The end~

Years later

"Hey babe! I have a really crazy idea" I chuckled, punching the villain easily at bomber, who was easily winning against the other one

"Not crazier than the last times" he rolled his eyes as I did an uppercut on the villain and my knee met his stomach as he fell unconsious

"I think its even crazier" I laughed, going for a female with weird hair

"Fucking hell, spit it out then I really have no idea what to expect this time" he sighted deafeating the villain, just as I did and I jumped next to him getting in a fighting stance

"Marry me" I said and winked at him before launching myself onto a huge man with green skin and he just stood there blushing. I knocked the man out and went next to him again looking into his crimson orbs

"This feels familiar, you never fucking change, damn dumbass" he mumbled and gave me a peck on the lips seeing that I was just about to take off again

"Hell yeah wifey" he laughed kissing me and I pushed him away going for another villain

My best ideas come while in action


"My bestie is getting married!" Mina launched onto me but suddenly turned serious

"What is it you fucked up bitch?"

"I cant be your maid of honor if Kiri is Bakugous best man"

"Yeah, we will find a role for you, dont worry" I laughed, getting on top of her

"How did Bakugou propose, I cant even imagine him say-"

"She proposed, in the middle of a fucking fight with a shitload of villains"

"Fucking hell girl, cant you be a little romantic?"

"Im good, thank you very much"

"Of course you are, man I would be deprssed if Mina ever did that, it would be so unmamly of me to not have asked her" Kiri sighted shaking his head in dissaproval and bomber next to him was about to explode

"Kirishima....." Bakugou muttered, the veins in his forehead clearly visible

"Oh shit! Man im sorry, its just y/n is so manly- eh, womanly and she just blurts these things out so easily, it must be really convinient" he laughed, only adding to bombers rage

"Are you trying to compliment her shitty hair?" both me and Mina were laughing dead on the floor as the poor shark boy tried to fix the mess he created

"Pizza anyone?"

"Hell no, we have been eating pizza as dinner for three days dumbass"

"I can only make omeletes and they still taste like crap, if you want to make something tho~" I smirked

"Fucking fine, will that idiot come too?"

"Yes, the eggplant will be here any moment now with Pikachu and Sero has a date tonight"

"The prick is still single" Mina laughed and I looked up at her shaking my head no

"Hes with my sister"

"Well, its possible for him to have a distance date with Narcissa, I expect everything from him"

"The other one, in the support course. Hes totally whipped, never thought he would get a real relationship"

"Well we didnt except you or Bakugou to get one either, and you probably wouldnt if you two hotheads hadnt met"

"Pffft, no way I would still be single"

"You would and your lucky hes cooking"

"HEY I FUCKING HEARD YOU IDIOTS" he shouted form inside the kitchen and we all burst into laughter

"Whatever" I rolled my ees annoyed

I love my life, I have my bomber, my friends ,I beat up people daily and get a big ass paycheck, your girl here is the 4 best heroine. Bomber is mad, hes just 5 and I always make fun of him for that, but I love him more every day that passes.

I honestly cant wait to spend my life with this man, never thought I would be saying something like that.

-Thanks for reading and supporting me, I have a new story idea and might publish the first chapter so I dont forget it but I will be working on most of my unfished stories and ending them-
