
                  The moment Jihee's eyes opened, she caught sight of the familiar library filled with books, each containing a reality that has its own unique stories to tell. She looked at her clothes and realized instead of the casual clothes she was wearing, she was back to her usual long sleeved jumpsuit.

And not too far from her stood a woman whose black hair fell to her waist, wearing a white dress, illuminating the whole room as if she was a star. She turned her head to the stranger and smiled.

"Stranger, how lovely it is to see you. It's been a while. How have you been?" Fate says with her sweet tone. "Perhaps tired of playing human? Or has your heart finally softened? Then again your heart has always been soft, you just surrounded yourself with all sorts of evil."

The stranger crossed her arms, rolling her eyes annoyingly because although the words fate said were nice, her voice almost seemed like she was mocking her.

"I'm not here to catch up with you fate, not after you took my teleportation. I was more than fine with being locked up there but you didn't have to steal that." The stranger said, acting like a real child. "I'm here to talk about Jungwon."

"Oh?" Fate raised her eyebrow, her smile now turning into an amused one. "I think I'm more surprised that it took you this long to ask me that."

"Then answer me, who is he? I've read the book before entering and it said there was no magic. How come someone in that reality is immune to my magic?"

Fate said turning her back on the stranger, walking towards the library and its infinite isles. "Yang Jungwon is a rare case that I cannot disclose to you. But that does not stop me from giving you a hint as to who he really is."

She didn't understand why fate couldn't disclose that information to her. It made her even more curious as to who really Yang Jungwon as, especially now that she knows the reason for his unique ability was quite bigger than she expected.

"Here go to this place, I'm sure you'll find your clues there." A page suddenly fell to the stranger's hands and on that piece of paper was a picture of a place. "The coordinates are at the back."

"You better be right." The stranger frowns to which earned laughters from the latter.

Fate stopped walking all of a sudden. "Stranger, do you not remember the last time you fell in love?"

She clenched her fist as she was reminded of an experience she never wanted to return to. "What has that got to do with anything?"

"I am merely saying you better be prepared once more stranger. You almost destroyed a book the last time you fell in love, I can not let you almost destroy one more reality." Fate looked at her with her serious expression. "After all..."

"You and Yang Jungwon are not fated for each other."


"Kyungho, you alright?"

Instead of getting an answer, the sound of a phone breaking surrounded the white hospital room. That was expected. After being humiliated by Jihee, Kyungho had never been more enraged in his entire life.

"Foul play. There was definitely foul play in that fight." Kyungho said, biting his nails. He has been hospitalized because of the damage Jihee had done to his bottom area. "A girl couldn't possibly defeat us."

His underlings all glanced at each other, afraid of what their leader might suggest. They didn't want to fight her again, not when the last thing they wanted was to have their own bottom areas be injured like Kyungho's.

"You know we can't fight her. She threatened to cut our fingers." One of the boys said. "Plus she's strong and fast."

Kyungho laughed. "Do you really think she's capable of cutting a finger? She's all talk don't believe her."

As much as they wanted to believe that, they couldn't. Not when they got the message that she was not to be underestimated.

"We'll just mess with her in another way."

"She's friends with Yang Jungwon right?"


                  Sunghoon stared at the bandaid Jihee had once put on his wounds.

He didn't throw it not because he was obsessed with her or for any creepy reason but rather to fully understand what he saw that day. He didn't linger around her simply because he wanted to be friends with her, no. He wanted to see something, he wanted to confirm whether she really was different like the rest of them.

He thought what he saw in that clinic was a mere hallucination made by a concussed version of himself.

The more days that passed, the more probable the chances that what he saw that day was not his imagination.

But instead of finding what he was looking for, he only found himself attached to her. A warm feeling of friendship as he spoke or spent time with her.

He never meant to feel that way.

His first agenda after all was to learn her secret.

"How do I tell you..." He mumbled to himself.

"That I know you have magic?"


                  Byeol searched everywhere in the internet for Jihee and yet she saw no sign of the latter. As if she never existed before, unless Jihee never used socia media.

"But I always see her on her phone? There's no way she doesn't use any social media." Byeol pouts, scrolling through her laptop, desperately trying to find any trace of Jihee's past. "Byeol what has become of you? Why are you so curious about some random girl?" She buried her face into her palms, groaning in the process.

She could tell Jungwon was starting to like her— in fact she believes he already does.

And Sunghoon...

She hated seeing him with Jihee. Or maybe it was just her insecurities getting the best of her.

Sunghoon only smiled at her that way, now he does the same for Jihee.

Clenching her fist, she looked back at her laptop.

"Who are you?"


                  Jungwon decided to invite Jihee one last time at the roof of his family home before she leaves to go to wherever fate was making her go. Although Jihee found it cheesy, he still successfully convinced her to join him there.

"Here." He hesitatingly hands her a box.

She tilts her head confusingly before accepting it to check what was inside. Her eyes widened when she saw a white knot bracelet inside of it.

"Tada!" He showed his black knot bracelet.

A smile formed in her lips. "I think we got the wrong color." She said and with her magic she changed his to white and hers to black. "There we go. The perfect friendship bracelets."

"Oh is that what knot bracelets mean?" Jungwon says which made Jihee laugh. "I thought they meant a complete different thing."

"What do you think they meant?"

"Our fates are now tied to one another." He smiled, catching Jihee off guard.

I hope this gives you a reason to go back.

It does scare him that maybe after her trip she would enjoy there more and she would soon realize that she was tired of playing teenager with him. Of course, if ever she does choose to do that he wouldn't stop her. Who was he to stop her anyway when he's the reason she's even stuck at his reality? Plus that's what the bracelets are for. As a remembrance of their fates that was now intertwined.

"I have an idea." Jihee shares and with her magic, she grabbed both of the two bracelets and engulfed them in a blinding light. After a second or two, the two bracelets emerged from the light and now they both had a round crystal attached to it. "Wear it."

Grabbing the white bracelet, he puts it on his right wrist and she put hers on her left. "Jungwon." She spoke and all of a sudden, the crystal that she had attached on his bracelet began to glow. "Say my name. Come on, do it. I have to test if the crystal works."

"Jihee?" And as soon as he spoke her bracelet began to glow. "Does it glow when we mention our names?"

She nods. "It's a crystallized version of my magic. I enchanted it to respond when we're both calling for each other. In case I drop my phone because of my carelessness. So you better respond when I call you, okay?"

He laughed. "Of course."

"I'll miss you so much."




finally done with the first part of the story thank you for 4k reads <33

you might be asking, author what the hell are u doing?

i like cutting my stories into parts okay T___T plus the first part is where i build up the plot the second part is where things go down *smirk expect longer chapters and ehem more sad scenes.

stranger will be back in a few days once im done finalizing the chapters ! <3
