Inkmare: Smut

(Warnings: Rape/Nonconsented sex, BDSM.)

Error had tried his hardest to keep his relationship with Ink a secret.

He didn't want anything bad to happen to him, after all. He knew that the other two Star Sanses wouldn't have cared about them dating, as long as neither of them became toxic towards the other. His own friends, however, were a different story. The Murder Trio would tease him about it to no end. Cross would probably stop talking to him, not that he talked much to anyone to begin with. And Nightmare.... Error didn't want to know how he would react. Just the thought of that was enough to make shivers go down his spine.

Nightmare was not someone who you would want to test. When he was displeased, drastic things could be done. Like that time a few weeks ago when Nightmare had gotten nosey and had snooped through Cross's belongings, stumbling across his journal in the aimless scavenger hunt. Later that day, he had broken Cross's legs right in front of all of them. Poor Cross was still in the infirmary. When questioned, he said that he had his reasons. In truth, Cross had been writing down different attempts at a love letter to confess to Dream.

That morning, Error had received a text from Nightmare. He wanted him to come to the castle as soon as he could. Since he still had to do his daily destroying, he couldn't drop by until later that night. Something that he'd been worried about all day long was Ink not texting him back. He'd stopped by the Doodle Sphere, but the artist wasn't there. He would've stayed and waited for him, but he knew better than to keep Nightmare waiting for too long. When he arrived, he asked Killer what Nightmare had wanted him for. Killer shifted on his feet for a moment, biting his lip. Like he was hesitant to tell him anything about it.

"Go down to the dungeon. He should be waiting for you down there," he said. "Um, be careful? The boss was... acting kinda weird this morning."

"RiGhT. ThAnKs, KiLlEr," Error replied.

Error started making his way to the dungeon, thinking about what Killer had said. Nightmare was hotheaded and arrogant, but he wasn't an idiot. He knew better than to pick a fight with Error. He may be the (self-proclaimed) king of this world of darkness and negativity, but he wasn't the strongest around. Error literally destroyed entire AUs while Nightmare only conquered and corrupted. In an actual fight between the two, Error could easily defeat him.

Pushing the doors to the dungeon open, he was hit in the face by a gust of dry, stale air. Going down the spiraling stone steps, his footsteps echoed off the tightly closed walls. The staircase down to the dungeon was always a bit claustrophobic, but today it was extremely restricting. He had his hands shoved into the pockets of his coat and, by the time he got down there, he was on the verge of sneezing.

"Ah, there you are," Nightmare said. "I was starting to think you wouldn't be showing up."

"Of CoUrSe I wAs GoNnA sHoW uP eVeNtUaLlY," Error groaned. "NoW wHaT dO yOu WaNt? I dOn'T hAvE aLl DaY."

"Watch your tongue. Now listen closely. We can do this either the hard way or the easy way." He crossed his arms. "The easy way is you just sit in the room like a good boy."

".... AnD tHe HaRd WaY?" He questioned. "AnD dOn'T uSe 'GoOd BoY' fOr Me EvEr AgAiN. It SoUnDs WeIrD aNd GrOsS aNd I hAtE yOu FoR iT."

"Your hatred only makes me stronger," Nightmare reminded him. "The hard way... is I have to force you in there."

"WeLl ThErE's No NeEd FoR tHaT," he sighed. "AlRiGhT. TaKe Me To ThE rOoM, oR wHaTeVeR."

A lopsided, wicked grin spread across Nightmare's face. Error rolled his eyes and followed behind him. With each step they took, clouds of dust flew up and hit him in the face. There were a few times where he'd sneezed from all of the dust. The dust was naturally formed, though there was some dust from deceased monsters mixed in with it.

Nightmare opened up the door to another room, letting Error walk through. The room didn't look like what he had seen of the other prison cells. This room was tidier and had more cluttering it. There weren't any tally marks carved into the stone walls, no putrid stench of bodily waste, and no moldy mattress or creaky bed. There was a metal chair and a large window that showed another room. Granted he couldn't see anything in the other room, as the lights were off.


