AC Odyssey: Athens Symposium

[A/N: I'm gonna back up a bit and start at the Symposium, cause I'm too lazy to spend twenty minutes trying to explain why Ruby and Qrow are beating up a bunch of dudes in a warehouse at Corinth. Also I plan to make Yang as Stentor cause their half-siblings and all.
P.S. I'm gonna cut through several scenes for copyright reasons and all that.]

A few minutes after last chapter...

"Welp, welcome back Remnant people..." Saber waved off in a bored tone.

"Ahh, here we go! My love-hate recording..." King said, suddenly appearing beside Saber.

"Ahh, the Peloponnesian War..." Saber nodded off before turning to her audience.

"Alright, listen up people! This next world I'm sure you'll enjoy, the birthplace of Western Civilization. A land of opportunity, knowledge, and democracy. Athens." Saber regaled to her audience.

"What and who is it about?" Winter asked.

"Its about Ruby Rose and her quest to find her mother... This is the start of that journey, or atleast the one that pointed her in the right direction." Saber explained.

"Ohh. I get to make an appearance again!" Ruby high-fived her sister.

"When haven't you made an appearance is the real question." Jaune replied with a laugh.

"Yeah! Equal representation!" Sun yelled from his seat.

"Okay, enough. Now, without further ado let's begin!" Saber snaps her finger and the recording begins.

The screen opens in front of the entrance to an ancient Greek house, with a Spartan helmet wearing Ruby enters.

"Is that... Argus?" Pyrrha asked.

"Well. No. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the home of Ozpin, father of Democracy and ironically the founder of the Athenian empire." King introduced.

"Although to answer your question, Pyrrha. What you are viewing right now isn't Argus, rather its the city of Athens the cultural and intellectual center of the western world(debatable) at the time." Saber followed up.

"Interesting..." Ozpin said in response.

"Ruby! You're here!" The voice of a little girl interrupted the misthios musings.

"Penny?" Ruby turned to the source of the voice in surprise to see a young girl running up to her.

"You said you weren't coming back to Kephallonia, so I decided to leave too." Penny explained.

"I said I wouldn't be coming back, but I don't remember saying you should leave." Ruby told the young girl.

"Well here I am!" Penny responded cheerfully to the misthios.

"How dare you leave Penny other me!" Ruby pointed accusingly at the screen.

"Well to be fair. Taking some kid headfirst into the conflict of the century would have been very responsible." Saber responded sarcastically.

"I am combat ready!" Penny saluted from her seat behind Ruby.

"How did you even get here, Penny?" Ruby asked still astonished by the girl.

"Well... I did make some drachmae working for Roman." Penny replied.

"If I had a lien for everytime I gave work to some orphan. I'd have two lien, which isn't a lot but its weird that it happened twice." Roman said.

"Two? Oh, yeah right. The personification of ice cream and nightmares." Cinder replied, looking at Neo.

"So you paid someone to bring you to Athens." Ruby looked at the younger girl.

"Not exactly..." Penny shrunk trying to explain.

"Penny!" The misthios looked at her sternly.

"I needed the drachmae from when I arrived. I couldn't use it all to leave, and I didn't want to wait any longer, so I sneaked on a ship." Penny explained, which earned her another look from Ruby.

"Don't worry, nobody saw!" Penny quickly finished.

"Hehe. Nobody..." King suppressed a laugh.

"I just can't believe you made it." Ruby said with a smile as Penny continued to explain her experience in Athens.

"I can't believe you're here!" Ruby laughed, still in disbelief that Penny is in Athens.

"Me either! I can't believe we both made it to Athens. Its so much different here than Kephallonia." Penny said happy to see Ruby again.

"But what are you doing here?" Ruby asked suddenly.

"I'm here to get you ready. I'm here to make sure you leave all your weapons and to change into these clothes." Penny said seriously.

"So you somehow work here... For Ozpin." Ruby deduced looking at her surroundings.

