Sweet Pea

Sweet Water River part 2! Also does no body get my actor references? Thomas O'Brien? Dylan Sangster?
Obvious mashups of Thomas Brodie Sangster and Dylan O'Brien. And thanks for all your comments on the last part! I really enjoyed reading them! I did the math and Reid is 34 in season 11 but you're 32. (I said you would be the same age in the intro) I guess I wanted the season 11 but forgot that it should be season 9. Oops. Guess you're younger!

End inspired by a one shot I read that I'm too lazy to go find.

Word count: 3,749

You almost dropped your milkshake from Pop's when you saw Reid and JJ asking Dylan some questions. You would have been devastated if you dropped your milkshake.

Dylan saw you, "Y/n"

You asked, "Dylan, what are you doing here?"

"I was coming into town when I saw something on the side of the road so I pulled over and discovered the body"

Reid asked, "You two know each other?"

You thought you heard some jealousy in his voice when Reid asked that. Maybe you were just imagining it because you wanted him to be jealous.

You answered even though you really didn't want to, "We dated in high school"

Dylan said, "I'd say it was more than that"

"Well I wouldn't"

You really just considered him the sperm donor. He was technically Sweet Pea's father but he wasn't his dad. He never cared.

Dylan questioned, "You're kidding, right?"

You crossed your arms, "No, I'm not"

"But what about Sweet Pea? What do you call that?"

"Something to discuss when we're in private and not right in front of my co-workers"

"And I here I thought you cared"

You exclaimed, "I do care! You're the one who doesn't care"

"Who said that I don't care?" asked Dylan.

"You did"

You walked away. You could not deal with Dylan right now. Not after what happened with Reid. Not at all considering that you kept your son a secret.

You went over to talk to Agent Smith. You were still processing the fact that he was your nephew (and Sweet Pea's cousin)

Agent Smith told you, "This certainly changes things"

You responded, "Yeah, it does. We need move quick before they realize we're onto them"

FP came over, "We have an ID on the victim, Sam Forester. His wallet was on him"

That's good but alas that mean you had to notify the family. You got their information from Garcia. You went with Rossi even though you totally could've done it alone, the team didn't want to take any risks. You guys learned from past mistakes to never send one agent alone.

Like the others, he was also apart of The Farm. Definitely related to the other two. This was definitely The Farm in case there were any doubts.

When you got back to the station, Reid wanted to talk to you alone. You didn't know if they was a good or bad thing.

"Who's Sweet Pea?" Reid asked.

You answered, "Reid, I don't think this is really the time"

"Who's Sweet Pea?" Reid asked again.

You sighed knowing you could not keep the secret for much longer anyways, "Sweet Pea's my son"

"You have a son?"

"Reid, I can explain"

"Then explain. Explain to me why you didn't tell that you have a son"

"I was only sixteen when I had him. Everyone I cared about left me because I wanted to keep him. I raised him until I got this job. I couldn't take him with me. No matter how much I wanted to take him with me, I wasn't allowed to"

"That's no excuse. I spent over two years of my life with you, I trusted you, I loved you and you never bothered to tell me that you have a son!"

Spent. Trusted. Loved.
Past tense.

You told him, "I'm sorry"

"Sorry doesn't cut it" Reid walked into the station.

You followed him into the station, "Spencer! I'm sorry"

"Doesn't matter now" he told you before joining the others in the station.

The rest of the team looked at you confused before Hotch, Rossi, and JJ all realized what had happened. Hotch and Rossi knew Reid found about your son. JJ figured out that Sweet Pea was your child that you didn't tell anyone about. Which just left Tara and Morgan being confused.

It was getting late and you were all exhausted so you went to the hotel to get some rest. Your rooms were spread out across three different floors: 2,4,5. Rossi, Reid, and Hotch on the second floor, Lewis and Morgan on floor 4, you and JJ on the fifth floor.
You and JJ were the only ones left on the elevator.

As you left the elevator JJ asked, "Can we talk?"

"Why does everyone want to talk?" You remarked, "Sorry, sure we can talk"

"You have a kid, don't you?" asked JJ.

You took a deep breath, "Yes I do. His name is Sweet Pea. He's 16"


Pretty much the reaction you were expecting. If she did the math, she would've figured out you were only 16.

You told her, "Yeah I was young when I had him"

JJ said, "I take it Dylan's the father"

"Yeah, Dylan is"

Dylan. You regretted dating him. For one you got pregnant and two, he wasn't that great of a guy. You'd much rather Spencer somehow be Sweet Pea's father. The only good thing to come out of your relationship with Dylan was Sweet Pea, your beloved son.

