Chapter 72: Threads of Destiny

Three Years Later...

A happy event was held at the Ten Miles Peach Blossom Forest. Zhe Yan and Feng Jiu's mother, Zhang Yu finally tied the knot. The happy couple exchanged the required bows and Bai Zhi Dijun blessed them as husband and wife. They held a private family gathering to celebrate their wedding reception. Feng Jiu was happy to see her parents getting the happiness they deserved. Her mother was radiant in her wedding attire. Zhe Yan was blissful at her side, not leaving her alone for a second. The Bai family returned to their rowdy fox behavior after their mourning period was over. Everyone was glad telling jokes eating and drinking as before. Feng Jiu was pleased to see everyone enjoying themselves again.

Dong Hua was captivated by the beauty of his beloved empress. He was staring at her from a distance drinking his tea. He knew that she was content. He internally smiled upon realizing that his brother in arms is now officially his father-in-law. "This is the weirdest family I have ever seen in my long existence" He thought gratified.

The little ones were having fun chasing each other thru the peach blossom flower fields. Gun Gun was having a race with his cousins Ah Li and .

"Gun Gun you are running too fast, slow down before you hurt yourself." Ah Li said.

"Not a chance!!" Little Gun Gun yelled back.

Xiao Shǎn Liàng was at Gun Gun heels when she tripped and fell. "Ooouchhh!!!" the little girl screamed.

Little Gun Gun stopped at his tracks when he heard his little cousin yelled in pain. "Are you okay Shǎn Liàng?"

Ah Li and Gun Gun were at her side. "I'm okay don't worry guys. I think I scraped my knee. If mother sees that I ruin my dress, she will be mad at me"

"But you are wounded Shǎn Liàng. Does it hurt?" Gun Gun asked her concern.

"It does."

"Let me see." Ah Li checked her knee. "You are bleeding. Why aren't you crying xiao me me?"

"Why would I cry? I'm not sad. The pain will go away." Shǎn Liàng replied to Ah Li.

"Here let me help you, I will make it better Shǎn Liàng." Gun Gun closed his eyes and placed his little hand on her bleeding knee. Shǎn Liàng gasped surprised when little Gun Gun healed her.

"Wow, you are the best! Thank you Gun Gun ge ge." Ah Li helped her to get up, when she did Shǎn Liàng kissed little Gun Gun cheek, he was shocked upon feeling her soft lips on his face. She giggled afterwards and continued running around with Ah Li.

Gun Gun stood alone perplexed with Shǎn Liàng action. He felt a little excited, a little nervous, anxious and shy. So many contradicting emotions swirling deep inside. He placed his little hand on his cheek where he was kissed not understanding what he was feeling. He felt uncomfortable with himself frowning his little brows, but he only identified that it felt good at the end.

From a distance Dong Hua saw the whole scene. A small smile curled up on his lips. He perfectly understood his little son predicament trying to figure out his emotions. Dong Hua approached him. "Gun Gun what are you up to now hmmm?"

"Lord father... I was carelessly running around and caused my little cousin to get hurt. Please don't punish me."

Dong Hua admired his little son straightforwardness and character. He simply smiled at Gun Gun. "Come here son, I won't punish you. But you must be careful when you are running around with others. I don't want you to get hurt either. Understand?" Dong Hua padded his little head.

"I will exercise caution next time lord father"

"That is my good son. Now let's go back, your grandparents are leaving soon."

"Why are they going away lord father? Can I go with them?"

Dong Hua contemplated for a second his son questions. He thought about sending Gun Gun with them to their honeymoon. A wicked smile adorned his handsome face.

"Father can I go with them?" Little Gun Gun asked Dong Hua pulling his sleeve.

"Why don't you ask them Gun Gun?" Dong Hua answered.

"Really? Okay." Little Gun Gun happily ran back to ask Zhe Yan and his grandmother to take him with them. Dong Hua chuckled at his son innocence.

"Yéyé, yéyé, yéyé!!!" little Gun Gun yelled out. Zhe Yan stopped him. "Gun Gun please stop and regulate your breathing first you are overly excited, calm down." Gun Gun did just that until he was able to talk.

"Now that you are ready to talk why are so thrilled about?" Zhe Yan asked him.

"Yéyé lord father told me that you are going away. Are you taking a vacation, if so, can I go with you?" Little Gun Gun asked Zhe Yan.

Zhe Yan annoyingly stared at Dong Hua. "Do you hate me that much old rock?" He mentally glared at Dong Hua.

