SCP-143: The Bladewood Grove

Item #: SCP-143

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-143 is to be contained in the valley adjacent to Bio-Research Area-12, an area over 2 km². Area surrounding SCP-143 for up to 20 km, and all lines of sight from the surrounding hilltops, are to be denied public access. SCP-143 is to be watered twice every day on a regular basis via a large sprinkler system, unless already watered by local precipitation. Personnel are not allowed to enter the enclosure without Level 4 administrative clearance, and are advised not to touch any of SCP-143, nor stand beneath them unless wearing proper protective gear. It is important that no one be within the containment area when SCP-143 begins to shed, however after the shedding has concluded, the collection of the fallen petals for testing purposes has been authorized by the project director (see SCP-143 Testing Log ).

Description: SCP-143 is a plantation of 300 specimens of a unique type of tree. The trees are similar in appearance to Prunus x yedoensis (Japanese Sakura), or cherry blossoms. They bear no fruit, and the only known way of reproduction is by careful "own root" propagation using cut saplings from an older sample.

The petals are a light pinkish color, slightly translucent, and with a texture of smooth glass. Care must be taken when handling the petals, as their edges are razor sharp, and can easily slice through flesh if mishandled.

The wood and bark are a light grayish color, with a texture expected of wood, although the grain is very smooth to the touch.

However, the petals and wood of these trees are much harder than most natural or man-made substances, reaching up to 5,000 HB on the Brinell scale, and withstanding temperatures of up to 1800°C. The weight-to-strength ratio surpasses even that of titanium, being some fifteen percent (15%) lighter than aluminum. Despite this hardness, the wood and petals are quite supple and are as pliable as most woods are.

Both are notoriously difficult to work due to their properties, but under high temperatures, upwards of 1500°C, separate pieces are capable of being fused together. They make excellent armor, shielding, and weapons. Due to the slow growth of the plants, the material is slow to harvest, although the petals are shed regularly enough, falling from the trees twice every year.

Addendum 143-1: The trees were grown on-site from saplings obtained from parent plants located in Nara Prefecture, Japan, in 1905. The parent trees were owned by a family of traditionalist swordsmiths, claiming to be descended from a legendary sword maker named Amakuni. They referred to the original trees as "jinki no kodachi" (刃木の木立), or the "Bladewood Grove." It is from them that the Foundation gained the techniques to cut and work the wood and petals into serviceable items.

The original trees are still in Japan, owned by the government, and still tended to by the same family. However, the government has denied all existence of the trees, and any products made from them are kept within the country.

Document 143-A: We lost three staff to 143 today. They were collecting petals dropped by the trees the previous day, when a sudden gust picked up, shaking a good deal of the petals from the trees and blowing them around. Stayed that windy for the whole day. I'd send a cleanup crew, but it's still pretty windy and the odd petal is still falling. We'll have to pick up the remains when the wind dies down in a couple days.


Notes: The following tests were conducted shortly after the second bi-yearly shedding of petals produced by SCP-143 occurred.

Log Format


Item: SCP-457
Procedure: Petals taken from SCP-143 were introduced to SCP-457 to test their heat resistance against heat sources of anomalous origins. The use of gasoline to act as an accelerant was authorized during this test.
Results: SCP-457 maintained an average temperature of 870°C without the use of an accelerant. At this temperature, SCP-143 showed no signs of igniting. Gasoline was provided to SCP-457 at a rate of 2 liters per minute to increase its core temperature. At 1500°C the petals became red hot and were determined to be pliable. Gasoline continued to be provided to SCP-457 until its core temperature reached 1800°C, at which time SCP-143 began to display signs of igniting. At 1850°C, SCP-143 ignited and fused together. The sprinkler system connected to SCP-457's containment chamber was then activated.
Notes: Following the results yielded from testing, requests to use SCP-143 have been approved for use in producing armor, shielding, and weapons for Foundation personnel. Further testing with SCP-143 and non-anomalous heat sources yielded the same results as testing with SCP-457, thus suggesting that the melting point of SCP-143 is 1800°C. Further testing with SCP-143 and other heat sources of anomalous origins is currently pending approval. Due to the results gathered during testing, the sprinkler system inside of SCP-457's containment chamber has since been reinforced using SCP-143.

