Chapter 50: Confrontation

If effective confrontation is a respectful request for a new behavior or behavior change, then we can confront situations and issues that arise in our relationships with candor and transparency. Often, we hesitate to confront someone because we fear to do so will make the relationship worse. We may think that the person's reaction will be emotional or angry, and we may go to great lengths to avoid the person. Confrontation does not have to involve conflict, and we can prepare to have a conversation that confronts undesirable behavior in a way that feels respectful to the person and to ourselves. Unfortunately, that is not always the case.


Feng Jiu walked into a heated argument between her two fathers.

"Xiao Jiu..." Zhe Yan exclaimed

"What is the meaning of this?" Feng Jiu asked them. She positioned herself between them.

"What do you mean Xiao Jiu?" Bai Yi replied

"Don't answer me with a question. I'm not a child anymore for you to change the subject. I want to know the reason of this argument?" Feng Jiu firmly stated.

Dong Hua stayed outside listening to the bantering. He hated to be in the middle of it but stayed close to his little fox in case he needed to intervene. "This family and their drama are giving me a headache." He thought.

Zhe Yan was about to talk when his daughter interrupted "I didn't ask you, so please don't answer for him." Feng Jiu crossed her arms and intensively stared at Bai Yi. "Well?"

"Xiao Jiu, this is between Zhe Yan and I. There is no need for you get involved." Bai Yi answered.

"Not get involved?" She scoffed. "Do you really believe that I'm that naïve? I'm more involved that you think." Feng Jiu strongly said.

Bai Yi eyes widen, he eyed Zhe Yan. "What did you do Zhe Yan?" Bai Yi scowled him.

"Don't avoid me. He is not at fault here." Feng Jiu answered.

"Am I the blame for this?" Bai Yi glared Feng Jiu.

"Blame? I'm not blaming anyone, but is in my right to know since I'm the subject of this quarrel. You can't hurt Zhe Yan without hurting me and mom."

"Kittling please calm down." Zhe Yan pleaded, he sensed her anger rising.

"Calm down? Why does everyone keep telling me that? No, I will not calm down until this situation is resolved! Should I take this situation elsewhere? Perhaps grandfather will be interested to know the truth don't you think father?"

"Xiao Jiu you..." Bai Yi said.

"I know that you were spying on us the other night. It's pointless for you to hide it any longer." Feng Jiu told Bai Yi.

"Fine. But a promise to me was broken and consequences will follow." Bai Yi sternly said.

"A promise broken to save my life. Zhe Yan acted properly. He gave me my life back. If it wasn't for him, I would have died."

"Died? But I thought it was your Lord Husband who saved you."

"Dong Hua did saved me, but Zhe Yan did too. Look, him and mom have not retaken their relationship if that is what you are worrying about. Mom had remained by your side all of these years, she has kept her promise to you. I wanted mom and Zhe Yan to tell me the truth about my birth. It was my request, if you want to know." Feng Jiu told him.

"They shouldn't have done it." Bai Yi replied

"I understand the secrecy about it, but sooner or later I was going to find out. My ascension trial was the reason I discovered whom I really am. It was pointless of them to continue hiding a truth that was unfolding. I hope that you can grasp my perspective too. Besides, you shouldn't have married mom. You should have pursued the one you left behind."

"Xiao Jiu. I married your mother out of duty."

"I know why you married mom. She explained it me. Although I'm grateful that you did it to cover her honor, you clearly never loved her. I know how foxes are once we chose our mates. So, I can imagine the suffering that you went thru with your decision. You two are tied up to a loveless marriage. Why didn't you divorced mom and married your mate? Both of you would have been happier with your fated loved ones by now."

"It was already too late for us. Things got complicated. Your mother got pregnant with you. And I was not going to send her off pregnant and be labeled as dispiteous husband or had her be humiliated by the council members. It would have been a scandal that will be forever remembered in Qing Qui's history. There was so much at stake back then. Xiao Jiu, I gave you my name, protection and the security of a family. A sheltered place to grow up and flourish. Wasn't that enough?" Bai Yi asked her.

