Lost and Found

Title: Lost and Found (Part 1)

Author: @Kikaraaa

Setting: AU//Modern World

Description: They were once best friends but as time flies and life gets trickier, they soon grew apart. Will her heart tell her to move on or let herself keep in touch? Will they be as close as the old times or would he be just 'someone that she used to know'?

Message: Dedicated to @Kit_Katzzz since it will be her birthday tomorrow so let me be the first to say HAPPY BIRTHDAAY! :D

A little help from my twin sister and @Kit_Katzzz! Thanks for helping me think of a filler :)

Special thanks to @deluded-dreamer for the usernames xD


On with the story!






Summoner's Rift.


Lock in.

"You ready?"


The sound that came from the computer signaled the players that the game had started.

Excitement and the fury to kill enemies masked Sakura's angelic demeanor. She was determined to have a high score in the battle.

She was currently playing an online game named 'League of Legends.' People say it was played by a lot of users and it was famous for its game features. However, Sakura still believed that the game was addictive.

Like smoking, once you've started, it is difficult to stop...literally.

In the game, there are ten players in a battle so the ten players are divided into two teams which consists of five players.

Each player can pick a champion or character that they may use since all of the champions have different skills and types like AP (attack, power) which are like mages, AD (attack, damage) or close-combat like assasins, ADR (attack, damage, range) are mostly long-range types or marksmen and support which supports the ADR because they are sometimes defenseless against close-combat players.

There is also a top, middle and  bottom lanes. In the mini map, there are two nexus at the corners of opposite sides. Each lane has three turrets >>wait for the next paragraph to see its meaning<< and one inhibitor to get to the nexus. You should at least destroy all the enemies' barriers so that you may get to the nexus.

The point of the game is to destroy the nexus of your enemy and protect your team's nexus. What is a nexus? It is like a main source of the team so the players should protect their nexus.

However, destroying the nexus is not as easy as it may sound. There are inhibitors and turrets that you need to destroy first before getting to the nexus. Basically, turrets and inhibitors are considered as barriers of the nexus. Moreover, there are opponents that may stop your chance from destroying their nexus. Also there are so called creeps or minions in every battle that may help you win the game or block an attack. You may kill the enemies' minions to earn money in which you may buy items that can make your champion stronger.

Excited to play? Well, you should.

>>Forgive me if I don't explain it properly since I only used my background knowledge on this xD if you want to learn more, you can search it at the internet ^_^<<

Sakura was actually the only girl in their batch who play those kind of games, thanks to her two best buds-Naruto and Sasuke-who forced her to play one game then the addictive cycle went on.

Ironic thing is, she was playing AND best friends with the most popular student in their batch, Uchiha Sasuke.


>>You will understand the bold words if you played the game ;)<< 

"Damnit, you stole my kill!" Sakura complained as she heard Sasuke chuckle from the other line of the voice chat.

"That's what you get for picking the long-range type, they get killed easily if their opponent is a close combat."

"Bastard..." She muttered while killing minions or creeps.

"I heard that." They were in a voice chat so whatever you say, they may hear.

Sakura just gave a pout as they continued to play.

Haruno Sakura is just an average girl, who was part of the people who has lowest grades in class and is addicted to an online game. Yup, she is definitely normal.

Uchiha Sasuke is well-known for his looks and intelligence. Many people look up on him which results to fanclubs and fangirls. He may be famous, but believe it or not he only has two closest friends.

Uzumaki Naruto, on the other hand, was defeated by Sakura in terms of academic ideas but he is better in playing League of Legends much to Sakura's luck.

The three had been best friends ever since elementary days due to a school group in which they were stuck together for a whole year, though they started by hating each other. With that hate, it drew them closer and closer until they turned out to be friends at the end of the school year.





"And you said that an ADR champion could not be on a killing spree." Sakura proudly stated as she destroyed a turret.

An enemy turret has been destroyed!

"I never said that."

"But you were thinking it."

"That's because you couldn't have done it without my help."


>>Username (name of champion being played) has ended Username (name of champion being played) 's killing spree!<<

Jaayy (Garen) has ended pentakillin-pink (Ashe)'s killing spree!


An enemy has been slained!

Sakura immediately shifted her vision to see Sasuke's player (Master Yi) who killed Garen-the character that killed Ashe in which Ashe is the champion that Sakura uses.

