Chapter 58: Turning Tables

In war discover the power of holding back and letting the other side move first, giving you the flexibility to counterattack from any angle. If your opponents are aggressive, bait them into a rash attack that will leave them in a weak position.


Feng Jiu was patiently waiting for Dong Hua. She smiled thinking about their journey ahead while brushing her hair. She began to talk to her baby.

"Little one, when you grow up, I want you to be good and obedient but also carefree and cheerful. I want you to live a happy live with all the love that you deserve. Your father is the most powerful deity around. He's a bit aloof sometimes, but he does love you greatly. I hope that you look like him. He's so handsome and attractive plus he smells really good. Although he doesn't show it to anybody, he has a heart of gold. Your father is a good man little one. When you grow up, I want you to respect him and look up to him. There are many books written about him and what he did to achieve universal peace. When you learn how to read, I will let you read your father story. You are going to be well protected. I won't let nothing happen to you."

Dong Hua who was at the door admiring her, listened to his little fox conversation and smiled. "You are already planning reading sessions?"

"Of course. I want him or her to be well educated, intelligent and wise."

"Don't worry, I will teach him all I know."

"Him? What about if it's a her?"

"Hmmm I'm certain that it will be a boy."

"And how can you be so sure?"

"I just know. I have an intuition." "Not to mention my skills" He internally smiled.

"An intuition?" Feng Jiu was not buying it. She knew he was being sneaky. "How come I have the feeling that you are hiding something from me Dong Hua Dijun?" Feng Jiu look him straight in the eyes.

"Hiding something? No, my Dihou, I'm.... just hoping for a baby boy...that's all." Dong Hua kept his emotions on point not giving anything away. In his analytical mind he quickly found an excuse to divert her attention. "Lay down with me Jiu'er so I can talk to the baby too."

Feng Jiu peered her eyes knowing that he was avoiding the subject. She could tell that Dong Hua was whacking something, but she didn't want to start an argument. She will apply her stratagems to get to the bottom of it, but she needs to plan first. Feng Jiu happily laid down and Dong Hua began rubbing her belly.

"Little one, I hope that you are not too tired to listen to your father. I want you to know how special you are for us. Your mother just told you about me, well I will talk to you about how beautiful your mother really is. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She's a gorgeous little fox and...

"Shhhh don't tell the baby yet." Feng Jiu admonished Dong Hua.

"Hold on little one your mother is trying to say something to me. Why not?" He frowned at Feng Jiu.

"Is a secret." Feng Jiu whispered.


"Don't tell the baby okay."

"All right I won't tell the baby. Sorry little one, for the interruption. I guess your mother doesn't want you to know her secret yet. But don't worry, what you need to know is that your mother and I are eager for your arrival. Let me continue...You are going to learn so many things. I will teach you how to play xiangqi so you can beat Third Prince, how to fish, how to make pottery, I'll teach you secret painting techniques, sword fighting, martial arts techniques, I will let you read all of my sutra's collections and much more. Ah and how can I forget, I will teach you how to make sweet and sour fish, that is my specialty dish."

"You will teach our child how to cook?" Feng Jiu surprisingly asked.

"Only my specialty dish. But let me finish my conversation.... Your mother can be a bit impatient sometimes little one, but she is so cute when she's like that. I love your mother so much. Like I was saying, among other things I will teach you how to improve your writing skills, I will be your teacher. You won't need to go to school since I will home school you."

"You won't do such a thing Dong Hua. I want our child to have a normal life and interact with other children. We can't shield our child to be off the grid. It can disrupt our child development. I won't' budge on this Dong Hua." Feng Jiu cutely pouted.

Dong Hua sighed. He wanted to laugh at his little fox, but decided to hold it. "We can compromise with our child education. At least have the best tutors."

"That I will allow."

"Little one, we will continue our conversation on another day. Right now, your mother is tired and she needs to rest. We have a full day tomorrow. Rest up you too little one and be good." Dong Hua kissed Feng Jiu's belly." Feng Jiu giggled when she felt his kiss on her tummy.

"Are we going to sleep?" Feng Jiu ran her index finger thru his chest.

