Teen mom - Chapter eleven


Jakes still staring at me confused after I've just sobbed my eyes out.

"I'm taking it your not going to school?" he asks meekly.

"No I'm not going to school!" I say almost yelling but I remember he doesn't know.

He only has about ten minutes before he has to leave in order to be there on time.

"I'm sorry." I say quietly then standing up and he can actually see where the blood mostly can from.

I look down to see how bad it is and half my shirt is drenched in my blood and I'm still holding my side.

His eyes are wide and I can't read his expression.

"What happened?" he asks looking at my bloody shirt and my neck where the cuts are and my arm that's not bleeding that much anymore.

"Nothing it's fine. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry really I am." I say apologizing for something he doesn't even know happened.

"For what? What happened?" He asks taking me into him pulling me into a hug.

That's exactly what I've been needing to be safe in his arms. I keep my right hand over my cut but wrap my other one around him.

I'm probably getting his shirt stained so I back away and look and I didn't.

"You need to go to school it's fine ok it's just I'm sorry." I say still not answering his question.

"I'm not going to school I need to help you. Answer my question, what happened? I need to know your ok." He says and the look of pain and worry etched across his face makes me have to tell him.

He deserves to know.

He brings me into my bathroom and texts his dad telling him to call him in.

He lifts up my shirt and tenses when he sees it. He's mad I can tell but he's trying not to let me know.

"I'm sorry." I say again.

"What are you sorry about?" he asks cleaning up the cut.

It stings but that's the last thing in my mind.

"Your mad I can tell. If I would've just remembered to lock my door he wouldn't of came into my room and this wouldn't of happened." I say tears falling down my face and he tenses.

"He? What happened? Baby please just tell me." He says and I crack I have to tell him.

He's cleaned all the cuts but I stop him from bandaging them.

"I'll tell you I promise but can I please just shower first?" I ask.

I really need to get this filth off me.

"Yeah go ahead. Do you want me to like put your sheets in the washer?"

"If you want. Wait what if he's still here?" I say panicking now.

"Who?" he asks.

"The guy that did this." I say quietly and he tenses like he's about to kill someone.

"He better not be." He growls. "Wait why is there even blood on your bed? You were sitting on the floor when I came in."

"It's happened on my bed... he... he..." I say quietly sinking to the ground not being able to finish my sentence.

"He what? Just tell me. I won't let it happen I'm here I'll protect you."

"I woke up and he's was on top of me... I fought him I really did but that didn't do anything. The cuts on my neck are from moving and trying to get him off me. He cut my arm for not listening and he punched me and raped me then cut my stomach and left. He said if I told he was going to come back and kill me." I say sobbing into my knees.

It's getting hard to breath and I think I'm having a panic attack thinking he's possibly still here.

He sits down next to me and wrap his arms around me so I'm sobbing into him. He rubs my back calming me down to where I stop crying.

"C'mon." Jake says holding out his hand and I follow him down the hall downstairs.

There's still a lot of people from the party and they all then there heads at me probably because I look like a mess since I haven't showered yet.

Then in the corner of my kitchen I see him.

He's standing there smirking talking to some guy and sharing a bottle of alcohol.

I stopped moving and tried backing up but I just walk into Jake.

"Do you see him?" He asks quietly.

I nod and I can almost feel feel the anger radiating from Jake.

Jakes clutching his fists so hard his knuckles are turning white. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing.

Is he mad at him or me?

Probably me I mean if I would've just locked my door none of this would've happened. I'm such an idiot.

I look over at the guy and I'm sure it's him because of the tree tattoo on his hand.

"What one?" Jake asks and I can tell he's about to attack someone.

Right before I can answer him the guy noticed Jake and I and looks like he's about to do something.

Jake is scanning the room and I'm looking at him when he pulls out his knife and dangles it as to tell me not to tell.

He puts it's back in his pocket and continues talking to the guy next to him.

"There." I say nodding to him and the guy. "The one with black hair and the tattoo of a tree on his hand."

It happened so fast one minute Jake what right behind me and now he's on top of the guy beating him.

Punch after punch and blood coming from his face Jake still continues.

It's like I can't do anything. Like everyone can't everyone just stops and watches.

I really don't want Jake to go away for murder because the guy looks like he's dead he's not even fighting back so I walk up to Jake and say stop but he don't listen.

"Stop." I say and put my hands on his arm and he stops.

He gets up and starts walking away dragging me with him.

"Why would you tell me to stop?" he asks once were in my room.

He's mad at me isn't he? I knew this was all my fault. I always lock my door but I'm so dumb and stupid I forgot and this is all my fault.

"I don't want you going to prison for murder." I say sitting with my back against the wall and putting my head in my knees so I don't have to look at anyone or anything.

He sits next to me in the same position except he isn't hiding like me.

"What's wrong? What's bothering you?" he asks placing his hand on my knee and I jump a little flinching but relax knowing it's just Jake.

"Nothing I'm fine. I'm going to shower now. I'm sorry." I say getting up and going into my bathroom before he can say anything else.

I don't like hot showers but I use steaming hot water to try to scrub the filth off me but it's not going to take away the fact I'm disgusting.

I get dressed into some jeans, a tank top, and a grey dance shirt, and a sweatshirt over it, with some socks. I skip make up.

I have a bruise on my jaw from where he punched me but I'm just going to leave it I don't plan on really seeing anyone.

After I bandage the cut on my stomach and arm I towel dry my hair but it's still damp so I throw it up in a bun. I brush my teeth and walk out.

Jakes still sitting where I left him and I sit next to him bringing my knees up to my chest and I rest my head on my knees looking at him.

"Why do you keep saying sorry?" he asks.

It's like he doesn't even know how disgusting and stupid I am. This is all fault. Isn't it?

He cups my face making me look him in the eyes. "Why?" he asks again.

"Maybe because this is all my fault. I'm so stupid I forgot to lock my door the one time and this happens. I don't get how you can just sit here with me I'm so disgusting and its all my fault."

"None of this is your fault. You didn't ask for this to happen. You forgot to lock your door so what. He shouldn't of came anywhere near you and done what he did. It isn't your fault it was his. Your not disgusting your still just as beautiful."

He knows exactly what to say. I lean into him and he puts his arm around me and I notice his knuckles are still bloody.

I grab his hand and have him follow me while I clean up his hands and bandage them for him.

After I'm done he wraps his arms around me hugging me and I instantly hug him back.

"I love you." He says.

How can he say that? How can he still love me after everything that just happen? I'm disgusting and revolting. I don't even like myself and he loves me?

He let's go and gives me a questioning look since I didn't say it back.

"I was thinking sorry. I love you too."

"What are you thinking about?" he asks.

"It's just how do you love me still? I mean I don't even like myself and you love me?"

"I still love you because your still Lexi the amazing girl I love. I don't care what happens I'm still going to love you. And you need to like yourself. It wasn't your fault."

"But it feels like cheated on you somehow. I don't get it. Why did this happen to me?" I say leaning into him.

"You didn't cheat on me, you didn't want it to happen. It's his fault not yours. It happened because there's sick people in the world like him."

"Yes I definitely love you." I say wrapping my arms around him not wanting to let go ever.


Two updates in one day! Hope you guys enjoyed and the next update will hopefully be soon!

If you haven't read any of my other books go check them out!


- crazy_writer_2013