"Why are you mad at me? It was Gun Gun idea not mine." Dong Hua mentally replied.

Gun Gun was intensively staring both his father and his grandfather trying to understand the subject of their telepathic conversation. Feng Jiu noticed the awkward moment and decided to intervene. "Gun Gun son, you can't go with grandpa and grandma this time. They need their alone time." Feng Jiu said.

"Why will they need to be alone mother?" Little Gun Gun asked curiously.

"Because they are grown ups and want to be alone for a while." Feng Jiu replied.

"But they love when I spend time with them. Why this time is different?" Gun Gun asked again.

Feng Jiu seeing that her little son wasn't budging, decided to ask for help. "Dong Hua a little help here with our son"

"You are doing fine little fox. Just answer his questions. We need to comply with his curious nature after all he is growing up to be a very intelligent boy." Dong Hua smirked.

"Dong Hua you truly are shameless!!!"

"Why does mother keep saying that father is shameless? What does shameless means? Maybe I can ask father later on." Little Gun Gun thought for himself.

Bai Zhen decided to give his niece a hand. "Gun Gun your grandparents are going into a seclusion period to cultivate further. In order to achieve that, they need to be alone with no distractions."

Little Gun Gun analyzed his great uncle answer. "Ahhhh I understand now, so their cultivation is depleted because they are older and they need to increase it to feel better. I can help them upsurge their cultivation great uncle." Gun Gun happily replied.

Bai Zhen smiled at the little boy. "I'm sure you can, but this time, they need to figure out themselves. Is that okay with you Gun Gun?" Gun Gun nodded to his great uncle. He approached Zhe Yan and Zhang Yu. "Gun Gun understand now, go in peace and increase your cultivation. When you come back, I hope that you are better." Everyone around listing chuckled to his realization.

Zhe Yan squatted to his level. "Why thank you Gun Gun for being so considerate to us. Don't worry our cultivation will increase with no problems. Now be a good kittling and give your grandpa a big hug. We will see you when we return from our seclusion. We love you so much." Gun Gun grabbed Zhe Yan neck and squished him hard. "Woe that is a sturdy hug. Gun Gun is strong." Zhe Yan told him. Gun Gun giggled at them.

"You owe me big time grandps." Bai Zhen mentally said to Zhe Yan. "Don't worry Bai Zhen I have your back."

Feng Jiu approached her parents; hugging them both. She gave them a luminous pearl. "Here this is my wedding gift for you two."

"Such a classic gift" Zhe Yan teasingly said.

"You don't understand. With this pearl you two will have access to my special place. Just zap it with some of your energy and it will lead the way for you." Feng Jiu explained.

"A special place?" Her mother curiously asked.

"You'll know when you get there." Feng Jiu replied with a smile.

"Oh thank you kittling. I'm pretty sure that it's a beautiful place." Her mother said.

"Enjoy yourselves, you have earned it." Feng Jiu told them.

The newlyweds bid their goodbyes to everyone. A special carriage was waiting for the merry couple; a beautiful red and golden wing palanquin. Zhe Yan and his bride were seated inside and several flamed phoenixes were flying around the carriage and carried them away.

"Finally, we get to be together without pretending in front of others. Are you happy Zhang Yu?"

"Happy doesn't cover it Zhe Yan, I'm blessed to have you at my side." Zhe Yan held her hand on his. They had tears of joy in their faces. "Let us build our own nest Zhang Yu." Zhe Yan zapped the luminous pearl and immediately shined their way thru. When they arrived, the barrier opened to let them in. Zhe Yan couldn't believe where they were. "How did Xiao Jiu find this place?"

"It's beautiful Zhe Yan."

"It's more than that Zhang Yu, this place is so familiar to me."

"How familiar?"

Zhe Yan placed his hand on the ground to read the energy he felt coming from it. "This is my home Zhang Yu. I left this place long time ago when I was the only one left of my kind. After that I met Dong Hua and we stayed at Kun Lun Mountain with Mo Yan. I never taught that I was going to come back."

They explored the place and were able to find some antique ruins. Zhe Yan remembered his childhood days. He was explaining his wife all about it.

"We should rebuild here Zhe Yan. This could be our new home."

"Are you willing Zhang Yu?"

"I know this is important to you, of course I'm willing. Besides we are supposed to be on seclusion." She teasingly said.

"That's why I love you so much, hào húlí come here." Zhe Yan carried her away.

