The war rages on (Jona/reader/dio)

You were going to dust the library when you came across them,the young masters of the house. Young Master Jonathan was sitting across from young master Dio,between them was a small table with a tiny glass bowl filled with candy. But this candy was evil,pure wretched evil! And It was given the name-

"Just try the candy corn Dio" ah yes,candy corn,small orange,yellow and white! A trick to the eyes and treat to the mouth,well if you were Jonathan atleast.

"I don't want that devils claw you call 'candy' Jonathan!" You pulled your duster out and started cleaning the bookshelves.

"You don't even know what It tastes like!"

"Bad! Horrible! Its awful and deserves to be thrown into the fiery pit of hell itself!" Dio snapped back.

It was weird how something as simple as candy always managed to cause issues, "I dont know what rubbish Corn someone gave you but I promise this type is really good!"

"You've probably poisoned it!"

Jonathan made a face,"I- why would I poison it!?" He ate a random one from the glass, "you are such a diva!"

"No, I just have good taste"

"You-" Jonathan was cut off when he heard you drop a book, "ah! Hello,___! I'm sorry I didn't greet you at the door, Dio here is being a complete pussy at the moment!"

"Oh you take that back!" The blond growled," you,maid,try this so called 'candy' with me!" He grabbed two and held out his hand waiting for you.

"Ah! Of course!" Putting the book down you took the hard piece of candy and easily chomped down on it.

"Well then, __? Its good isn't it?! These particular kind were laced with honey, adds a bit of a tang to it!" Jonathan said quite happy to that someone else enjoyed his treats.

"Hhack! Uugak!" Dio gagged unnecessarily and tossed the candy into the fire place,"I-I think I need a new mouth-"

"Your so dramatic! It tastes fine!"

"No! It tastes like Danny's shit!"

"Why do you know what Danny's shit tastes like?!"

Dio flipped the table and stormed out of the library.You sighed and followed him out to find the nearest broom.

"Master Dio,do you really hate them that much?" You asked,pulling a closet door open.

"Oh no,I actually enjoy candy corn,I just like getting on his nerves," he handed you the broom,looks like it wasn't in the closet after all,"do be sure to get them all,it would be a shame if we got rats or ants,___"

You let out another sigh and returned to the library,sweeping up the mess the blond had caused.

"___,they aren't that bad....are they?" Jonathan asked,eyeing one that hadn't fallen to the floor.

"No,young master,They taste quite fine to me,if you want a second opinion why don't you go ask lady Erina?"

"Your right!" He grabbed a few and put them in his napkin,"oh and sorry about the mess,__!" He yelled back as he left,you sighed again.

"Boys,I'll never understand them" and went back to sweeping.
