaving her standing by the door.

He acted like her husband.

She sighed remembering their conversation minutes ago. But she did it what he said to her.

Annie was happy when Valentina asked her to come with her. Josephine didn't know where Valentina brought her to and Annie took her backpack full of with her drawing tools, some clothes and little snacks.

"bye, mommy. Me go, " Annie hugged her mother and kissed her cheeks.

"be careful, baby. Don't make any trouble okay," Josephine kissed her daughter cheeks.

"okay, " she giggled then took Valentina's hand.

"please take care of her and thank you," Josephine softly said.

"don't worry, hun. Just focus on your job, " she waved her hand then they got into the car.


"she is cute, you know, " Dan said before Josephine got out.

"yeah, she is, " Josephine smiled remembering her daughter. "she doesn't give me any trouble, though."

"call me if you need anything."

"okay. Thank you for everything."

"no problem. "

He dropped her off and drove himself towards his workshop.

He parked his car then got out. His mechanics greeted him and he gave them a nod. He walked passed by the front office employee as she was busy typing and was on the phone. He arrived at his office and his secretary walked in.

"Dan, please sign this. I need it as fast as possible, " Noura said giving him the document.

"oh, it's about the purchase, isn't it? " Dan signed and gave it back to her.

"yeah, " she sighed. "the deadline makes me crazy," she grumbled.

Dan laughed at her and she walked out. He sat and thought back about Josephine and Annie. She is great single mother and works hard just to make her and her daughter happy and the debt makes her life difficult. Her parents didn't have any idea if the loan sharks was too cunning and deceived them.

He remembers Josephine again and he kinda likes her. He smiled at it.

He already makes arrangement to meet the leader and makes a deal about it. He has her brother back him up in case something happens. Because he is sly man.


Dan chose a seclude area in the luxury restaurant. He finished their meeting with the loan sharks. He already paid Josephine's debt and asked them not to disturb her anymore.

The leader smirked at him and Dan knows he will do something. But before he spoke, his brother came. Dean entered the room. He wore his suit and carried a briefcase.

" Dean? " the leader was surprised to see him.

"so, Marcus. I know what you do for the past years and what will you do to this woman. You know I have enough evidence to bring you behind the bars. You do want to go back there again? "

Marcus can't say anything. He gaped at Dean and acted like a fish, his mouth was closed and opened. Marcus has enough connection but Dean has more, so Marcus didn't want to go there again.

"okay, okay, " he raised his hands in surrender.

"this is the proof she owes nothing to you and in case you break your promise, I want you to sign this, " Dan gave him a paper and Marcus's eyes wide opened. "cause I don't believe someone like you just my brother said. "

"yo- your brother, " he stuttered.

"he's the best lawyer, " Dean stood beside Dan.

Marcus can't do anything so he did what he said to do. They shook hands and walked out.

"thank you for your time, brother, " Dan sighed as he massaged his forehead.

"you do it because a woman and I am curious who is this beauty catches your attention? "

Dan laughed heartily. It's so funny. Yes she caught his attention and with his brother's sharp intuition he could see the woman he likes must be something.

"you will see, " Dan said.

They sat on the chair and ordered some wines.

" I can't drink much, Dan. Daphne will kill me. "

"just don't. I am not forcing you, though, " he sipped his wine. "so, how is my sister doing?"

"she's fine. Her bump is getting bigger and our baby is healthy. Don't forget about her hormones," Dean sighed making Dan laughed.

"so, you don't want to know the gender? "

"I do but Daphne want it to be surprised. So I follow her request."

"Mama must be happy."

"she is on cloud nine," Dean chuckled.

"and she took a little girl with her."

"how do you know? " Dean creased his brows.

"the woman I saved last night has a daughter cause Mama said and I quote I miss having you guys around and you are growing too fast."

Dean laughed then said, "wow, she must have tough life. "

"she is, " Dan answered. "she has so many jobs and I asked her to stop taking night job. It's dangerous and because of that she was being chased and thank GOD I was there to save her. It's crazy you know when I drove her back home and her entire house was a mess. "

And Dan kept telling him about the rest. Dean smiled at his enthusiasm. He needs to meet this woman.