Five Hundred Years Later...

Ah Li was sleeping over with his Qing Qui unique family. Ah Li and Gun Gun sneaked out at night to see the stars. After a long silence Gun Gun asked him: "Ah Li does your parents let you sleep with them?"

"Not anymore. Father always sleeps with mother. Shǎn Liàng tries to sneak in, but she always gets caught by father barrier. They tell us that since we are older, we need to get use to our rooms."

"Hmmm. My parents are the same with me, but they come every night to read to me. During my nap's times, father lets me sleep with them, but not all the time. I like to snuggle in between them to feel cocooned but they baby me too much, I'm already 500 years old and they think I'm still a babe."

"Wait until you reach your one thousand year. Things will get tougher Gun Gun."

"How come Ah Li?"

"I hardly get any free time. Father is always finding ways for me to study hard. He lets me come here to visit if I do good on my exams as way to reward me." Ah Li said.

"You don't like to study?" Gun Gun asked him.

"Is not that, but I get bored quickly. I guess I get that from mother's side. Father is very strict with me and my study time. He says I have to be a suitable Crown Prince. Everyone has high hopes for me. Since I have big shoes to fill in."

"I don't have that problem. I love to study. My mother is always saying that I need to find more time to play around. She is always contending with lord father to easy of on me. I guess I get that from father side. Great-grandfather Bai Zhi is training me also to be the next Qing Qui ruler. Sometimes he lets me seat in court with lord father to learn the procedures and gain experience."

"And you don't get bored from it?"

"No. I find the sessions interesting. Besides I imitate lord father icily face and stare intensively to others. When they look at us, they hurry up with their things cutting the time in half. That is a trick that lord father taught me, it really works."

"Father is contemplating sending me to Kun Lun Mountain for further training with uncle, will you come and visit me there?"

"When are you going?"

"I'm not sure yet, maybe they are waiting a bit longer to send me."

"Hmmm I would love to go and train with your uncle Mo Yan but I'm not sure if my parents will allow it since lord father is training me already. How about Shǎn Liàng?"

"What about her?"

"Is she going too?"

"I don't know, she doesn't like to do many girly stuffs, she is used to do boys stuff which father hates. Mother is training her in swordsmanship already. And father lets mother do whatever she wants with Shǎn Liàng so is a moot point for him to argue about it. Father says that should learn to be more refined being a girl, but mother always win over father and Shǎn Liàng gets away with it, which is unfair." Ah Li protested.

"Is that why she doesn't come to Qing Qui anymore?"

"I guess so. Mother is always busy with her to avoid her getting into trouble. She really misses coming by though, she told me recently."

"I miss seeing her around too."

"Maybe Feng Jiu jie jie can take you to see her. I can ask her."

"That will be great Ah Li." Gun Gun replied.

"What are you two doing out here?" Migu surprised them.

"We are star gazing." Ah Li answered Migu.

"I just heard that Prince Gun Gun misses Princess Shǎn Liàng. Are you in love already?" Migu teasingly asked.

"How can Gun Gun be in love with my sister, she is his cousin! It will be weird if they love each other."

"Crown Prince Ah Li since when you haven't noticed how bizarre your family tree is?" Migu asked Ah Li.

"Huh?" Ah Li said.

"Nobody has explained this to you?" Migu interjected.

"No huh." Gun Gun moved his head.

Migu sighed. "Make room for me you two. Well, I will tell you. I'm an expert on families' lineages being a tree spirit myself. So, I will enlighten you both on your bizarre family history. Now pay attention you two need to learn this properly.

From the Heavenly Clan your familial relationship it goes like this: Former Tianjun Hao Doe is current Tianjun Ye Hua grandfather by the celestial race, that makes him your great-grandfather Crown Prince Ah Li Shǎn Liàng.

However, Dong Hua Dijun being older than former Tianjun Hao Doe is also grandfather to Tianjun Ye Hua and Tianhou Bai Qian, making you Prince Gun Gun, Crown Prince Ah Li and Princess Shǎn Liàng your uncle.

Now this it gets even better from the Qing Qui familial relationship; Tianjun Ye Hua is Dong Hua Dijun uncle making you Crown Prince Ah Li and Princess Shǎn Liàng Dong Hua Dijun's cousin and you being Prince Gun Gun uncle.

So from your mother side Prince Gun Gun, Crown Prince Ah Li is your uncle and Princess Shǎn Liàng your aunt from his father side he's your nephew and Princess Shǎn Liàng your niece.

