Main Story/// Chapter Six


God I hate this stupid place. Out of everywhere he could have sent me why here!?

Oh well it's better than some damn mental institution he probably would have sent me to if he hadn't seen that those rich kids were here.

I walked into my dorm and saw a package on a bed that had my name inscribed on it, out of curiosity I opened it.

It was a knife, a red knife. Why the hell would I need this?

I decided to slide it under my pillow, precautions ya know?

After a little while the guy from social sciences came in, the one with the ink stain on his cheek bone.

He walked in and noticed me staring at him causing him to get quite nervous,

"Oh hi! You must be ummm Cross right? I'm ink!"

I rolled my eye lights, I could care less about him. I'm here for one thing and that's what I'm focusing on.

I stood up and walked towards the door,

"Um cross where are you going?"

"On a walk dont bother me"


I continued down the random path I was walking on until I came across a figure, just the figure i was looking for.

I followed him down the path and farther into the woods.

He turned and walked off of the path, I followed him.

We began to walk farther into the woods until he stopped.

I watched as he looked around before putting on a very wide smile.

I was then lifted from the ground and slammed into a tree by a tentacle.

Nightmare smirked at me, "I do say that was very clever, but you couldnt fool me"

I struggled against the tentacle but was then dropped to the ground.

I struggled to get back to my feet, I need to get back in shape.

Nightmare chuckled, "so what brings you here?"

I ignored him and didnt answer, obviously this pissed him off.

A tentacle appeared and stroked my cheek it was a disgusting feeling,

"I understand your new so I'll spare you from death, but there is one thing your going to follow if you value your life"

He then turned around and faced me, his teal eye burning a hole through my soul,

"You will never ignore me Cross"

He then dissapeared into the darkness leaving me lost in the woods,



I finally could see college from here! It looks like shit!

If only I hadn't been sent after a stupid damn octopus I could be enjoying my self in a another continent.

I walked on until I could feel the presence of someone, someone I didnt feel like talking to.

"Sup Cross"

"Damm you chara"

"Sheesh your having a cursing problem! Do I need to tell-"

"Do not say his name"

"Alright fiiinnne have it your way!"

Chara luckily shut up the rest of the way.

I finally got into the main building and started heading towards my dorm.

I opened the door to my room and saw that Ink was fast asleep and happened to be snoring.

I ignored him and flopped on my bed causing a cloud of dust to be shot through the air.

I then sneezed, "gesundheit"

I ignored chara and shut my eyes luckily being granted with sleep.

I didnt realize that I would also be greeted with a nightmare.


I walked through the halls trying to find something, though I can't remember what.

A scream could be heard from down the hall.

I decided to follow the scream and came to a room with a lab table, and on it was a skeleton.

They were injecting the skeleton with something. Like some sort of poison.

After a while the skeleton started to cough and no sooner they started to cough up a black substance.

The black substance then started to take over thier body, and soon four tentacles sprouted from their back.

I watched as this being killed the scientists in the room, they then faced me.

I froze when I saw them, I recognized who this was.

This was reality, not a nightmare.

And this reality was about Nightmare.


I shot up from the bed and found Ink staring at me. His eyes looked alot more paler than they did last night.

I decided to ignore him and walked into our little bathroom that we had.

I found the shower and turned it on.

It didnt take long for the little bathroom to fog up with steam.

I then undressed and got into the shower. The hot water sizzled on my cold bones, it felt nice.

After a while I head Ink rustling around in the other room so I turned the water off.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and slowly opened the bathroom door.

Ink was on his bed and he had some wierd liquid paint splatterd on his mouth and his clothes.

Ink looked at me, "oh hi C! I can call you c right? I'm sure you wouldn't mind"


I then thought back to what he said before we boarded the plane to come here 'remember cross, your here to make enemy's not friends'

Quite stupid really, but I never listened to him anyway so why now?

I saw that it was almost eight so I quickly got dressed and headed out the door my bag strapped to my shoulder.

I was not looking forward to seeing nightmare today, not at all.


I walked down the hallway in search of dust, I found out his name yesterday in Gym and we became good friends from there.

I finally found him wandering around, probably looking for something.

I walked up to him and waved catching his attention,

"Hiya dust!"

Dust smirked, "hey blue"

We chatted for a little while until the skeleton with a hole in his head came up to us, with Lust of course.

"Sup horror" dust must be friends with him, I definitely wouldn't talk to him like that.

"Hi dust see your with blue again" I thought for a moment on how in the world he would know my name, then I remembered he hangs around lust,

"I see your with Lust again too" dust smiled widely like he won a prize or something. Hes weird sometimes.

