We were finished for today with Ikoma-san's crimes made clear, her apology to Wakaba-chan made, and her punishment handed out. Ikoma-san apologized one more time before departing. I mistimed my departure and was left behind with Fellow Stalking Horse and Wakaba-chan.

"Oh, it's over!" muttered Fellow Stalking Horse stretching his arms upwards. I guess his duties as the president was causing him strain, too.

Wakaba-chan smiled and said, "Thanks for your hard work. Do you want more tea? Hot or cold?"

"I want hot."

"Understood. Kisshouin-san?"

"Eh? No, I should go."

"Huh? Come on, stick around for the thank you party, the three of us. I'll have a cold one. You'll have the same?" She didn't wait for my answer and started to pour drinks. How did I end up in a tea party in the student council chamber by mistiming my departure? I can't be seen here…

"I never imagined that Takamichi was friends with Kisshouin for some time already," blurted out Fellow Stalking Horse after taking a sip of hot tea.

"Like I told Ikoma-san, don't tell anybody about Kisshouin-san and I to anybody else, Mizusaki-kun."

"I won't. But it's not really something that needs to be hidden."

"No. If people find out, Kisshouin-san's position would be affected adversely. It's fine the way it is, as long as we can keep meeting secretly. Right, Kisshouin-san!"

"Eh?!" What is this!? Wakaba-chan's starting to talk like a hidden lover! No, no, that's not right! I kept things secret considering Wakaba-chan's situation! Not just for my own safety! "No, I'm planning to make everything clear someday. For real."

"Yes, I know," she smiled. She really looks like a mistreated lover patiently enduring her ill treatment! Nooo! Is it just me, or is Fellow Stalking Horse gazing at my coldly, or is that just my guilty conscience?

"So Takamichi knew that somebody was cleaning up messes around you?" Oh, good, a change of subject…

"Well, yeah. My chair and desk that had graffiti or chalk dust everyday started to be sparkling clean. Anybody would realize that somebody was cleaning it."

Really? "Was it so easy to recognize?"

"Yes! When I get in the morning, only my desk had a shiny reflection! And it was so smooth, that handouts kept falling off." That's the power of the bestselling wax. The foreigners in the commercial were going wow. "But wasn't it a pain getting in early every morning? Thank you both, again." She bowed her head, so I waved with both arms for her not to.

"But Takamichi, you really don't need compensation? A few hours on the weekends won't make up for the damages."

"It's okay. I did well on the exams, so I got an exemption for some school supplies."

"I see."

"Yes, and Kisshouin-san gave me the shoes and uniform at no cost! I get nothing but help from you. Thank you, Kisshouin-san."

"You really don't need to mind!" Stop! It hurts hearing it over and over! I only gave them away because I couldn't wear them because of the pigeon poop! Sorry I gave you the pigeon poop uniform! I change the subject by whispering into her ear, "But doesn't Kaburagi-sama visit the store sometimes? Wouldn't he run into Ikoma-san?"

"Oh, I forgot," Wakaba-chan stuck out her tongue. Sad. She forgot about you, Kaburagi… Good luck, Kaburagi.

"What's that about?" asked Fellow Stalking Horse.

"A secret."

Fellow Stalking Horse snorted. For Kaburagi's sake this has to remain a secret.

"I never think Kisshouin was this strange, though. These past few days, my impression of you got completely overturned."

"Huh? I'm not strange!" How insulting!

"Let's get back to work."


He ignored me and went to the president's chair and started to parse through documents on a tray. Humph. I wanted to firmly correct him, but I'll let him off this time to go through that huge stack of papers. Wakaba-chan was organizing papers when I came in, so they must be busy.

Compared to that, the Pivoine's Salon is run smoothly by the concierge and events are outsourced, to members barely have to do anything. It goes without saying that the current president, Kaburagi, is completely carefree.

"I'll be going now. Please keep everything about me a secret, Mizusaki-kun." He waves his hand in confirmation, so I finally leave.

I look around for any witnesses before stepping out. Once I'm far away, after confirming that nobody's around, I throw up my arms into the sky in celebration. Now, I'm free from Enjou accusing me of being a spy!

Enjou might know that I'm connected to Fellow Stalking Horse who's in the student council known to oppose the Pivoine. It might have been easier for me if he just accused me, but implying it with his words and eyes were really terrifying. My stomach hurt…

But those days are past. I can safely retire as a spy!

"Oh, Kisshouin. What are you doing here? We missed you in the Salon."

"AHH!" I turn around in surprise to that familiar voice.

"Shut up," muttered Kaburagi scowling.

"W, what are you doing here yourself, Kaburagi-sama?"

My heart's racing. I have a guilty conscience. He didn't stalk Wakaba-chan to the student council chambers and see me coming out did he!?

"I'm about to leave." This hall does lead to the parking lot. I guess that I was overthinking. "But this is good timing, Kisshouin. Let's go eat okonomiyaki!"

"I'm not going." He doesn't understand the destructive power of the grill. The smell clings to your clothes and hair. People around you can tell what you ate from it. If I went home after okonomiyaki, the smell of the burnt sauce would be a dead giveaway to my parents.

"Why?" asks Kaburagi in dissatisfaction, so I explain. "Then go home and change."

"No, it's too much trouble. I don't want to go out after I get home." It's impossible once I change and relax in my room. I can't just get up and leave when that happens. Besides, getting properly dressed again to go out is a pain. Not that anyone's ever asked me to do so…

"So not going home… All right. Then we'll buy you some clothes so you can change."

"Just how much do you want to eat okonomiyaki? Today is not good, in any case." I don't care if you frown. I have cram school tonight, so I don't have much time. I'm tired with all that happened since this morning.