Item: SCP-890
Procedure: SCP-890 was provided with a set of hand crafted scalpels produced with the petals taken from SCP-143. SCP-890 was then instructed to operate on a HP brand copy machine that had short circuited the week prior. An identical machine with a similar electrical problem was also given to SCP-890 along with a set of standard scalpels. SCP-890 was instructed to preform two separate operations using the different set of tools and provide feedback on the differences of the procedures.

Notes: Any further testing completed with SCP-890 is to be documented extensively and the objects involved in the testing process are to be monitored until such a time that they are deemed fully functional.

Notes: SCP-890 has been given permission to utilize the scalpels produced using SCP-143 in all future procedures that may occur. Production of other medical tools crafted using SCP-143 for use within the Foundation is currently pending approval after clinical testing is conducted.

Item: SCP-1006
Procedure: A small portion of the SCP-1006 colony was taken to SCP-143. Researchers established contact with the leader of SCP-1006's colony in order to inform it of the test and to prevent further discourse with the SCP-1006 colony and Foundation personnel.
Results: The colony of SCP-1006 took up residence in the largest branch of SCP-143 and quickly established a network of webs reaching the outermost portion of the branch. The established web was infused with petals taken from SCP-143 and as a result, the overall structure of the network proved to be much sturdier than previous webs made by SCP-1006 and required less repairs. The number of insects that were captured in the web remained steady and proved to be sufficient to maintain the members of the SCP-1006 colony. During the duration of the test, the SCP-1006 colony began to weave sheets of web using SCP-143. The colony was then presented with a bottle of black ink.

The larger sheets of web produced by SCP-1006 contained spaces in the webbing that were in the form of letters taken from the English alphabet. The smaller, blank sheets of web that SCP-1006 had produced were then placed underneath the larger sheets. The SCP-1006 colony then began to work in unison to apply the black ink to the web. This was done by tipping the bottle of ink over and also by members of the SCP-1006 colony coating their bodies in ink and applying it in the spaces formed in the larger sheets of webbing. Once completed, this process was continued until one dozen exact copies of SCP-1006's correspondence were made. The contents of the letters all called for the dismantlement of western society and capitalist governments. When offered white poster board in place of the sheets created with the web infused with SCP-143, the SCP-1006 colony refused to use the poster board and continued to utilize its new method of communication.

Notes: After testing concluded, the small colony in SCP-143 was taken back to the main SCP-1006 colony and petals from SCP-143 were provided to SCP-1006 for use within its web and for further communication purposes.

Item: SCP-1030
Procedure: Petals taken from SCP-143 were integrated into SCP-1030 in order to determine how long it would take for the petals to corrode.
Results: SCP-1030 exhibited signs of obvious discomfort eight hours after initial ingratiation with SCP-143. At this time, SCP-1030 began to slam its "hands", which were composed of various pieces of scrap metal at the time of testing, onto the walls of its containment chamber. SCP-1030 was then presented with a pile of assorted scrap metal and wires and SCP-143 was ejected from SCP-1030. SCP-143's shape had not changed, though each individual petal bore the mark of SCP-1030, and displayed obvious signs of wear. The sharp edge on each individual petal was also noted to be significantly duller after its expulsion from SCP-1030. No other additional changes were initially present.

SCP-143 became animate thirty minutes after being expelled from SCP-1030. At which time, the petals from SCP-143 began to move on their volition and take the form of a small cyclone, rotating at a speed of 5km an hour. SCP-1030 exhibited no interest in SCP-143 and personnel were able to successfully remove SCP-143 from the containment chamber. The petals used in this experiment were placed in a low value item locker at the site of original testing. Two days after being stored, the petals ceased rotation and have since become inanimate. SCP-1030 has not expressed any knowledge of this change.

