Chapter 9: A Beauty in Command

The day of the ceremony has come. Qing Qui hosted the Weapon Hiding Ceremony in an open courtyard. The scenery was beautiful. At the background there were 4 waterfalls that surrounded the area. The day was perfect, and the courtyard was in full capacity. The Bai Clan proudly extended an open invitation to all realms that wanted to assist to the ceremony. All rank deities were present to see Qing Qui's queen performance. Suddenly Dong Hua Dijun along with Third Prince Lian Song appeared to the audience. Bai Zhi and Bai Yi greeted them and offered them their seats. It was customary to seat according to deities ranks. Dijun had the highest seat in the courtyard. Everyone was surprised to see the former emperor among the audience.

"Just who does he think he is." Bai Yi thought to himself.

Bai Zhi gave the announcement to commence the ceremony and the queen made her appearance in the middle of the courtyard grounds with her Hexu sword in her hand.

She was wearing one of her own design. Her ceremonial dress was red, gold, and black adorned with golden phoenixes embroidery and peach blossom flowers on the back and on her sleeves. Her inside robes were deep peach also embroidered with a thin red trim. She braided her long hair into several braids that were tied up. She looked like a warrior queen. Every female deity was envious and commenting about her dress.

Every male deity was ogling her beauty, her stand and presence commanded the atmosphere. She made eye contact with her father and grandfather to let them know that she was ready. She curtsied to her elders and gave a wide smile to Dong Hua Dijun, which he returned with a nod.

Bai Zhi started the formation and Feng Jiu with finesse started eliminating one by one. The second formation was more complex than the first one. It took her a bit longer to defeat her 15 opponents to pass this formation. The third formation was even more difficult than the last two. Feng Jiu remember her training with Dijun and she decided to put a blindfold to beat her 25 opponents, which she did with no effort. With all the formations disbanded, her grandfather proclaimed that the young ruler was worthy to ascend to the Sacred Peak and pass her sword to the next generation. Just when Feng Jiu was about to ascend the steps to hide the sword in the open portal, a male voice was heard.

"I want to seize this moment in front of all the most esteemed deities present, to announce to all the realms, how fortunate I am that the Fox King Bai Yi has granted me the hand of Qing Qui's queen in marriage." The voice came from no other than Lord Cang Yi. He radiantly knelt in front of Feng Jiu with a ring on this hand. My queen, he bowed down to Feng Jiu.

"What is the meaning of this?" Feng Jiu asked. She was raging mad.

The murmuring in the courtyard was growing louder. She couldn't believe that her father had betrayed her like this. Bai Yi was staring at her with a smirk on his face. Dijun's nostrils were flared, he was ragging mad. He stood up from his seat ready to beat up Cang Yi, but Lian Song stopped him.

"Dijun if you interfere with this, it will create trouble between our alliances. Let Feng Jiu deal with this matter as you are in her territory and her being queen of Qing Qui." He reasoned with him. Dong Hua had to control his anger his clenched fists were a signal of what he had in mind. Break Cang Yi in half. But Liang Song was right. He had to let Qing Qui's queen handle this matter. Mo Yan cautiously stepped to Dong Hua side to make sure his anger was controlled.

"Very well, Lord Cang Yi. I do not agree with this marriage alliance." She defiantly told him.

"Your highness I do have a copy of the contract here with me and I can assure that is biding and legal." Sure enough the contract was legal and it was signed by her father as a way to force her to marry Cang Yi.

"I have a proposal for you Lord Cang Yi. Please hear me out."

"My queen please speak."

"Since I don't agree with this marriage, I will propose to you to amicably break the arrangement. We have all the witnesses we need, they can testify if the issue ever comes up again." Feng Jiu was using the audience to be her back up. Everyone agreed with the queen. She waived at them to be silence.

"If you don't agree to do so, then as Qing Qui's queen I have the right to duel you for the annulment. If you win, then I will abide and marry you, otherwise if you lose consider the contract annulled. You will leave Qing Qui in peace and never court me again. Those are my options. What will it be Lord Cang Yi?"

Cang Yi stood up and huffed. "I will not break this marriage arrangement. I promised your father that I will love you and take care of you for as long as we live. And that is what I intent to do. The sun, the moon and the starts can testify about the sincerity of my feelings for you my queen. You will end up loving me as much as I love you." He conceitedly smiled at her.

