I woke up to shouting from downstairs with a terrible headache. I had locked myself inside my room *aka the attic* to avoid all the questions and nagging from all the fucking old people and fell asleep with my headphones on.

"What are you old people shouting for, you fucking woke me up!"

"LANGUAGE Y/N, and a letter from U.A came in today what did you do yesterday?" 


"With you as my kid thats the only option and watch your mouth"


Yep, you guessed it. I was recommended by some Shouta Aizawa pro hero and teacher there, my homeroom teacher. He probably saw my little stunt there and thought I rocked. My quirk is hella powerful and since I had already passed the written exams and my grades were the issue he had no problem I guess. Fucking ass-licker, now I gotta go I guess...

"I was recommended and earned a spot, I will be going out now I guess"

"Y/n what are you not telling me; Did you-"



"Bye" I banged the door and went out to calm down and take a breath, as well as a little cigarette- my dirty little pleasure- I dont usually smoke, but once in a while when it all becomes too much I will.


"Sissy you smelled of smoke yesterday, you sure ya okay?"

"Im fine now the old shit got on my nerves again, is this the uniform?"

"Yeah thats it, cute isnt it!" statue cheered showing it off on her body

"The skirt is too short, wear shorts inside please girls" 

"My little bookworm is worried huh? Dont ya worry nobody would try anything with me and miss sunshin is too bright today to look at, why are you smiling so much?"

"WE ARE GOING TO U.A TOGETHER, AND MY LITTLE SIS IS IN MY CLASS!" she was jumping up and down like usually while searching for some shorts to wear under

"Whatever see ya idiots, I will take the train"

"But all these pervets-"

"Bookworm your way too worried, im leaving"

It was a quiet and peaceful and fun ride until I heard a loud noise and the train stopped making many people fall down. If a fucking villain interrupted my perfect morning im gonna beat him up so badly not even his fucking mother will reccognise his face. A man with four hands and three eyes, way taller than me got in holding some weird case. Im gonna smash his face so fucking hard.

"YOU RUINED MY FUCKING PEACEFUL RIGHT PHSYCOTIC IDIOT" I said lifting my finger and he fell down screaming in pain. 

I had cut my finger and got my blood hard as a blade pushing against his neck. This guy was probably just a little noob villain but thats what he gets for ruining my day. Damn that idiot.

"P-Please stop, I wont do anything"

"Ugh, straight up disgusting and weak as fuck where is a damn hero"

"Did you see a m-"

"About fucking time, what you got glue on your feet; Take him so the train can continue cause if you are the reason that idiot starts nagging me you will also be the reason a murder will be committed today" 

"I- uh im sorry, I should take him, thank you-"



I entered the classroom to see everybody already sat with the teacher talking and they all procided to stare the fuck out of me. Idiots, what the fuck are they staring at- oh yeah I got blood on my uniform, whateves.

"Why are you late, and why is there blood on your uniform"

"Some villain attacked the train and I stopped him, can you like- get off my back?"

"Thats no way to talk to me and your sister was here on time, why?"

"Because shes a mommys girl and I didnt need the old shits nagging, can I go to my seat now?"

"Yes, I see I did good to recommend one sibling at least, because she saved your 'favorite seat'"

"You gave me trouble by recommending my rude ass, im not grateful at all- I earned it so dont expect me to see you like a god for giving me a chance or satisfy whatever hero complex you got" 

The guy grinned at that and looked at me satisfied with my answer, like he was waiting for that for a long time. I guess he liked the honesty, but that was still dang creepy.

"Dont sit down, wear these and come out on the field." he shot me a weird look before walking off, I like this teacher


"So your sisters huh?" a pink girl came to me and statue 

"Yeah! Im Narcissa and this is y/n"

"Nice to meet you, im Mina" she then turned her gaze to me and smiled even wider

"Hey y/n, you really got some guts girly"

"Call me L/n, im not a sunshine like statue here" I closed my locker and walked out with the pink girl following me

"Sorry, didnt mean to disrespect you or anything- I just, you know, wanted to be friends"

"Fine I guess, just calm down a little"

"Really?! Awesome!"

Bakugou's POV

She was supposed to take the entrance exam but got in on reccommendation; I dont know what the fuck is up with her and I dont even care about that extra but what is going on with her. The human caterpillar kept on rambling about something but I could only stare at her. Something seems off with her...

"Guess first lesson, aka- not bumping into people is completed. Now for the second, try to keep your gaze off of people for more than some seconds no matter how attractive they are bae"


"Bakugou, what was your score on middle school?"

"I- 76 meters I think"

"Try using your quirk"

"705 meters" the bitch just snorted

"L/n, think you can do better?"

"Of course I can, that was a straight up noob throw" that bitch, im gonna fucking kill her

"Give it a try yourself then"

She stepped in the circle and pressed the ring she was wearing making blood come out of it. She smiled as the blood floated and soaked in the ball. She threw it and I could barely see as she did so, and the ball than dissappeared. Sensei smirked again, and looked up at her looking proud.

"4.690 meters" she winked at me and some extra tried to tackle her in a hug but then stayed completely still

"Sissy please let go, promise I wont hug you"

"Shut it sunshine, we arent here to have fun"

"Why do you let her talk to you like that Narcissa, arent you sisters?" a girl with red cheeks and a round face said looking sad, extra 

"Shut it round face, I talk how I want to however I want, get your ugly ass nose outta my biss before I crush it" the extra seemed terrified as Deku went over to her and tried to comfort her


The shit we did was finally over, I came in fourth and the extra came in first, while her sister was pretty down on the list of names. She seemed so cheerful even tho she was low-ranked it was weird, didnt she care about losing; Whatever, hope that damn extra leaves with Deku.

"Also, I lied about the explossion"


Your POV

Im not surprised im first, it was more than expected. Sunshine is trying to hug me again, shes annoying damnit. Im tired, well I didnt do anything special, but im still just- tired af. I will be looking forward to these classes, the teacher is fun and they are the only ones im not fucking bored in.

"Stop this shit and go find bookworm so you two can walk home together, im going alone"

"Yeah, we know already- she is dismissed earlier than us so she is here already" shes mad, guess she saw my costum design but we are in front of class so she will try not to scream her lungs out

"I cant let my baby sis wear that custom, you already leave quite little to our imagination, your class doesnt need to know too."

"I dont give a fuck about what you think bookworm, you two are fucking getting on my nerves so get off my back and dont you think I wont change a person for my costume if you change it"

"Sis please change it, only a little more fabric, please add something"

"Fishnets wherever you want and you stop with the nagging idiot"

"I guess its as close as im gonna go, thanks sis"

"Im leaving anyways" 


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