"I'm grateful for all that you did for us. But now I wonder if you really did it to help mother or to save face in front of Qing Qui elders and grandfather. Was that enough? You ask. Well, I'm a living being and not an object. As my mother's husband your duty is to provide her needs and so you did. It was expected from you to do so. As for me, you never gave me the affection that I needed from you ever since I was a kittling. You always treated me with disdain. I'm indebted that the Bai family gave me an honorable place within their home. I can't never repay their kindness to us. Gugu, fourth uncle Bai Zhen and Zhe Yan were always helping mom raising me. Where were you when I needed you the most? Zhe Yan was always there next to me; taking care of me after every cold, healing every broken bone, or even the most senseless abrasion that I got after getting out of a difficult situation. You were always present, on the other end with a whip, beating me up, as your way to discipline me. Zhe Yan had to intervene many times to stop you from beating me up to a pulp, ignoring mom's tearful pleads. And I always wondered what could I have done better to gained your affection as your daughter. No matter how much effort I put up to please you, it was never enough. You were always distant and cold towards me. I often asked myself if you ever loved me?" Feng Jiu's tears were coming down her face. Zhe Yan was trying to comfort her. He was pained to see his daughter hurting this way.

Bai Yi remained silent. He lowered his head in disgrace.

"Of course not. The noble and great Fox King Bai Yi will always care for his ego and precious reputation more than anything else in life." Feng Jiu wiped her tears away annoyed at Bai Yi's reaction.

"Xiao Jiu darling that's enough." Zhe Yan sternly admonished her.

"If it wasn't for my strict methods you wouldn't turned out to be like this." Bai Yi incredibly said.

"What did you say? I had to deal with your emotional immaturity, narcissistic ways and bad communication skills. Not to mention childhood trauma, physical and emotional abuse, neglect and abandonment. I'm the way I am because others took the time to help me nurture my feelings and insecurities and guided me to understand my abilities that you never saw in me. Others believed in me enough to path the way for me to grasp the concept of responsibility and accountability. Many people I'm grateful for because they invested in me, with patience, caring, compassion, tolerance, wisdom and love. Unfortunately, you are not among those people. Mother was always surrounded by friends and family as a support group for my upbringing. Especially when I got into trouble. I can now cement the healing of past resentment by building a future life full of love, unconstrained by pain from the past. Now I'm free of the damage that has been done to me by you. I will feel nothing but gratitude towards those who helped me for their part in making it all possible."

"Others doted you too much, they spoiled you rotten. Everything I did for you was to help you grow up to be more responsible, to prepare you for greatness." Bai Yi replied.

"Really? You still don't get it. You unconsciously projected resentment towards me for unknown reasons. I had to break that ill cycle to carry from my childhood, onto other people. Especially people of the same gender. All I wanted from you was your affection as a parent just like every child craves and need. I don't remember grandfather or grandmother treated you the way that you treated me. They raised you with so much love and understanding. I can't comprehend where they failed with you. Even when I worked hard to help Qing Qui prosper, you went against me and tried to force me to marry against my will. If it was not for my obstinacy, I might have been miserable right now tied up to a loveless marriage. Even today you couldn't be happy for me when I married the love of my life. You only see me a pawn or an object to use to gain power and prestige. Did you ever consider how hurt my feelings were?"

"You let your feelings cloud your judgement many times and you failed to see my good intentions to help get rid of your uncouth obsessions. You always defied me Xiao Jiu."

"I was afraid of you!!! Yes, I was doted and loved by the rest of the family and close friends, to compensate your lack of affection towards me. You never learned to suppress your anger and wasn't handled well and I had to learned to suppress my own anger, I had a truckload of resentment simmering away beneath the surface that I wasn't even consciously aware of. I was feeling rage when you violated my boundaries, either exploding out of proportion to what's actually happening or seething internally instead of standing up for myself. Mo Yan worked hard with me to lead me to a healing path!!! That was your job to do and laoshi helped me realized the importance of forgiveness father. It took me 300 years to regain my self-esteem."

