Dragon! Errormare

Requested by SketchSanss. This will be platonic because of the way the request sounded in my head. Hope you enjoy!

The ever rustling bush never stopped, being shaken harshly as if some creature struggled to get out of it. It was quite weird to any human or monster. But, it meant something else to other creatures, specific ones to be exact: mythical creatures. And the only mythical creature that responded to any rustling bush was a dragon. Powerful beast that raided and destroyed any village for gold or livestock.


A young, tar covered skeleton dragon struggled to free its entangled body from the bush, squirming and biting at the branches that only entangled it further. It was weird to see such a powerful and majestic creature in such a defenseless state, an easy kill to many hunters and poachers.

The dragon screeched and roared in both frustration and fear, calling out for help. The sound so thunderous and echoed through the whole forest like wind blowing through a crevice in mountains, sending fear through many that were afraid.

Another roar echoed through the forest, alerting the entangled dragon to perk up, single eyelight filled with hope when it heard the roar.


A red, yellow, black and blue blur flew across the land, wings a majestic red and yellow that engulfed the village below." HIDE!"" DRAGON!"" GET DOWN!"" PROTECT THE CHILDREN!" The yells from below got fainter as it flew, letting out another roar, trying to locate the distressed roar that reached its ears.

Another more desperate roar was made after its roar, skull snapping towards the sound and flying in the direction the roar had come from at an alarming speed. It tilted its head slightly, allowing it to get glimpses of the treeline below until a flash of dark bones caught its attention, immediately diving into the slight clearing.

" Help me out." The tar covered skeleton dragon moved its skull to face the other, lone eyelight pleading the other dragon to get it out of the wooden and vine covered prison." ... You are an idiot sometimes, Nightmare." The tar covered skeleton, now known as Nightmare, glared at the other dragon, earning a snort." Don't look at me like that, you have to admit that it's true."" ..." With a sigh, the tar covered skeleton closed his lone eye socket before opening it again.

Before any of them could react, Nightmare suddenly hissed in pain, the other panicked and desperately clawed at the bushes, only to stop when he saw the tar melt away to reveal white bones. He didn't know what that meant- his mind raced with every second that passed by as the tar started revealing more white bones and purple eyelights filled with lavender tears." Nightmare? What's going on?!" The other started to get smaller, being as small as a dragon hatchling that was a few weeks old with no wings. Heck- that made him vulnerable to other predators!

The process stopped, revealing a pure white skeleton dragon from under that thick layer of goop that once covered his body, lavender eyelights shaking uncontrollably from fear." Nightmare?" The other quivered in fear, the lavender tears still flowing down his cheek bones.


Error did NOT expect this to happen. To the beginning and end of the multiverse, he didn't expect to see a white skeleton dragon to take the place of where Nightmare once sat in tangled vines and branches." Nightmare? Is that you?" He fought off the urge to swallow the hatchling-like skeleton dragon." D-don't y-y-you d-dare s-say a-any-anything a-a-about t-this!" It was still him, just smaller and defenseless." Y-you c-can mock me all you want, I'll always find a way to get you to shut up." His stuttering ceased, tone squeaky and sort of demanding.

Neither spoke, Nightmare still being stuck in his prison while Error watched him intensely, mismatched eyelights never looking away from the smaller.

Error snapped the twigs around Nightmare, wings snugly tucked to his sides. He allowed his instincts to take over, not even daring to ignore them. He knew that it would lead to swallowing Nightmare, someone that understood him more than anyone on the island.

He reached Nightmare's smaller, wingless and vulnerable form, gently using his front paws to pull him away from the spot he was previously tangled in.

" E-error? W-what are you d- NO!" Error opened his maw, thick strings of blue saliva could be seen in his maw, the back of his throat being a dark navy blue colour. It frightened Nightmare, he could see it in his lavender eyelights." ER- MPH!" He stuffed the white skull into his awaiting maw, saliva dripped down the side of his maw as Nightmare's texture made him frown. Nightmare's texture was rough like sand but also smooth like butter. Had he not been realized the texture, he would have thought that it was how Nightmare was born.


Nightmare was terrified, small lavender eyelights lighting up the slimy and humid environment. He was scared- he had never felt so terrified since 500 years ago. He could feel the saliva soak his skull, neck and some of his ribs in Error's maw.

He was pulled into the back of the throat, front legs and some of his fleshy skin entered the maw. The muscles pulsed with life, pulling him further into the dark cavern before Error gulped, bringing his hind legs into the maw. Only his tail stuck outside. Had fear not have a grasp on his entire being, he would have struggled.

The tight muscles around him began to get less tight, a more open space opening as his skull entered. The fact that the space was sort of long and big enough to fit two of him in his passive form made him realize where he was: Error's stomach. He snapped, squirming weakly, a fruitless attempt to escape, he knew that. He knew that it was too late. He felt his tail enter the long tube of a throat, sealing him from the once cool air.

It didn't take long for the rest of him to deposit in the humid space, being only big enough to move around. It was strange, including a strange liquid underneath him. It was thick, just like the saliva that coated his skull in Error's maw. He struggled once more, although it was weak.

A sudden pressure made one of the walls press against his flexible fin, causing him to freeze in place, all his struggles having ceased." Calm down, Nightmare..." Error's voice was all around him, vibrating the walls that kept him in his fleshy prison." Let me out!" His struggles began again, a bit more powerful than the last." Please calm down... You are safe, I promise." Slowly, Nightmare stopped his struggles.

Once Nightmare relaxed, he truly felt exhausted- drained from the little struggles he did and the warmth of Error's insides. He could hear the rhythm of the SOUL from Error's ribcage beat calmly, a soothing background noise. Finally, he closed his sockets, his mind at ease when he was pulled into the familiar world of slumber.


Error felt the young dragon relax, his slow breathing and the slowly moving up and down ribcage and torso." Sleep well, Nightmare." Error smiled before removing his paw from his swollen stomach and placing it back on the ground before facing the sky, large red and yellow wings spread before taking off into the sky with Nightmare safely tucked away from the harsh and cruel world.

The End
No part two

Word count: 1279