I decided go ignore them and watching the clock that sat on the wall. I noticed we only had five minutes till class started so I tugged on Dusts jacket catching his attention,

"Hey dust we're going to be late, come on!"

"Ok blue, dont worry I'm coming"

Its funny we're studying two different things but we have nearly all the same classes.

We walked down the corridor and stopped at our class.

Dust opened the door and let me walk I first, hes so kind!

I sat down at one of the desks on the edge and dust sat beside me, he made it a rule that I sat on the edge because he didnt trust anyone.

Just as the professor walked in another person came rushing in and looked very winded.

The person then sat behind me causing dust to tense up.

The professor then began class, I also began to start jotting down notes.

About five minutes into the lesson I already had a full page of notes, Dust stared at my notes page and started mumbling to himself.

I giggled at dust's behavior.

The professor then provided with the lesson and I proceeded with notes.


Class was over with so I shut my notebook and slipped it into my bag

I then stood up and walked towards the door with dust, the person from behind me then stopped me.

He was a skeleton and had one red eye, like horror, he also had a gold tooth.

He cleared his throat, "hi um your blue right? My friend sci told me about you, he said that you were really good with puzzles and stuff and well my little bro needs some help and I was wondering if you might like to help me.....?"

I opened my mouth to accept, but dust beat me to it,

"Sorry but blues busy"

He said the 'busy' quite harshly, it kinda scared me.

Dust then grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door, poor random person.

Once we got the hallway and I stopped, causing dust to stop,

"Dust what was that for? That was very rude of you!"

Dust looked down at me, "sorry blue I just- I dont what got over me"

I looked at him, "do you want to talk about it?"

Dust chuckled, "nah blue, mabey another time"

He then patted my skull, "mabey some other time....."

He sighed and continued walking until we got to the commons where all the halls split,

"Well this looks like where we separate, see ya in social sciences"

"Bye dust"

"Bye blue"

Dust then walked away.

I walked down a hallway and noticed that Geno and some other guy were talking, geno looked quite annoyed so I went over to him.

"Hi Geno!"

"Oh hi blue"

I smiled at him, "who's this guy"

Geno looked at the other guy with disgust, "my roommate.......reaper"

I wanted to start laughing, ink told me that error told him that this reaper guy was quite flirtatious with Geno, I decided to play dumb,

"Oh well it was nice running into you but I gotta go"

I then walked off towards my classroom.


Alright five minutes until class ends, five minutes till I can question nightmare about why he was acting so strangely.

The professor finally finished talking as the bell rung,

"Rember homework tonight is to study your constellations!"

He yelled at us as most of the class left, including me and killer.

Killer walked silently beside me, which was wierd for him hes normally talking up a storm.

I looked over at him, "hey killer, are you ok?"

He snapped out of his trance and looked at me, "oh yeah I'm fine"

Deciding not to push it I let him he.

We finally made it to the classroom and I walked in, to see nightmare and cross already sitting at our table.

Nightmare and cross were staring daggers at eachother, quite scary honestly.

I found ink cleaning off a paintbrush in the corner, which was oddly wierd.

I walked up to him, "why are you over here?"

Ink shrugged, "nightmare and c were being annoying plus broomy needed cleaning"


Ink chuckled, "yeah that's the nickname I gave him, i cant rember names that easily, especially the new ones"

The last few students walked in as the professor got up to speak,

"Alright everyone calm down now I would ask if you please would go to your seats"

She stared directly at me and ink as she spoke.

We walked to our table and sat down, lust and blue were already here, and cross and nightmare were still staring.

The professor then began to speak,

"As I promised yesterday we would be talking about how the monster soul reacted to 'love'"

She then formed a very crooked smirk on her face,

"Espically when it comes to soulmates"

She then began to talk deeply about what soulmate were and how they were good, such and such. She then asked if we had any questions.

Ink raised his hand,

"Yes ink"

"Ma'am what if a monster didnt have a soul? Or say they couldnt feel? Would that effect how soulmates work?"

The professor looked dumbfounded, I dont blame her that was an odd question to ask, even for ink,

"Well ink, there has been no recordings of any monster like that so I dont believe I can answer that question properly"

Ink scoffed and laid his skull on the table, "great"

"Any more questions"

Error raised a hand,

"wItH tHe StRiNgS oF fAtE, wHaT wOuLd HaPpEn If YoU cut ThE sTrInG?"

The professor sighed, I honestly feel bad for her, all of these wierd questions,

"Well if you managed to cut the string you or your soulmate would no longer be able to have any connections with each other"

Error nodded and then looked like he went into some deep thought.

The professor began to finish the lesson when the bell rang, I began to gather my things.

Nightmare then stood up and grabbed my arm pulling me out the door,

"Dream, we need to talk"


This is longest and by far probably the most boring.