But Kaburagi isn't giving up. He asks when we could go. He must not have friends.

Then, another voice approached. "Yes, I already have plans with a friend today." It was Enjou walking up talking on a cellphone. "Okay. Bye," and he hung up. "Oh? Kisshouin-san's coming, too?" he smiled putting away his phone.

"Kisshouin was taking me to okonomiyaki today."

"I already said, not today." I explained my reasons once again.

"I see. So the smell might be a problem."

That's right. Especially since it'll linger with my hair. Give it up.

As I was explaining the many problems walking to the parking lot, the fool, Katsurai came running, calling, "Enjou-san!" He caught up, out of breath, and repeated, "Enjou-san."

"As you can see, I already have plans today with them. I already told them on the phone," stated Enjou.

Huh? Them? Is he including me?

"But Enjou-san…"

"Katsuragi." Enjou's smile disappeared pressuring Katsuragi. A serious look made by someone who's usually smiling is frightening… Even I trembled.

"…I understand." Katsuragi gritted his teeth, glared at me, and ran off after saying farewell. I'm curious to know what that was about, but it seems to be trouble, so I don't.

Enjou turned back to us smiling. "Sorry to have kept you waiting. Let's go."

"Huh? Where?"

"Anywhere. The two of you have something in mind?"

"Two? Me, too?" Why am I included!

"Of course. Otherwise, I would've told Katsuragi a lie." Some nerve… As if he'd feel guilty over something like that.

"Sorry, I have supplemental classes…"

"Oh. What time?"

Tonight, but… But I don't want to proceed as Enjou says.

"Don't you have time for some tea or something light?"

"I'm sorry, but…"

"Oh. By the way, you weren't at the Salon today. Did you have to do something?"

"Huh?" What's with that smile. Why am I getting the chills?

"Was it your club?"


"Kisshouin, you were at your club?" Kaburagi asked. Should I go ahead and lie…? Okay, I will.

"Oh, but Haginokouji-san (Fuyuko) said you weren't going there today." A trap! Dreadful… What's with him!? He set a trap smiling and knowing that I wasn't there! "Which direction did you come from? Over there would be…"

"I may have enough time for some tea." He checked where I was coming from even talking on the phone!? So he does know…? Or is he just trying to draw me out? Either way, he's holding it over me…

"Oh really? That's nice. Masaya, Kisshouin-san's joining us. Where should we go?" He really is unpleasant…

"Okay. Let's go fast food."

"Fast food?" Why now? You've already been there.

"Shuusuke hasn't been. I'll guide you." He just wants to act superior…

"Hmm… I'm okay with that. What about Kisshouin-san? We might as well go somewhere you'd like."

"I don't really care." I just want to get this over with.

"It's decided. Let's go." You're enthusiastic, but do you know where to go? It has to be far from school while we're in our uniforms.

We arrived at a place unlikely to be seen by Zuiran students. Kaburagi proudly explained to Enjou about value meals and seasonal items while we were in line. "You should go ahead order potatoes."

"All right." Enjou followed Kaburagi's advice, and we accepted our orders. I saw Kaburagi glance at Enjou's tray and his own. Oh, he didn't tell him about the ketchup on purpose.

I sat down and began eating my hamburger. Enjou didn't really comment on his first fast food experience. He's used to eating nicely every day, so I guess that's expected.

When Enjou reached for his potatoes, Kaburagi pounced. He brought out his ketchup he had hidden to the center of his tray, and began putting it on this potatoes.

"Oh? That ketchup…" Kaburagi eyes brightened at Enjou's words and looked incredibly proud.

"Oh, you have to ask for this. I forgot to tell you. Go back to the counter for some."

"Excuse me, can I get a ketchup?" asked Enjou to a worker who was picking up a stack of trays. She blushed and replied, "Very well," as she hurried back with the tray to get the ketchup.


The man who can ad lib, Enjou Shuusuke.

Being angry at his previous treatment, he tried it on his best friend for his amusement, but Enjou struck him down. Enjou thanked the worker as she brought back the ketchup for his potatoes.

"…Wasn't that breaking the rules?"

"Huh? What was?"

Kaburagi glared at Enjou tilting his head, and started to throw his potatoes in his mouth.

"Enjou-sama seems comfortable here unlike Kaburagi-sama his first time."

"I guess. I've never had fast food, but I've been somewhere using a similar system." He mentioned an American coffee chain which was trendy now. "I like coffee. They weren't bad for a chain store, using freshly roasted beans from a drip."

"Oh, I see…"

"Have you been there, Kisshouin?"

"No, I don't drink much coffee…" As if I could go there by myself. They might laugh at me for not knowing how to order. I enjoy the cheap comfort of the masses of the really high-end luxury, but the trendy spots intimidate me. Because I don't trust my own sense of style! No matter how I dress in town, nobody's asked for my photo for a magazine! Not that I'd accept, so that's just fine!

But I want to be trendy, too. They could have taken me there today. Enjou's comfortable anywhere, so I could have gone with them.

"…Takamichi-san may enjoy it."

"Oh? Really!?" Good, Kaburagi latched on.

"Yes, coffee and cake go together. She may be interested."


FuFuFu… The plans for next time are set. I'll be joining the trendy high school girls soon.

"Then you want to go after this?"



Huh? Huh? Why? But I have cram school after this. I don't have time. Enjou looked at me and said, "Kisshouin-san doesn't like coffee, right?"

Oh, noooo! Why did I use that excuse! "That's not…"

Kaburagi got up enthusiastically, cutting off my words. I saw them off hiding my disappointment as I saw them off.
