Rant inspired by wwetheshield rant she did on POC too.

People automatically think x person is gonna like y person just because of their skin color. I'm black obviously (lol), and us black people love to see our fellow black people of all shades backgrounds, etc succeed at what they do. I have to admit I don't like every single Black male or female wrestler in wwe. HOWEVER, I'm gonna be their motherfucking ride or die when it comes to their craft. Like black people are under appreciated for their beauty, Like let's take a moment to appreciate these beautiful gods and goddesses:

A queen

Father, sun and the holy Dwayne Johnson. 

what dat tongue do.

Tamina is under appreciated for her beauty.

A beauty.

Two samoas named Joe, sorry I had to. Suddenly I forgot how to breathe.

My next point:

Liking wrestlers for their skin color...

" You only like so and so just because they are black or poc."

Okay, okay, MAYBE most of my faves are poc but so fucking what? POC have been treated pretty fucking shitty over hundreds of years and it two thousand and fucking seventeen and racism is still a live and well. It shouldn't be because it's just wrong and no human should go through what black, asian, etc have been through. I know someone probably gonna be up in the comments like " bUt wHaT aBouT mE? SoMeOnE cAlLeD mE a CRacKeR oNlIne." Okay susan don't get your vegan panties in a bunch this shit isn't about you. Calling someone a cracker isn't racism sweetheart, being called a ni**er, a ton of other names, a race being oppressed for years, men and women UNARMED and getting shot by a cop, being told to go back to your country, but couldn't that be said to all white people since North American land never belonged to them, they just took it just like they do everything else. murica. ( not even blaming all the white people you get it. I know someone won't.)

Not trying to make this a history lesson but you get my spheal. 

I LOVE NAOMI, like I loved her in her nxt days back when she was doing challenges and all that shit and came in 2ND. Like she's been THE queen since forever. I'm glad wwe opened their damn eyes about her. Naomi is AMAZING, she's athletic, fit as fuck, beautiful, and the first African american smackdown womens champ. I will love Naomi until I die and after.