JJ somehow got you into spilling the entire story to her. You even showed her baby pictures of Sweet Pea. And suddenly she understood why his name was Sweet Pea.

You remembered holding him, the tiniest little thing. He was such a sweet baby. Hence the name Sweet Pea. An odd name but it was better than Forsythe Pendleton, Jughead, and Jellybean.

"You could've told us you know" stated JJ.

You commented, "I know I should've but for some reason, I just didn't"

"I'd love to meet him. I'm sure the rest of the team would too"

"Yeah. Do you think he'll ever forgive me? Spencer, I mean"

"It's Spence. Of course he will"

"Ever since we broke up, I've been thinking would it really be so bad to have another kid? I loved raising Sweet Pea. Sure the whole pregnancy thing is not something to look foreword to but there are so many good moments"

JJ said, "And you know Spence would be the greatest dad"

You told her, "The best dad"

It was real late now so after a little more discussion about the possibility of you and Spencer ever getting back together, you went to your room and cried. You hadn't really had time to process your breakup. You had one drink from the mini bar before getting ready for bed.

You didn't get much sleep that night. You were wallowing. You just wanted another milkshake from Pop's. You almost went to Pop's to go get one.

At work, Reid did his best to avoid you. You avoided him the other day so really who was avoiding whom?  JJ told you that she would try talking to him. You thought she would take Reid's side but to your surprise, she was on your side. Apparently it was a mother thing.

The team came up with a plan: send Betty in with a wire. Wait for a confession or confirmation at least, get a warrant, and charge the place. The only problem was Betty was at school so you had to wait.

While you were waiting, the team went out to lunch. Half for team went with you to Pop's and the other half went with Reid to somewhere else.

Sides were drawn. JJ and Hotch went with you. Morgan, Rossi, and Lewis with Reid. Garcia was complete oblivious to the side picking.

During lunch, you told them stories of when Sweet Pea was younger. He was so adorable. When you used to work at Pop's you had one of those things and Sweet Pea would be strapped to your back as you worked. He was good baby. You got lucky.

You asked, "Do you think they'll forgive me?"

Hothc answered, "They'll get over it. How soon, I don't know"

"To be honest, I thought you guys would've figured this out ages ago. No offense"

They were the best profilers and yet they still did not figure out you were a mother until recently. JJ was the only one to figure it out. Hotch saw your file and it was brought in conversation with Rossi and Reid. Morgan and Lewis were told by Reid you assumed

You got a surprise when Betty came to the station. Not only did she come with Jughead but Sweet Pea came too. With a milkshake from Pop's.

"Sweet Pea" you said.

"Hey Mom. I got a milkshake for you" Sweet Pea handed you the milkshake you had hoped was for you.

It was your second milkshake of the day but you didn't really care. You figured you drink like half of it and then give the rest to Sweet Pea.

"Thank you" you told him.

Sweet Pea said, "I heard they were coming so I thought I'd come with and check on you"

You joked, "And here I thought I was supposed to be checking in on you"

"I missed you"

"I missed you too, Sweet Pea"

FP came over, "I'm sorry to interrupt but we have to go"

"Alright then" You took a final sip of your milkshake, "Sorry, we can't talk more. Thanks for the milkshake. You can have the rest of it. I'll see you tonight for dinner"

Sweet Pea took the milkshake back, "Thanks. I'll see you at dinner"

You made plans to have dinner with Dylan, Jane, and Sweet Pea at Pop's. (Yes pop's again. You loved Pop's you could eat there for every meal) You really didn't want to see Dylan or Jane but loved and missed Sweet Pea so much, it would be worth it.

You were stuck with FP in his sheriff's car. You really didn't want to but you had to.

FP told you, "Hey Y/n, I just really wanted you to now that I'm sorry"

You said to him, "Pay attention to the road, Forsythe"

"I am! And I'm sorry for how I acted all those years ago"

"You know what FP? I have been waiting years for you to say that. And now I have enough people hating me right now so I forgive you"

"Thanks, that means a lot"

You and FP had to park out of sight so it was long walk to the surveillance van. You, FP, Rossi, Hotch, Reid, and Charles were all in the van. It was a tight fit. Everyone else was parked out of sight, waiting for the signal to go all FBI in there.

