Out for my life!

A/N: Reader/ Hawks sister POV if nothing was specified. I will also use a name and a description for her. It is only a suggestion and it makes it easier to write this story. If you don't like it you can change it up in your mind.  In this story, there will not be a Izuku Midoriya. BUT there will be an Izuku version later on too!

If things would be only easy...

Why can't things ever be easy?

Like why?

It's not as if it is complicated or anything like this so why?

Mother: Akari! Come down!


I wish they could leaveme be!

I really regret not being able to ditch them!

But I need to save a bit more before Ican leave them!

Let's just endure it!

I don't have any other place tostay and the hospital wouldn't take me in...

If I could refuse I would have done so long ago but I can't. This was my who knows what number of adoptive family. There was no way I wanted to risk getting thrown out again.

Me: Coming!

However I really wished for it. These parents are the worst! Like the worst! There was nothing normal about them. They might look all happy and everything but things are messed up around here. If it wasn't for my quirk I was sure they would have killed me by now. Neverland I was still here for a reason. Ot was either stay or leave and get thrown out of the orphanage since I was old enough already.

What a dumb rule!

I went down the stairs making sure that my wings were actually in their small size because I did wanted to risk showing them mu really quirk and wasmet with my mother and father sitting at a drcked out table with food.

Father: It's about time you get down. Foods about to get cold.

Ohh it really smells delicious!

I am famished!

I could need something!

Wow Nd look at how many there is!

I wonder if we expect some guests over today?

Me: I was kinda busy with stuff that I forgot how late it was. Sorry my bad.

Mother: Oh what were you doing darling?

Me: Ahm stuff....

Please just accept it!

It's not as if I can tellyou the truth!

Like no one ever wanted to hear it and I don't trust you!

I could tell that my mother was about to pray into my things again and I couldn't just tell her that I was actually texting someone I knew at a hospital telling them I would come over or that I was crocheting a bunny as a gift for a very ill kid.

It wasn't like they didn't knew me at all there. I was their ghost angel as they like to refer to me. Basically the hospital was widely known that they could cure any illness overnight and no doctor has an explanation for it. Well no doctor cause they all suck and just are after patients money. That doesn't however mean that nurses don't know about me.

In fact it was thanks to them that I could walk in and out late at night howevee I pelase and most of the time I would use my quirk to heal the kids there but from time to time I would also take up poor patients that couldn't afford the medical fee too.

My quirk was a bit special and I didn't get from who I got it or what my real name was all I know was that I was named Akari and that is it.  I had these white to lite pink colored wings which also gave me healing powers. Basically I could absorb energy from around me and the sun light and a lot more and could heal myself as well as other if they touch my feathers. Besides that I could deattach them and makethem return to me as well. It was really cool and a feather alone could still follow my will like I could basically make it dance in the air as well as use the energy stored in it.

Mom: So?


What should I say?

A puzzle?


Maybe playing?

No she wouldn't believe me ifI said these stuff!

Ah I know!

Me: Homework and I was watching a tutorial cause I didn't get the stuff the teacher told us.

Father: Oh why didn't you say you need some help sooner?

Please don't!

I don't want to be with ya alone!

Who knows what you gonna do to me!

Me: It's not a big of a deal really!

Mom: Enough with the chit chat! Let's eat!

Now everything seemed normal for the outsiders but I knew that something was up. They were smiling at me the whole time and I knew exactly that when they smile this big then something bad was following up. They had something in store for me.

These two people were always wearing a fake mask acting all nice and everything but by the amount of coincidences that happened to me while I've been here... I couldn't sayit were coincidences. Let just say even a villain family would be better than this one.

Please let me nothet food poisoning like last time!

I really don't want to have that again!

Also this time it ells good so it's not as if they would feed me something bad like raw things like the time before....

Ah I really shouldn't expect anything!

They are out for me!

I know it!

I can't deny it anymore!

Like food poisoning!

Letting me eat raw meat which made me sick for 3 days.

Then the needlees in my clothing or nails in my bed....

Yeah... No way is that an coincidence!

They won't even try cover it anymore!

They are straight after my life!

I need toget out of here and fast!

I started eating because my mother started urging me to do so. My new father was putting food on my plate and it really smelled good. So I didn't really hesitate nor did I actually see what was going on until I started vomiting blood. At first it was just dripping down my moth but after a while I just started throwing up the food and blood.

This entire time I didn't realize that non of my parents touched the food at all. I was the only one eating it.


They messed with the food this time!

Dang it!

What did they put in here!

I am so hot!

What kind of poison is it!

It is getting hard to breathe!


Call an ambulance!


Everything started spinning and it wasn't for long that I fell of the chair having an attack from the poison they fed me. Thankfully my quirk was already starting to heal me but I could see them laugh and smile at me. For them it was all just a game. For me it was hell.

A/N: Out of update schedule! I'll update this whenever I can! Might be a slower update... who knows! :)