"Yes little fox. I want you to rest."

"But I want to play with you tonight." Feng Jiu batted her big doe eyes to him and biting her lip.

"Jiu'er...please don't do that. You know how crazy I get when you're like this." Dong Hua replied with his sultry voice.

"Play with me?" Feng Jiu rubbed her body against his making him groan.

"I just finished a conversation with our baby, how weird will it be if... you know..." Feng Jiu wasn't having it. She undid his robe, and the rest is history.

Dawn time came....

Dong Hua was up early. Feng Jiu slept on top of him like she always does after their love sessions. He was caressing her naked back, remembering last night events. "Little fox you are becoming more bolder each time. Last night..."

"Last night, you enjoyed it!" Feng Jiu blared out.

"I sure did. And you call me shameless." Dong Hua softly slapped her bottom.

Feng Jiu giggled. "I'm learning from the best." She gave him a chaste kiss on his lips and got up to get ready for a bath.

Dong Hua was admiring his wife body, he decided to stall their departure a bit longer. "Oh? I'll show you how shameless I am, come here little fox!!!" Dong Hua grabbed Feng Jiu for a morning prolonged passionate rendezvous. After Dong Hua decided that they were ready to go, the trio head off to the northern lands, traveling on his powerful aura. Upon their arrival, Bai Zhen welcomed them.

"Dijun, Xiao Jiu. Welcome. We all are waiting for you. I thought Zhe Yan was coming, where is he?"

"He will arrive soon." Feng Jiu replied.

"He likes to make a dramatic entrance." Bai Zhen smiled. "Please follow me right this way."

When they entered the training grounds, Dong Hua saw that they have a full house. Feng Jiu cringed when she saw Weng Chan.

"Why is he here?" She asked Bai Zhen. Dong Hua was apprehensive seeing her reaction.

"Your father is here, he brought him along. Also, your grandfather is here. I sent him a missive to be here too. What is the matter Xiao Jiu are you uncomfortable? Zi Lan is here too with Mo Yan."

"I'm fine fourth uncle. I just thought that no outsiders will be here other than Xiao Yan."

"Xiao Yan is not the only outsider here."

"Who else is here?" Feng Jiu carefully asked.

"Lord Cang Yi and his father are also here. Their army have been training under Mo Yan too for quite some time."

"Oh this will be fun." Dong Hua cynically said. He grabbed Feng Jiu's hand and walked over to the general's tent where Mo Yan was along with the rest of the men.

"Dijun, Dihou." Lian Song greeted them bringing everyone's attention to the couple. Everyone got quiet and all eyes were on them. Dong Hua placed his hand on Feng Jiu's waist skimming through everyone's aura. Especially Weng Chan. A tiny smile curled up on his lips. "Let the games begin" He thought.

Bai Zhi also went to greet them. "Dijun, Xiao Jiu, is so good to see you". Dong Hua return his greeting. Bai Zhi embraced Feng Jiu. "How is my lovely granddaughter? You look so beautiful, glowing like a ray of sunshine. Marriage life suits you." Bai Zhi happily said.

"Thank you, grandfather."

Bai Yi also greeted the couple. "Dijun. Xiao Jiu, you look wonderful."

"Thank you, father. How is mother? I miss her."

"She is fine." Bai Yi gave a small smile to Dong Hua. He slightly inclined his head as a sign of respect to his father-in-law. Out of the sudden Zhe Yan appeared on the tent. "What did I miss?" He asked surprising everyone. Mo Yan smirked and Bai Zhi rolled up his eyes. "You always arrive late" Bai Zhi said.

Zhe Yan glanced at the room and saw the two obnoxious young guys and knew that Dong Hua was already annoyed with their presence. He stood next to him and opened a telepathic conversation. "If you are planning something, whatever it is I want in."

"Don't worry old bird, I will be in my best behavior unless provoked." Dong Hua responded.

Mo Yan noticed that his two senseless brothers were having a telepathic conference. He joined in. "Don't encourage him Zhe Yan. You two need to stop. We have serious business to discuss. There is no time for any shenanigans. Behave brothers."