"No. For Salem." Penny responded, which made Ruby question how she came to work for Salem so Penny told her the story.

"I think, I'm ready to go in." Ruby insisted.

"You can't, the Athenians like it best when you try to fit in. But don't worry I have just the outfit for you." Penny stopped her from going in.

"Ugggh. Its just like Atlas/Weiss, making me wear things..." Qrow, Cinder, Ruby, and Pyrrha all said with a bit of resentment and Pyrrha's annoyance.

"Well maybe if you actually dress like a decent person, we wouldn't be in that mess." Winter glared at Qrow.

"And how many time do I have to say, that they can think waht ever and that they cannot possibly compute the number of fucks I do not give about their opinion." Qrow slurred after chugging another bottle.

"Yeah! No heels! And no the gun ban! I know my rights, Weiss." Ruby glared at her partner.

"I'm not even gonna dignify this..." Weiss sighed.

A few moments later, Ruby comes back dressed in a red chiton.

"I feel uncomfortable in this." Ruby whined as she straightened the chiton out.

"I feel the pain..." Pyrrha shudders.

"Why? It looks oddly comfortable." Jaune asked the Mistralian.

"Yeah. That's kinda the point, you see Jaune, its so comfortable you occasionally forget that you have clothes and feel so vulnerable." Pyrrha answered.

"Can't be worse than a toga. Maximum comfort and paranoia." Neptune shrugged.

"At least you can keep a knife..." Pyrrha mused.

(Disclaimer: idk if what I said is true feel free to correct me.)

"Now you look like everyone else!" Penny responded to her complaining.

"You say that like its a good thing." Ruby said with displeasure.

"It is. If you want them to take you seriously. This is the easiest way. Trust me." Penny replied as she guided Ruby towards the symposium.

"Chaire, Ruby! The mighty mercenary and traveler has finally made her grand entrance. Only slightly late, too." Ren greeted the misthios as she entered.

"Fuck no... Isn't this the guy who wrote about the 300 spartans? Even though there was like 10,000 of them and couple thousand others." King whispered.

"Yup." Saber replied with an eye roll.

"Wait. What?" Winter turned to the pair.

"Right. So, Ren here is considered by many as the first historian... Writing records about some of the most famous battles of their time like the Battle of Thermopylae decades earlier just to name one." Saber explained.

"Oh, no! Ren's turned into doctor Oobleck!" Nora yelled in despair.

"By the way. Ren isn't just one of the famous people of the era that Ruby will meet today, you'll also see some of the most renowned philosophers and playrights of that time. Maybe, even see an orgy..." King said, mumbling the orgy part.

"Ren! Athenians have made no problem letting me know when I'm not welcome. Its good to see a friendly face." Ruby greeted the historian with a warm face.

"Don't let the company here tonight intimidate you." Ren told her making Ruby roll her eyes at the man.

"I won't."

"Ozpin is no king. He needs these guests to love him, so that the people love him. And they, in turn, need Ozpin. You're no different from any of them"Ren explained to the mercenary as she nodded in understanding.

"Do you really think these people would help me?" Ruby asked Ren skeptically.

"They will if you get them to trust you. And you've wisely dressed for the occasion. Appearing trustworthy is the most important part of being trusted, after all. Now then, come let me introduce you to everyone." Ren said leading the way for Ruby as he continued to speak.

"Well, I hope this one doesn't leave ME alone to EXPLODE." Ruby side-eying Yang.

"You're never gonna let that go, huh?" Yang groaned.

"Nope." Ruby shook her head.

"They may not look it. But this group holds the way to the future on the tip of their opinionated tongues." Ren then gestured to the groups of guests.

"Coco and Velvet for example. Two of the most celebrated playwrights to date. No one can throw stones as far as they can. They appear to be locked in an intellectual struggle, as is their way." Ren explained.