From your mother side Prince Gun Gun, Tianjun Ye Hua is your uncle and from your father side, he is your nephew. Tianhou Bai Qian is your Grand Aunt and from your father side she is your nephew's wife." Migu concluded his explanation.

Little Gun Gun was baffled. He placed his little hand on his temple from a headache he was getting. "So let me get this straight Migu, my parents are great grandparents to Ah Li's parents?"

"Yes, from your father side. From your mother side, then they are uncles to Ah Li's parents." Migu replied.

"That is so weird." Little Gun Gun exclaimed.

"I hear you Prince Gun Gun but the fox women decided to complicate your families' histories with their marriages, so blame your mothers." Migu told them.

"I've always call Feng Jiu my big sister instead of my great grandmother. So she is actually not my big sister?" Ah Li asked Migu confused.

"In theory that is correct Crown Prince Ah Li"

"Huh? In theory?" Ah Li asked.

"Your mother Bai Qian helped Feng Jiu's mother raised her, so her highness always considers your mother her second mother, so that is why in theory Dihou Feng Jiu is your big sister." Migu explained Ah Li.

"What a mess of family we have. That is not counting the fox familial relationship to both of us. Or father's side of the heavenly clan. So who we are to each other?" Ah Li asked Migu muddled.

"I already explained this you your highnesses were you not paying attention?" Migu said.

"Can we just be distant cousins for all time's sake to make it simple?" Little Gun Gun said.

"As you wish your highnesses, but be mindful of this bizarre kinship if you wish to establish a relationship in the future with Princess Shǎn Liàng, Prince Gun Gun." Migu teasingly said.

Ah Li furrowed is little brows "So if you end up marrying my sister then what kind of kinship we will have? Ah Li asked Gun Gun.

"Who says that I'm marrying your sister Ah Li" Gun Gun annoyingly said.

"Migu did."

"Can we just quit? We are way too young to be talking about love and marriage."

I'm just saying Gun Gun. What if...?

"Nonsense." Gun Gun got up and went back to his room.

Breakfast time at Qing Qui

Feng Jiu noticed that the kids were quiet and not talking to each other like the always do. Dong Hua was analyzing their faces too. He knew that his little fox soon will lose her patience and will bring the subject up, so he silently waits for that to happen. To his surprise Feng Jiu kept quiet too, now he had the urge to break the awkward silence on the breakfast table but held in at the last second. Little Gun Gun hardly touched his food, his face was absentminded.

Worrying that his son was in trouble Dong Hua cleared his throat and eyed signal Feng Jiu to inquire about their son downcast bearing. "Gun Gun why you haven't touched your breakfast? I cooked your favorite. Is something the matter?" Feng Jiu asked him.

Gun Gun eyed Ah Li who was happily munching on his mother food. "Mother may I be excused from the table?"

"Not until you tell us what is wrong sweetheart. Aren't you hungry?" Feng Jiu asked him.

"I don't feel good." Gun Gun managed to say.

Dong Hua immediately got up to check on his son. He placed his hand on his little forehead to check on his essence. "Everything seem to be okay with you son, care to tell us what is bothering you?"

Little Gun Gun looked at his father with sad puppy eyes. Dong Hua's heart skipped a beat seeing his beloved son so gloomy. "Let's do this, we could go fishing today and have a boys talk. Would you like that Gun Gun?"

Little Gun Gun's face shown with a flashy smile. "Very much."

"Then eat your breakfast. Your mother worked hard cooking your favorite dish this morning." Dong Hua told him.

"Ok. Thank you, mother, for breakfast."

"You're welcome Gun Gun."

"Feng Jiu jie jie is there any more left?"

"Here you go riceball. Are you going back today?"

"Yes, my father is going to send Nai Nai to pick me up. I have to study for my exams. Mother is busy with Shǎn Liàng that is why she hasn't come around."

"Well I hope that you pass your exams so you can come back soon."

Later on, Dong Hua took Gun Gun to fish to a nearby lake and to have some bonding time between them. Feng Jiu stayed behind understanding that they needed alone time. Dong Hua picked the perfect spot and sat down with his son. He let some time pass by to see when Gun Gun will approach him. The little boy is like her mother easy to read like an open book.

"Lord father..."

"What is it Gun Gun?" Dong Hua casually asked.

"What is love?" Gun Gun shyly asked him.