"Even healthy expressions of resentment worded as cleanly and carefully as possible can lead to an eruption of shame and guilt from narcissistic person. When their inner critic is triggered it can get projected back onto you as blame and defensive criticism, rather than the empathy and understanding that you need to help heal the emotional wound beneath the resentment you still carry. Bai Yi let go of the bitterness that is consuming you." Zhe Yan admonished him.

"You have no right to tell me what I need to do. You are full of yourself trying to be a good parent in front of Xiao Jiu now when you abandoned her?"

"Zhe Yan never abandoned me. You tried to pushed him away from my life with no avail. He acted more as my father than you ever did! He's twice the man than you!" Feng Jiu blatantly said.

Bai Yi got offended by her words. Angrily he raised his hand to hit Feng Jiu, when Dong Hua suddenly appeared and stopped him.

"How dare you Bai Yi! I couldn't stop you before when you hit her, but now is different. If you dare touch a single strand of hair of my wife, I will make sure that you will pay with your life Bai Yi." Dong Hua angrily glared at Bai Yi.

Bai Yi's face was crimson red with anger. Dong Hua's murderous aura began to suffocate him.

"Dong Hua please stop." Zhe Yan pleaded with him.

"Dong Hua my love I'm all right, please calm down. Let go of him please." Feng Jiu placed her hand on his fist to calm him down. Dong Hua huffed and released Bai Yi's hand. Bai Yi was coughing gasping for air.

"Are we finished here Jiu'er?" Dong Hua was beyond annoyed with the circumstances.

"Husband, please let me handle this situation. I promise you that I will be all right. No harm will come to me". Feng Jiu placed her hand on his chest pulsing soothing energy to appease his anger.

Dong Hua felt her energy spreading thru his nervous system, she managed to calm him down.

"I don't meddle into anyone's affairs. But Jiu'er is my Dihou, she is the most important person in my existence. I won't let anyone hurt her; I don't care if you are part of her family. I know everything about my wife's upbringing and the most important thing that you fail to see Bai Yi is that she is loved and well protected. You have not right to come here and demand an explanation from Zhe Yan when you have your own secrets." Dong Hua told Bai Yi.

"You don't know nothing Dijun." Bai Yi sternly said.

"Oh, but I do Bai Yi more than you think." Dong Hua calmly said. "Is my business to know things and yours to keep it hidden or say good bye to your precious reputation Bai Yi." Dong Hua warned him.

"Are you threatening me Dijun?" Bai Yi angrily asked Dong Hua.

"Let's say that is my way to encourage you to know your place Bai Yi." Dong Hua glared him.

"This is not Nine Heavens. You are imposing your authority over Quin Qui's affairs Dijun. This is boisterous." Bai Yi complained.

"May I remind you that Dong Hua Dijun is my Lord Husband and Qing Qui's Prince Consort. Legally and politically, he has every right to get involved in Qing Qui's affairs. He is also defending my honor as his Dihou. You need to let go of your anger and resentment and accept that he is part of my life permanently. Know that to be wrong is nothing, unless you continue to remember it." Feng Jiu told him.

"What did you say Xiao Jiu?" Bai Yi eyes widen, he quivered.