"He's a writer of comedies of all things! Comedies, Velvet!" Coco argued with her two comapnions before walking out.

"Sorry, Coco. Dissing people for writing comedies, gets you the ban hammer." Velvet speaks up.

"You're only mad cause she speaks the truth." Coco defended.

"Gods, I can feel my brain cells dying from this intellectual debate..." Cinder groaned watching the two bickering.

"Not that you had much to begin with, but sure let's pretend that's the reason you're stupid." Watts deadpanned at the half-maiden.

"I've heard of Coco. In my line of work, it pays to know who the richest and most famous men are." Ruby replied as Ren saw another notable guest.

Ren then proceeded to introduce several other notable guests at the symposium like the great philosopher Jaune.

"Where is Ozpin?" Ruby wondered.

"Oh! He never attends his own parties. Which reminds me there's something I need to get his help with..." Ren trailed off, when someone suddenly interrupted from behind him.

A drunk and almost Sun appeared suddenly behind them.

"Vile, Jaune! Always appearing where I least expect him. Warrior. Protect me from his amorous gaze." Sun drunkenly approached the slightly baffled Ruby.

"Damn... Uhhh... Sorry??" Sun flinched, feeling the intense glares of two blondes and a bird.

"I... Honestly don't know what to say... Thanks??" Jaune scratched his head awkwardly.

"Well, I don't disapprove..." Blake muttered.

"I mean other Sun does have a point..." Pyrrha whispered to herself.

"Oh, Sun, this is... This is not the time for jealousy, but for love." Sun continued before separating from Ruby and stumbling to the door taking another man with him to somewhere.

"I did not just see that..." Weiss covered her eyes while hiding a blush on her face.

"Not that I'd mind... But, ahh. I don't really swing that way." Sun defended himself from the raised eyebrows his team was giving.

"Let's not use Sun as an example. Be good, don't drink too much." Ren cleared his throat, which was promptly ignored when Ruby drunk a bowl of wine straight.

"So, tell me. What does a misthios like you think of a party like this?" Ren asked.

"This party could be fun. Sun drinks like a Spartan. Maybe he fights like a Spartan too." Ruby said with a bit more enthusiasm.

"You... You corrupted my baby sister with, your stupid hot body and abs!" Yang pointed at Sun.

"Hang on! I didn't do no nothin!" Sun protested, but it was no use towards the ire of big sis Yang.

"If I could suggest anything- Don't start a fight. Or end one." Ren reminded the mercenary.

"Thank you, Ren." Ruby nodded appreciatively.

"Now, if you'll excuse me. Ozpin is here somewhere, and I need to prepare him... If he's alone, I'll tell him what your sister said." Ren bid her farewell to meet with Ozpin.

"Agreed. Ozpin needs to know, I'll stay here and look for clues." Ruby nodded.

"I hope they know something about you mother." Ren tried to assure her as he left.

Ruby now left alone had mingled with the rest of the guests, when she lands herself inside the kitchens where a drunk Coco is drinking wine alone.

"I suppose your in here, to mock my fight with Velvet." Coco told Ruby as she approached the drunk playwright.

"Spare me. I'm only looking for clues to help me find a Spartan woman." Ruby got straight to the point with Coco.

"A Spartan woman in Athens? Sound intriguing, though if you expect me to notice someone other than myself, you expect to much. You could talk with Velvet-he is the second-most worldly man here, pediculous, xanthedonthous, exopthalmic... Morsoph, but her doesn't talk without a drink." Coco trailed on.

"I have no idea what any of that meant." Ruby shook her head.

"Me neither, kid. And I'm an omnipotent goddess." Saber shrugged.

"I have no idea what that meant." Ruby responded in confusion.

"OMG same!" Literally everyone said.

"Anyone got a thesaurus in the comsec?" King asked no one in the audience.

"No you don't." Coco replied smugly.

"So we get him drunk, and he talks? He sound more Argive than Athenian." Ruby mused.