Notes: Standard metalloids presented to SCP-1030 for self-repair were typically ejected after a period of time ranging between 30 minutes and three hours, at which time the metalloids would either be highly corroded or almost entirely dissolved. Due to the prolonged period of time that SCP-143 was able to be integrated into SCP-1030 and the limited amount of corrosion that appeared on SCP-143 after being ejected, requests to use SCP-143 as a more efficient source of self-repair material for SCP-1030 has since been approved.

Item: SCP-1048
Results: Null.
Notes: Several weeks prior to the first appearance of SCP-1048-A, SCP-1048 approached a researcher at Site-24, the initial site responsible for containment of SCP-143, and provided a hand drawn picture to the researcher. The picture depicted SCP-1048 standing underneath a tree surrounded by petals. The researcher in question denied SCP-1048's request and due to the events that occurred afterward, any testing with any SCP-1048 instance and SCP-143 is strictly forbidden. The petals that are produced by SCP-143 are not currently thought to be the material that SCP-1048-C is composed of. Further testing, contingent on the containment of SCP-1048-C, is required.

Item: SCP-1100
Procedure: SCP-143 was introduced to the aerosol produced by SCP-1100. This test was conducted in a controlled setting at Bio Containment Site-71.
Results: Thirty seconds after initial exposure had occurred, automated testing of the petals revealed that their hardness, as well as sharpness, had increased, reaching 6,500 HB on the Brinell scale. An automated toxicology test was then conducted on SCP-143 and revealed that the toxicity levels of the petals had surpassed any substance currently known. When exposed to the living tissue of a Sus scrofa domesticus the toxin caused total cell death of the organism on a molecular level. This event took place over approximately fifteen seconds of exposure. During this process, mitochondrial swelling, cytoplasm vacuolization, and swelling of the nucleus and cytoplasm were all documented before total death of the cells occurred. This level of toxicity is the highest documented of all instances of SCP-1100.
Notes: Due to the results gathered during testing, the petals used in this experiment are permanently kept at the site of original testing. No further testing with SCP-143 and SCP-1100 is to be conducted.

Item: SCP-2467
Procedure: A 7 meter long fiberglass boat carrying 15kg of SCP-143 was launched from the SCPS Sunderland unmanned and remotely controlled by personnel aboard the main ship. Upon entering the 5km radius of SCP-2467, heavy rain began to fall and wind speeds reaching 40km an hour were documented. Waves, measuring 4m high, pushed the boat carrying SCP-143 until SCP-2467 was in sight and the crew of SCP-2467 was able to attach a line to the smaller vessel. After using the crane on SCP-2467 to raise the smaller vessel, the ship's crew hoisted the cargo crates carrying SCP-143 onto the deck of the ship and began to use SCP-143 to reinforce the hull of SCP-2467.
Results: After three hours had passed, SCP-143 began to rot at an accelerated rate. Due to the short period of time that this occurred in, the rotting caused severe structural damage to the hull of the ship, resulting in four large, approximately 40cm in length, cracks to appear on the left side of the hull where SCP-143 had been integrated. Crew members on SCP-2467 quickly began to remove SCP-143, exhibiting obvious signs of distress and agitation as they did so. SCP-143, when severed from the hull of SCP-2467, was subsequently thrown overboard and the fiberglass from the 7m boat was utilized in its place. Observation efforts from the SCPS Sunderland further reported witnessing the crew of SCP-2467 continue to act in a distressed manner whenever they approached the hull of SCP-2467. This effect continued for a period of twelve hours, after which time the crew on SCP-2467 returned to normal behavior. No further changes have since been documented.
Notes: After testing had concluded, petals taken from SCP-143 were exposed to oceanic salt water for a period of eight hours. Over the course of the secondary experiment, SCP-143 exhibited no signs of deteriorating and after being extracted from the salt water, displayed no signs of obvious wear. Whether SCP-143 had a negative reaction to SCP-2467 or whether materials integrated into SCP-2467 have an increased rate of deterioration is currently unknown.