"Oh Mo Yan there is no harm of having a little fun, you have such a great crowd here." Zhe Yan replied.

"I mean it Zhe Yan, no trickeries, troubles or mischiefs from any of you." Mo Yan admonished them.

"You're so tense Mo Yan relax a bit. I already said that I will be in my best behavior." Dong Hua said.

"Knowing how you two are I'm just covering all bases here. Do I need to separate you two? May I remind you children that we are here to discuss war and nothing else." Mo Yan said. Lian Song who heard their telepathic conference simpered covering his mouth with his fan. He knew very well that Dong Hua was not going to adhere to his promise. Dong Hua gave Mo Yan one of his famous icy stone stares. But Mo Yan was not impressed.

Meanwhile, Feng Jiu was greeting Zi Lan and his twin brother Xiao Yan. "Is good to see you guys, I missed you so much."

"Is good to see you too your highness." Zi Lan responded.

Feng Jiu wanted to protest but Xiao Yan interrupted. "We are on official business here, so let's avoid any unnecessary drama, besides your lord husband is acting like a hawk. He isn't taking his eyes off you. There are too many vultures around." Xiao Yan laughed. "Don't worry we won't let them near you."

"Thank you guys. I'll talk to you later. Business first." Feng Jiu grinned, and returned to Dong Hua's side before he had a meltdown. "Is everything alright husband?" Feng Jiu swiftly grabbed his arm.

"Everything is as it should be now. Come, sit with me, we are about to start." Dong Hua conjured a cushioned seat but Feng Jiu sat on his lap. Dong Hua smiled at his little fox bold move. "What? You told me to sit with you." Feng Jiu gave him a shy smile. Her cheeks were flushed. Dong Hua discreetly squeezed her bottom with his hand making her flush even further. "So shameless!" She mentally told him. "You are mine little fox." Dong Hua mentally replied to her.

Zhe Yan sat on the cushioned seat that Dong Hua conjured. "Darling how are you feeling today?" Zhe Yan whispered. "I'm fine fùqīn." Feng Jiu lowly whispered to him. Bai Yi eyes were on them three, he was not happy about it but remained silent.

Everyone was surprised to see the couple behaving as such but nobody dared to say nothing. Mo Yan addressed the crowd to cut the awkward moment the shameless couple created.

"Now that everyone is here, I like to address the important issue that brings us together. Our intel has informed us that Miao Lou is recruiting rebels from all over the realms to join her army. Not only that, we have evidence that her plan is becoming more solid. It is for this reason that the Zhi Yue Mountain Army has said present and has been training alongside Qing Qui Army. This situation has exceeded Qing Qui borderlines. Who ever they had spying on Qing Qui territory knew that their security is impassable. Demon Lord Yan Chiwu brought us the evidence from his investigations." Mo Yan showed them a wooden puppet figurine. "There is dark essence coming from this figurine and we all know that this type of dark magic has been banned by his Lordship Dong Hua Dijun from long time ago. Whoever is behind this, was able to infiltrate an impostor as their spy before the security was enforced on Qing Qui borders. The ones that we suspect of such activities are Black Demon Lord Nie Chuyin and Red Demon Princess Ji Heng. Their whereabouts are still unknown. We have reason to believe that Mio Lou has been hiding them. Now we have an army in our own backyard and is targeting all realms, including the celestial race."

Everyone started talking at the same time. Dong Hua was analyzing the situation.

"Third Prince Lian Song and I have discussed these details; he is well aware of the potential danger to Nine Heavens and he's taking the necessary measures to ensure their security. When is time to face our enemy, the celestial imperial army will assist us while the other part of their army will remain protecting the Nine Havens citizens."

"What would you suggest us to do high god Mo Yan?" Cang Yi's father asked.

"I cannot emphasize the impending need to secure your people within your territories. We don't know exactly who the rebels are as far as I'm concerned, they could still remain infiltrated in your cities, towns etc. Miao Lou has been intricately planning this right under our noses even when she still remains sealed." Mo Yan explained.