"Impressive, foreigner. Velvet is from Argos." Coco said patronizingly.

"Wait. So Argus also exists in this world?" Jaune spoke.

"No, despite the name and aesthetic. Argos isn't the same as your Argus. For one, Argos is the patron city of Hera, goddess of heifers and cuc-" Saber began, when the ground began to shake throwing everybody off their seats.

"Fuck... I forgot they were next door with Erika." King groaned as he stood back up.

"Oversensitive fuckers... Now, where were we?" Saber muttered before turning back to her audience.

"All right, if nothing else. This party could use the help." Ruby agreed, as Coco began thinking of a plan.

"You'll need to pick the right wine for this task. The kitchen should have what you need. Let me know, when Velvet is done in, and I'll slip away unseen." Coco instructed Ruby.

"I'll get the wine." Ruby said with a smirk.

"Wonderful. Now, if you want some friendly advice, Scarlet cannot stand sweet wine. I've seen what it can do to him- Absolutely, horrifyingly delightful." Coco said excitedly rubbing her hands together.

"It wouldn't be a party without someone losing their stomach. I'll let you know if your plan worked." Ruby joked, before turning to get the wine.

Lucky for Ruby, as soon as she turned around she a servant girl in the kitchen. Wasting no time she grabbed the girl's attention as she approached.

"Save for the arrogant playwright, I don't see many distinguished guests around here. Can I help you with something?" The servant asked.

"I'm here for your sweet wine." Ruby told her.

"Yes, take it. But get out of my kitchen. I'm very busy you know!" The servant shooed the mercenary away once she received the wine.

"How very disrespectful. Our servants would never behave like that, much less our guests. Why I'd have them fired immediately if they pulled something like that." Willow said with a hint of irritation at the slight.

"I wasn't aware you had the motor functions to even walk, much less fire anyone, mother..." Weiss muttered to herself.

With wine in hand and oil for good measure, Ruby made her way towards the party to find Velvet and Scarlet when she stumbled upon a door where Sun's labored breathing could be heard from the other side and glass falling.

"Someone's being hurt." Ruby mistook as she began banging on the door to check, when a naked Sun suddenly opened it and a goat popped on out of there.

"Oh, don't mind her she likes to watch."

"What. The. Hell. Dude!?" Neptune looked at Sun with wide eyes.

"Dude that is messed up..." Roman gaped at the screen.

"Meh. I've written worse..." Blake shrugged.

"Ahh, just like home..." Pyrrha murmured.

"Look at you. Such authority, such aggression. I can see why Ozpin has taken such an interest in you. Did you come to join us?" Sun asked as he stared down at Ruby with such lustful gaze.

"Alright, you degenerate! Back the hell off my partner! You shan't be taking her innocence from the world!" Weiss threatened Sun with a plastic fork.

"Why are you all blaming me! Different universe, remember!?" Sun tried to defend himself from the angry snow white.

"Because if I can't hurt that one, I'm gonna hurt you..." Weiss warned Sun.

"It sounded like someone was in pain." Ruby explained the misunderstanding.

"Well, it can sometimes be hard... To distinguish between sounds of pleasure and pain. Had I known you were going to knock, I would have left my door wide, wide open for you." Sun said with not a hint of shame.

"I thought this party was tame, even by Athenian standards... Until, now." Ruby flirted back.

"Let them have their meeting of the minds. I'm more interested in meeting... Other parts." Sun said.

"Sunny, we're out of oil again." A woman shouted from inside the room.

"Sunny?" Ruby looked at Sun with amusement.

"You know they like you when they give you a pet name. There's more oil in the kitchen... But Salem keeps complaining about me walking unencumbered through her symposiums." Sun complained to Ruby.

"You mean naked." Ruby raised an eyebrow.

"Mmh. It sounds so good when you say it." Sun moaned in response.

"Not... Gonna lie their banter is pretty wholesome." Jaune said.

