Errorink: Smut

A/N: This is like the longest thing I've ever written, lol. Enjoy.


The Multiverse was quiet. Abnormally quiet.

Ink was floating around in his Doodle Sphere, checking on the AUs and drawing in one of his numerous sketch books. He frowned a bit as his eyes washed over the hundreds of AUs. There hadn't been anything going on as of late, but he knew that something was coming. He could just feel it in his gut, even though he didn't have a physical gut. It was just one of those things. Nightmare's gang and Error had all been strangely inactive for the past few months. Dream had noticed it too. They'd both been doing what they could to scoop out their enemies without being seen, but it had proven to be difficult, much more than before. It was like they knew they were going to get suspicious.

Then again, the bad guys were always smarter than the Stars, somehow.

"Hey there, squid," A deep, glitched out voice chuckled from somewhere behind him.

Ink was quick to whirl around, a small popping sound coming from one of his ankles with the sudden and swift movement. From somewhere else in the Doodle Sphere, Broomie shot out to meet him. In just a few seconds, the large paintbrush was in his grasp. Much to his surprise, it was Error who was standing behind him. He'd known it was Error from the voice, as he knew Error had the second deepest voice with a glitched out effect, but it was still shocking to see him in the Doodle Sphere. Error never came and saw him willingly, unless he needed some form of entertainment.

"What are you doing here, Error?" Ink demanded, his pupils taking on the shapes of a dark red crosshair and a target sign. "I won't let you destroy any AUs, especially while in my Doodle Sphere."

Error grinned at him, his yellow teeth showing. He crossed his arms as he took a few steps closer to him, which in turn only made Ink back up. He didn't move Broomie away from being directed at Error, in case he needed to make a quick attack. It was unlikely he would need to, and he could usually tell when Error was about to strike. But he didn't want to let his guard down, just in case.

"I'm just here for a visit. Is that a problem?" Error huffed. "You're always invading my Anti-Void and ruining my peace and quiet, so I figured I would come and invade yours for a change."

"A visit? Cut the crap, Error," Ink hissed, his eyes narrowing. "What do you really want?"

"Aww, now you wanna be all serious and intelligent?" He pouted, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Any other time you're just a naive, happy-go-lucky, incompetent anomaly."

Ink opened his mouth to speak, but just as his "lips" parted, Error continued to speak. It wasn't hard for Ink to shut himself back up.

"Well, here's some food for thought, squid," Error began, his smirk growing wider. "What do you think of me destroying the entire Multiverse in just a few minutes?"

Ink's grip on Broomie became even tighter, tight enough for his fingertips to dig into the thing. He didn't even purposefully put the "scary" expression on his face, charging at Error without even thinking about his actions... or any possible consequences. He swung the large paintbrush at Error, sending out an even larger slash of thick black ink. Error easily dodged, as he probably predicted an attack like that. It was one of Ink's more basic ones, after all. He didn't even flinch when the attack came. He just continued to smirk at Ink, amusement filling his eyes.

"Don't you dare even try it!" Ink shouted at him, turning his head to glare after the glitch.

"That's it, Ink. Act on impulses with your short temper," Error taunted him, his hands behind his back. "Do you really think I didn't tell Nightmare what I was doing? We're partners in crime, idiot."

"What does that have to do with anything!?" He growled.

"We've been working on something all this time we've been inactive. Let me tell you something, traveling through the outskirts of the Void is a pain in the ass," he grumbled. "We found a way to destroy all of the AUs at once. It'll be a beautiful sight for us 'Bad Sanses'. Nightmare is patiently waiting for my orders to go through with the plan, but if I don't return by the time I said I would.... are you smart enough to figure out what happens next?"

Ink, who had been preparing another attack, hesitated to act. He mentally swore, knowing what the next part was. If Error didn't return to Nightmare's castle by the time he'd said he would, Nightmare had the approval to go through with the plan regardless. Ink couldn't risk taking that chance, not with the whole Multiverse at stake. Even if Ink, Dream, and Blueberry all worked together, they had seriously low chances of succeeding at stopping them.

