Jinx Dinner Party

[A/N: Since Wattpad only allows one youtube vid, I can only use one vid. And can't show the other parts.]

"Yo, Boss... If you'll allow me, I'm gonna sit the next one out. Gotta prepare the definitely not a Christmas Party party." King said, while Saber nods.

"Usually I'd provide a ton of context for your viewings. But since this one's relatively new to me as well, I'll be reacting alongside y'all." Saber explained.

"Of course, I will provide some form of context as the viewing plays and if you have questions. And I'll answer them to the best of my abilities." Saber continues, as the screen lights up.

"But what universe is this?" Winter looked up at their hosts.

"Ladies and gentlemen... I present to you, League of Lesb- I mean, The world of Runeterra! More specifically Piltover and Zaun." King announces.

The screen lights up, revealing. A fearful and very naked Weiss looking stares at a symbol carefully drawn in her mirror. Gasping, the screen blacks out.

"Some horror movie shit right of the bat." Neptune gulped nervously, partly because of the water. Maybe.

"That symbol, anyone recognize it?" Jaune looked at his friends.

"I do not know anyone in the room that uses that symbol. But if it helps, it appears to be a monkey's face drawn into a hand grenade." Penny responded to Jaune's question.

"Perhaps, its just in their universe." Weiss suggested.

The screen lights up again, this time. It reveals Cinder sitting quietly to herself near a statue of Summer Rose.

"A thousand times I've imagined this moment. Never like this all we ever wanted, the boy didn't even haggle. And what do I lose but problems. Oh, it all makes sense now sister." Cinder vented, then poured alcohol beside her then drank the rest.

"What's Cinder doing with a statue of mom?" Yang questioned.

"Sisters? And her dreams? Any context?" Cinder eyed their host suspiciously.

"Okay, so basically. Cinder right here is a crime boss that has somewhat united the Undercity or the Nation of Zaun as she likes to call it. As for the sisters thing, basically Cinder and Summer were essentially really good friends, sisters even. They had a falling out, that caused Cinder's eye to get damaged, and Summer later took in two orphans. The two later meet again, with Cinder trying to convince Summer to rejoin her, and she refused. One thing leads to another, and Summer dies." Saber explained.

"She's implying that someone made a deal with her? But what exactly is the price for her dreams? And what were those dreams?" Cinder demands.

"Relax, the price? One of Summer's orphans, Why and what you'll find out later. Those dreams? A free and independent Zaun, where the people of Zaun can decide their own fate. And she's willing to do anything necessary for it." Saber replies.

"Is there anything so undoing, as a daughter?" She asked, turning her head to the statue. But unbeknownst to her, Ruby had been listening.

"What!? Don't tell me its her!" Cinder glared at Ruby.

"Unfortunately for you, your other self did love her. In her own fucked up way, sure." Saber replied cooley.

"I-I know what the deal is now..." Willow said, realizing the implications of the deal.

"What? What do they want from Ms. Fall?" Ironwood looked at the Schnee Matriarch.

"Simple really. In exchange for everything Cinder wants, they want Ruby Rose. But for what?" Willow said matter-of-factly.

"But what did Ruby do to be sought after like that?" Blake asked.

"Well, Ruby did kill a huge number of enforcers to gain access to a hextech crystal and then massacred an entire garrison of Piltover enforcers in the bridge not too long ago." Saber revealed.

"Ha! They must be stupid if they think Cinder's just gonna hand over Ruby... Dreams or not!" Roman laughed.

"What makes you think that?" Ironwood glared at the thief.

"Come what may, Cinder's clearly a master criminal in this universe. She's the type that clearly values loyalty above everything, and she clearly cares about Red like she's her daughter. If she's having some sort of internal dilemma about handing her over, then she likely will not give her over for anything." Roman replied.

"She's a criminal, clearly a liar. What makes you so sure that she won't?" Yang challenged the criminal.

"Because. Blondie, every has been criminal that has lasted more than a few months know the true value of loyalty and a family. Its something no criminal will go without, if they expect to survive as long as I or this Cinder clearly have." Roman puffed his cigar.

