Main Story///Chapter Three

Thank you so much for 50+ reads ♡ it means alot!!!

After Ink decided to come down we left for the college. I was pretty bored so I decided to mess with Ink to make him mad cause it's fun.

I started to tap Ink on the shoulder with my tentacle, he was too focused on his phone and just swatted at me.

I smirked and started to tap him more until he started to growl in annoyance. I'm getting closer.

I continued to tap him until he finally looked over at me, "can you fucking stop!" He growled at me, I just chuckled.

"Looks like the artist is angry now~"
I then took his phone from his hand because I'm a nosey fuck.



I held it up with a tentacle while he tried franticle to grab it. I then heard dream groan.

"Can you two stop fighting for five seconds!"

I chuckled then looked at Inks phone. He was texting someone. Interesting.

I looked to see who he was texting,

Error? How nice.

"See you were texting error huh Ink?"

Inks face exploded with a rainbow hue and I heard Dream gasp. Oh I forgot Dream had a crush on Ink.

"Give it back!" Ink whined.

"Then tell me why you are texting error!" I said in response.


"Then you dont get you phone back"
I said, Ink groaned then crossed his arms and slumped in the seat with defeat. With him like that I decided to look at his texts.

So far it's pretty cheesy, just him and error going back and forth about soulmates and some shit.

Sadly I couldnt find anything interesting so I threw inks phone back at him earning a yelp.

I glanced at dream who was driving, belive it or not. He looked troubled, I could feel the negative feelings reeking from him. He must really have strong feelings for Ink.

I leaned back in my seat, closed my eye and fell asleep.

~~Time Skip~~

"Night wake up! We're here!"

I was being shook violently, I opened my eye and stared at my brother who still had his hand on my shoulder.

"Thank the stars your finally awake thought we would be here for a while" he said and then walked away.

I groaned and stretched out my arms, earning several pops from my bones. I then hopped out of the car and walked over to dream.

He was staring at the college with wonder, enthusiasm in his eyes.

To me it was just a huge brick building of torture.

"Its wonderful! I cant wait to get dorms!"

"Whoo hoo...."

"Lighten up nightmare! You'll get used to it!"

He then walked over to Ink and Blue who where huddled over a map of the college. Ink then looked up and back to the map,

"Looks like we go here!"

Ink randomly shouted. He then let go of the map and wandered off somewhere, probably to find error or something.

Dream and Blue finally looked up from the map and walked towards the direction of the college. I followed them knowing that it was the only entertainment I had since no one I cared about was here.

Except for dream of course.

We got inside and saw two tables with stacks of papers on them, two young monsters were handing out sheets. I happened to recognize both of them.

Ink and Killer were handing out schedules to students, must've been why ink ran off. I decided to walk up to killers table.

He was not paying any attention so he didnt see me. "Name please" is all he said.


"I need your last name"

"You should know it"

"Kid does it look like-" killer looked up and saw me, he then grinned widely.

"Hey Nightmare where have you been"

I shrugged as he gave me a paper, it had my dorm and all that good stuff. Really the only thing I cared about was who I would be stuck with as a roomate. Sadly my roommate was error.

But he was better than a lot of other people.

I heard Dream and Blue both squeal. They probably are roommates. Ink didnt look to thrilled about his schedule, he was looking at it since no one had come to him yet.

Killer sighed, I saw that he was looking at his scedhule too,

"Did you get someone bad too?"

Killer shrugged, "I have no idea if getting stuck with dust is good or not"

I chuckled, "you'll be fine, you both act like your five anyway"

Killer puffed his 'cheeks' out, "I do not!"

I rolled my eyes at him, "if you say so."

I turned away from killer and walked down a random hallway to look at my schedule instead of just the roommate  part.

Name: Nightmare Joku
Dorm Number: 34
Dorm Rommate: Error Cq
Locker Number: 576
Locker Code: 10797

▪︎World History
▪︎Foreign Languages
▪︎Soical Sciences {Required Class}
▪︎Physical Education {Required Class}
▪︎Ancient Studies
▪︎ European History

That was my schedule, it looked pretty full to me but at least I get a break. That's all that matters to me.

I walked down another random hallway and ended up in front of some doors that had numbers on them, 'must be dorms' I thought to myself.

I decided to walk down the hallway to look for my dorm. To my surprise I found it.

The door looked very plain, probably like the room but I opened the door anyway.

I stepped into the room and saw that there were already boxes on the floor. I saw that there were two keys on the table in between the two beds in the room.

I picked up one and stuffed it into my pocket, I then heard feet shuffling towards me. I decided to hide the best I could in the corner.

For no reason of course, I just wanted to.

A few seconds later Error came into the room with a box in his hands. He turned around and noticed me.

He evidently got scared since he almost dropped the box. Someone else then came in and caught the box before it hit the ground.

"Error! For christ's sake be careful! Your lucky that this box only had the wires in it.....God I can't believe your so clumsy"

"sOrRy GeNo"

'Geno' sighed and picked up the box before putting it back on the ground. He then turned and looked over at me.

"And who the hell are you?"

I was about to reply with some snarky  comment but error butted into the conversation.

"ThAt'S nIgHtMaRe GeNo, HeS mY rOoMaTe....."

Geno then narrowed his eyes at me.

"Error you better tell me if this nightmare does anything to you...I dont like the looks of him at all"

Error the groaned but agreed. He then went back to whatever they were doing before.


I sighed happily as I gave off the last schedule.

I got up from my chair and looked over at Killer, who happened to be asleep.

I smirked and shook him. Luckily I got his attention,

"Wha- Oh Ink! Ummm what are we doing again?"

I rolled my eyes, I swear he probably has the mental capacity of a two year old.

"We're going to dorms"

Killer  looked confused but then got what I was saying. He then got up from his chair.

"I should probably see if dust is here"

"Why? You can go to your dorm without him"

"Eh I just want to make sure I dont scare dust"

I shook my head and laughed a little, count on Killer to be the one worried about scaring someone.

As for me, my roomate wasnt at the college yet. He wont be here for a couple of days actually.

I got stuck with an exchange student. Sadly they wouldn't give me his name.

I rounded another corner of this everlasting maze of halls and erupted in a stop in front of a door. Number 217, my home for the year.

I took out the key they gave me and unlocked the door.

I walked into a plain old room, with plain old beds, and well plain everything. I was absolutely disgusted.

Luckily I'm here so that would change.

I chose art as my major, not a surprise I guess. I've always had a nack for art.

Everyone else I knew mostly chose majors that would probably get them somewhere. But my dad was a popular painter so I want to follow in his footsteps.

I sighed and sat on the bed to the left side resting my head in my hands in the process. Today was too long and tomorrow is going to be even longer.

I decided to lift my head back up and examine the room some more. Though there wasnt much to examine.

I noticed that there was something wrapped in brown paper on the other bed, it also had a tag on it. I decided to get up and look at it.

I picked up the tag and looked to see a name, but it was scratched out. Evidently who ever sent this didnt want anyone knowing who it's to.

I went back to my bed and laid down on the covers. They were soft and silky, definitely beat the covers back at home. I could probably live in these  covers how soft they are!

I laid there staring at the ceiling for about ten minutes before I felt myself slip into sleep. I then closed my eyes and rested for the first time in a while.

This chapter was probably boring I read through it a couple of times and found myself thinking it was boring...I apologize for that I'm getting lazy