"You didn't answer my question from earlier," Ink noticed. "What are you here for? Why reveal your big evil plan? I know it isn't for giggles, or some basic visit."

"See, that's where you're wrong. I am here for a visit, though probably not the same one you're used to," Error chuckled, reaching out and grabbing onto Ink's chin, rather harshly too. "With that being said, you're still a virgin... right?"

Ink's face paled, if that was even possible for a skeleton. But at the same time, a dark blush took place. His fists tightened, causing his arms to shake from holding Broomie as well. Heat was bubbling up in him, both from his rage and from embarrassment. He'd never been asked such a personal question before! He knew he had to keep his rage under control. The Multiverse was at stake.

"That's none of your business," Ink hissed at him, pushing his hand away and stepping back.

"That's where you're wrong again," Error sighed. "With the offer I have for you, that's entirely my business."

Ink let out a furious scream, swinging Broomie in the direction of the destroyer again. He'd forced his eyes shut, so he didn't even know where he was swinging. But the other skeleton easily blocked his attack, and the action sent a wave of shock through Broomie and Ink's arms. His eyes shot open, horror filling them when he saw that Error had blocked his attack. Error easily pushed Broomie away, sending Ink staggering back a bit.

"Easy there, squid," Error scolded him with a taunting grin, grabbing one of the ends of Ink's scarf. "You might wanna scribble the consequences down on this scarf of yours. Remember, the Multiverse is at stake."

Ink made a 'tch' sound as he backed up, the air getting caught in his throat. He stared at Error with wide eyes, his pupils changing shapes without him even blinking. If he attacked Error, or killed him, that would only set things off. Even if he informed Dream and Blueberry, and they went to stop Nightmare's gang, that would only alert them that the Star Sanses knew their plan. Even if the three of them worked together, the chances of them succeeding were so low.... it wasn't a risk he could take.

"You can't destroy the Multiverse," Ink forced out. His voice was cracking, betraying the confidence that he wanted. "We'll stop you."

"See, there is something you can do about this. That's what you wanna know, right?" Error continued, leaning forward. "The Multiverse's knight in shining armor, saving the day once again. Unlike Dream, who acts like a damsel in distress."

"Dream is not a damsel in distress! He's the perfect leader and an absolute sweetheart!" He growled. "He cares about everyone and always gives his best effort! He's a perfectly capable person!"

"Oh would you shut up about him? It's getting annoying. I'm the one you're talking to!" He huffed in response, crossing his arms. Ink thought he saw a brief look of jealousy flash across his eyes. "Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, there is something you can do to save the Multiverse. That's what you're all about, isn't it?"

Judging by the way he said it with the look on his face, Ink knew he was in some kind of deep trouble. Just responding to Error or getting involved with him equalled nothing but trouble. But he had also said he could save the Multiverse, which meant saving the AUs. If there was any way for him to protect the Multiverse from any harm, he would take it. Even if he... even if he had to die. Dream and Blueberry would be fine protecting the Multiverse on their own, right? They didn't need him.

"What do you want, Error?" Ink asked in defeat, his shoulders dropping as he cast his eyes on the ground.

"I'm so glad you asked," Error purred, smirking in triumph. "Well, if I don't get to destroy the entire Multiverse, then I need something else that I can destroy."

Ink's metaphorical heart dropped, his chest tightening up. He knew the exact answer to Error's little riddle, or so he thought he did.

"You want to kill me," Ink murmured. "Then you'll destroy the Multiverse."

"No. I don't want to kill you," Error frowned. "I want to destroy a part of you. Think about what I said earlier. What did I ask you?"

"Umm..... oh! You asked me if I was a virgin!" He perked up, glad he had remembered something without the help of his scarf. That look of joy soon disappeared, replaced by a deep and furious blush. "O-Oh......"

"Now you get it," he grinned. "So, what'll it be?"

"Fine," the artist choked. "I'll be at Nightmare's castle tomorrow. If you destroy any of the AUs from now till then...."

"Don't worry about that. They'll be fine. I haven't touched them for quite some time," he promised. "I'm looking forward to it, squid. Don't disappoint me."

