
(I keep trying to get to a certain part of this story, the only part I actually have planned, but these two keep interrupting ._.) 

Warmth enveloped Harper as he nestled into the most comfortable blankets he'd ever used. He felt like he was floating upon a cloud while being tucked in by a slightly heavier one. 

"She sure looks comfortable." 

Harper nuzzled a little more underneath the blankets, leaving only the top of his head exposed in hope of being left alone for even a little more time. 

"She won't get a chance to eat until this evening if we don't wake her now." 

His mind was coming into focus whether he wished it to or not by then, allowing him to realize that it was Rule and Arthur conversing somewhere nearby. In fact, it almost sounded like they were standing far too close to the bed. Knowing that he couldn't risk them trying to physical wake him, or even sending a maid to do so, he grudgingly lifted his head slightly and forced his eyes open. 

"There's our princess." Rule chimed with far too much enthusiasm for... whatever time it was. 

Crossing his arms over his chest, Arthur tilted his head as he eyed Harper. "She doesn't look happy to see us." 

Harper tugged the thick blanket a little further down so that he could talk without his words being muffled. "It is quite unsightly to enter a lady's room, especially before she has even risen for the day." To his surprise, he felt quite well considering how late he must have stayed up, yet the comfort of the large bed still tried to lull him back to sleep. 

"That would be true, if we were in your room." Rule stated with a raised eyebrow. 

I'm... not in my room? 

Stealing slight glances about the room, Harper came to the startling revelation that he was indeed not in his room, but in the one he'd spent so long cleaning the previous day. Jerking upright abruptly, he scrambled to get free of the heavy blankets that weighed him down. How in the world did I end up in Rule's bed chambers! Finally falling from the bed, he stumbled to his bare feet, then inclined into a bow. 

"I am terribly sorry, my lord! I do not remember how I came to be in your room." He stammered out honestly, running through his memories as he spoke, but continuously, he came up with nothing after he'd fallen asleep in Arthur's arms. 

The memory of being so comfortable in the man's lap brought warmth to his face, making him duck his head a little further. When the two of them just chuckled, Harper lifted his head, a slight frown tugging at his lips. 

"I requested that Arthur settle you in my bed since we intended to continue our chat long into the night, and, I know for a fact that Matilda has been snooping about our rooms. You also didn't seem to be sleeping well, so I figured that my room would likely not be her target if she wished to sabotage." He paused for a moment, then smirked. "My bed is also the most comfortable in the entire estate, and you are welcome to it whenever you wish." He finished with a wink.

Harper couldn't think of something to say to that. His mouth had opened slightly, but no words came. Rule had been so thoughtful, even though he had finished speaking with an inappropriate jab, that was just him. Harper hadn't even considered that Matilda might have messed with his room, and he also couldn't argue that Rule's bed was indeed amazing. 

"Well, um... I thank you, my lords. I will take my leave and get dressed for the day now." 

Arthur glanced toward the window, drawing Harper's attention there for a brief moment. Wait. It does not look like morning. Turning back to the lords, he frowned as he asked, "What time might it be?" 

The two looked at each other, then back to Harper before Rule reached forward and ruffled his hair. "It's time for a very late lunch. We had a tray brought up for you so that you would not have to go without until the event tonight." 

The man's thoughtfulness had a smile tugging at Harper's lips. "Thank you two very much." Rule nodded, then leaned over and grasped Harper's hand before lifting it to his lips. "It was our pleasure, miss. Now, off with you. Change into your outfit for this evening, then you may partake in your meal in the sitting room." 

Harper gladly nodded his acceptance, then hurried off to his room in order to change. It would have felt a bit odd to get ready so early, when the event wasn't until evening, but he had little else to wear besides his maid uniform, and he knew Rule would make him change if he came out in that. 

When he was content with what he looked like in the mirror, he stepped out of his room to see neither lord present. Rule's door was closed, but he couldn't hear any sound coming from within. Deciding not to pry, he sat down before a tray in front of one of the large chairs the two lords had occupied last night and began eating his meal of braised pork, carrots, and bread. 

When he was just finishing his last bite, Rule's door opened and he stepped out in the most beautiful dress Harper had ever seen. Granted, he had seen very few remarkable ones in recent years having remained at lord Marksworth's estate, but he thought that it was stunning. Rule actually looks like a young woman, too. Which was shocking, really. The man was quite handsome, and somehow made his near shoulder-length hair work without bothering with a wig. He did shave and use some make up, but Harper was surprised how naturally beautiful he could be. 

"I'll take your expression as a positive one, little Hari." 

Harper licked the remnants of flavor from his lips as he nodded, setting aside his tray to stand, then walk over to Rule. "You look amazing, my lord." 

