Chapter Twenty-Six: Scars

I was in my room alone, listening to music when suddenly, my headphones were violently snatched off my head. I felt a sharp snap of pain go through my neck, as whoever was doing this had to aggressively drag me forward to get them off.

"Auch!" I yelped as some of my hair was snatched out with the headphones. In a panicked frenzy, I hurried towards the farthest corner of my bed, my head hitting the metal of the bunk bed. I saw stars and stripes. Losing my vision for a second because it had all been too much, too quickly.

"Little Choona," Bongcha's deep witchy voice made me shiver instantly; she threw the headphones behind her and sat down on her hinges. She had an evil smile painted on that porcelain face.

Her two best friends, Bitna and Bada, the B-crew or as Billie and I liked to call it the Bitch crew, were here as well. Great, just great. They had waited on Nina and Billie being gone tonight to pounce on me.

Horror crept its way over my spine as I felt cornered. They had surrounded me and my poor headphones were trashed. Unlike them, I didn't come from money, my possessions were very precious, and I had worked a lot of hours in that coffee shop to be able to afford them.

"Leave me alone," I said feebly; it was supposed to come out fiercer.

Bitna cackled and said, "What did you say? I couldn't hear you, mouse."

Everyone laughed and I had no way out. I couldn't get out of here now.

"Leave me alone!" I said louder as Bongcha approached the bed and sat down. Her red nails snatched out and yanked around my ankle as she tried to pull me towards the ground. I struggled. Not wanting to give in to this, I didn't want her hands on me. I didn't want her anywhere near me.

"No!" I yelled. "No, leave me alone!" This time I did yell as I kicked and tried to hang onto the bed. Bongcha tried a different approach this time, and as I thought she still held me, she had let go. My leg snapped back so violently, my knee hit my nose, blood splurted everywhere, and I felt the pain blind me.

The others laughed again.

"Oh, you're so easy to toy with!" Bongcha smiled as she rose.

I had a discarded shirt in my bed which I used to press against my nose. It got soaked with deep-red blood instantly. I felt woozy from seeing so much blood, and my tears were leaking freely now. I felt weak and pathetic, as I felt pain on the top of my head too from hitting it so hard earlier.

I felt the others rise as our bedroom door opened. I didn't know who had come through it, but they better hope it wasn't my brother, Billie, or Keita and Matthew. They would dust the floor with their pathetic asses.

"I heard a commotion. What is happening here?" It was a deep voice. A voice I recognized but couldn't place in this context. Not when it came to defend me.

I heard Bongcha with a sugary sweet voice saying, "Just Choonhae doing Choonhae things, like hitting herself in the face." She giggled, and I couldn't distinguish what was said next as I felt my ears ringing. I was slowly passing out. The feeling of being submerged in water came over me.

Yup. I was definitely passing out.

Warm palms found my shoulders, yet my vision was blurring. I felt my hands release the bloodied shirt, my neck bobbing back.

"Hey, hey!" someone slapped my face. "Hey! Keep that shirt on your nose, Choona."

I felt the shirt being pressed back as I felt the person drag me to his lap. My head bobbed again, hitting a warm shoulder, as my back found a warm chest. Hands pressed the shirt to my nose as my own wouldn't lift. I was still drifting between being unconscious and conscious.

"Did they hurt you anywhere else?" My rescuer said in my ear. Yujin? No, impossible. It couldn't be him, right?

I still couldn't speak.

"Choona? Shit, goddamn it!" He growled and pressed the shirt harder against my nose, tipping my head back further and against him. His other hand was slapping my cheek again. "Wake up!"

I was still awake but couldn't respond.

His heartbeat was going a million miles an hour, pattering my back. He smelled like clover and mint. And something spicy.

I felt my wooziness fade suddenly. I groaned as I stirred. Not sure if I had been out because it was possible I had been out for a bit. My neck felt stiff and I was still sitting in someone's lap.

"You good?"

It was definitely Yujin.

I recognized the two woven bracelets on his left wrist. I recognized his hands. He had pretty hands. Those long legs were on my lower bunk bed too and he was wearing shorts.

At that moment I realized I wasn't wearing much, I always wore a black sleep tee to bed and it barely covered my ass.

I stirred, groaned, and felt some pain but it was doable. I slid off his lap. I quickly grabbed a pillow and covered my exposed legs.

He watched me with one eyebrow raised. He had a streak of my blood on the top of his brow, I guess he hadn't noticed. His black shirt had some patches too and the fingers of his right hand were bloodied too.

"Jjingi, you scared me a little," he sounded relieved. It took me a minute to process his new nickname for me. I wasn't a whiner!

I opened my mouth to protest but realized he had helped me.

"Th-thank you," I stumbled over my words. Tears were now prickling again.

"Don't cry. God, please don't cry." He sounded angry as he said it. He slid off my bunk bed, tapping the edge of the metal a few times.

"I'm telling this to the trainers. I want those assholes gone. It's not my first time seeing it happen to you."

"Please don't!" I replied frantically. "If it doesn't work, it will only make it worse. Trust me!"

I had been through the same thing at my high school. My brother had reported them, and nothing had been done, my last year had been hell.

