11th Day

After all of that, Ochako, Iida, And Katsuki ate their quesadillas. They were glad they got rid of the tension in the room. When they finished, Ochako's phone started ringing. Her ringtone was a bit odd to Katsuki, but he didn't put much thought into it. Ochako went to another room to answer her phone, and Katsuki and Iida were alone.

"That wasn't very funny, four-eyes" Katsuki said after Iida told a joke.

"You laughed for a full five minutes, Bakugou" Iida reminded the blonde.

"You and Ochako were making faces the whole time" He told his friend, imitating a funny face Ochako was making.

"The me and Uraraka were making different faces. I was looking at you how I normally do, I wasn't making any kind of face" The boy told him.

"Well Ochako was making every face in the book" He leaned back in his seat.

There was silence for a moment. They were both thinking of what to say.

"Look. About earlier. Why did you do that?" Katsuki asked.

"What do you mean? I already told you, I was finding out if you and Uraraka were together." Iida replied.

"Yeah, I know. But there must've been some other reason. You could've said anything else." The blonde haired teen stated.

Silence. Plain silence.

"Now i know something's up. You always reply to people, whether you're part of the conversation or not." Katsuki said.

"You aren't making me want to tell you." Iida told him.

"Jeez, just tell me already" Katsuki crossed his arms.

Again, silence.

"Uraraka is a good person. I don't know how I feel about her being with someone as explosive as you." Iida simply stated.

"Don't tell me you like her" Katsuki growled.

"That's not it, I swear. It's just...I'm a bit worried you'll influence her more than you already have. She's kind, and I don't want you to take that away. I'm not going to stop you two though; I don't stop things just because I'm a bit uncomfortable with them. But I do have one request" He said.

"What?" The other boy asked.

"Keep her happy, please. Especially when me and the others aren't there to help her" He spoke, making eye contact.

"I didn't plan on making her unhappy, but whatever dumbass. Ok." They shook eachother's hands.

"Hey guys! Sorry about that, I'm back now" Ochako walked into the room and sat down beside Iida again.

"Who called you?" Katsuki asked.

"Mina. She reminded me that we have that movie night tonight" She told him.

"Are you really gonna go to that?" He crossed his arms again.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I? She's my friend" She responded, crossing her own arms.

"I'm going too. You should come Bakugou, it will be relaxing" Iida said to the boy.

"Relaxing? With those extras? Don't make me laugh" Katsuki smirked.

"It makes sense you might think that, considering you don't come to movie nights. You might not believe this, but they're actually pretty quiet during movies" Ochako told him.

"Hah, you expect me to believe that?" He laughed.

"I really didn't, but it was worth a shot. Sero and Jirou are really the only quiet ones, Kirishima isn't as the loud as the others but he still talks" She replied.

"Knew it" He said proudly.

"You really should come. It will be fun, and I was informed by more than half the class that it is my turn to bring snacks." Iida

"Please come, you almost never come" Ochako begged. She got on her knees and everything.

"Will you stop begging me if I go?" He asked.

"Yes" She replied.

"Then fine, I'll go. But I'm not doing any activities and shit there" He caved.

"Yes! We did it Iida!" She cheered, grabbing Iida's arm and shaking it.

"Please let go of my arm, Uraraka" He politely asked.

"Oh, sorry!" She apologized, letting go of the boy's arm.

"It's alright" Iida responded.

They sat there, telling jokes and laughing at embarrassing moments from the past. Even small things, like that one time Ochako accidentally mixed up the words 'vegetarian' and 'virgin' at the age of five and asked a woman who was eating a salad if she was a virgin. And then there was that one time Iida almost went flying while using his quirk when he was about twelve. Good times.

They didn't only talk about good times though, they talked about bad things too. Depressing times, like the few times Katsuki's mother came home a bit later than normal and he got scared she wouldn't come home at all. And there was also the time Ochako was cornered in an alley by a few mean boys and was forced to stand there as they insulted her. It eventually got to the point they were so confident that they decided to beat her up. Those weren't as happy as the other memories.

Although a few sad times were left unspoken. The moments that hurt too much to talk about. Nobody spoke about those moments. They ignored them.

Soon enough, Iida decided he should go home. Ochako gave him a scarf because it was cold outside, and he left. Katsuki didn't stand up from his seat to say goodbye, he just waved. He wasn't even sure if Iida saw it, but he didn't care much. He felt they were on better terms anyway.

Ochako sat down next to him and sighed.

"Why didn't you say goodbye?" She asked him.

"I did" He replied.

"No you didn't, I would have heard it" She looked at him.

"I waved, so you wouldn't have heard it either way dumbass" He told her with a smirk.

"Shut up, i didn't see you wave. How was i supposed to know?" She crossed her arms and pouted.

He laughed.

"I'm joking, stupid. Now go get a blanket" He said.

"What? Why?" She asked.

"Because we're cuddling. Now go get a blanket" He saw Ochako smile.

She ran to a closet and grabbed a thick blanket. She then ran back to the couch and laid on Katsuki, covering them with the blanket. He laughed at how fast she was and hugged her. She was close enough that he could smell her hair. He tilted his head down and smelled. He then whispered into her ear...

"I don't like your new shampoo"