Dan's phone rang, it showed his mother. They cut their talking and he answered it.

"hello, son, " she said.

"Ma? What's wrong?"

She chuckled. "nothing. It's just.. Annie passed out after playing with your father. She is full of energy and your father is dead beat right now. "

"okay... "

"she asked about her mother in her sleep so I just think you can took Annie to pick her mother up when her shift ends. "

"of course Ma," Dan replied.

"okay, I just tell you about that. And she has already had her dinner. At least our house is full of her giggle. "

"that's good, Ma," Dan smiled.

"see you then, son. "

"see you, Mama."

"so? " Dean raised his one brow.

"I have to pick Josephine, " he looked at his watch. "in 2 hours, and Mama asked me to take Annie. She is missing her mom. "

"okay. I think I have to visit Mama first and she wants to give Daphne some foods," Dean smiled.

"another craving? "

"yes. "

Dan paid and they go to their own cars.


"we go to mommy's work?" Annie asked from the back seat. She is in her new booster seat. She hugged her doll and her bagpack is beside her.

"yes. My mother said you miss your mom," Dan turned right. He could see the place Josephine worked.

"that's right. Nana and me go to mall and go to papa. He plays golf, " she smiled cheekily.

"so, you have so much fun today."

"yes," she giggled. Now her energy is recharge.

He was a bit surprised when Annie called his parents the name. So it was his mother's doing and his parents are okay with that. She wants grandchild so bad.

He pulled up his car and turned off the engine. He could see Josephine wiped the table because her shift would be ended.

"come on, " he unbuckled Annie and held her little hand walking to the place. They stepped in and Annie was running towards Josephine.


"hey, baby, " she wiped her hands on the apron and came hugging her daughter. "you have fun today? "

"yes. "

"already say thank you to Mrs. West? "

"uh huh! " she nodded her head. "Nana said tomorrow we will go to new place and papa comes too. "

Josephine looked at Dan. He mouthed later and Josephine nodded then finished her job.

"you are alone? "

"no. The owner is in the back and he wants to lock it later. "

"okay. "

Dan and Annie sat on the available chair. Annie played with her doll till her mother came to her and they went home. Dan told what was his mother said to her daughter about calling them and Josephine could only smile.

"thank you for today, Dan," she said as they walked towards the bedroom. Annie was being carried by Dan.

"it's okay. You can stay as long as possible. "

"I can't... "

They walked in and put Annie on the bed. She hugged her doll as Josephine kissed her daughter forehead.

"you help me almost in everything, " she closed the door and they talked in the hallway like last night.

"I am okay with that. And beside, " he stood in front of her and it's too close. " may be it's impossible to you but I like you. "

"uh.... I am... Uh.. "

"it's okay. You don't have to answer me, " she nodded.

"you already contact the club, no? "

"I am. And I have resigned this afternoon. "

"good. You have to find better job. "

" I am only high school graduated, " she whispered.

"you can take online classes if you think attending the university takes so much of your time."

"the money... "

"don't worry. I will help you."

"Dan, " she sighed shaking her head. "I can't take this anymore. You are too nice. "

"you can pay me later if you think you owe me the money. "

"okay but it takes longer because we talk about money here and it's so much money. "

Dan chuckled. She was worried about the money and here he only stared at her. He shook his head at her rambling. She is impossible. But he really wants this.

"take as much as time you please. "

She was shy to stared at him back longer. She felt his hand touched her cheek so she looked up and she caught his burning eyes.

" I never know in 24 hours I can like a person and it's you. "

"but I have a daughter. "

"it's fine by me. Annie is good little girl. She is bundle of energy and keeps my parents happy. "

" I wish my parents are alive. They never meet my daughter. "

He wiped her wet cheeks. He cupped her face and their face almost touching.

"they are already in better place. We can visit their grave anytime. "

"you are too good for me. "

" that's good. "

Dan kissed Josephine. It's good to have somebody.


I know it's long and plain. .