With that being said, Error turned around. Opening up a glitched portal back to Nightmare's castle, the destroyer walked through. Before it closed, he looked back at him, smirking maliciously at him. With the portal closed and Error out of the Doodle Sphere, Ink finally let out a sigh of relief. He was going to save the Multiverse, all of the AUs, and the few friends he'd managed to make and keep. But that joy was short lived, as horror and anxiety twisted in his stomach once he realized what he'd agreed to.

Ink grabbed one of the pens from the Doodle Sphere and an end of his scarf, and taking a deep breath, wrote down a reminder for tomorrow's promise.


Ink nervously fumbled with the end of his scarf, the same one he'd written the reminder down on.

His mind screamed at him to run. He'd gone to the Omega Timeline to speak with Dream about everything, but CORE!Frisk said they hadn't seen him. This only made the ball of anxiety in his stomach all that much worse. Had Nightmare gotten to him? Had he killed him? Where was the Guardian of Positive Feelings? Was he alive and well? He wanted to turn around and run back to the Doodle Sphere, the Omega Timeline, or Underswap. His mind told him to forget about his promise to Error, about all of this, and find some alternative to save the Multiverse.

But he knew he couldn't, that there was no other solution. If he had doubts about the three of them being able to stop Nightmare's gang now, they definitely wouldn't be able to do it without Dream's power and help. If he failed to show up and hold up his end of the deal, then who knows what horrible thing would happen. Other than the destruction of the Multiverse, that is.

Taking a deep breath, he stared up at the large castle doors. The entire castle had a dark color theme to it, but it definitely looked rich and fancy. Gulping, he mustered up the strength to force himself to knock. He could hear them echoing on the other side, alerting the entire castle to his presence. Slowly, the doors opened up. Ink knew he was going to be shorter than whoever opened the door, so he just tilted his head back to be ready to see them. He wasn't expecting it to be Cross.

"Ink," Cross greeted him. "I assume you're here to meet with Error?"

"I-- he told you guys about that?" Ink asked, and rather dumbly too. Of course he would have told them about this.

"I thought you would've been smart enough to assume that," he frowned a bit. "Follow me. And don't try anything."

With a final ragged, nervous breath of the outside air, Ink stepped inside of the dark castle. The doors shut behind him, and when he looked over his shoulder, he saw nothing but the shadows. He looked ahead of him again and picked up the pace a bit, so he wouldn't fall behind. Because Cross was taller than him, he walked faster than him by default. He would look behind him every now and then to make sure Ink was still following him, and he wasn't trying to pull anything sneaky.

As the two walked through the castle, they passed by other members of Nightmare's gang. The Murder Trio-- aka Dust, Horror, and Killer-- were all playing some board game in one of the many rooms. When the three noticed he had passed by, they stuck their heads out the same way a trio in a cartoon would, staring after him with curiosity and confusion. Red and Lust were in another room, not doing much of anything. Lust was on his phone and Red was asleep, his head on his lap.

Surprisingly, no one landed a single hand or finger on him. The most he got was an odd or knowing look. But he instinctively got closer and closer to Cross, as he trusted him more than anyone else here. Even if Cross hated his guts and probably wanted to cut him to pieces and watch him die a horrible and gruesome death. As they ascended up the numerous floors and seemingly infinite flights of steps, Ink began to think. He started to question whether or not Error had actually called him here to do.... that. It was always a possibility that this was a trap to lure him here and then kill him. A very likely possibility, too.

".... You're scared," Cross observed as he looked back at Ink. "Are you afraid of doing it with Error?"

"I-I don't know. I've never.... done this before," Ink replied. He was uneasy with how much his voice echoed. "Should I be scared?"

"You're shaking like a leaf. You're terrified," he confirmed. "I don't know what to say to that. I don't know what he might be planning to do during it."

"That's not very reassuring," he mumbled.

"..... If it makes you feel any better, you can hold my hand for the rest of the way," he offered, looking away.