"Thanks for avenging me." Sakura's lips formed into a smile as she bought the items bloodthirster and infinity edge since she already have the phantom dancer and statikk shiv-which all were objects that will make the player more powerful in the battle.

"I got your back." Sasuke responded as he was asking for assistance in order to kill all five enemies at the middle lane.

If only Sasuke knew how much his words affect her.

Sakura sent a ping or signal that she was on my way to his direction so that the other players would know that she will help.

"The other members are still dead?" Sakura asked since she wondered why it was just the two of them then she take a quick glance at the mini map. It shows the opponents on their base plus only Sakura and Sasuke are alive at the battlefield in their team while their other teammates are still in a countdown.

"Yeah, they just want kills so they would immediately charge at the enemies, resulting them to die."

"And our team chat is full of curses." Sakura sighed and Sasuke agreed in her response.

"Let's go." Sasuke replied once Ashe reached Master Yi's spot.

5 vs 2

The killing match has now started.

An enemy has been slained!



A teammate is legendary!

"Is this a killing challenge?"

Your team has destroyed a turret!

Your team has destroyed an inhibitor!

All super minions are now spawning!

A teammate is unstoppable!


Your team has destroyed a turret!

An enemy has been slained!

Your team has destroyed a turret!

"Oh, it's on!"


Your team has destroyed and inhibitor!

A teammate is godlike!


Your team has destroyed a turret!

"Target the nexus." Sasuke stated as they both send various attacks while their teammates were just killing minions are assists at killing the opponents.

The air swirled around the nexus as the crystal shattered into pieces.


"Yes!" Sakura cheered as she scanned the stats. "I mean, damnit."

"Why?" Sasuke questioned, still connected to the voice chat.

"Check the stats."

On the overall, she was the third in terms of kills. Of course, Sasuke was the first because of his targets and kills (or kill steals in Sakura's perspective) and the second was from the other team.

"At least you have the most creeps and turrets killed." Sasuke remarked, letting her see the bright side.

Sakura checked her stats and Sasuke was right. "Yeah, but you're still the first in the overall."

"I'm always the first."

"No, you're a cheater!"

"No, I'm just undefeated."

"Is that another challenge?"


"Challenge accepted, I'll defeat you!"

"You sure?"


Sakura was surrounded with a determined desire that she failed notice Sasuke's chuckle.

"Wanna play again?"

"Hell yeah!"

And they played again and again...until one tragic day...

The thunder was as loud as the audience of a concert. The lightning streaks flashed before the student's eyes as countless raindrops splat everywhere.

A strong storm has landed in Konoha so the government declared to call of the classes for the students' and workers' safety.

It was only a few days until the end of the school year in which they are in the eighth grade.

Tugging her umbrella with the use of her right hand, she charged towards the exit of the school. As she moved forward, she caught a glimpse of a person who walked at the pouring rain with a hood.

Sakura decided to help the person since it was raining hard. Though when she was closer to the person, she blinked a couple of times before realizing that it was Sasuke.

"Sasuke-kun!" She shrieked as she fastened her pace carefully, but Sasuke paid no attention.

Sakura continued to shout his name, but it every time she does it seems that he is just going further and further away from her.

She did not give up, she continued shouting until he was out of sight due to the darkness of the night.

It broke her heart that her crush for these years was now ignoring her. What did she do wrong? Why does this have to happen? Did she act like a fangirl to him? Better yet, does he hate her?

With that thought, she stopped as she unconsciously drop her umbrella and her usual smile was now upside down.

*insert irritatingly girly girl tone*

"She is such a feeler. Thinking that Sasuke-kun actually likes her."

"Ha! I knew he hates her!"

"Aww poor Sakura, she was ignored by her prince charming. Oh wait. That's right, he never was your prince!"

"Oh em gee, Bekki you just did not."

"Oh yes I did."

Hearing their statements brought Sakura into tears, but her face was now mixed with raindrops so it was not visible.

The girls' giggle added tension to Sakura's urge in punching their face. Good thing she has a thing called self-control unlike the fangirls over there.

Sakura gave a fake grin while she turned to them. "At least he  became my friend, unlike you losers."

Cue thunder and lightning as Sakura walked away like a boss.

She was never a girl that curses, except in playing games of course, though it was a good feeling that Sakura said that because those girls have been bothering her since third grade.

Although the weight on her shoulders got heavier with knowing the fact that Sasuke was avoiding her.

She believed that it was just a misunderstanding.