"Look, Jeanne Jr. I know you have the density of a black hole, but that conversation was not pretty wholesome." Mercury pointed out.

"I come bearing gifts." Ruby smiled, presenting Sun with the oil she had acquired earlier.

"We're saved! Today, women grieving for their sons, and theseen worked the wall. But tonight we forget all of that. Let's have some fun! What do you say? Care to join us?" Sun propositined the misthios.

"Oh, look a broken bottle." Qrow said pulling out a beer bottle from under him.

"I warned you, friend." Weiss shrugged.

"Oh, boy. A dead man." Tai laughed, glaring at Sun.

"Normally I don't give a damn about Red, but character development demands it. So, sorry monkey boy." Cinder flicked a flame in her hands.

"King? You still there?" Saber whispered.


"Be a dear, and get the censorship button..."

"Time for some fun. You'll have to help me strip off these uncomfortable Athenian robes." Ruby stepped closer to Sun.

"Gladly. If you like we can feed them to the goat." Sun grabbed on to Ruby's waist as he led her inside.

"There's another goat?"

"Ah, shit... Incoming!" King ducked down as a ball of fire... And is that a chair?

"Get your, hands off the cinnamon roll!"

"Come here monkey boy, time to learn about hand to hand combat!"

"No, wait!"




"Okay. We're back. Ah, shit... I can't believe you idiots, threw my fucking golden vase, damn." Saber dusted herself off, clearly with some new injury.


"Is everyone calm now? No more, murderous urges? Cool." King stared the audience down with a grunt.

A few hours pass, with the screen now showing Ruby and Sun stepping out of the room.

"Now, its time for you to help me 'Sunny'. I'm looking for someone." Ruby turned to the still naked man.

"All, business. Right until the end, I like that." Sun replied playfully.


"I'm looking for a Spartan woman who fled Sparta a long time ago." Ruby explained.

"Fled Sparta? No one flees Sparta! But, let's pretend she did. If she were stupid, she'd be dead if she were smart, she'd do what Salem did- Earn her independence." Sun answered.

"The smartest and most... Resourceful women I've met are in Korinthia." Sun answered thoughtfully.

"The hetaerae? I've heard they play some sort of role in Korinth, but I assumed it was the same in other cities." Ruby voiced out her thoughts.

"Oh, no. These women are unlike any other you'll meet- a force, and the only ones there with any smarts." Sun responded to her.

"Sunny! Come back inside!"

"Ooh. The celebration continues! When you reach Corinth, find Harriet. No one goes in and out of the city without her knowing." Sun informed her as he closed the doors.

"Until we meet again. Warrior." Sun bid farewell in his usual manner.

"That was a boatload of information." Qrow said with a wince.

"Why be an escort? That's hardly the way to earn independence, its too... What's the word? Its too much of a gamble." Roman questioned.

"It was vastly different during the ancient times from today. Jobs like that were, at least from my understanding was highly respected. More so, than modern times I believe... Then again, I could be wrong." Saber explained.

"So it wa her ticket out of there quickly." Neptune asked.

"Yup. As quick as it could at least." King nodded.

"Harriet in Corinth. Its not much, but its a start." Ruby spoke to herself as she walked away.

Deciding to get this over with quickly, Ruby walks off to where she spots Velvet and Scarlet talking to each other, who she approaches.

"A new face in Ozpin's abode! That in itself is a remarkable thing. You must have seen me doing my impression of Watts. I call it the 'Orange Ape' what does it think?" Scarlet welcomed the mercenary.

"Shut up, and take my money!" Cinder stifled a laugh as she had Emerald throw lien at the screen.

"Th-That is it, you insufferable wench! I've had it with your incompetence and mockery!" Watts stood glaring at Cinder.

"Aww, look at widdle Ironwood Jr. gonna cry?" Cinder continued her taunting.