Ink was hesitant for a few seconds, but soon took Cross's hand in his own. Cross's hand was warm, but Ink's was just sweaty and clammy. It was a bit embarrassing to Ink, and must've felt uncomfortable to Cross. When they finally arrived at Error's bedroom, Ink felt himself freeze in place. His sudden halt of movement jerked on Cross's arm, making the taller skeleton stagger back a bit.

"Ink, I know you're afraid. But you're going to be okay," Cross told him in a gentle voice. "If you ever want it to stop or anything, just scream for me."

"O-Okay...." Ink nodded, but was still having doubts about his well-being.

"Error, Ink is here."

The door to Error's bedroom creaked open slowly, revealing the glitched out skeleton standing there. His eyes immediately landed on Ink's smaller form, and a smirk was plastered onto his face. He reached out and grabbed onto Ink's arm, pulling him over to him. Ink let out a small gasp as it happened, flinching a bit when he felt Error's arm around him.

"Thank you, Cross. Now beat it."

With that being said, Error turned on his heel, walking back into his room. He dragged Ink alongside him. The door slammed shut in Cross's face, who looked like he wanted to protest against whatever Error had in mind for Ink. Ink nervously looked at Error, shifting on his feet.

"You never did answer my question, Ink. Are you a virgin?" Error asked him, chuckling when Ink nodded. "I get to have you at your purest? The Multiverse is being too kind to me. I'm going to have so much fun with your petite little body."

Ink frowned a bit. He didn't like the way Error said that, or the way he was looking at him right now. Was it normal for stuff like that to be said during, or right before, people had sex? Ink wouldn't know. Maybe he should've asked Cross if they could've stopped and talked with Lust for a bit, so he could have some idea of what he was heading into. But at the same time, he knew how impatient Error could get.

Error walked towards him in an intimidating way, though he probably hadn't meant to appear so threatening in this scenario. That was what Ink hoped, at least. Error wouldn't hurt him on purpose, right? With a swift and single movement, Ink's shirt was ripped off, exposing his tattooed ribs. Ink shudders from the sudden cold, even though he normally liked colder temperatures very much. This was different now. He instinctively covered himself with his arms, looking away out of embarrassment.

"Don't be shy, Ink... your bones look beautiful," Error encouraged him, gently grabbing his arms. "Come on."

Error led Ink over to the bed in the room, which was large enough to comfortably fit two people, with even more space. So it could probably fit at least four people comfortably. Error picked Ink up gently and lifted him onto the bed, crawling on top of him soon after. He grabbed Ink's face in his hands and brought him closer, until they came together in a kiss. It was gentle, he barely even felt it. If Ink had a soul, it would be beating against his ribs. Small distance would be made between them, but it was soon closed back up with another kiss. 

Error started to trail his kisses downwards. Going from Ink's mouth to his jawline, then to his neck. The brown scarf is carefully torn from Ink's neck, revealing his collarbone, which Error then plants kisses along. Kisses are placed across Ink's ribs as well, soft as butterflies, with subtle and invasive touches moving along with them. When Error pulls away, he uses his hand to lift Ink's head up, so they're looking at each other. Error's eyes staring into the pink hearts of Ink's eyes.

"Your eyes really are beautiful, Ink. Just like your bones," Error complimented him, tenderly brushing his fingertips along one of Ink's ribs. "Has anyone ever told you that before?"

"U-Um.... I don't think so....." Ink murmured, shuddering a bit from Error's touch. "Uh... oh! Dream has! He said they make me unique."

Error bit the inside of his cheek, if that was even possible. He mustered a smile onto his face. Dream.... Ink had been talking about him a lot recently. Defending him when Error called him a damsel in distress, never shutting up about him either way, and now this. Error couldn't help but wonder if there was something more going on between the two. But that seemed unlikely, since Dream was "secretly" dating Cross (Nightmare and the others had known they were dating, but they played dumb to go along with the very obvious thing going on), and Dream didn't seem like the kind of person to cheat on someone.

"That-- that's great, Ink," Error gritted his teeth. "Why are you always talking about him?"