Error let out a cry of pain as one of Nightmare's tentacles whipped him across the back, putting a deep slash in his bones. He fell to the ground with a loud thud, a numb feeling spreading throughout his body. Nightmare's tentacles wrapped around his body, propping him up into the chair. Black blobs of his dark, corrupted magic solidified as thick cuffs on his hands and ankles, keeping him pinned to the chair.

"WhAt'S tHe MeAnInG oF tHiS!?" Error demanded, glaring at him. "LeT mE gO!!"

"Hm.... no. It'll be so much easier with you restricted like this," Nightmare chuckled, smirking. "I put something in your body, specially made by Sci to disable your powers."

"WhAt ThE hElL aRe YoU pLaNnInG!?" He growled, wincing from the sting of his wounds. "D-DaMmIt..."

Nightmare didn't say anything more to him, turning around and excusing himself from the room. Error grunted as he tried to move and fight against the magically constructed restraints, even if it was useless. His attention was brought back when the lights in the other room flickered on. The room seemed to be some kind of "BDSM Chamber", as he'd heard Lust call it sometimes. But that wasn't what stood out to him, nor was it what frightened him the most.

"INK!!!!!" Error screamed out, lunging forward, but was stopped by his restraints.

"It's hopeless to try and escape, Error," Nightmare said through the speaker. "Did you really think I wouldn't find out about your relationship?"

Error bit his lip, very harshly too. If he'd been paying attention, he would've felt the pain of his mouth cracking a bit. But that wasn't what he cared about right now. He was more focused on the short skeleton who was tied down, a bright rainbow-colored ecto-body covering his bones, with only a bra and pair of panties keeping him covered from Nightmare's gaze. Ink's hands were chained to the bed, his legs caught in some kind of pulley system with rope tied around his ankles. Some kind of dark cloth was tied around Ink's head, blocking his vision. There was a tight black collar around his neck, with a magic crystal on it.

How could he have been so stupid? Why hadn't he figured it out? Ink always responded to his texts, and they always ran into each other at least once while doing their daily duties. By the stars, what had Ink been going through while trapped in this hellhole!? If he'd just come sooner, maybe he would've been able to save him. 

"You see this collar here, Error?" Nightmare asked him, tapping it with one finger. "This is a special one. It has an enchantment on it to take away the voice of whoever wears it."

Nightmare grabbed onto the rope of the pulley system, giving it a good yank. Ink's legs flew up and outwards, going into a very wide v-shape. Nightmare reached over and down, tracing the bra and panties with his fingers. Ink visibly shivered and squirmed, trying to pull his legs and arms close to himself. Error gritted his teeth, growling rather loudly.

"G-G-GEEE-E-ET YOUR H-H-H-HANDS OFF OF HIM!!!!" Error screamed, his voice glitching out terribly.

Nightmare turned his head, looking in Error's direction. Without breaking eye contact, he reached down and ripped off the bra and panties. Ink's mouth parted like he was trying to scream, but no sound came out. The crystal attached to the collar glowed brightly, the source of the damn spell forcing him into silence. Nightmare gave a toothy smirk, studying Error's expression and heavy breathing, before turning to face Ink's body. He was bare and naked, on display for Nightmare's sick and twisted agenda.

"Since you decided to take all day to get here, I thought I would start with my fun a little early...."

He reached down and slid three fingers into Ink's ecto-vagina, making the skeleton tense up. His toes and fingers curled. He drew them out, clutching a vibrator that was completely coated in a nearly clear liquid that had pale rainbow colors tinting it. A long forked tongue slid out from behind his sharp fangs, licking the vibrator clean. When he was done, that forked tongue retreated back into his mouth, though the owner of it licked his lips. Error wanted to gag.

"But since you're here now, the real fun can begin~."

