
Ship: Dustberry/ hint of stretch and Dust bonding.

Multiverse: Original

                         "How did this happen!?" Dust yelled down the hall as stretch grabbed another honey bottle from the pantry. He sighed and shook his head, what other things does Dust doesn't know besides what a bathroom is? Stretch walked over to the living room with a lazy smile as he checked to see what was going on.

But the sight before him only made him snort in laughter. Dust was slightly leaning forward as he sat on Blueberry's lap as blue was asleep, half his body leaning on to Dust for support as blue snoozed off to dreamland. With a bright purple faced dust as he tried to process what's going on.

Dust looked up at stretch desperately as he wanted to know what happened. "When did Blue get TALLER than me?!" He whispered
Loudly. Normally, He would be the one hugging blue from behind for comfort and blue would be the one to sit in his lap. Stretch let out a sigh and shook his head solemnly, before taking out a camera and spamming the button, giggling as Dust exploded in multiple of hues of purple, sputtering on how it's rude to take pictures.

Stretch finally placed the camera back in his pocket and replied.
"Ever since he wanted to become taller." He stated simply like it was a fact. "How's that an answer?!" Stretch looked at him for five seconds before eventually shrugging, only making dust even more aggravated.

Stretch sighed, yet again. (What a mood...) "Geez, having such weird reactions to positive touching and love... makes me wonder if you've ever been loved..." Dust tilted his plum head to the side in question to what was Stretch implying. "Of course I've been loved!
I got lots of L.O.V.E. from a ton of monsters! And my brothe-" "THAT IS NOT HOW SOMEONE LOVES THEIR BROTHERS!!!" Stretch snapped as Dust flinched back at the sudden rage, it's not...? But he thought-

"If your 'brother' really loves you, they wouldn't touch you that way! I don't give a Damn if he's mad or not! I don't care if it ruins his 'entertainment', entertainment as a substitute for killing others to get more LV!" He ranted angrily, yet firmly as to not wake Blue up. His fist curled up and trembled in rage, he finally breathed out to regain his composure and straightened himself up, now looking at the shocked Dust.

"B- but I thought- Papyrus-" "well he lied to you, dust... *sigh*  whatever he told you, is not true... you know that black magical square thing that shows moving pictures?" Dust nodded furiously, hoping stretch would go on. "That's called a 'television' or TV for short, it's not magical whatsoever..." Dust looked down, was all that paps had been telling him was a lie? No... none NO! He can't be! Dust started breathing heavily, it can't be! It CAN-

Dust jolted as he felt another pair of hands hugged Dust firmly, he looked up in shock as it was stretch much to his surprise. "*sigh* from now on, we'll taking care of you... okay? Your a part of us, and we're a part of you. We're a family from now on, okay? And don't let anyone tell you otherwise..." Dust closed his eyesockets as he melted in the soft, warm comfy embrace from the swap brothers in there little home in snowdin.


Shit, now I ship DustStretch.... damn...

hO WELL! MORE FONTCEST FOR MEH~! lE gAsP! bUt tIs sAnCeSt!? oOoOoOohHhHhHh nUuUuUuUus~!

Oh well, hoped you liked the fluff!