She wished that he would reply to her upcoming messages, texts and calls.

She hoped that he will talk to her again.

But he never did.


~·~·~Konohagakure village; August 15th; 7:08 a.m.~·~·~

Clutching her sling bag, Sakura made her way to her school which was Konoha High. She has been enrolled in the most prestigious school ever since she was in kindergarten up until now-her senior year.

Sakura crossed the empty street as she took a peek at the Uchiha household. It was a huge mansion with a creative garden and house design that has a modern style which also had a few expensive vehicles parked at the road. What do you expect? The Uchihas own the police and military forces in Konoha which means that they are filthy rich. Of course their house would be fancy as this.

She stared at the structure for the longest time as she remembered an event.


"Naruto...?" She stopped her tracks in walking at the sidewalk once she saw Naruto running from her back.

The school year just ended so it was their vacation. Sadly, Sasuke still avoided her until the last day of school...until now.

"D-Did you know?!"

Sakura arched an eyebrow. "Know what exactly?"

Naruto breathed heavily while he halted in front of Sakura. "S-Sasuke move to Oto!"

By just hearing his name, her heart shattered. "No, I d-didn't know."

Then Naruto began his rantings just as Sakura answered. "That bastard! He left without saying goodbye?! I mean what the hell, we've been friends for like..."

As Naruto continued his shouts, Sakura stepped into her thoughts. "Was that the reason why he avoided me?"

The pinkette shook her head in recalling that memory as she proceeded on walking to her school. Instead of thinking about the sad things about HIM, she thought about the game League of Legends.

Yes, she still plays after three years and she knows that Sasuke still plays too since she would sometimes check his match history although he is not on her friend list anymore.

Still she hoped that he would come ba-

No, she should be over him by now!-But she still loves him.

She should not get her hopes up. -Because she would just get hurt in the end.


"Is that the student?!"


First day of senior year, and the first thing you would hear is the fangirls' squeals.

How wonderful.

Passing by the crowds of dramatic lunatics, Sakura checked her homeroom class and it was stated that her best friend, Hinata Hyuuga, was also in that class.

Do not get the wrong impression, Naruto is still considered as one of Sakura's best friends. They just had their own gang when they entered high school but they would usually talk at least once a day.

With a bright aura, Sakura made her way to her homeroom class. Opening the door, she was the first to greet her. "Morning Sakura-chan."

"Am I late?" Sakura checked her wrist-watch as she walked towards Hinata.

"No, it's just seven-twenty. Class starts at eight." Hinata replied with a smile, closing her book as Sakura sat beside her. "I just came here early."

"You're early as usual." Sakura commented as she saw the book she was holding. "Is that a new book?"

Hinata and Sakura have been friends since nintj grade. How? Math Test. Particularly how? Long story-short, Sakura met Hinata when they took a math test wherein they used teamwork to pass the test since the teacher was careless and they do not understand the topics much.

Math + Teamwork = Boom Friendship

True story.

Hinata may be an innocent girl but like what the band 5SOS said, "Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught."

It may be silly as it is but that is how they met. They know each other's secrets and they act as if they are sisters. Hinata even knew about Sakura's relationship with Sasuke when they were young.

"Well-" Hinata was about to reply until she was interrupted by the door.

Two people went in.

Which caught the girls' attention.

They both had bewildered expression on their faces.

And both of them focused at o e figure.

And that person was no other than Uchiha Sasuke.

"Is that why there were cars parked in front of their hous-ehem mansion a while ago?" Sakura wondered as she stared at the boy with her jaw dropped.

Hinata was shocked since she was definitely not expecting Sasuke to be the new student that a lot of girls would fawn over him. But then again, why not?

Surprise was obvious based from Sakura's face though she did not know if she should be happy or sad.

Happy that he came back and their friendship may grow again or sad that he left her in the pouring rain and never said goodbye that set off a scar at her heart.

Total frustration knocked her mind when she found out that he came back.

Although one thing was clear when her eyes were stuck at him in a contact like glue. "I'm so dead."

Then she could suddenly feel someone hugging her.



Yes, I play League of Legends haha and it's and awesome and addictive game ;)

Sorry for the cliffhanger, I'll be posting the next part next week since it will be our exams then intrams! :D

I'll also be working on the next one-shots and updating Contemplation soon!

Hope you like the story so far and I know the past two one-shots are not that good hehe ^^'