"I believe that you heard me. I said..." Feng Jiu began but was cut short. "I knew what you said. Is just sounds familiar to me." Bai Yi eyes moisten with tears, his demeanor changed. "My mate use to say those words to me. When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure. I hope that in my next life I get the chance to meet her again. She's is no longer among the living. Long before I married your mother Xiao Jiu, I was a different man. When Qing Qui's army was fighting under the Shayoan banner during Chaotic War Era, my father Bai Zhi was one of Dijun's generals at that time. We were recruiting soldiers from all regions and I was assigned to go to the remote region of Shīzi and recruit strong and capable men willing to fight for the cause. The warriors from the White Lion tribe were some of the most ferocious and valiant men that I had the privilege to fight alongside with. When the war finished, I remained there to assist Shīzi ruler with the after-war effects. It was then when I met Lady Xibu Zu from the White Lion tribe. I fell in love with her at first sight, she was the most beautiful woman that I had the privilege to be with. She was kind, courageous, bold, humble, and brave. She dedicated most of her youth taking care of others. That was the trait that I admired most from her. I stayed there to assist her with her duties, it was then that we developed a relationship. When I was summoned by my father to come back to Qing Qui I promised her to return. But when I arrived at Qing Qui my father forced me to marry your mother as a debt payment from her family. After the wedding I came back to look for her, I was told that she was gone traveling to other remote villages doing what she loved most, serving. I looked for her for a long time and never was able to find her. I never forgive myself for not being able to explain to her what really happened. She greatly suffered when she found out that I got married. I truly went back many times and look for her but she hid from me. My father found out about my fixation of going back to Shīzi repeatedly that ended up with a confrontation. By that time, you were already born and my father wanted me to take responsibilities at Qing Qui, so my recurrent visits diminished over time. Numerous times I went to find her but were unable to." Bai Yi sadly said.

"Does mom know this?" Feng Jiu asked him.

"She knows that I left behind my mate, but she doesn't know the whole story. Your mother is an extraordinary, wise, kindhearted and noble woman which I have learned to respect and admire. She had stayed by my side for thousands of years and took care of me with dignity and submission. Not ever asking for anything when she deserves everything. Is true that I don't love her like she merits, but I made sure that you and her didn't lack nothing. It was the best that I could offer her. We have agreed to endure each other's burdens instead of despising each other. She is a very sensible woman. I understand why you fell in love with her Zhe Yan." Bai Yi said.

"She is an extremely rare gem and I will always love her Bai Yi even if we can't be together." Zhe Yan commented.

Feng Jiu was analyzing Bai Yi's conversation about his beloved "Wait a second, how come Shīzi region sounds familiar to me? Didn't we meet someone from there recently? I clearly remember the meeting that we had at the mortal realm. Father was acting strange that day when we met...could it be? Oh no, it can't be what I think" Feng Jiu's face fell at her own realization.

"Xiao Jiu are you all right? You look like you have seen a ghost." Zhe Yan told her.

"Huh? No, I'm okay, I'm okay" Feng Jiu nervously said.

"Jiu'er my love you don't seem to be okay, what is going on? You're very pale." Dong Hua creased his brows, he was concerned. He knew she was nervous for a reason.

"Dong Hua...I...." Feng Jiu's emotional state was distressed. Dong Hua sensed her dampened mood. "I'm here little fox, don't worry about anything else now." He embraced her close to his chest to comfort her. Feng Jiu started to cry. "Why this happened to me?" Feng Jiu mentally said while eyeing Bai Yi.

Dong Hua hates to see her crying. "My wife is upset after all of this arguing. She needs to stabilize her emotions. If you two finished here, please go your ways before this get out of hand. Let this conversation stay here for Jiu'er sake." It was more a command than a suggestion.

"Agreed" Zhe Yan said. Bai Yi huffed and left the peach blossom orchard upset.

After the situation at Zhe Yan's hut got settled and everyone calmed down and left, Dong Hua took Feng Jiu to the fox palace and placed her in their bed. "Rest for a bit little fox, let me stabilize your chi my love. We will talk after you wake up." He kissed her forehead and began stabilizing her unsettled state. Feng Jiu felt relaxed and ready for nap. She laid down next to Dong Hua placing her arm around his waist for him not leave her.

"My sweet little fox" Dong Hua smirked at her action. He placed a sedative on the incense burner for her to sleep longer. When Feng Jiu was knocked out, he placed a couple of pillows underneath her arm and then, he left to Nine Heavens to get to the bottom of things.