Surveillance was not the easiest thing. You couldn't do anything. Then again, you didn't really go out in the field and do anything anyways.

"That's it. Let's go" said Agent Smith.

Hotch alerted the others. They went in and took down the Evernevers. Once they cleared the place, you were allowed to go in. You had to go talk to the cult members, yay.

You saw Fangs and Kevin. Fangs was a friend of Sweet Pea and Kevin was the former sheriff's son.

Kevin asked you, "Ms. Jones, what the hell is going on?"

Fangs corrected him, "Kevin, it's Agent Jones. Be polite"

You told the boys, "Kevin, Fangs, you see I'm with the FBI and this is a cult"

An upset Polly Cooper overheard you and came over, "The Farm isn't a cult!"

She was holding one of her kids so you took the kid from her, "Polly, sweetie, yes it is. The Farm is a organ stealing cult that like all cults preys on vulnerable people like a single teenage mother or a son who doesn't feel supported by his father"

"They healed me" argued Polly.

You corrected her, "No, they used you. Edgar like all cult leaders is a charismatic psychopath and Evelyn is a sociopath"

"What? No, mom" Polly looked over to Alice.

Alice Copper came when called with Polly's other kid in her arms, "Polly what Agent Jones is saying is the truth"

You told her, "Polly, why don't sit down and talk about this?"

You, Polly, and Alice sat down. You had a talk with Polly while also looking after her kids who are named Juniper and Dagwood and you thought your brother's kids had terrible names.

You weren't a profiler but you could tell Polly needed serious help. In your somewhat professional opinion, she was not to be fit to take care of Juniper and Dagwood. The Evernevers did a serious number on her. You just hoped no one else was as bad she was.

BOY WERE YOU WRONG! Because Jason Blossom's dead body was found in the basement.

After your talk with Polly, you told Alice that you thought Polly needed a psychological evaluation and serious counseling. She didn't argue with you.

Later that night you had dinner at Pop's with Dylan, Jane, and Sweet Pea. FP, Jellybean, and Jughead joined you because they also came to Pop's for dinner and it would have been rude not to invite them to eat with you since you were family.

You asked Hotch for some time off, just a few days to spend with Sweet Pea and for things to settle. He gave it to you as you had hoped.

You loved spending time with Sweet Pea. Luckily it was now the weekend so no school. Unluckily, Dylan was still in town. The three of you spent the weekend together except the nights. Sweet Pea was a teenage boy after all.

You had just gotten back to your hotel room after dinner with one of your old friends. There was a knock at the door. You opened it and were shocked to see who it was.

It was Spencer.

"Spencer" you said.

Before you could say anything else, his lips were on yours. The door was quickly closed behind him and ...

That night. Woah. It was wonderful and unexpected. You didn't know what to think. Whether it was just a one time thing or if it meant you two are back together or you were something else now.

He was still there when you woke up. Good. He didn't just you know and leave.

He told you, "Hey"

"Morning" you said.


You asked, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Spencer sat up, "No"

But you did. You also didn't want to push him into talking.

You told him, "Okay. Um I'm going to shower and get dressed"

You got up and didn't care what Spencer might have seen if he glanced in your direction. You grabbed clothes from the drawer and went into the bathroom.

When you got out of the bathroom, all clean and dressed, Spencer was gone. No note. No nothing.'it was like last night never happened at all. Like you two didn't even do it once.

You sighed and checked the time. You had to get going if you were going to take Sweet Pea to school. He could drive but you just offered to do it to spend more time with him.

"You seem happy, mom" said Sweet Pea.

You explained why, "That's because I am happy. Cause of all the time I've been spending with you"

"No, that's not it"

"Are you trying to profile me?"

Sweet Pea asked, "Did you get some last night?"

Oh he did NOT just ask you that!

You told him, "Oh come on, Sweet Pea. My dating life is none of your business"

"So you did!" exclaimed Sweet Pea.

"I didn't see your father last night in case that was what you're hoping"

"Who was it then?"

"No one you know now can we change the subject? Because my private life is not something I'd like to discuss with my son"

Sweet Pea asked, "Didn't you just break up with someone?"

You answered, "Yes but last night was with that person. It was weird and once again. New subject please"

The subject switched to your case with the Farm. How you thought Fangs could go back to his life before and how you thought Polly was mentally unstable.

You had just arrived at Riverdale High when you got a call from Hotch.

"I have to take this" you said before answering the phone, "What's up Hotch?"