"Well, Dream's my friend.... aren't friends allowed to talk about each other without the other there, as long as it's good things?" Ink asked, tilting his head. Ah, such a naive look to his face. "That's what Dream and Blueberry always say."

"Eh... they aren't wrong, I guess, but...." He trailed off. "It's making me really annoyed that you keep talking about him during our time together."

"O-Oh.... I'm sorry," he apologized. "What are we supposed to do next?"

"You have to summon your part. since you're the bottom, it should be a womb of some sort, filling up your entire pelvic bone," he explained. "Can you handle that?"

"I... um.... I'm not sure," he confessed. "Can you, um.... turn around while I try?"

"Sure thing."

Error fulfilled his wish and turned around, facing the opposite direction of Ink. The artist slowly pulled his pants down, just below where his pelvic bone stopped. He concentrated, trying to form the part of him that Error had said to. Specks of magic began to appear down there, swirling around slowly. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. He bit his "lip" as he focused some more, before a small glow came from his pelvic bone.

"Like this...?" Ink asked, signaling to Error that he could turn around.

"Exactly like that. It looks great, Ink," Error confirmed as he turned to face him. "Are you ready to continue?"

"Y-Yeah, I think so...."

Error gently pushed Ink onto his back, making sure not to be too rough. He didn't want to hurt him, especially when they were doing this. He grabbed onto Ink's legs and pushed them apart, fully pulling the artist's pants off. Ink blushed as he watched the glitch throw them off to the side, his mind trying to think of whatever Error was planning. He certainly wasn't expecting to feel Error's hands down there, spreading him apart. He felt a shudder in his low spine as the cold air of the room hit the entrance of the part he'd formed. Error, who was absolutely captivated by the sight of his glistening rainbow colors, couldn't help but stare.

"I-Is something wrong....?" Ink asked nervously, not quite sure how to work with this. "Does it look weird?"

"No. It's beautiful," Error whispered back. "You're beautiful."

The first finger sunk in without much of an issue, but the reaction was great. Ink's eyes widened and a gasp escaped from his mouth, his back arching as his chest rose up a bit. Error slowly inserted the next one, admiring the feeling of warmth provided by Ink's womb. It was so soft, too. The magically made walls of the womb reacted spasmodically as Error moved his fingers around, inserting a total of three to keep it easy for the other skeleton. Short gasps fell from Ink's mouth with each movement of Error's fingers, and Error had to move up on the bed to keep the artist's legs from crushed his arm completely.

"E-Error! Error!" Ink gasped, looking down at what was happening.

"Yeah, Ink?" Error asked, wiggling his fingers around some more.

"I-I don't know w-what's--" he began, only to be cut off. "A-Ah~!!"

"There it is."

Error smiled deviously, knowing by Ink's reaction that he'd found a certain spot. A lewd, wet sound echoed in the room as Error moved his fingers in and out of Ink's clit. There was a certain rhythm to the thrust of his hand, and Ink's body arched into his touch, his hips shaking with each touch. Poor Ink couldn't hold his moans back any longer as Error repeatedly struck his prostate, gasping for air and praying to God that he wasn't being too loud. That little spot was sending waves and waves of an unfamiliar through him.

When Error pulled his fingers out, Ink was on the verge of crying. But not out of pain or fear, it was out of the overwhelming pleasure and satisfaction from this. Ink had never felt such intense things before. And he was fairly certain that this was only a form of preparation for the actual act of sex, unless what little he knew about it was wrong. As his fingers came out, there was a thin coating of a glistening and pastel rainbow tinted liquid covering them, connected to Ink's womb by an even thinner cord. 

Error didn't stop there. The five blue tongues he had slithered out of his mouth, flaring wildly. He reached down and spread open the entrance to Ink's womb again, giving the artist a moment to calm down from being fingered. The addition of the magical fluid produced by Ink's part only made it seem that much more beautiful. Error lowered his face down towards it, making Ink tense up a bit. When his breath brushed up against his clit, however, that tension melted away. His entrance twitched in anticipation, Ink's chest throbbing as he waited for Error to do something. He grabbed at the sheets of the bed and looked over to the side, his face covered in a dark blush as his eyes closed halfway.

