[Status Redacted] File - Mika Hashimoto [TOP SECRET]

Name: Mika Hashimoto
Other Aliases: None
Date Of Birth: [Redacted]
Occupation: Movie actress; Music idol (formerly)

Mika Hashimoto led a fairly normal life up until the formation of Starnova. Her producer, Kaoru Nishiyama, who was once a Golden Calf member before being fired after Kamijou snitched on him, chose her to be the center of Starnova, only because she left a lasting impression on him. This would eventually lead to Nishiyama falling in love with Mika and a physical relationship between the two. But she wasn't an experienced and extroverted girl. Mika was an introvert. At 20 years old, she was a shut-in with chunnibyo, who lived in her own little world, but she was a hardcore anime and manga fan. She could go on for hours talking about series' she loved. Nishiyama felt like he was making her dreams come true. She was casted as an actress in the live action adaptation of her favorite anime, Black Opera, in which she played one of the characters, Sylvia Nightsong. Getting to play Sylvia Nightsong was a dream come true for her. But in the end, Nishiyama broke that dream. He never read the script. It wasn't an accurate live action adaptation, but rather a late-night sleazy flick, that was filled with romance and provocative camera shots. The dream role she was playing turned into a nightmare. To Nishiyama's dismay, the director knew it too. He had his dreams of creating a samurai epic crushed by the market. People don't want to see something well-thought-out. They don't want long-term storytelling. All they want are cute girls and handsome boys, and anything that screamed "adultery" sells. They believed that the only drama and stories they're interested in stem from reality. Mika and Nishiyama voiced her concerns to the director. He agreed to change the script to accurately represent Black Opera. Despite this, it was still a disaster for the two. The late-night flicks don't exactly have a Hollywood level budget. The acting, the sets, and the effects were all terrible, but Nishiyama loved every second of seeing her happy on the set, and living her dream. Then, the show premiered, and it flopped hard. A PR disaster for Shining Productions. Mika's biggest fans saw the show, and suddenly, their goddess wasn't so mighty anymore. Mixing their disappointment with the anger of the Black Opera fanbase led to a witch hunt targeted towards Mika. Following the premiere, tabloids spread lies about her. Angry 'fans' vandalized their office building. They found her apartment and threw bricks through her window with notes attached telling her to kill herself, and that she had killed the very series that inspired her to step outside from her life as a shut-in in the first place. It broke her. Everything she was, her entire personality revolved around the love she had for Black Opera. The one place she felt safe and secure from the outside world had been breached by bricks. The thought of tainting her favorite character's image was too much to bare. Her room was filled with Black Opera figurines and merchandise, reminding her of what had happened, but after things went downhill, she destroyed them, she smashed and tore apart her beloved figurines. Nishiyama knew that, but she didn't. Filming began for the second episode and they were assigned a television executive to help oversee the production. They reverted back to the original sleazy script. By that point, Mika's spirit had been crushed. All that love she had for Black Opera didn't mean a thing. The only thing the executives wanted to film her for was for her looks, her body.

"Take your clothes off!"

"We're filming a nude scene next!"

"More [Redacted], less face in frame!"

One would consider the production crew as "vultures", but it somehow sells. To them, it doesn't matter how much passion they have. What really matters to them in this world is power. They become powerful by making money, by gaining the backing of the masses, by making women your own. In a later interview, Nishiyama once said that "human are just beasts". The strong do what they will and the weak do what they must. Nishiyama even admitted that he was naïve and blind to see the truth. The shy and naïve chunnibyo girl who loved anime was no more. The "fans" and the executives had killed that side of her completely. They killed the woman he fell in love with. But it only got worse. The Mika that remained proclaimed herself a human failure who's passion meant nothing. That all she was worth for was her [Redacted] appeal. Mika had been corrupted.

Mika: If I can make money making this kind of content, I can make everyone happy.

Those final words she said to him would haunt him.

MIKA: I'll be sure to make a lot of other men happy from now on too.

NISHIYAMA: Oy, what do you mean?

MIKA: *Sigh* I've realized something. In the end, this sort of thing is what everyone wants in the end. Everyone's really desperate for it, right? And if I can make people happy by making this sort of content and even get paid for it, then what's the problem? Everyone's really desperate for it, right? And if I can make people happy by making this sort of content and even get paid for it, then what's the problem?

NISHIYAMA: What? Oy, Mika... I don't follow what you're saying at all!

MIKA: *Sigh* Producer. Thanks for getting me to this point...


MIKA: ...But I think I can handle things from now.

Following their final conversation, the same television executive they were assigned poached her from him. The corrupted thoughts in Mika's head were only amplified when he got a hold of her. She suddenly resigned from Shining Productions and left Starnova, leaving the group in shock behind her to move towards her new career. A few months later, after her resignation, the rest of Starnova tried to survive, but they were bankrupt. They had hit the end of the line, for the loss of our center had destroyed us. Nishiyama once said "it's possible to die multiple times in quick succession". One of the members, Julie Watanabe, came into the crumbling office one day carrying a DVD. What Nishiyama saw on the cover horrified him. He wanted to deny that the girl on the cover was Mika. There was no way that she had left us to become an AV actress. He turned on the TV and inserted the DVD. His worst fears became a reality. The woman he had fell in love with was much different. Yet, she had a smile on her face. Not the shy and innocent smile of purity, but a smile of a flower who had become corrupted. It broke Nishiyama. With his bare hands, he scratched, clawed, and smashed the TV, and later, his apartment, leaving his hands a bloody mess. He knew that he did all of it. He was the one who accepted her into his idol group, who introduced her to the industry. He was the one who chose her as the center, and signed that contract for Black Opera in the first place. It was a world that created, and he decided that he needed to be punished for it. He declared bankruptcy, and Shining Productions was shut down, but he punished himself most of all by crawling back to Golden Calf, becoming an obedient servant for Chairman Kamijou. After four years, he became the Chief Talent Scout and third in command. QUASAR was formerly produced by Kamijou, but ever since he inherited the company, he became the Chairman. But instead, the group is now produced by the same person who got him fired in the first place. Nothing pretty to the rest of Starnova. Only one still remains as an idol, but her previous affiliation will never allow her to succeed. All seven of those girls had their lives ruined, and the country could only watch. These consequences are what Nishiyama has to live with every day.
He knew that he was the one who accepted the seven girls into his idol group, but when things go sour, as a producer, he was more powerless than he thought to protect his girls from harm. His own disregard for professionalism, the forbidden boundaries between idol and producer. Like Adam, he bit the forbidden fruit and was expelled from the Garden of Eden. He used to constantly shift the blame for at what point Starnova began to fall, but he now realized that it was his own incompetence that allowed it to happen. He once claimed that death would be too easy of a punishment for a human failure like himself. He had dreams of becoming the greatest idol producer of all time. If he failed to stand on that stage myself, then he was going to create that for Starnova. Nowadays, he is forever a drone for Golden Calf.

Information provided by [Redacted].