A giant metal gauntlet is seen, clamoring to lift its wearer up onto the bar. Revealing a beat up Yang looking at the glowing light of the other gauntlet, choosing to limp over to it. A shadowy figure appear behind her,

"Bravo, sis..." Ruby's glowing eyes appeared more clearly. Before hitting Yang's neck to knock her out.

"Killer Ruby shit right here..." Sun chuckled still scared.

"What'd you do that for?" Yang rubbed her neck.

"I don't know!? Ask my crazy self." Ruby argued.

Yang finally regains consciousness, spotting a lighted object with sparks. Struggling to break free, another voice resounds the room.

"Really thought I buried this place. But I should have known better. Nothing ever stays dead..." Ruby's said, while her silhouette gradually made its way down to her.

"Are we alone?" Yang asked loudly, while frantically looking around.

"For now... Maybe forever." Ruby replied. While Yang continued to struggle against the ropes.

"Wanna know a secret?" Ruby continued.

"If the secret is you'll let me go peacefully. Then yes absolutely!" Yang said nervously.

"Ruby is either inhumanly fast or a very long time has passed." Blake said, wondering about the timeframe of these events.

"Cinder thinks that she made Jinx. With all her rants and her hard won lessons." Ruby said while circling Yang.

"Excise your doubts Jinx. Be what they fear Jinx. Like everything was the same, was when Summer left her." Ruby said with a bit of frustration.

"Jinx?" Blake raised an eyebrow.

"Gods, Cinder ya really named your daughter Jinx?" Roman laughed a bit.

"I atleast had the common sense not to name mine after ice cream!" Cinder fired back.

"Woah! Shots fired, no fighting!" King warned the two.

"But she didn't make Jinx. You did." Ruby told her, making Yang hang her head in shame.

"I'm sorry, Ruby. I never meant to leave you." Yang apologized.

"You/I did what!?" Ruby and Yang exclaimed.

"Yes. That whole Summer died thing, yeah well Ruby may have caused it... And it caused Yang to lash out for a bit and walk out leaving poor crying Ruby to fend for herself." Saber said.

"You seriously couldn't have led with that?" Raven raised an eyebrow.

"Where's the fun in that?" Saber chuckled.

"I always heard you; shadows in the streets, prickles in the back of my neck, your voice pushing me picking me up when all the colors were black. Your the reason I'm still alive." Ruby detailed her experience.

"I spent so many nights on that shitty prison, hungry, bloody, counting the hours. The only thing- The only that kept me going was the thought of getting back to you." Yang said looking at Ruby.

"Despite their different walks in life now, the only thing they thought about was each other... That's so sweet." Pyrrha said as the screen faded to black.

"Like a cupcake!" Saber and King said in unison.

"So Yang didn't abandon me?" Ruby asked.

"Oh, thank Oum... I thought I would have to punch myself no matter the shitty excuse." Yang breathed in relief.

"Are we still sisters?" Ruby asked.

"Nothing is ever going to change that..." Yang said full of hope.

Ruby blows, revealing her holding a lighter right in front of Yang.

"I always knew, you'd come back." Ruby said, twirling Yang's chair excitedly. And with extreme precision lights up the dinner table with a single throw of a lighter, revealing a knocked out Cinder on the other side and what looks like two life like dolls of Mercury and Emerald.

"Not creepy at all. Hehe." Mercury looked st his doll copy.

"Oh my... If I didn't understand our relationship in that world, I'd say take me out to dinner first." Cinder winked at Ruby. Who blushes at the gesture.

"Seeing Cinder Fall bondage would have been fun. If it wasn't for the fact that you're all hostages of her unhinged surrogate daughter." Roman remarked a bit disturbed.

"Keep your kinks to yourself, please." Winter groaned.

"She took everything from us. Right here, she stabbed Summer in the back. Just like he planned to do with me" Ruby said, glaring at Cinder.

"All the time, saying you abandoned me when he knew the truth." Ruby continued, her voice beginning to crack. While Cinder attempted to say something under the gag.