He gasped, his eyes shooting back open all the way, when he felt something warm and wet enter him. He looked down to see that Error had finally sent one of his tongues in, though rather slowly. He was licking along the magically made walls and sucking out the magic liquid being produced, replacing it with his own magical saliva. He was greedibly sucking up the liquids that Ink's body had to offer, not at all caring that he was being selfish about it. Not like there was anyone else in the room. He wondered if the taste of Ink's liquids was the same as what he tasted when he drank those vials of paint. It was a special, indescribable flavor that was unique to Ink. One of his tongues was rolling against Ink's prostate, earning more of those sounds from Ink.

Error pulled away from his clit, using the sleeve of his jacket to wipe away the liquid on his "lips". He flipped Ink over, so his face was buried into the pillows of the bed. He didn't see as Error summoned a dick out of his magic, but he definitely felt the tip of it pressing up against his entrance. He nervously looked back at Error.

"I promise I'll start gentle. You can tell me if you want me to stop," Error promised him, grabbing onto his hips.

Error leaned forward and gave Ink a small kiss on the cheek. But he didn't insert himself just yet. He was grinding against him, purposefully letting the head of his cock slide past his slick hole several times. His actions must've been getting Ink irritated, as the other lifted his hips in an attempt to grind against the head of his dick. Whenever he tried to get some sort of connection or friction, Error would retreat his hips, then he would do the grinding, teasing Ink's entrance.

"You're being very naughty, Ink," Error commented with a low growl.

"Y-You're teasing me!" Ink argued. "I can't take it--"

"I had to hold myself back every single time I saw you, whether it be when I'm near you or watching you through a one-way portal," he scoffed, continuing to tease him with the head of his cock. But he absolutely loved how much of a blush was spreading across his face, realization sinking in. "I'm the one who couldn't take it. God, do you even know why I made this deal with you? You're mine, Ink. And only mine."

He finally moved his hips forward, thrusting his dick into Ink's dripping entrance. Because of the prep that they'd done, it was a bit easier to slide his dick in, and it was stuffed deeply into his summoned part. His body had tightened back up when something much larger than Error's fingers and tongues entered him, and it had squeezed rather tightly too. But it was not as smooth of an action as he'd believed. A scream had torn free from Ink's throat, very easily shaking the walls of the room. Error jerked back to examine his face, terrified that he'd torn something inside of his magically made part or had injured him in some other way.

But there were no signs of pain on Ink's face. Only a deep blush and a look of immense pleasure, one of his eyes twitching ever so slightly as his heart-shaped eyes seemed to vibrate. Error let out a breath of relief upon seeing that he hadn't seemed to hurt Ink at all, and gave a slow, experimental thrust. Another moan. Every moan, every gasp, every cry of pleasure and sound was music to his "ears". He wished he could keep them in a jar or record them, and listen to those sounds whenever he wanted to.

So many days and nights had been spent imagining this exact moment, which made the actual act of touching and fucking him all that more satisfying and awarding. Only he could see Ink, the highly beloved and adored Protector of the AUs, in such a submissive position. Only he could see Ink's body striped of all his clothing, every tattoo and bone visible, and only he could see the rainbow pastels that made up his part. Not to mention his virginity, something that a person could only have once. That was Error's now, and remembering this made him smirk.

Error was moving his hips back and forth, going at a slow and steady pace. Still easing their way into this, while starting to pick up. Ink's part was squeezing the life out of his dick and tightened up more with every thrust, not that he minded, but it did make him worry about accidentally hurting his partner. Lewd moans spilled out of Ink's open mouth, his rainbow pastel tongue hanging out ever so slightly. Ink tilted his head back, eyes rolling to the back of his head (almost), as he started to move his hips in sync with Error's thrusts. Trying to, anyway. His movements were either too quick or too slow, not to mention a bit sloppy. But Error wasn't annoyed with him, he found it quite cute that Ink wanted to be in sync with him.

"Harder, Error....!" Ink gasped, clutching the sheets tightly.

"Gladly," Error replied, smirking.