"Did you just call me it!? Watch your mouth Athenian." Ruby glared back at Scarlet.

"It, speaks and so feisty too. I wonder if I'm doomed to be the only young and beautiful thing here. So what do the call you?" Scarlet replied dramatically.

"Are all of them this insufferable? I feel like I'm in Atlas again..." Qrow groaned.

"Amen. Uggghhhhh! I feel like I'm back in that stupid hotel and serving, count Dipshit and duchess Don't Give A Fuck." Cinder agreed.

"Ruby." She deadpanned.

"I wouldn't peg you as a Ruby. But, nevermind. I'm Scarlet, and this is Velvet. Oh, go on! Introduce yourself." Scarlet nudged on Velvet.

"I'm Velvet."

"For a playwright, you're not much for words." Ruby said with a hint of amusement.

"Good men lead quiet lives. As old Velvet likes to say, don't you, Velvet?" Scarlet said, which Velvet affirms with a roll of her eyes and a nod.

"When I need to relax I start a fight. For you though..." Ruby eyed the two.

"No, Yang. No more fighting." Weiss decided to cut off the blonde.


"No. We wouldn't want a repeat of the bank incident." Weiss saud firmly.

"Oh, come on! That was an accident!" Yang and Ruby defended.

"How do you accidentally rob a bank!?"

"Quickly, bring him some wine so that she may say something clever!" Scarlet egged on.

"After my argument with Coco, I think I'd rather have my head clear." Velvet quickly refused.

"Why can't you be like that?" Winter turned to the resident drunk.

"You should try it sometime." Qrow fired back.

"Leave me alone, dear. I'm not that drunk..." Willow slurred.

"Right. This is getting out of hand, now there's two of them." Winter facepalmed.

"I'm Ozpin's new servant. I'd be happy to bring some wine." Ruby pretended as she bowed.

"An Athenian servant? You? And these are wine pouring muscles?" Velvet questioned the mercenary.

"You are a terrible liar..." Weiss pointed out.

"Better than nothing at least." Yang shrugged.

"I was a rower in Ozpin's ship, where he took pity on me. Now, I pour wine for people who question my word, and his." Ruby said with a smile.

"Ahh, yes. The good ole subtle threat." Roman said a bit fondly.

"Shame you suck at it though." Mercury remarked offhandedly.

"I... I wasn't questioning... Perhaps one drink." Velvet stuttered out in agreement.

"Let's conjure Dionysus, shall we?" Ruby said cheerfully pouring the two guests with a smile.

"T-This is pure swill!" Scarlet complained in indignation.

"Amateur! In my day, this would he considered nectar of the gods. Another round!" Velvet rebucked her companions complaints, urging Ruby to pour him another.

And so Ruby poured another.

And another...

By the third drink, Scarlet was puking his guts out. Leaving Velvet and Ruby to talk among themselves.

"You... I like you. Who brought you here?" Velvet looked at Ruby.

"Ahh, so she isn't stupid. Just didn't voice out that she caught on." Roman rolled his eyes.

"Not like it was hard, girl couldn't make up a story to save her life." Emerald snickered.

"Like you could do any better?" Weiss glared at the thief.

"You guys literally thought we were normal students for weeks! Heck, none of you realized we're working for Salem until like last week! Not to mention Cinder over here looks like a hag!" Mercury pointed out.

"Why don't you say to my face, Mercury..." Cinder glared at him.

"Touche." Yang grumbled.

"I brought my self. I'm on the trail of a woman who fled Sparta, a long time ago." Ruby explained.

"Fled? Why?" Scarlet questioned, having somewhat recovered.

"She had two children. She had no choice." Ruby told the two.

"I heard, Spartan mothers go to a sanctuary in Argolis to beg Asklepios for his divine pity. I should know- It's my home." Velvet told Ruby.

"After what she went through. I don't think she'd trust a priest." Ruby said with a bit of thought.