"We're missing someone." Ruby told Yang, as she excused herself, only to return holding a silver platter. Yang looked at Ruby with a hint of fear, as she quickly sat the plate down

"Oh no, Weiss! She got turned into dinner!" Neptune exclaimed.

"Man, I swear if Weiss is in that plate. I'm gonna puke." Jaune told them in a hurry.

"Would you idiots shut up! Ruby isn't and didn't turn me into dinner. Right?" Weiss looked at Saber and Ruby, who both avoid their gaze.

"Right?" Weiss kept questioning, while the pair maintained ignorance.

"I paid your girlfriend a visit this morning." Ruby turned to look at Yang smugly.

"What did you do?" Yang questioned Ruby.

"I made her a snack." Ruby replied with a smile.

"Oh no, its worse she's the appetizer!" Neptune screamed in horror.

"RIP Schnee pride. Wasn't even worth the main course." King laughed nervously.

Yang looked at the plate anxiously, as Ruby teasingly lifts the cover off slowly.

Yang turns her head away, while maintaining her sight on the plate. Just before Ruby suddenly pulls off the lid.

"No!" Yang screamed.

"No!" Team _WBY and JNPR screamed at the same time.

"Sheesh. I'm not that crazy." Ruby said throwing the lid away and revealing the contents of the lid. Which is... A cupcake.

"Sheesh. I'm not that crazy!" Ruby said at the same time as her counterpart, while looking at her team like they were the crazy ones.

Ruby returned again, this time with the actual Weiss strapped in a wheelchair... With clothes on?

"You know its confusing when the text has fucking question marks in an action." Saber muttered to herself.

"Wait. Wasn't she like very very naked when Ruby kidnapped her? How is she wearing clothes?" Nora asked.

"Nothing you all have to worry your pretty heads over, that's for sure." Saber chuckled nervously.

"Yeah. Actually I'd like to know how that happened." Ruby murmured.

"Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" Nora and Yang chanted at the same time.

"Uggghh! No, way! Unless you wanna sit through Ruby ragdolling Weiss into a lace set for half an hour. I suggest you don't ask." Saber groaned in frustration.

"I can... Strangely imagine Ruby do that, or is it just me?" Blake spoke up.

"Nah, I can see that too honestly." Yang responded.

"Is that it? I thought they'd like wrestle and accidentally put on clothes all cartoony and stuff. Disappointing really." Qrow shrugs.

"Yes, unfortunately I like my women like I like my beer. Legal and not flat." King says making a toast with Qrow and earning a glare from the Schnee sisters.

"What are you glaring at? You are clearly well-endowed." King raised his hands in defeat.

Ruby roughly pushes Weiss onto the edge of the table.

"Ruby! Leave her out of this!" Yang pleaded with her. But Ruby ignores her, choosing to stand beside Yang without a word.

"Now, where should I sit? That's. Your choice really." Ruby said, as the screen showed two separate chairs on either side of the table, one named Ruby and the other Jinx.

Ruby then turns to face Yang, dropping a pistol on her hand before pleading,

"Make her go away, please. Send her on her way and-" Ruby pleaded only to be cut off by a grunt from Weiss.

"Why is she doing this? I... She sounds so scared, yet she's doing all of- all of this! I don't know what to think..." Yang said, a tad bit frustrated.

"Is your braincells stuffed with all that heroic martyr-complex propaganda, or are you all really that stupid to see the clear implications?" Cinder glared at the blonde and the other teams.

"And what, pray tell is your take away on her behavior Ms. Fall?" Saber asked, wanting to hear her point.

"She's afraid. She's been abandoned by almost everyone, and the only person she cares about doesn't seem to want to choose her! I mean I understand she's clearly psychotic, but for her own sister to clearly think and believe that she cooked her lover just continues to validate her point. That Yang,her very own sister believes she's capable and willing do such a horrifying act, further reinforces the fact that she has to fear being abandoned again and replaced." Cinder said, showing a bit more emotions that she's used to.

"An interesting take on her motivations and actions I suppose." Saber said, putting some thought to Cinder's words.