Nightmare turned away from Ink, going over to one of the tables in the room. There were several torture tools and sex toys lined up. Error's eyes widened at the sight of them. He hoped to the stars that he didn't plan on using all of, or even half or a quarter of, them on Ink. Nightmare dropped the vibrator in a box, and grabbed a smaller box. Bringing it back over, he took out one of the objects inside, revealing that it was a box filled with clamps.

The ends of the clamps were sharp. If Nightmare had had them specially made for this purpose, it wouldn't surprise Error. That was the kind of person he was. Error's eyes widened when one of Nightmare's tentacles shot over to the wall, grabbing what looked like a miniature flamethrower. He watched as Nightmare used it to heat up the ends of the clamps until it looked like they had just come out of a forge. He carelessly tossed the flamethrower to the side, and started attaching the clamps to Ink's body.

Ink's mouth gaped open again, his fingers and toes tightening and flexing as his body shifted. He was in agony, without a doubt. Even if him being soulless gave him an increased tolerance for pain, there was only so much he could tolerate at once. The clamps were placed on the nipples of his ecto-breasts, in lines down his ecto-belly, on the bones of his upper arms, the bone of his neck, and down by his ecto-pussy. The ends of the clamps were so sharp that they pierced through both the solidified magic of his ecto-body and his bones. Dark rainbow tinted liquid was rolling down from where the clamps pierced his ecto-body. Tears were rolling down Ink's face now. Nightmare was grinning like the sadistic bastard that he was.

"It's so funny to watch him shake and cry. To watch him try and scream," Nightmare chuckled. "It really is much easier without his stupid annoying voice."

"YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Error yelled out, not noticing the black magic forming around his neck. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU-- ACK!"

Error was quickly shut up as that black magic stuck to the lower half of his face, right over his mouth. No matter how hard he tried to open his mouth or make full sentences, it was of no use. He could still push sounds and grunts out, along with muffled sentences, but nothing that would express his complete desire to rip Nightmare's head off. 

Ink was completely covered in the clamps now, his body shaking. Nightmare looped some sort of wire through each of the hoops, tying a knot. They were all connected to a single string, those 27 sharp and heated up clamps. That worried Error. It worried and scared him a lot. But that wasn't even the worst part.

Nightmare had a whip.

It was made from his magic and was long, and Error assumed it was made of the same stuff that was restricting him to the chair. It was encased in dark leather and had little metal spikes along it. They looked just as sharp as, if not sharper than, the ends of the clamps. Error tried screaming and thrashing out again as Nightmare picked the flamethrower back up, heating up the spikes of the whip. Now tears were rolling down his face, his breathing picking up. His boyfriend was being tortured right in front of him! He, the feared and powerful destroyer of the AUs, couldn't do a single thing to try and stop Nightmare.

"Daaw.... is Error crying?" Nightmare taunted. "Do you want to hear Inky's voice?"

One of his tentacles grabbed onto the collar around Ink's neck, snapping it off. The protector's sobs filled the rooms immediately, making Error's guilt grow even more. Error forced himself to shut his eyes when Nightmare brought the whip down, but he could still hear the cracking of it. And Ink's screams... oh god, they were louder than anything he'd ever heard come from him. Courtesy of Nightmare, the black magic forced his eyes back open, straightening his head so he had to watch as his boyfriend was abused.

The clamps were being jostled and the whip was cutting deep into the sensitive skin of his ecto-body. More of the dark rainbow tinted liquid gushed out of the wounds. When ecto-bodies released that dark of a magic liquid, it meant that the ecto-body was being greatly damaged. There was a lot of pressure they could handle, but they weren't meant for merciless abuse and torture like this. Think of it like an equivalent to blood.

Nightmare just kept hitting him. Over the ringing around Error's head and Ink's screams of agony, he could've swore he heard that sick fuck laughing. Error could see a dark greenish-blue glow coming from Nightmare's lower half. He wanted to throw up. He knew there were some people who enjoyed seeing others in pain and got off on it, but how could anyone enjoy torturing an innocent person!? He couldn't see any similarities between Nightmare and Dream. The embodiment of all negative feelings grabbed onto the single cord that connected all of the clamps, grinning like a madman.