"The loss of lives is unavoidable as we all know from past wars, but we still have time to prepare for minimum losses if we act quick and create contingencies plans within our districts. Wars are be very complex, intense, multi-dimensional with blurred distinction between competition, confrontation and conflict, with diminishing power of deterrence, and ambiguity of attribution and commensurate retribution. We don't want to repeat the cycle of the Chaotic Era. I propose a coalition of our forces to ensure protection to all realms. I can extend our security network to various territories to assist us identifying our hidden enemy." Dong Hua spoke.

"Part of Qing Qu army remains at Shīzi region, they can also assist us with this plan." Bai Zhi said.

"We haven't had any strange occurrences lately but that doesn't mean that we might have spies hiding among our people." Weng Chan interfered.

"Displacement and forced migration during the time of war adversely affects it us all. As we all prepare, we have to consider that many may want to fled their homes in fear of losing their lives and their families, and as a result, many refugees will petition asylum into Nine Heavens to be assigned a new residency. We have to plan for the worst of the scenarios. We should also coordinate with Tianjun and Tianhou crisis relief for the war victims especially for the elderly and children. The fox women will take care of this coordination. Tai Chen Palace personnel will assist us as well." Feng Jiu volunteered.

Dong Hua felt proud of his Dihou. He nodded in approval knowing that her involvement will prevent her to be in the battlefield directly.

"The nature of strategy is a paradoxical and does not follow a linear pattern. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. All high deities will supervise different battalions when we're at the battlefield. We want to coordinate strategies that will minimize loss of civilian lives. We can't underestimate Miao Lou's scheming tactics. She has had plenty of time to plan the perfect attack. We have to be ten steps ahead of her in order to subdue her forces. Although she is sealed, she is still powerful. When the time comes, she will be eliminated for good without risking the realms." Dong Hua said.

"Using defensive and offensive strategies we'll lure her army to think that they have the upper hand. All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Meaning that our battalions should be fast as the wind, silent as a forest, ferocious as fire and immovable as a mountain. We have work to do." Mo Yan added.

"We have our own intel infiltrated in her army." Yan Chiwu said. "We just need to keep them updated it with our plan so they act within. I will be in charge of that." Yan Chiwu responded.

"Good." Bai Zhi said.

"Laoshi If I may. I foresee that her main target is Qing Qu the hub of all power and movement on which everything depends, the point at which all energies she'll aim. We are practically at the center of the rest of the kingdoms. We have blocked several of their agents so far. Our security network has intercepted thousands of their envois. However, we cannot trust their tricks. Qing Qu has its advantages as a geographic place, and can function allowing commanders to gain a marked advantage over the enemy and greatly influence the outcome of an attack. But we have to establish military operation units at the mountain regions. Qing Qu is surrounded by mountains; they can be used to our advantage." Feng Jiu said.

Mo Yan nodded. "I agree with her highness. The possibility of taking advantage of the vantage points and add new security environment to create conditions for very military operation towards a clearly defined, decisive, and attainable objective. Will give allow us to concentrate combat power at the decisive place and time." Mo Yan felt proud of his young war strategist.

"Good thinking Dihou. By maneuvering our forces and place the enemy in a disadvantageous position through the flexible application of combat power our forces will have the upper hand without being detected." Lian Song added.

"In that case I can send my many scouts to aid with air surveillance. I'm not The Phoenix for nothing." Zhe Yan said.

"The Eagle Clan will help you with air surveillance high god Zhe Yan." Cang Yi responded. Zhe Yan nodded in approval.

Bai Zhi conjured Qing Qu geographical map and unfolded it on the table. "Let's us begin brothers." Everyone came close for instructions.

Feng Jiu was listening from a distance the men talking. "So many loved ones under the same tent working together", she smiled at her thought. The day went by quick discussing war stratagems. Feng Jiu was lost in thought. She sat outside at the tent entrance waiting on Dong Hua to finish. Suddenly Dong Hua came to her. "Why are you here outside Jiu'er? Are you tired?"

"Yes, a bit."

"You look spent little fox. Let's go to our room so you can rest."

"Are you done?"