"If you want it like that, I won't say anything Jjingi, but you must report this." He sighed. "To be honest, everyone is going to see something happened. Your nose is red and bruised between the eyes."

"I'll say I tripped or something," as I did at the duo performance, I wouldn't be the strangest thing in the world.

Yujin stared down at me for a few seconds. Thinking about something.

"Why do you have those scars?"

My stomach dropped. Had he seen them? On my thighs? It was one of my most hidden secrets. Not even Chanbin knew.

Yujin saw my quietness for a request to continue, "Your shirt is really short. I saw them. I didn't mean to, but I wasn't the one who dressed you."

Yeah, yeah, mister always complaining. I should be calling him jjingi.

"I'll make sure next time I get jumped I'm wearing something less revealing," I snapped back, and the corners of his mouth drew upwards. I ignored his earlier question, and he didn't push.

"I have a free lower bunk in my room. You can stay there if you want." One of Yujin's roomies had quit last week after a horrible first ranking.

"That's a kind offer," I said suspiciously. "I might take you up on that." In fact, I knew other girls were sharing dorms with the guys too. Many of them were doing other things, but a few, like Billie, had stayed the night after a movie night or something. It didn't have to be sexual.

"I'm off to practice until late. My team has Lux and Keita, and they are drill sergeants."

I snorted. Ain't that the truth.

I wasn't staying in this room with Bongcha for another minute, and I was too proud to ask my brother for help.

"I'm getting a change of clothers, and I will be over there soon," Yujin nodded at my answer and turned on his heel. Before he was out the door, I said, "and thank you."


In the middle of the night, I awoke with a jolt. Someone was next to me in bed.

For a moment, I was disoriented.

Where am I? Who the hell is in my bed with me?

Soft snoring drifted through the room, male snoring. The one beside me was too.

I had gone to Yujin's dorm earlier, searching for the bed he had told me about. The two lower beds had been free. I had waved at Gyuvin, who was on the top mattress on the left, but who was also deep into his podcast. The other bunk bed had Zhang Hao already asleep.

The two bottom beds had looked identical. Both were meticulously made and had no personal items. Which one was Yujin's?

I decided to go for the right one, Zhang Hao was snoring a little loudly on top of me, but I had been out quickly. Finally, after almost two weeks of fear of Bongcha in my room, I would sleep soundly tonight, even in the room of my once worst enemy.

I softly gasped as I recognized his smell first and those bracelets in the semi-darkness.

I turned towards him, careful not to wake the others. I saw another shape on the other lowest bunk bed, so suddenly, this entire room was occupied.

It was damn hot underneath these sheets, and how dare he sleep here tonight! Under the sheets! With me!

I had never even slept next to a boy before.

I poked him. The boy was out cold. Lying on his back with one arm over the sheets and the other over his head.

The one over the sheets had been over my leg just a moment earlier, when I had turned around, it had dropped down over his own body.

All of this was too much to process. And I had been having such a good sleep for once!

I poked him in the neck.


Yujin startled awake with a rough gasp.

"What the fuck," he drawled angrily while turning toward me.

"Yeah, what the fuck," I angrily whispered back. "What are you doing in bed with me, Yujin?"

"You were in my goddamn bed, Jjingi, knocked out cold and not responding!"

Our voices hardly carried over the snoring. Yet, we were both flustered now.

"So you just crawl into bed with me!?"

"Well, yeah, what was I supposed to do? It was midnight, and I could not find another place to sleep! I also don't like other beds. I have a thing... for my own bed."

My chest heaved with the notion of being angry and still sleepy at the same time.

"Well... you could have tried something. And who is in the other bed anyway?"

"I don't know! Gyuvin must have invited someone over."

"You should have been clearer with your goddamn instructions," I growled before plopping down on my back and crossing my arms.

"Just go back to sleep, it's the middle of the goddamn night, and you don't want to wake Hao. Trust me."

I snapped my neck to the side, staring at his profile in the semi-darkness. "You think I will sleep a wink with you next to me?"

It didn't even take five seconds before I was knocked out cold again.

This time, when I woke, I was fully aware of my surroundings. Awfully aware of soft murmurs in the room, a warm body pressed against mine and an arm over my side. Yujin was breathing down my neck and still sleeping.

"Look at them!" Someone said before another voice replied, "They are so cute like this, like two cute little teddy bears!"

"Our maknae's, aaaaw."

"Look at Yujin sleeping for a change. He hasn't slept like this since he got here!"

I stirred, and the arm instinctively snatched me closer as if it wouldn't want to let me go. I murmured.

"Yujin, wake up!" while nudging my elbow into his stomach as best as I could with his vice grip on me.

He groaned awake.

"Good God," he sighed as he yawned. The arm came loose, and he stretched. "That was a good sleep, jjingi. I think I'm keeping you."

I gave him a raised eyebrow as I turned, and the two of us were met by three pairs of eyes watching us. Zhang Hao, Haruto, and Gyuvin all clapped and hollered.

I turned red like a tomato, and Yujin jumped out of bed to hit them all with his pillow.

I sighed.

What had I gotten myself into now?