At Si Ming's library...

Si Ming was organizing his scrolls when he sensed someone coming in to meet him. "Your Lordship Dijun" Si Ming bowed to him.

"At ease Si Ming." Dong Hua waved his hand for him to get up.

"Dijun, what can I do for you?" Si Ming nervously asked him.

"I'm here to inquire about my Dihou's trial. Where is the scroll?" Dong Hua expressionless said.

Si Ming gulped down. He dreaded for this day to come. Si Ming went to retrieve Feng Jiu's scroll and offered it to Dong Hua. "Here it is Dijun."

Dong Hua took the scroll from Si Ming's hands and sat down on a nearby dais to read it. Si Ming patiently waited for his reaction. But Dong Hua stoic face didn't give any expressions. "Si Ming why are you sweating? Are you hot?"

"No, your Lordship."

"Then what is wrong with you?"

"No...nothing... Dijun."

"Then why are you stammering?"

"Is nothing I assure you Dijun. You took me by surprise that's all."

"Oh?" Dong Hua eyed Si Ming.

"I will leave you to it Dijun." He bowed and left him alone to finish reading the scroll.

Dong Hua continued reading the scroll but something was not adding up. He suspected that this was not the original. He will put Si Ming to a test to find out if he altered the document. "Si Ming come here."

"Yes Dijun." Si Ming nervously said

Dijun gave him on of his deadly famous stares. The one that pierce a soul and tear it apart. Si Ming started to sweat profusely. His erratic heartbeats gave him away.

"Give me the original Si Ming" Dong Hua menacely said.

Si Ming bowed "May Dijun be merciful"

"The scroll Si Ming."

"Right away Dijun." Si Ming gave him the original scroll.

Dong Hua opened up the scroll and the first line read:



Dong Hua angrily stared at Si Ming. In seconds, the temperature on the library dramatically dropped.

Si Ming kowtowed to Dong Hua "It was not my idea Dijun, I couldn't prevent this entry to appear on Dihou's scroll. I don't have any idea who wrote it. May Dijun shows mercy to this humble servant" Si Ming was trembling with terror.

"You knew about the entry and you intentionally hid it from me Si Ming. Tell me what should I do to you for lying to your master, hmm?" His deadly stare was enough to kill him.

"Dijun please appease your anger. I did it because I was afraid of facing your wrath. Please forgive me." His face was on the floor.

"And you assumed that I was not going to find out. My Dihou greatly suffered because of this decree" Dong Hua's anger rose another level.

"My Lord please appease your anger for the sake of all realms. I'm willing to face punishment if you see it fit, I ask that his Lordship's anger recedes." Si Ming was hitting the floor with his forehead at this point.

"Very well Si Ming, that is enough penance for today. You will go to the Lord Luminous and face punishment. I will let him know the type."

"Thank you Dijun for your mercy." Si Ming breathed out in anguish.

Dong Hua got up and disappeared from his library. Si Ming breathed relieved that he lived to tell the tale. Nobody crosses Dong Hua Dijun without facing consequences, period.

Dong Hua went back to Qing Qui to check on his Jiu'er. She was still sleeping comfortable with her arm spread out holding the pillows that he placed for her. He smiled at his little fox. He found her action endearing. He long sighed after reading her trial scroll. He was jealous about the fact that Wen Chang tried to pursue her heart. But at the same time, he was proud of his little fox for staying truthful to him even on her trial. Ji Heng was on his black list along with Nie Chuyin. He suspected that Miao Lou was behind it all and made a mental note to made them all suffer for the pain they caused to his beloved little fox. He sat next to her and inhaled her scent to calm down his murderous thoughts. He picked up a sutra scroll to distract him for a while until his little fox wakes up. He didn't want to disturb her rest.

A set of tiny eyes were carefully watching the couple from behind a curtain from a distant. "Be on the lookout little one and don't fail me." A voice said.