"Then she sought my friend Yatsuhashi. He's a physician. The best of the best. He still keeps his office in Argos. If she went to him for help, there's no doubt he will help her." Velvet continued to explain.

With another clue gained Ruby turned back to the kitchen where she tells Coco that Velvet won't see anything before the playwright leaves.

Turning back to the party Ruby bumps into Jaune who is currently locked in a discussion with some other guest.

"Gods, no... Can't we skip this part?" King turned in abject horror towards Saber.

"Unfortunately not..." The aforementioned host sighed.

"Why? What's wrong woth Jaune?" Pyrrha turned to the two.

"Have you ever wanted to rip someone's tongue out because they won't stop asking questions where said question leads to another question, where then the discussion eventually leads to asking whether questions are merely questions or are they simply paths to answers? Have you!?" Saber breathed in and out.

"Sounds rough." Qrow pats his knee offering a bottle of whiskey.

"Ah, here comes the one who claims to value drachmae over the noble path to knowledge." Jaune greeted Ruby.

"I've only heard a sentence and I already see your point..." Cinder said, somehow finding a pair of earplugs.

"I don't think, I've ever heard anyone for the first time and had a murderous urge a second later..." Hazel muttered.

"Like I told you, 'knowledge' can't feed me!" Ruby prepared for another arguement.

"But the mind must be fed as well." Jaune said calmly.

"You really intend to use this young distraction, to avoid the point being argued?" The other person cut into their conversation.

"You have been arguing a single point all night, and no one has a black eye? You have my attention." Ruby turned to the two arguing gentlemen.

"We're discussing the nature of rulers. What better to do so than here? I'll ask you the same question I asked Flint: would you agree that the act of ruling is an art." Jaune asked the mercenary who thought up a reply.

"It is an art. As all worthy undertakings are. It is not up for arguement." Flint scoffed at the ridiculous question.

"He does a have a point. Its hardly a question let alone an argument." Winter said.

"I mean, the answer ultimately depends on what one's definition of art is." Ozpin said.

"I agree. Its not so much an arguement without that context." Ironwood nodded.

Jaune then goes on a tangent about how medicine is for the betterment of the patient not the physician, carpentry for the betterment of the building. And how the art of ruling is for the betterment of the ruled and not the ruler.

"W-What's that git to with the question?" Ruby asked her head spinning.

"See?" Saber asked exasperated.

"This argument between you two is pointless." Ruby said in irritation.

"Perhaps. How do you define art." Jaune agreed, changing the subject.

"I'm not getting dragged into this." Ruby said with a smirk.

"Smart choice, pipsqueek." Qrow sighed in relief, passing saber another bottle.

"I am not listening to that again..." Saber chugged another bottle.

"You must really hate the guy." Winter raised an eyebrow.

"Not that we hate him, more like she'll strangle him if he asks another question about a question." King explained.

"Very well. Then answer me this, does the artist not give form and symmetry to her subject?" Jaune asked.

"Well. Yes."

"Laws and Justice do much the same for people, do they not? And is there not a better way to communicate the story of a people than by revealing his customs and laws? If yes, then ruling is an art, and thus justice is an art, as Flint says." Jaune explained in earnest.

"The fuck? He's been arguing the same point this entire time, or this whole discussion gave me severe brain damage..." Weiss clenched her forehead.

"Jaune. Never say anything smart ever again." Yang begged.

"My head genuinely hurts..." Saber mutters in annoyance.

"Salem..." Flint turned his head, interrupting their previous conversation.

The camera pans out from the trio, to reveal a blonde woman making her way center stage as if she knew that all eyes were now on her. As if she's done this time and time again, she started mingling with her guests, greeting and shaking hands with some of their most notable guests when her eyes meet Ruby, signaling the mercenary to follow her.

"You still have it in you, huh?" Ozpin mused.

"Never lost it, darling." Salem replied sarcastically.

