On the road (gyro)


Thats all you could think about was how hot it was. Traveling across the country side was nothing if not stressful,not even including the occasional stand user or snake trying to bite you on the butt.

"Gyro,are we there yet?" You'd stripped youself out of your usual coat and wrapped it around your waist. No one was around to see your true sex so for now it was ok!

"You asked me that half an hour ago"

"Im swimming in cooch water over here! Where's the dang lake!?"

Johnny choked on his spit," your swimming in What?!"

"I said what I said!" You fixed your hat.

"If I never have to hear those words again ill tell you where the nearest water hole is" Gyro had heard alot of wild things but that? That took the cake. At any rate the sun was beginning to set, the three of you would need to settle down for the night anyways.

"Wooo bath time! Here i come!" You cheered,being all hot and gross wasn't the best feeling in the world.

"You and your baths" in the short time Gyro knew you he found that you were a very clean person. Which,as a doctor, he could relate too personally.

Eventually the small lake cane into view,you could practically feel the water on your hot skin! You nugged your horse to go a bit faster but then started to slow down once you got closer

"Ok thats it,my butt hurst,its hot and I smell,I'm going for a swim" your hand were gross and dusty and you needed a good soak!

"Ain't it a little to late to be swimming? The suns already set" Gyro shuffled through his backpack and pulled out an apple to skin while you started to strip down into nothing,"wooo! Dinner and a show?" He teased,nudging Johnny with his foot. The other rider was lighting a fire for the night.

"Pervert" but your mind went blank the moment you completely entered the cold water,"ohhhhh myyy gosh! This is amazing! Hey someone toss me a bar of soap please"

"Catch!" Johnny said,wrapping it up in one of your wash rags.

Standing up you held out your hand as the blond chucked it a little too high up making you jump for it,"shoot! Ow!" You missed it completely and fell back into the water due to a hidden twig stabbing you in the leg," Dang it! Where'd it go?!" You splash around for it,"found it,thanks Johnny!"

"Mmhm!" He yelled back,mouth full of bread.

"Dont you guys want to bath,its a bit girly smelling but I'v got enough for two"

"And smell like a bunch flowers? I'm good" Johnny continued eating his somewhat hard bread.

"Yeah You need to get out anyways," Gyro pulled out a small tiny bottle of alcohol,"come on,out!"

"What? I just got in!" You scooted a bit farther into the water until it covered up your hips.

"And I'm telling you to get your scrawny, narrow,dirty,dingy behind out of the water so you dont get an infection"

"Dirty!? I'm cleaner than both of you combined! Look at Johnny! He's eating spaghetti with his stand!"

Said pasta eater looked up from his food,offended,"dont drag me into this"

"He wha- JOESTAR!"

The jockey jerked up from his food,"what?!"

"Respect the culture, as I was saying- hey get back here!" The water was up to your chest now,"alright fine,when I have to amputate your leg I'm just going to laugh"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Then get over here so I can clean it!"

" 'GeT ovEr hERe So I cAn cLean iT' yeah yeah,I'm coming" you gave yourself a quick scrub down then waddled back to shore,"make me better doctor" you wrapped yourself in a towel and lifted your leg up for him to look at,"I dont get why your freaking out,all I did was step on a twig"

"and that twig could have easily been covered in bird crap,which could cause an infection later on"

"Bird crap? Really? Right in front of my spaghetti?" Johnny looked fairly grossed out now,looking at usually on-the-road food.

He swapped it with a small cotten ball covered in alcohol then covered it with a small bandaid,"There,done" he grabbed his apple and finished it off,well tried too atleast. Valkari overheard her owner munching down and decided that she wanted a small bite! And by 'small' she ment eating the whole thing,"wha- you just ate! That was mine!" Gyro looked absolutely appalled,Valkyrie hadnt done that since she was wee calf!

"Awww poor thing! Here,I'll split my sandwich with you!" You dug into your bag and pulled out two roast beef sandwiches with some dried jerky.

"Thanks," you both ate silently until Gyro reached for his canteen of water,"so are you going to put some cloths on or...?"

You snorted and went back to eating until night had completely fallen. Leaving you and your travel partners in the dim glow of the dying fire.
It felt like only a minute had gone by when Gyro opened his eyes again. The sound of splashing woke him up,were you swimming again? Did the cold not bother you?

Sitting up he rubbed his eyes and yawned,it was so dark out that he needed to relight the fire.

"Sorry did I wake you up?" You wadded through the water until you reached the shore.

"Hard to tell,what are you still doing in the water? Aren't you cold?" He asked, resting on his saddle pack as you dried off again.

"Nah, but you still look cold," he patted his lap and you gratefully took a seat.

"Just bit, you gunna keep me warm?" You could feel his hips jerk as you rocked back and forth.

"All night if I have to" his heart sped up once you grabbed his belt and tugged.
