7. You like her

"Get your ass out of the bed..." I hear dad shout.

"Oh." My dad says after he came in my bedroom door. I watch him with a raised eyebrow as he itch the back of his neck.

"I am up." I chuckle as I take the books into my schoolbag.

"You usually don't." He says, sounding a little curious.

"It's a nice day." I shrug as I look out the window watching the sunshine. I feel the warmth as the light hit my face. I think it is going to be a good day.

"Well, I see you later." He smile as she steps out the door and close it behind him.

I hope Riley is going to sit with us today like she did a couple of days ago. She is usually not in the canteen when it's lunch so if she is not there today, then I will look for her.

I can feel the pressure of the time, since it's almost been a month already and I am nowhere near as a friend, but it is not just that. I like being around her, she is very interesting to me.

I have been standing with Hannah and the rest for a while now, listening to them talk as I wait for Riley to show up, but then the bell ring and I have but no choice to go.

I sigh as I walk with Becca to our math class. I wonder why Riley hasn't come yet, maybe she over slept or maybe ill.

I guess I can ask tomorrow if she do not come in today. I have been waiting, since tomorrow to see her, to hear her voice.

"Are you okay?" Becca asks and look at her.

"Yeah, just tired." I answer as we step into our classroom.

"Are you sure? You have been quiet for days." She says. I watch her surprised as I find a seat. I guess I have been lost in my thoughts for a while. I shake my head to Becca and she rolls her eyes.

"Does it has something to do with Riley?" Becca questions.

"No, why?" I ask, but this time she just chuckles as she shake her head.

"What?" I wonder, annoyed that she is just laugh of me.

"You like her." She smiles.

"Of course I like her."

"No, Drew. You really like this one. You look at her as if she is," She seems thoughtful as she look for the right word.

"An angel." She says, snapping her finger, and I laugh lightly.

"Drew you do." She says, but then I notice something about her face. Becca seems a little dreamy as if she is thinking about something or someone. I shrug it off as the teacher comes in.

"No sandwich today?" Hannah ask disappointed, and I wink to her only to get a kick in the leg, but I don't care. Then to my surprise, I see Riley. I get up from my seat right away. God, I have been waiting to see that face all day.

"Hi." I smile before she can strike me with her stick.

"Hi, Drew Lu." She tease and I roll my eyes with amusement. Then she folds the cane and take a step towards me. She reaches out her hand and I take the hint to take it in mine, but she moves it up my arm. 

My body turns to goosebumps of her soft touch. She places her hand right above my elbow. She nods with a smile and I follow her to our seat.

"Hi, Riley." Hannah says as we sit down in front of her.

"Hi." Riley smiles back to the to the brown eyed.

"Stop shouting at me!" Olivia says as she comes sitting next to Hannah as always and Becca comes behind her.

"You started!" Becca yells in fury as she sits down beside me. Hannah rolls her eyes and I take a deep low breathe. Here we go again.

"I don't understand why you cannot listen to me." Olivia says, moving her hands in front of her face in frustration.

"Because I hate every word that comes out of your mouth!" Becca yells, leaving Olivia speechless. She stares at Becca as she clenches her teeth repeatedly with only pain in her eyes.

"Shit." I whisper to myself. Then Olivia steps away from the table, she looked so hurt. Becca has a lot of regret written over her face as she stares down at the table.

"Oli!" Becca yell as she move out of her seat to follow Olivia. I feel my skin turn cold after what just happened. Never have I ever seen Olive so hurt before. I don't get why Becca has to be so cruel to her sometimes. I turn to look at Riley, who seems a little pale.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I lay my hand on her arm.

"Yeah." She nods and she smiles to me.

"Okay." I nod as I remove my hand from her.

"That was intense." Hannah breathes as if she has been holding in her breath the whole time and I nod to her words. I really wanted to go after Olive, but couldn't when Becca followed after her. 

This needs to stop before someone gets seriously hurt. I could see that tears were threatening to come out of Olive's eyes. Imagine walking everyday watching the girl you love be with a prick that don't even deserve her. Olivia is fighting day after day for her and she is the only one that gets hit in the face.

"Riley?" I ask softly and she turns to the sound of my voice, with a light smile that makes me swallow hard of nervousness. My hands are shaking, really shaking.

"Can I follow you to class?" I wonder, feeling my heart beat so hard I can feel it hitting my ribs. Then she nods with a grin.

"Sure you can, Drew Lu." She says as she moves, and I follow her lead.

"Your arm?" She asks.

"Oh yeah, sorry, I forget sometimes." I tell her and my cheeks turns warm, but she just chuckles lightly of me. I take her hand and place it on my arm, but she moves it up a little over my elbow. 

I need to remember that is it supposed to be there, since it's always there she lays it. Her hand still makes my skin turn warm. I try to hide it as well as I can. Then we start moving together.

"What class?" I ask.

"English." She answer and I nod to myself.

"Okay." I smile.

"How old are you?" I wonder, sounding randomly, but I just want to get to know her.

"Fifteen, and how old are you, Drew Lu?" She says with a teasing smile, which I really like.

"You are fifteen and you are a freshman?" I ask confused. Riley nods.

"If you didn't notice I am blind." She chuckles, which makes me roll my eyes of myself.

"Yeah, but... okay." I say as I just shake that off, I kind of feel better that she's a year older than I thought.

"I didn't see you at the primary or middle school." I tell her, I would have noticed if she did.

"I went to this blind school, but I asked my parents if I could go to regular school now." She smiles to me and I just have to smile back to the blond beauty.

"Well, that is impressive since this is high school." I chuckle lightly and she snorts.

"I just want to be... normal." She says.

"You are probably the most normal one here." I laugh and so does she.

"Here we are." I say and stop in front of her classroom.

"Thank you, Drew." She smiles to me, leaving me soundlessly for a moment. It's just her smile that makes me completely mesmerized. She takes out her cane and bend it out. Riley smiles one last time before she turns to go into her class.

"Riley?" I say as I walk after her, she stops and turn to face me.

"Yes?" She smiles.

"Can I drive you home today?" I ask, nervously and a little embarrassed, because of how desperate I am to get to know her. She stands in front of me in silence, thinking. While I am waiting like a little child for it's candy.

"Sure you can." She finally smiles, and I reach for air quietly so she won't hear.

"I meet you with your locker?" I ask and she nods with her beautiful smile.

"Okay, then I see you later." 