Excusing herself from Jaune and Flint, she made her way to the place where Salem was standing.

"You shouldn't be too hard on Jaune. He really has a brilliant mind, but comes off a little strong." Salem remarked to the approaching mercenary.

"He isn't always like that, is he?" Ruby joked or atleast I think she is.

"Ah, Penny. Ozpin has retired to the balcony already, has he? His ability to sulk is second ro none." Salem mused as she talked with her servant.

"I can go get him. And Ruby can help! Everyone listens when she talks" Penny offered, volunteering Ruby as well.

"That'll be fine. Now, run along, Ruby will be right behind you." Salem nodded, shooing the girl away.

"Now, allow me to introduce myself. My name is, Salem. I had to go through great lengths to cover your work in Megaris." Salem introduced yourself.

"Starting strong. That woman isn't to be messed with, not that the one here isn't more dangerous." Roman remarked cautiously eyeing the grimm queen nearby.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Ruby said innocently.

"Come now, to convince someone in this house. Even your eyes must tell a lie." Salem advised the mercenary.

"Fine, it was me. But my actions were personal, not political." Ruby admitted.

"We do what we must to survive, and there's no shame in that. That's how you got here- How, I got here." Salem said to the mercenary.

"The clothes, they fit you well, I trust." Salem asked, playing the good host.

"These must be the nicest clothes I've ever worn, but I feel... A bit uncomfortable, to be honest." Ruby replied.

"You never really get used to them." Salem agreed.

"It seems we have the attention of the entire room without a single eye being fixed on us. If you'd like to talk, do it now, and do it discreetly." Salem said, as she turned her gaze away from Ruby.

"And its got nothing to do with the fact that you were unnecessarily loud?" Ozpin smirked at his 'may or may not' be wife.

"Might just be my volume..." Saber mutrered to herself.

"I'm searching for a woman who fled Sparta with her child years ago. I was hoping you might help." Ruby answered truthfully.

"What clues do you have of her whereabouts?" Salem asked.

"A physician from named Yatsuhashi may have seen her in Argos." Ruby said.

"He's a good man. If you find a woman named Agathe there, do let her onow Salem sends her regards. What else?" Salem tells her, urging her to continue.

"Sun gave me the name of a woman in Korinth." Ruby tells her.

"I'm sure, he did. My dear friend Harriet, is the only one I know who enjoyed a life in Korinth though legitimate means... Mostly legitimate, anyway." Salem nodded for her to continue.

"That's all I have." Ruby sighed.

"There is another option. In a former life, when I needed something done, or someone found, I contacted a friend. An admiral, of a sort." Salem offered whatever might help in the mercenary's search.

"What's his name?" Ruby asked.

"Her. Name is Raven. When we last spoke she was in Keos. A word of caution when you go to her, be on your guard. Sea life makes a monster out of most people.

"Thank you, Salem." Ruby said with a bit of relief.

"When you're done, return here. We will find who you're looking for." Salem assured her as she left Ruby to tend to her guests.


"Just when it was getting interesting!" Mercury jumped from his seat.

"Wow. You actually stayed still enough to listen to all that?" Emerald raised an eyebrow.

"I know right?"

"Anywho. What did you all think?" Saber turned to her audience.

"It was pretty entertaining to honest. Especially some of the more philosophical debates" Weiss said.

"We're just glad we got featured." Answered the guys I definitely didn't forget about.

"Yeah, yeah that's great. Now let's go! Next! Next! Next!" Ruby
and Nora chanted together.

"Alright. This one's about demigods of the modern day." Saber said, pulling a recording crystal from out of nowhere.

"You mean the 'my parents are trash' campfire song?" King muttered with a grin.


A/N: This took way too long even for me, but its done now. And hopefully I could return to my normal pacing now that I feel much more refreshed and my head doesn't constantly hurt.

So anywho...

Next chapter is... The Campfire Song animatic

Have a nice day/evening/night