"A-And you can have powder back." Ruby quickly says as she briefly looked at Weiss. Yang stares at Weiss who pleads with her eyes while Ruby waits for an answer

"I can't." Yang says defeated. Making Ruby scoff who swiftly takes the pistol and aim at Weiss's head.

"Ruby! W-Wait, just listen! W-We can just leave, and never come back!" Yang pleaded, stopping Ruby before she can pull the trigger.

"W-Where would we go?" Ruby asked disoriented.

"See what I mean? One word from you, and she would drop everything and go. What do you think is going to happen when blondie realizes that her sister has changed since she left." Cinder snapped, stopping any other comments from being thrown.

"N-No No! She's not saying that!" Ruby said agitated, pointing the pistol towards the Emerald and Mercury mannequins.

"Its true! Put this behind us, you'll never have to see him again." Yang said, tilting her head towards the still tied up Cinder. Who mumbles something underneath the gag loud enough to grab Ruby's attention.

"What do you have to say that?" Ruby asked, taking off Cinder's gag.

"Her name is Jinx! She's lying, you'll be with her a day before she realizes your not that girl anymore. And turns her back on you!" Cinder tries to get through to her.

"Ex-fucking-xactly! This Ruby is a criminal that has killed, knows how fucking many and is suffering from a mental problem. Do you think its just gonna magically disappear cause of the magic of love, heroism and family bullshit!?" Cinder rants.

"You speak as if a criminal terrorist like you understands the bond of family!" Winter snaps back.

"Family? Maybe not. But I know what it feels like, to trust someone so completely only to be left betrayed and disappointed. And I cannot and will not sit here, while these ignorant fucks inevitably twist this story into something its not. Its honestly pathetic how some of you actually looked hopeful at that stupid solution." Cinder fires back, taking a jab against the Beacon students.

"And what do you think, the other Yang should do then?" Ruby spoke up.

"Choose and choose now. To love and accept your counterpart in all her psychotic glory and help her get better if she ever will or to stop your counterpart right here and now. Or else someone may just make that choice for her." Cinder answered with every bit of finality in her statement.

"You're not lying right? You wouldn't lie to me? Not again..." Ruby asked Yang, while mumbling the last part.

"I'm not lying, I'm on your side. I promise." Yang continued to say. But Ruby's hallucinations get in the way, forcing her to fire a shot at doll Mercury to silence the voices.

And a glass shatters and rolls next to Weiss while Ruby is distracted.

"Shut up! Were talking!" Ruby yelled, frustrated. While Cinder continued to explain her side of the story,

"The topsiders offered me everything; independence, a seat at the table. All in return for you." Cinder explained. While Weiss took the opportunity to begin cutting through her restraints.

"They can all burn. Everyone betrays us Jinx! Summer, her, they will never understand. Its only us, you're my daughter I'll never forsake you." Cinder tried to assure Ruby. But the moment is interrupted, when Weiss breaks free and aims pow pow at the mother-daughter duo,

"Drop the gun!"

"No, please she's my sister." Yang pleaded with Weiss not to shoot. Seeing Weiss distracted, Ruby frustratingly aims the pistol at Weiss, but before she can shoot Weiss fires warning shots on the floor.

"Hmm... Perhaps you are right about family Schnee." Cinder concedes.

"Yang, she's too far gone." Caitlyn argued, keeping her sight on Ruby who only giggles nervously while setting the gun down and raising her arms in surrender.

"No No No..." Yang pleaded quietly, seeing Weiss hover over the trigger. Smirking, Ruby's eyes began glowing and in a flash of neon pink, knocks Weiss on the ground.

Ruby points her gun at the downed Weiss but hesitates, as voices in her head fight for dominance in her thoughts.

"Shit..." Roman muttered recognizing what's happening.

"Ruby wake up! Remember who you are! I know you remember! Picture Mercury! Emerald! Summer" Yang yelled. While Ruby's face scrunches up in pain as she repeatedly says stop, while distorted images of Emerald, Mercury, and Summer appear in her mind.

"Wow. Your counterpart is either stupid or really estranged." Roman remarked with a glare.