"I'm not done yet Jiu'er but don't worry. I will speak with Mo Yan later on. You're more important to me now. Here, let me carry you." Dong Hua took Feng Jiu in his arms and she fell asleep automatically. Zhe Yan happened to see that they were leaving so he made an excuse to leave the tent and follow them. "Is Xiao Jiu okay?"

"She's tired Zhe Yan. Is this normal? She's lighter."

"Don't worry, is normal that she feels abnormally sleepy. I will check up her pulse once you put her down to see how is everything. Make sure she eats something. I haven't seen her nibble at anything today. At least some soup or broth. I will order the maids to prepare her some broth. That will help her. Don't worry is she lose weight now, its normal too."

"She wants to see her mother. I think is a good idea for her to take care of Jiu'er while we are handling war discussions." Dong Hua said.

"I already send her a missive. She should arrive later on tonight. I know that you will be busy, I will check on her from time to time to ensure that everything is well."

"No need to remind you to be discreet. Bai Yi is here and he will be suspicious."

"I'll handle him, don't worry. I won't cause any trouble for Xiao Jiu. I can sense that she's worried about all of this already. However, I have to admit that she's a clever strategist. Her time at Kun Lun wasn't wasted."

"She's indeed capable and gifted. I'm proud of who she is."

"Xiao Jiu is strong Dong Hua; I keep telling you not underestimate her abilities."

Dong Hua placed Feng Jiu's sleeping body on the bed and Zhe Yan felt her pulse. He smiled. "Everything is well with her and the little one. She should rest as much as she can Dong Hua."

"I don't want to leave her alone, but I'm needed back at the tent."

"I can stay with her until you're done. It will give time to her mother to arrive too and then she can stay with her. I promise I won't create any trouble"

"Did you tell her about the pregnancy?"

"No. I'll prefer that Xiao Jiu tell her, herself. I won't ruin the surprise to her mother."

"All right Zhe Yan, I will go back to the camp, if she needs me send for me right away. Jiu'er doesn't like to sleep alone. Watch her closely, she has taken the habit of sleep walking lately. Don't let her leave the room." Dong Hua conjured an incense warmer with sandalwood scent. "She will sleep better if she can smell me." Dong Hua eyed Zhe Yan and ignored his teasing smile.

Zhe Yan was happy seeing his brother details with his daughter. "Noted. Go in peace. I'll watch her." Dong Hua kissed her head and left the room.

When Zhe Yan was alone with Feng Jiu, he admired her sleeping form. He accommodated her hair off her face. "In my long existence I had never witnessed that old aloof rock cracked not even once. Who would have thought that this little darling of mine would melt his icily stone heart? You are unique sweetheart. I can't fathom what you did to him or how in the world he puts up with your mischievous ways. Why did you had to choose him as your mate? That shameless old fart. Now look at you all grown up and ready to enter another phase in your life. My kittling, all of these years and you are still my sweet little girl" Zhe Yan kissed her head and his eyes misted.

"She is truly beautiful."

"Huh? Bai Yi what are you doing here?" Zhe Yan surprisingly asked.

"I saw you and Dijun carrying her over, I was wondering if she is okay."

"She's just tired Bai Yi. Xiao Jiu has been working hard lately. Dong Hua wanted her to rest and asked me to watch her. Hey but why your sudden concern? You seldom shown interest on her wellbeing before, why are you here? Zhe Yan stood in front of him with a protective stance reading his aura. A weird look on his eyes came when he realized he was an impostor. "'re not Bai Yi." Zhe Yan waved his hand to uncover his true identity.

"You..." Zhe Yan shouted but he was quickly hit with a poisonous dart on his neck knocking Zhe Yan down.

"Night, night phoenix."

A somber shadow stood next to Feng Jiu waking her up. When she saw Zhe Yan on the floor, she shouted his name, but she was hit unconscious. "Dong Hua" she mentally whispered.

Dong Hua wrenched his heart with pain. He knew something happened to his little fox. "Jiu'er." He flashed to their room to find Zhe Yan on the floor and the bed empty. Behind him Bai Zhen, Bai Zhi, Bai Yi, Lian Song and Mo Yan appeared and rushed to aid him.

Jiu'er is gone!!! His dark stone eyes glared to the crowd. 
