
              Jihee ran to the back of their school, looking for Sunghoon. The original flow of the story was that Byeol would go look for him after her fight with Inseong. That's why she didn't want Jungwon to go there, aside from the fact the fight will be over when he gets there, he'll distract Byeol and who knows what could happen to Sunghoon.

Luckily she found him but the men surrounding him already began to beat him. From where she was standing, she could already see the bruises in his face.

Walking forward, she pulled the biggest one among them away from Sunghoon. "Hey, stop it." She tells him.

"Ahn Jihee?" The biggest man scoffs. He roughly removed her hand that was holding his uniform.

"I suggest you mind your own business Jihee. We understand you're new so you don't know our reputation in this school." One of the man says.

She smiled innocently. "I suggest you leave Park Sunghoon immediately. Believe me I've done worst things in my lifetime."

They bursted out laughing as if a puppy came to threaten them but Jihee was used to it. She's encountered far worst jerks than the one she's currently facing.

The biggest man even had the audacity to touch her cheek. "You're too pretty to be beaten up, so just mind your own business."

"Don't touch her!" Sunghoon yelled.

"Here, grab this." Jihee threw Jungwon's bag to Sunghoon before grabbing hold of the man's arm. "Get your filthy hands off of me."

"What's your name again? Kyungho?" She gripped his arm tight and a satisfied smile appeared on her lips when she saw him wincing in pain. "How about let's make a deal? You five against me and if one of you manages to hit me, well I'll date you all."

All of them looked at each other as if they struck gold with that deal. "But if one minute passed and I'm still unscathed, you leave us alone."

"D-Deal!" Kyungho says, still in pain because of her grip. She throws him to his friends' direction before crossing her arms as she watched them prepare to swing their fists on her.

"Hey are you sure about this?" Sunghoon asked her.

"Just watch over Jungwon's bag, I got this." She assures him. "Alright, one minute starts now."

Jihee walked a little further from Sunghoon so he wouldn't be hit by anyone.

And the first fist swung at her. She turned her body easily and in fact, she felt as if she was dancing while she continuously avoid their fists that swung at her one by one. She has fought with dwarfs once and she cannot believe dwarfs were a lot harder to fight than men twice her size.

But then again although it wasn't obvious, she was using her magic to avoid them. She was enhancing her speed so she could quickly evade them. It was an easy fight anyway and when they were down to ten seconds, that's when she began to take offense.

"One." She grabs the person's arm and threw him to the ground hard.

"Two." She kicked the next person to the ground, falling to his friend's body.

"Three." She also kicked him, stacking their bodies in the ground.

"Four." She twisted the next one's arms until he was forced to drop to the ground because of the pain.

"Five." She smirked, putting super strength on her feet, she kicked Kyungho's most treasured spot.

"W-What are you?!" They say in a scared manner.

She kneeled to their eye level. "If you ever hurt anyone again, I'll take one of your fingers as payment. Got it?" She's done way worst than this, this was only a fraction of her true capabilities.

"Let's get out of here! Come on Kyungho!" They all carried their friend that was still in pain because of her kick.

At least she was sure that man's generations ends there. She turned her head to Sunghoon's direction and he could only watch her with shock.

This wasn't supposed to happen. It was supposed to be Byeol who helps him, not her.

"You okay?" Jihee asked, kneeling to the ground to help him up.

"Yeah. Thank you for that, you even put yourself in danger just to save me." Sunghoon smiled, standing up with her support.

She slightly smiled. "It's fine, they weren't that hard to fight anyway. Can you walk?"

"I think so—" When he was about to take another step, he all of a sudden fell to the ground. Jihee had to cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing. "Yeah I can't."

"Here let me help you." She said, supporting him up again. She grabbed Jungwon's bag from his hold and helped him make his way to the clinic.

Lucky for them, the hallways was close to empty because school hours was over. She opened the door to the infirmary and she frowned when she remembered there was no school nurse even in the movie. This is all your fault Yang Jungwon.

"I'll treat your wound instead." Jihee helps him sit on the bed before she starts looking for bandaids and antibiotics. Once she got everything she needed, she pulled a chair and sat in front of Sunghoon.

"You know how to treat wounds?" He asked and she answers with a nod. "You're full of surprises today."

She chuckled. "This will only take a minute don't worry."

She once visited a reality in which she assisted a modern hero with saving the world, she learned from that person how to treat wounds and then it just stuck to her. She never gets to use it anyway, especially since she can heal her own wounds with her magic.

"Ouch." He winced when the antibiotic made in contact with his wound.

"Sorry." She muttered.

"It's fine." He tells her. "Why do you have Jungwon's bag? Did he leave it here?"

Jihee scoffs. "No, he ran away from me and left his bag with me." She will never stop blaming Jungwon for everything that happened today.

"Hm? Why would he run away from you?" He asked.

She pressed her lips together as she deliberate whether it was a good idea to tell him that Jungwon ran to his girlfriend. But in the end, she chose to rat him out. "We heard Byeol and Inseong were causing a scene, he ran there to help his friend."

"W-What?! Where?!" He was about to stand up but Jihee stopped him. "Is Byeol okay?!"

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's with Jungwon right now." She explained. Then she realized, she wasn't supposed to know they were in a relationship so she decided to play dumb. "You seemed concerned for her. Are you close?"

Sunghoon suddenly turned pale when he realized he failed to control his reaction. "Do you like her?" She asked.

"Am I that obvious?" He pressed his lips together.

If I didn't know about the two of you, I would've still been able to tell.

"Does..." He trailed off. "Jungwon like her?"

She chuckled. "Is he that obvious?"

He gave her a little smile. "Do you think he'll treat Byeol right?— Ouch!"

"You startled me!" What is he saying?! They can't break up! "What are you saying? If you really like her, go for it! Don't let her go to anyone just like that without a fight."

And all of a sudden, he started laughing. "I didn't know you were this funny." He laughs.

She fought the urge to spray rubbing alcohol on his wounds. Scoffing, "Laugh all you want but what I'm saying is true."

She grabbed the bandaids and when he wasn't looking, she enchanted the bandaids so that his wounds would heal faster. She carefully placed it in his face and when she was all done, she dusted her hands proudly.

"There you go, all done."

"Thank you. We never had a proper conversation before this so it really is a surprise you willingly helped me." He says.

Well I had to.

"No problem. I'm always glad I could help." She said, standing up. "Let me get some ice for your legs."

She actually didn't know where to get ice so she just made one with her magic, she also enchanted it so his leg would heal in ten minutes. She gave it to him so he could place it in his leg since she didn't want to overstep her boundaries.

"You're not going to ask me why I was in that situation earlier?" He abruptly asked. 

She shook her head. She already knew he was getting beaten up because he rejected the girl Kyungho really liked. It was a stupid reason really, that's why she doesn't regret ending his generation even for a little bit. 

"It's none of my business anyway." She lied. 

She looked at the clock attached to the wall and saw it was already getting late. "You should go now, I'll just ask a friend of mine to help me walk later." Sunghoon insisted.

Since Jihee was aware his leg would be better by ten minutes, she nods. "Alright. I hope your wounds heal quickly."

Sunghoon smiled. "Thank you again Jihee."

She bowed to him before grabbing Jungwon's bag and walking out of the infirmary. She held her neck and massaged it because her neck was starting to ache so much.

She really needed a phone so she could at least have some way to tell Jungwon how angry she is at him and how much she wants to turn him into a cat, if only her powers worked on him.

And as if fate was listening to her, she caught sight of his familiar figure standing by the gate.

He turned his head and their eyes met.

But standing next to him was the girl he was crazy for.