Item: SCP-2086
Procedure 1: Bark taken from SCP-143 was used to create a 3m long replica of a school bus. Afterward, the item was presented to the SCP-2086 colony.
Results: The SCP-2086 colony did not acknowledge SCP-143. Attempts made by Foundation personnel to change this result were unsuccessful. SCP-143 was successfully removed from SCP-2086's containment chamber without incident.

Procedure 2: The replica bus produced using SCP-143 was covered in silver paint before being presented to the SCP-2086 colony.
Results: The SCP-2086 colony immediately took notice of SCP-143 and the largest of the SCP-2086 instances approached SCP-143. The SCP-2086 instance proceeded to attempt to ingest SCP-143 by raising the replica underneath its hood before the seam closed once more. After thirty seconds, the instance of SCP-2086 expelled SCP-143 whole and still in tact. No visible damage to SCP-143 was documented. Additional instances of SCP-2086 attempted to ingest SCP-143, however the results were unchanged. SCP-143 was successfully removed from SCP-2086's containment chamber after steel was provided to the SCP-2086 colony. SCP-2086 instances that attempted to digest SCP-143 produced 20% more waste product in the following 24 hours than usual. Metals that were typically able to be digested by SCP-2086 were expelled from its body, an action atypical of SCP-2086. The expelled materials were partially digested, but in all instances, retained at least 30% of their original mass.

Over the next 24 hours, the affected instances of SCP-2086 refused to eat and became increasingly sluggish, only moving when prompted to by other instances. At this time, the affected instances were individually quarantined, and SCP-890  was granted authorization to examine the instances. SCP-890 examined three instances of SCP-2086 and determined that the hatch on the bottom of the instances had malfunctioned due to heavy damage sustained to the mechanisms that operate the hatch, causing it to fall open periodically. SCP-890 was given access to replacement parts for the instances and successfully replaced both the hinges and springs that were damaged during testing.

SCP-890 then proceeded to examine the additional four instances of SCP-2086 that had come into direct contact with SCP-143. SCP-890 determined that the remaining four instances of SCP-2086 had partial "stomach blockages" and requested to remove the offending pieces of SCP-143. The request was subsequently granted. Using standard, steel scalpels, SCP-890 was able to remove the remnants of SCP-143 from the instances of SCP-2086's engines. 2 kilograms of SCP-143 were recovered during this process, though how they were retained by SCP-2086 instances is currently unknown.

After 24 hours had passed after each set of operations, the SCP-2086 instances exhibited no further complications from testing. Why the instances affected by SCP-143 exhibited the same complications, despite having varying mechanical issues, has yet to be determined.

Notes: No further testing between SCP-143 and SCP-2086 is to be conducted.

Item: SCP-2849
Procedure: During decontamination procedures, it was found that several rooms within SCP-2849 were inaccessible due to the massive condensed deceased biomass. After several conventional and anomalous attempts to clear it, SCP-143 edged cutting tools were requisitioned.
Results: After several failed attempts, it was found that exerting leverage could cause the enhanced tools to disrupt the biomass' structural integrity. Sonic generators were used to dissolve the structures after their integrity was weakened.
Notes: Research into using SCP-143 as standard kit piece for exploration or sample gathering from or into anomalous tissue-based structures is ongoing.

Footnotes. Commonly referred to as the domesticated pig. Due to the lack of documented damage on the replica bus constructed out of SCP-143, how pieces of SCP-143 remained in the instances' stomachs is currently unknown. Due to the negative results gathered during the test between SCP-143 and SCP-2086 instances, the scalpels provided to SCP-890 produced with SCP-143 were not authorized to be used during this procedure.
