18. God, I miss her so much

It's been quiet between Oliva and Becca this week. Becca is not even sitting with us. She is over with Daniel right now. I thought that maybe things were going to change. It did, but not in the good way.

Olivia has barley eaten when it's been lunch, she just plays and watch it. God, her eyes can just say everything. Her heart is broken, not so sure if she even has it anymore. It's been quiet around this table ever since the party. 

No one dares to talk. Riley and I just whisper to each other sometimes, but Hannah and Olive haven't said much. I can't understand why Becca has to be so cruel to Olive. I watch her sitting behind Hannah on another table and on Daniel's lap.

 I can feel the fury building up. It's been like that every day, but now I had enough of watching her and watching Olive with her broken heart all over face.

"Riley, I'm just going to talk to someone." I tell her.

"Okay." She smiles. I kiss her cheek before I get up from my seat. Finding my way over to Becca.

"Hey!" She shouts as I just took her wrist and dragged her off Daniel's lap.

"I need to borrow her for a minute." I say to him and he nods, but don't seem happy about it.

"What are you doing?" Becca asks angrily as I drag her after me to the hallway.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask, shouting almost in her face. She moves back in shock and not understanding.

"Nothing, why?" She wonders as she cross her arm over her chest.

"What did you do to Olive?" I ask raising my eyebrows as I tilt my head.

"Nothing." She says quietly, looking down at the floor.

"Are you sure? Because I am pretty sure you just hit her in the chest and took her heart out and jumped on it." I say, but she just stands there staring at me.

"Olivia has loved you since middle school, Becca, and I know for sure you like her as well." I tell her, but now she bites her lower lip and try to suppress her tears. Then the lay her hand over her eyes to hide her crying.

"Becca." I say and take her in for an embrace. She is sobbing into my shoulder.

"I-I like her so much." She cries, clinging onto my T-shirt at my back.

"Becca, just talk to her, okay? You know Olivia is there for you. She always has and she would do anything for you." I tell her and she nods as she moves back to take the tears away from her cheeks.

"I-I don't know. I hurt her so bad." She says as she rubs her eyes.

"Then you make it better again. She loves you, Becca." I smile to her and she nods as she still tries to take away the tears.

"I-I love her too." She smiles and sniff.

"Then don't shut her out." I tell her and she nods.

"God, I miss her so much." 

"Then break up with that asshole and talk to Oliva." I say, making her chuckle and so do I. Then she nods as she takes the last tears away from her face.

"I need a hug." She laughs lightly and I open my arms, but take them down again as she shakes her head, which makes me confused.

"I need an Oli hug." She explains making me laugh.

"Well, she is sitting in there and I think she needs a hug too." I smile, still her eyes are red and it's obvious that she has been crying.

"Come on." I say and we both walk back together, but as we reach the doors, she stops. I look at her wondering if she has cold feet or if there is something else.

"I'm okay, just need some time." She smiles and I nod.

"I go back so you can have some time for yourself." I tell and we both share a smile before I go back to my seat.

"Hi." I say as I sit down next to Riley. She smiles my way and I lean in to kiss her cheek, and both of them turns red.

"Where were you?" She asks.

"Just talking to someone." I explain and she nods. Then I smile as Becca comes in the door. She looks around and seem very scared about what she is going to do. 

Her eyes are at Daniel for a moment, but then at Olive. Becca suck on her lower lip, still thinking what to do. She takes a deep breath and it looks like she is about to cry gain. Then she rubs her eyes before she moves her legs. 

I almost got my heart in my throat as I thought she was going to Daniel, but she still moves over here. I watch Olivia's eyes widen with shock as Becca wrapped her arms around her neck from behind. Hannah has the same stunned look on her face.

"I think we should leave." I whisper to Riley and Hannah.

"Why?" Riley ask and I face palm myself.

"I'm sorry." I say as she takes a hold on my arm. We all step away from Becca and Olivia. I explain what was going on for her and it makes her smile.

"I need a new nickname for you." Riley chuckles.

"Nickname?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, stupid." She says and I laugh as I stop in front of her locker and then lean down to kiss her temple.

"It was very nice of you to do that." Riley smile to me.

"Well, I was tired of watching the look on Olivia's face and that asshole with Becca." I explain and she smiles even brighter as she wraps her arms around my neck and I hold her around her waist.

"You are amazing." She whispers and I snort as I roll my eyes.

"No, you are amazing."

"Babe, don't argue." She says, making me laugh as I lean my forehead on hers.

"Okay, fine, beautiful." I smile watching her cheeks turn red.

"You really are beautiful."