"Scream for me, fucking whore!" Nightmare shouted, pulling hard.

Error shuddered at the sound that came from Ink. The clamps burned and tore away the skin of his ecto-body. The skin was torn away and replaced by magic fluid, with Ink's body shaking and quivering. Nightmare brought down the whip again, that horrible cracking sound echoing. Ink screamed himself hoarse, his ecto-body releasing more of its darkly colored magic fluid. Nightmare was laughing so hard he looked like he was about to cry.

"You're pathetic! And yet you're supposed to be the protector of the AUs!?" Nightmare scoffed. "If you had a bladder, you would've pissed yourself by now!"

Ink moaned in pain. He couldn't help himself, he had no control over his body.

"I can't wait to fill your ass up," Nightmare hissed. "It is beneath me to fuck a filthy, pathetic slut like you. But I can make an exception just for this."

The air around Error crackled dangerously, an effect of the glitch's growing anger and resentment. Ink shrank back on the bed when Nightmare crawled on top of him, small whimpers and sobs coming out of his mouth. His forked tongue came out again, dragging along Ink's belly and chest. He tore his shorts off, revealing his hard erection. He gathered up some of the blood fluid from Ink's ecto-body and slicked himself up, but there was no preparation other than that. Ink screamed out as he was mounted by Nightmare, who was shoving his dick carelessly into his hole. Nightmare moaned in delight, not waiting for Ink to adjust as he thrusted.

"Your ass is so fucking tight," he purred. "Your ecto-body is squeezing me. Are you doing that on purpose?"

"N-NO!!!" Ink managed to respond, only to be backhanded.

"Yes you are. Stop lying, it's not cute," he spat. "You're a dirty, dick-loving slut. We all know how much of a whore you are."

Nightmare dug his sharp claw-like nails into Ink's open wounds on his ecto-body. Ink's voice cracked as he shrieked, his back arching as his body clenched up on his own. That included clenching around Nightmare's ecto-penis.

"Ooh... you get tighter when in pain?" Nightmare sneered. "Kinky masochistic bitch."

He jammed one of his tentacles right into Ink's shoulder. The snapping of bone echoed and made Error feel sick to his stomach. Nightmare started to fuck Ink so hard that the bed beneath them was rattling. The inner walls of Ink's ecto-body were getting torn apart under the harsh treatment, dark magic fluid streaming out. Nightmare only moaned in pleasure.

The bastard leaned down, running his tongue along Ink's ecto-breasts. He flashed his sharp fangs for a moment, before going in and latching onto one of his nipples. Ink immediately started to scream again. Nightmare was doing more than sucking magic through them. He was biting and pulling on the nipples with his teeth. It didn't take long for him to switch the other one, grabbing the now bleeding breast and digging his claws into it.

Nightmare thrusted forward, causing Ink to shudder and shake. The Guardian of Negative Feelings ejaculated inside of him, moaning against his breast. The fluid was warm, but it burned against his torn inner walls. The pain was so immense that Ink thought he would die.

"Well, that was fun," Nightmare purred as he pulled out of Ink's body. "Don't you think so, Inky?"

"Go to hell!" Ink spat at him.

Nightmare grinned and twisted the tentacle that was still lodged into Ink's shoulder, stabbing another one through his ecto-body and snapping one of his ribs. The poor artist screamed aloud. He turned on his heel, putting his pants back on, and excused himself from the room. Error was left staring at the beaten and bleeding body of his lover. Had this all really just happened? Had he just been helpless as he watched his boyfriend be tortured and raped? He didn't have time to think about Nightmare as the restraints finally broke, allowing him to run into the room.

"InK!!" Error cried.

"R-Ruru.... it hurts...." 