Dong Hua gazed Gun Gun for a moment and contemplated on how to answer. "Love is the emotion felt and actions performed by someone concerned for the well-being of another person. It involves affection, compassion, care, and self-sacrifice within the eternal relationship that exists among the ones we care about. It can be described as a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust. Love can vary in intensity and can change over time."

"What you feel towards mother and I it can be called love?"

"That is correct Gun Gun. We love you so much, you are our precious to us." Dong Hua told him.

"I love you and mother too. I'm sure of that." Gun Gun reliantly replied.

Dong Hua embraced his son and placed him on his lap. Looking at him straight in his eyes he asked: "Now tell me what is really behind this questioning about love? You can trust your father."

Little Gun Gun skimming his father black stone eyes said: "I'm not a baby anymore lord father, I'm five hundred years old already. I see how well you treat mother and how good she treats you. I mean you two get obnoxiously sweet with each other that sometimes makes want to gag. I guess I don't fully comprehend how it feels to be like that with someone. So, can you tell me when did you felt love for mother?"

"The first time I saw her and held her, I knew she was special." Dong Hua answered.

"So you loved her?"

"It wasn't immediately since love requires deep searching within yourself. When you feel it; it will challenge your thinking, reasoning and it will make you feel somehow uncomfortable with yourself. You won't be able to tell right away until your heart is ready to receive it freely. It will change you from the inside out." Dong Hua told his son.

"Change you? How?" Little Gun Gun asked.

"Hmm. You will start thinking more and more about the other person that you like and how to make her feel cherish and special; putting her needs above yours. You will have the urge to protect her with your life and not let anyone mess around with her. You will stop being you to be hers in all aspects of life. Your heart knows things that your mind cannot explain. It's a profound and transformative feeling."

"I see. Will it make you feel hot inside like you are going to explode in tiny little pieces?"

"You could say that. Have you felt that Gun Gun?"

Gun Gun lowered his face bewildered. After a while he answered: "I think so."

Dong Hua sweetly smiled at his son understanding. "You are on the way to discover what love really feels like. Don't rush it. Take your time to be sure that is precisely that feeling that is blossoming within your heart. When you are much older you want to be sure that the one you choose to be with will cherish you just as you cherish her. You are special my son, and no ordinary fairy can handle or share the burdens that you will carry. Choose wisely Gun Gun."

"I will lord father. If I choose someone it has to be like mother. She has to be strong, independent, willful, intelligent, agile and not afraid of bugs. But I have another question to ask lord father."

"Ask away son."

"What about if that someone comes from our bizarre family lineage?"

Dong Hua knew who Gun Gun was referring to. He made a mental note to check with Siming later on. He carefully stared at his little smirking eyes. "Choose wisely Gun Gun. That is my best advice." Dong Hua pulled his little nose. Little Gun Gun understood and nodded to his father.

After the caught of the day they went back to cook it together. Gun Gun inherited her mother culinary skills, so he was good at cooking anything. Dong Hua was a bit envious of him but at the same time he was proud of how well he was developing. Dong Hua fully invested on his son; they spend time studying, cultivating, training. Seeing him growing to be an extraordinary young man was his enjoyment. Feng Jiu saw that their little son was getting more wary of his privacy. He quit sleeping with them as before which Dong Hua liked, so they can rekindle their passionate intimacy. They were truly enjoying family life.

One night, Feng Jiu couldn't sleep. She was flustered thinking about Gun Gun change. She turned to her side to talk to Dijun. "Dong Hua are you awake?"

Dong Hua opened his eyes "What is it Jiu'er?" He answered her with his raspy sleepy voice.

"Dong Hua, we don't have a baby anymore. Gun Gun is growing to be more independent. He hardly spends time with me. I miss having a baby in my arms." Feng Jiu cutely pouted to him.

Dong Hua lips curled into his sultry smile. "I can fix that little fox."

"How?" She innocently asked him.


Dong Hua didn't let his little fox sleep that night. He made sure that his best swimmers did their job with precision. He gave his beloved beautiful empress a steamy hot and wild night to remember. Their bodies convulsing, loudly calling out a jumbled version of their names collapsing on top of each other panting hard after another endearing coupling. "My unsatiable little fox you unman me." Dong Hua whispered to her. Feng Jiu assaulted him with kisses. All that it could be heard was his grunts and her moans.

Afterwards Feng Jiu became pregnant again. Gun Gun was happy; he long wanted a little sister, just like Ah Li has one. "Mother, when little sister is coming?" Gun Gun asked his very pregnant mother.