He thrust his dick in faster, going a bit deeper into his body each time. The current expression on Ink's face was the lewdest, sexiest one yet. He wished he could burn it into his memory forever. His eyes were glazed over with a lust he'd never even remotely experienced before, the heart shapes in them seeming to vibrate and shake with every thrust. He gripped his hips roughly, pounding into him with a certain ferocity.

"E-Error~!!! Error~!!!!!" Ink moaned out, tears running down his face.

Error smirked at Ink's helplessness. He pulled out, only to flip Ink over again. Then he was back on him, thrusting in and out of his petite hole at an insanely fast pace. Ink wrapped his legs around Error's waist, bringing him in even closer. Ink looked so much sexier like this, facing Error. He picked Ink up and pulled him onto his lap, pressing more kisses to his neck while he bucked his hips up into the other's entrance.

Ink threw his arms around Error's neck, gritting his teeth and groaning. He felt something uncomfortable, like a knot that wouldn't come loose, only it was... inside of him? He glanced down, but all he saw was Error's dick going in and out of him. Could it be an issue with the part he summoned? Oh.... he hoped it wouldn't pop or anything like that. That would be embarrassing....

"E-Error....." Ink whimpered, biting his "lip". "I feel.... I feel kinda sick..... I don't know what's wrong....."

"Sick like you're gonna throw up?" Error asked, pulling away from his neck. "I know you throw up when you get too excited."

"N-No, I know it isn't that," he shook his head. "I-- KYAH~!!!!"

Ink threw his head back as Error's dick slammed into his prostate. He seemed to lose all attention to what they'd been addressing, instead only focused on trying to understand these feelings surging through his body. Error had a feeling he already knew what Ink had been talking about, especially as he felt a similar feeling within himself. Knowing this he smiled gently and reached a hand down, rubbing over the clitoris that had formed with Ink's part. Ink seemed blissfully unaware of what was happening now.


Ink screamed out loud as he orgasmed, his voice sounding so strained and sweet. Error smothered his cries with a kiss. His part squeezed his dick tighter than it ever had during their sex, gushing out more of those liquids that Error liked. It was such a pleasurable feeling and such a lovely sight that Error came soon after, moaning against Ink's mouth. With their sex done, he pulled out of Ink's part, laying the artist down gently.

He looked down at the other, a content smile coming onto his face. Ink's breathing slowed down, returning to a normal and calm rate. Ink was at a loss of words. So... that was what sex felt like. That was what lust felt like. It truly was a nice feeling, although an exhausting activity to take part in. Maybe that was part of what was so great about it? But when Error had climaxed, the magical liquid that filled him up.... it was warm, but also a bit.... shocking? Quite literally. It wasn't painful or discomforting, but it did send little tingles through him. Maybe it had to do with him being an error, a glitch.

Ink looked back up at Error after a moment, a sleepy expression coming onto his face as his eye shapes relaxed into calmer colors. He reached up and grabbed onto Error's face, bringing him down and kissing him tenderly, all while his tiny hands stroke his broader shoulders. He found himself in awe at just how great Error had made him feel, how gentle and caring he'd been. But then he remembered something, and his eyes widened in horror. Error noticed and became immediately concerned.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Are you hurting anywhere?"

"The Multiverse," Ink stammered. "Is the Multiverse safe now?"

Error bit his tongue, holding back a fit of rage. He'd been hoping Ink would've forgotten about that. He always forgot about everything, even important things! But he couldn't just ignore Ink's question or leave it unanswered for too long.

"The Multiverse is gonna be fine," he sighed. "You stay here and get some rest. I'll go tell Nightmare to cancel the plans."

Ink gave a nod, satisfied with the answer. Still so naive and gullible, but Error wouldn't have changed that bit of him for the world. Error pulled the covers over the sleeping artist, before retrieving his own pants and pulling them back on. He cleaned up his look and changed what clothes needed to be changed, such as his jacket, which had some traces of Ink's magical essence on it. He looked back at Ink one last time, smiling a bit, before leaving the room.

Only to be met with a very pissed off Cross.