Rules' eyes lit up and he gave a small swirl in a circle. The dress flared out a little before settling back into place once the momentum ended. "I'm glad I had requested this made ahead of time. Nothing I had tried on previously that was made for a woman even came close to looking good. My seamstress is a miracle worker, though."

He paused there, eyeing Harper with a quizzical look. 

"You don't quite look finished." He mused, rubbing his jaw as his eyes narrowed in thought. 

Harper looked down at his outfit. He had been quite pleased with the way it looked on him, but then again, he knew very little of male fashion. Perhaps it did not look the way it was supposed to? 

"Ah ha! I know. Wait right there, Hari." 

Rule disappeared right as Arthur walked in from the main entrance. "Hello, Hari. I brought you something for your outfit." He said as he walked over, then gestured for him to turn around. Awkwardly, Hari did as told, remaining still as he felt Arthur tug at his hair a bit. When he had finished, he steered Hari toward a small mirror hanging against the far wall just large enough to see his face in. 

"I pulled your hair back partially." He said, nudging Hari closer to the mirror. 

He turned from side to side, eyeing the small pony tail tied at the back of his head. Arthur had left enough of his hair down so that he still had bangs, and one of his braids was woven within them. It looks good. I almost feel like a noble...

Turning, he gave Arthur a warm smile. "Thank you, my lord. I like it." 

"Wait! You're not finished yet!" Rule suddenly shouted as he ran out of his room, something grasped tightly in his right first. 

Harper unthinkingly backed up until he felt himself bump into the wall beside the mirror. "Oh come now, I won't bite, yet." Rule half-growled as he walked right up to him and grabbed his left hand. 

Splaying his fingers easily with his own larger ones, Rule produced a small diamond ring that had Harper's jaw dropping. Without a hint of hesitation, Rule slid it onto his fourth finger, then smirked up at him. "Just to make sure that no one tries anything with what's already claimed." 

Silence stretched uncomfortably in the room while Harper's face got brighter and brighter red. He could even feel his ears warming under Rule's hungry stare. "Alright, alright. Stop giving the poor lass a heart attack. He does this every time he invites a close friend, Hari. Don't fret much over it." 

A twinge of disappointment swirled in his belly for an unknown reason at his words. He forced it down and instead gave the lords a quiet laugh. "I see. Thank you, my lords. For the help in getting ready." 

They looked at each other, Rule with frustration and Arthur showing a grin, before they turned their attention back to him with small smiles. "No problem, little Hari." Arthur said before Rule stepped in front of him and leaned over, pressing a kiss to the top of Hari's head. 

"Never a problem, Hari." Rule cooed into his hair, the soft voice a surprise to Harper. 

Rule seemed like he wanted to say or do something else, but was nudged out of the way by Arthur. "Get going. Everyone is expecting you to greet them downstairs. You don't want to be late for the beginning of your own event, do you?" 

The other lord grumbled as he stumbled toward the door, then turned. "It doesn't even come close to starting for another two hours!" He growled, getting a raised eyebrow from Arthur. 

"And you are expected to greet everyone arriving today for it, which you have failed miserably at doing so since you've been up here nearly all day." 

Rule looked like he wanted to reply, but when a knock sounded on the door, he bit his tongue and turned to open it. Matilda stood in the doorway, surprisingly dressed as a male. Harper hadn't known that the servants were to join in the festivities, though he had been forced to. The woman's outfit was fancy, but her dark red shirt was unbuttoned a bit too much, revealing far more than Harper cared to see. 

"I have come to retrieve you, master. There are many people downstairs waiting to meet with you." She said, her voice sickeningly simpering. 

Sighing, Rule stepped out the door, but not before sending Arthur one more frustrated look. "Perfect timing." Arthur said, drawing Harper's attention back to him. When Arthur reached down for his hand, Harper drew his eyebrows together, confused as to what the man was planning... until he produced a ring from his pocket much like the one that Rule had slipped onto his ring finger. It was beautiful, too, but instead of an obsidian black band holding the small, shimmering diamond, a dark silver band held the gem as it was settled right against Rule's on his finger. 

"One more thing." Arthur murmured as he leaned over, making Harper try, yet fail, to duck further back into the wall. He had nowhere to go. 

One of Arthur's hands grasped his jaw, tilting it up just enough for him to receive the kiss. His mind blanked as to what he should do in response. Should I push him away? Men don't normally kiss each other, right? But he expects me to react as a female. Wouldn't a female be excited to be kissed by a duke? Especially a maid? His mind ran around in circles, spinning questions that grew further and further from the actual situation he found himself in. He couldn't even tell what he actually felt. 

Before he could figure out what to do, Arthur pulled away, nipping his lip just enough to make Harper jump. "Just a little reminder to Rule to be more on his toes." Arthur stated with a smirk that Harper had rarely seen on the man's face. He left moments later, leaving Harper to lick at his slightly bleeding lip in utter confusion. 