When Feng Jiu heard him, she smirked, she knew he will choose to duel, so immediately she changed her attire for a red warrior hanfu dress and materialized her Hexu sword in her hand.

Cang Yi stared at Feng Jiu and said: "I have always respected female immortals and dare not to fight them, specially you my dear queen, but since you are challenging me for our marriage, I will then accept your invitation. Let's duel." He materialized his sword in his hand and took a stance.

Mo Yan gave a quick smile; he knew very well Feng Jiu's determination to win. Zi Lan and the rest of her brothers were watching in anticipation. They wanted to jump in and beat up this arrogant brat.

"Before we begin, we will not use any magic to duel. It will be based purely on skills, agreed Lord Cang Yi?" At this point Dong Hua couldn't help but to sarcastically smile. He knew his little fox was up to something. "This dreg is doomed!"


"Very well, let's begin."

Feng Jiu studied Cang Yi stance and movements, she made him believed that he had the upper hand. She was only toying with him, to make him tired. Twenty minutes of sparing and Cang Yi was determined to win, he was being snotty with Feng Jiu. "Getting tired my queen? Perhaps is better to stop and accept me as your husband! I will take great pleasure to tame your wild temper."

"That's it, keep going you loser, I will teach you not to mess with me again", Feng Jiu said in her mind. After twenty minutes Feng Jiu was able to see that Cang Yi was alternating between two fighting patterns. It was so simple to predict his movements now. She was growing impatient with him. "Ok Feng Jiu is now or never." She jumped high to charge at him, she will expect him to block her at her descent. So she decided that before she touched ground to swirl around him take his sword and charge at him with both swords at his neck. She calculated in her mind the wind current, distance and gravity and played her move in her mind before executing it. When she felt that the wind current changed it was her moment. She went high, and at the last second, she graciously turns around took his sword from his grip and charged both swords at his neck, making him stumble at the ground.

"Impossible!!!!!!", he shouted. Everyone at the courtyard gasped.

Coldly she said to Cang Yi: "This will make the marriage agreement nulled and void. In front of these witnesses. It will be a lesson to teach you not to trifle with Qing Qui's Queen, she is not for the taking! She will marry the one she chose to marry when she wants to marry. I will advise you to leave my lands and never step into my path again or I will not be as merciful as I am today." She threw his sword on the ground.

And with that she turned around leaving a heartbroken Cang Yi, defeated.

"This will not be the last time we see each other Feng Jiu, I will make sure that you remember this day!" he shrieked in his mind. Defeated, he got up. He bowed to Feng Jui and disappeared from the courtyard.

Everyone was surprised at Qing Qui's Queen, she gained the respect of many of high rank deities that day. Many of the young immortals from the audience heavily sighed knowing that they didn't stand a chance to win her heart. She was losing her temper and her hands started to tremble, she was close to have a breakdown. Mo Yan, Zhe Yan and Dong Hua sensed Feng Jiu's power increasing by the minute, like a bomb close to explode. Her eyes were full of fire ready to blow out any moment. Bai Yi's face was red with anger, he couldn't believe that his daughter shamed them in front of all realms. He was about to meet her in the grounds, when his father stopped him grabbing his arm forcibly. "This is not the place for a public argument between rulers, you need to calm down son, let Xiao Jiu's anger recede. We need to have a council meeting after this."

Feng Jiu closed her eyes and calmed herself down then proceeded to ascend the steps toward the sacred portal to hide her boxed Hexu sword for the next generations. She descended from the steps and addressed the audience: "Thank you for coming to witness our Weapon Hiding Ceremony. As Qing Qui's queen, I'm delighted to see you all, I hope that in the future you will consider partaking from future activities that will be held in our beautiful lands. Qing Qui is proud to share our business and market goods as a sign of peace and good will. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused earlier. Hopefully, my position as queen on establishing an alliance thru marriage was clearly stated."

She was eyeing all of the male immortals that in the past have send missives to her elders. She held her head high with an expressionlessly face took a stand in the middle of the courtyard. When her speech concluded; everyone bowed to the young queen and then she disappeared from the courtyard. The Bai family retired too; the crowd started to disperse as well. Dong Hua wanted to see his little fox, but he knew it was not the right time, she needed to calm down. Her anger was out of control, he wanted to help her out, but appearing in the fox den will not be taken lightly. He will wait for the right opportunity.