"Atleast she's trying okay!?" Yang said a bit worried over Ruby's mental state.

"Yeah? We'll her trying is giving more panic attacks moron." Neo said through a tts in her scroll.

"Shut up, don't listen to her!" Cinder said furiously, while the monsters in Ruby's head kept getting louder.

"Mom... Dad." Yang continued to say. While Cinder scooted over to reach the pistol on the table.

Cinder aims her pistol at Yang and shoots. But as the shot rings out, it brings Ruby out of her trance and fired her mini gun wildly towards Cinder.

"I'd like to advise, that shooting the person triggering someone's ptsd and or trauma, might not be the right way to do it. But damn, if I don't support it." Saber said, while the audience still looked stunned.

"Amen." Roman, said in support after recovering from his own shock.

Breathing heavily, Ruby snaps out of her daze and rushes to Cinder's side.

"No. No No No No. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." Ruby cried out, cupping Cinder's face with both her hands.

"I never would have given you to them. Not for anything... Don't cry, you're perfect." Cinder said with a small smile before passing away.

Roman would have chosen to be smug about being right, but decided against it.

"She chose the person that could never understand her, the one she loved instead of the person that stood by her and have her everything... If this was supposed to be some lesson for something, it certainly did not reach me." Cinder said bitterly.

Ruby continued to sob, as the voices resurfaced for a brief moment. Before steeling her resolve and standing back up

"Powder. Powder? Its okay, we'll be okay." Yang tried reassuring her, while Ruby just stared at the chair labeled Jinx.

Sitting down Ruby faced Yang with anger in her eyes.

"I thought. Maybe you could love me like you used to. Even though I'm different, but you changed too." Ruby said her voice almost cracking.

"So here's to the new us!" Ruby said taking the hex-crystal from the cupcake and fishbones.

Yang and Weiss watched in worry and fear as Ruby walked to the edge of the ruins with the armed fishbones by her side.

Ruby slings the rocket launcher onto her shoulder, and a new voice emerges from her scattered mind.

"Show them. We will show them all." Cinder's voice rang inside her mind as she prepared to fire her weapon.

The blast echoes around them, as the rocket took off in the direction of the council room. Where Pyrrha had cast her vote by taking off her ring.

"Dear Oum..." Glynda said in shock.

"What the fuck..." Saber said slack jawed, since she's watching alongside them now.

"What was that!" Summer asked in panic.

"A weapon made from hextech..." King answered.

"I support councilor Arc's proposal for peace." Pyrrha said, raising her hand. While the rocket continued to travel towards its destination, an injured Hazel takes out a cigar while sitting in Cinder's old office. An image of Watts looking up at a seemingly familiar head hanging from his wall.

Finally as the rocket began nearing its destination. The other councilors one by one, raised their hands in approval to cast the vote. While Yang and Weiss stared at the trail left behind by the rocket.

The Piltover council is soon shown to have reached a unanimous decision, much to Jaune's happiness. The rocket got armed and reached the council rooms window just as Pyrrha turned behind her.

Then it all went black...

"Cinder a-are you crying?" Roman pointed to the tears running down the half maidens face.

"No! Its just sometimes when I get sad, water come outta my eyes!" Cinder glared, trying to hold back tears when Ruby jumps on her lap for some reason.

"Be strong sister we'll make it through this together!" Ruby said, clinging onto the fiery maiden.

"Shut up, don't touch me!" Cinder complained while latching even harder onto the younger girl.

"I never thought I'd say fallen petals was cute. Yet here we are..." King whispered to Saber.

"I know right." Saber replied.

"Ehem. I believe you have someone of mine." Weiss pointed at the still clingy Ruby.

"Now, let's move on now shall we? Ya know, before Weiss murders Cinder for stealing her partner." Saber said as she flipped a rather colorful recording crystal into her hands.

A/N: This took longer than expected. I was planning a Christmas special, but I've decided to just make it into a New Years special instead.

With that said onto the next chapter!

Sabaton-Christmas Truce

Have a nice day/evening/afternoon