"Soon Gun Gun." She padded her swollen tummy.

"Can I play with her when she comes?"

"Maybe when she grows older. For now, you as her big brother will be her protector. How about that? That is a very important task."

"I will help you and lord father to protect her." Gun Gun emphatically said.

"You are such a filial son. Come here and give us a kiss" Gun Gun reached out to Feng Jiu's belly and tenderly kissed it, just like Dong Hua does. Feng Jiu was happy and beautifully glowing.

Near her due date Feng Jiu became moodier and needier than before. She will cling to Dong Hua all the time. Dong Hua understood that it was her pregnancy hormones acting up so he patiently met her needs. They were inseparable.

"Jiu'er this time you are not going anywhere alone. You will stay here at Tai Chen Palace. We don't want to repeat what happened to you when you had Gun Gun. I want our daughter to be born here." Dong Hua adamantly said.

"But Gun Gun birth was special Dong Hua." Feng Jiu was using her sweetness to convince Dong Hua.

"I know it was, but by no means you are allowed to leave Tai Chen Palace." He didn't budge on it.

"But I miss my parents, husband and Gun Gun too. Don't confine me. You know how much I hate to be isolated from others. I'm pregnant not sick!!" Feng Jiu crossed her arms in irritation. Dong Hua internally smiled at her wife's cute display but held in his emotions. He knew how to calm her down.

"Is my little fox mad at me, hmm?" He got really close to her sending waves of his white sandalwood scent to soothe her mood swings resulting on a sweet exchange of pleasantries. Gun Gun was quietly learning from his shameless father.

Everyone at Tai Chen Palace were well aware of Dihou's condition, they worked smoothly to make her feel at ease which meant letting her do as she pleases per Dijun's orders. Zhong Lin was always on top of things to please their masters.

Zhe Yan and her mother temporarily moved in to Tai Chen Palace to monitor her pregnancy and help taking care of Gun Gun in the meantime. He was happy to spend time with his grandparents.

Dong Hua and Feng Jiu spend more time together getting ready for the baby's delivery, they prepared a birthing room and a girl's room worthy of a princess.

One day Bai Qian let Shǎn Liàng visit Gun Gun for a play date. The little ones were enjoying their time sparing at the garden under Dong Hua's supervision. Shǎn Liàng was good, but Gun Gun skills were superior to hers. He felt proud of his son.

Feng Jiu decided to bring a tray of refreshments for the children. "She sat next to Dong Hua."

"Xiao Shǎn Liàng skills are good. She has greatly improved. Gugu must be breaking her hard."

"Not bad for a little girl. Have you noticed how happy Gun Gun is around her?"

"Gun Gun doesn't get to play much with children of his age. Shǎn Liàng is his same age so they get along pretty well."

"I'm not talking about getting along Jiu'er."


"Are you still clueless?" Dong Hua asked.

"Are you suggesting that Gun Gun is fond of Shǎn Liàng?"

"He doesn't know what he feels towards her. He's too young to know it. But there is something about her that Gun Gun is attracted to. This little girl is sure trouble."

"You can't be serious Dong Hua."

Dong Hua gave her a serious glare. "Since when you know me to joke around these things."

"Uncle Ye Hua and Gu Gu will not let them be together. They don't know..."

"I know little fox, but even a blind bat could see how the threads of destiny are stitching them together. It's unavoidable."

"Did you checked with Siming?"

"I did"


"I ordered him to keep this record sealed from them. Your dear old father knows this too. Siming told me."

"My dear Gun Gun. I don't want him to suffer what we went thru Dong Hua. Not him! I would not be able to bear it."

"Jiu'er, we were able to re-write our fate. Gun Gun will have to make some choices in the future just like we did to obtain our happiness. If he chooses her to be his mate, I will support him all the way."

"Even at the cost of a war?"

"Even at the cost of a war little fox. I will not let anyone ruin our son life and happiness."

"Wow, I'm surprised Dong Hua. You really have changed husband. Your old self will would have chosen universal peace above love."

"My priorities are the same as before Jiu'er, but I'm able to see different perspective about it. I will find a way for him to be happy above all things. At the end he will be the one who'll make that decision. How is my little Qingyan Feng today? Dong Hua rubbed Feng Jiu's belly."

"Qingyan Feng?"

"That is her name. Do you like it?"

"I like it. Qingyan Feng father and mother love you very much."