Hotch told you, "We need you. There's a shooter in Atlanta, Georgia. I need you to meet us there"

"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can"

You hung up and had to unfortunately say goodbye to Sweet Pea. You went back to your hotel and packed as fast as you could. You went to the airport and took the next flight to Atlanta.

Oh how you missed the jet. Flying commercial was awful compared to the private jet you were used to.

You were confused about what happened with Reid. It was great but confusing. You didn't regret. Even if you got pregnant from that night, you still wouldn't regret it.

You were briefed at the station by Hotch before you held a press conference. They already had an ID on the shooter. You were telling the public to be careful and aware when suddenly there was a loud bang and you felt immense pain in your shoulder.

Everything was a blur. You couldn't tell what was going on. You saw flashing lights, Reid holding your hand, and heard loud bangs, gunshots.

The next thing you knew for sure was when you woke up in a hospital bed. Your shoulder was sore. You were groggy from the drugs. You weren't alone. FP, Sweet Pea, and Reid were all in the room with you.

You saw Reid was holding your hand and it looked like FP and Sweet Pea were giving him death glares. They both had their arms crossed.

Reid smiled, "Hey, you're up"

"What happened?" you asked.

"You got shot. Apparently the shooter didn't like you getting air time"

You let out a small laugh but groaning in pain.

You asked, "Why does it look like they're planning on ganging up on you?"

You haven't seen that look on FP in years. Not since...


You couldn't be.


You used protection.

You take birth control.

You groaned, "Please don't tell me I'm pregnant"

"I love you" Reid told you.

And that was your answer. You were pregnant. Again. What are the chances you'd get pregnant twice in your life when you didn't mean to? Reid could probably tell you if you asked.

You said, "I hope it's a girl"

"Me too" said Reid.

"Her name's not going to be Lorelei Emily. I'm not naming my daughter after two Gilmore girls"

"Like Sweet Pea is any better?"

Oh that hurt. Sweet Pea was a unique name and it fit your son. It was better than what your brother named his kids.

You argued, "It's better than Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third"

FP asked, "Why you gotta drag me into this?"

"That name should've stopped at dad. Uh guys, can I talk to Sweet Pea, alone?"

FP and Reid nodded before leaving. Part of the reason why you didn't want another kid was because of the 'I still love you even though our family is growing' chat with Sweet Pea. Maybe now wasn't the best time for it considering you just got shot.

Sweet Pea asked, "Are you going to tell me that you still love me even though you're having another kid talk?"

"Yeah" you replied.

"Do we really need this talk?"

"Yes, we do. I know this will change things a lot but I still want to keep up with you. I'll be even more busy but I can always make time for you. Especially since there is no way I'm doing this single parenting thing again. And you know, in two years you'll off at college. Hopefully one near DC"

Sweet Pea stated, "I bet I can get Aunt Jane to let me stay with you over the summer"

"That'd be great" you told him.

After finishing your talk with Sweet Pea, the rest of the team came in to check on you. You told them you were fine other than the fact that you were pregnant and just got shot. It was getting late so the team had to leave. The only one who stayed behind was Reid.

Sweet Pea and FP were out getting some food. You were alone with Reid for the first time since well last night.

You asked, "So what does this mean for us? Please tell me we're back together because I already did the single parent thing. Not a fan"

Reid laughed, "Yeah, it does. We should look at houses when we get back. Three bedrooms, one for us, one for the baby, and the other a guest room for Sweet Pea"

"A house next to JJ's house right?"

"Yeah. I hear the house next door is for sale"

"So is there anything else you want to ask me?"

He did say he want to get married and have kids. Preferably marriage first.

"Not yet" answered Reid.

Time skip to when you're out of the hospital. You were out with Spencer. You were walking in a park after you had a fancy romantic dinner.

Spencer stopped and dropped onto one knee. You gasped. You knew what was going to happen.

Spencer got out a box and opened it. In it was a ring with a silver engagement band with a sapphire in the middle surrounded by small diamonds.

Spencer asked, "Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" You answered.

Two months later, you had a small ceremony in Rossi's backyard. The team was there of course and so was your family: FP (who brought Alice as his date), Sweet Pea, Jughead (who brought Betty), Charles, and Jelly bean. Sweet Pea gave you away to Spencer. Instead of the traditional father daughter dance, you opted for a mother son dance.

Seven ish months later, you gave birth to your daughter: Diana Jennifer Reid, DJ for short.

You lived happily ever after until Spencer started having problems with his mother...
