Chapter Sixteen

Before Aera leaves The Twins she looked back at them. She snaps her fingers again waking the Frey and Roose Bolton. Aera removes their memory of meeting her and saving Robb and his mother.

She replaces it with them dying by their hands. This is all she could do, for now, too much energy already consume her body and all she could do is run toward Robb and Catelyn.

Aera almost falls but manages to maintain her balance with the help of Catelyn Stark. "Are you alright?" Catelyn asked and Aera nodded.

"It's my first time trying that spell, my body couldn't take it," Aera said. They are in the woods together with Grey Wind.

Aera and Catelyn turned to Robb who was carrying the dead body of his wife, the man is emotionless while looking at the body. Aera sighed and walks forward.

"We should go, There are horses through the woods," Aera informed and started walking she save up 10 horses for them but they can only use 3 horses.

"Why are there horses there?" Robb asked. Aera turned back to the man who was looking blankly at her. "Do you know what will happen? Do you know this will happen?" Robb asked again.

"What are you talking about?" Catelyn asked.

"You gave me a warning before! You said a wolf will die, is it them!? My wife and my child!?" Robb almost yelled. Aera steps forward to him.

"I am not your enemy, I gave you a warning. To answer your question... I do not know what will happen! I can only see a glimpse of it and I saw your death this morning so I did everything I could to save you and everyone else! But I can't!" Aera yelled back.

She's tired, she did everything she could do and this is what she gets. Robb was taken aback by her sudden outburst.

"There's a ton of rabbit in your bag, you meant to save all of us, aren't you?" Catelyn asked and Aera nodded.

"But I can't, my body will fail me anytime soon. I did try," Aera said looking at the body of Talisa Stark. Aera took a deep breath, she wanted to be with Daenerys right now.

She's in her weakest state and the only person who could ease her is her sister. She wanted to go home. Aera coughs again and there was blood on it.

"Let's go," Aera said and moves forward. They manage to reach the place where Aera place the horses, Robb was surprised to see about 10 of them. He looked at Aera who was coughing, she intend to save them all but she cannot.

Aera was about to mount her horse but her body cannot move anymore. Catelyn notice this and was about to help the girl when a bear came out of nowhere.

Catelyn stumbles back seeing the big brown bear behind Aera. "Aera, dear... Get away from there" Catelyn warily said making Aera look behind her. She smiles seeing Bart, the bear who's always with her no matter what.

"Don't fret, Lady Catelyn. He's a friend. Hello Bart... My body cannot move anymore, would you help me go home?" Aera asked and the bear turn his back willing to carry the Princess.

Catelyn was dumbfounded at how gentle the bear was to Aera. Even Robb who already mount his horse with the body of his dead wife was surprised. Catelyn hurriedly mounts their horses.

"Follow us" Aera weakly said falling into the back of Bart, her body cannot take it anymore. Bart roar and start running while Lady Catelyn and Lord Robb starts following them running away.

To Aera's last energy, she used her powers to release all the horses into the wilderness, giving them freedom away. Aera then lets her body fall on the back of Bart who's sprinting home.

It took them a day to finally arrive at Aera's rest house. Aera who's still weak can now walk properly, Catelyn and Robb looked amazed at the house.

"It's time for you to bury her here," Catelyn said looking at the body of Talisa. Aera looked up looking where are her dragons, she notice them far away where only she can see.

Their hunt some fish and Aera smiles at how big they're getting, few more years and she could ride Luna.

Aera turned to Robb and Catelyn, they were discussing the burial of Talisa.

Aera looked at Bart who's entered his cabin, Aera made one for him to take a rest and sometimes she brings him inside with her dragons to rest. Aera wanted them to be wild and free where they could grow and hunt.

Lady Catelyn approaches the girl, limping... She injured her legs from the wedding, and Aera turned to her. "Lady Catelyn, I have something for your injury," Aera said looking at the woman.

Lady Catelyn smiles at her. "Thank you, My dear. Robb wanted to give Talisa a proper funeral. The same with my father. " Catelyn inform and Aera nodded.

They did give Talisa the same funeral as Hoster Tully, it was Robb Stark who shoot the remains of his wife with arrow and fire, letting her body be burned. Aera stared at the man's eyes, the light in his eyes disappear once more.

Aera gives them two Stark and some medicine for wounds. Aera and Catelyn are inside the house when they heard something that falls outside making the two sprint toward the noise.

It was Robb Stark who collapse on the ground, Aera hurriedly helps the man check his pulse." What's wrong with him? " Catelyn asked.

"His body is shutting down, we need to get him inside. Bart help us! " Aera called out making the bear run towards them. Bart Carries the man inside the room placing him on the bed.

Aera who's still exhausted takes good care of the man overnight while Catelyn watched the girl. Aera did everything she could do but the man is still unconscious.

Aera looked at Catelyn. "Lady Catelyn, his fine now but his still unconscious. I'm afraid he will be put into a coma for a couple of days or months." Aera tiredly said making the woman sob.

Aera hugs the woman. Letting her cry on her shoulder while Bart slowly leaves them to look for fish. Aera let the woman sleeps in the guest room for her to rest, she needs it. When Aera goes to her room to sleep she needs this too.

In the morning when Aera manages to return her strength, she walks outside to see her dragons on the shore waiting for her. Aera smiles as she approaches them.

" We have guests here, be on your best behavior," Aera said smiling at them. She will not hide them from her guest maybe it's time for them to finally meet her, who she really is.

Aera sits on the grass while Luna placed her head on Aera's lap and Aera keeps stroking the dragon's head. Then they hear a loud gasp on the side, Aera turned to see Lady Catelyn looking at their shock.

Aera stands up and Luna sneers, she doesn't being away from her mother that long. "Lady Catelyn" Aera called out but the woman stumbled back.

"Who are you!? Who really are you!?" Catelyn asked, she was frightened. This is the first time she sees dragons. She's shocked seeing the bear but seeing a dragon is the next level.

"I'm Aera, Aerasanne Mistborn of House Targaryen. The Twin sister of Daenerys Targaryen." Aera introduces herself. Catelyn looked in her disbelief.

"Your Princess Aerasanne." The woman said and Aera nodded. "But how!? Your hair? Eyes?" The woman asked.

Aera approaches the woman who steps back again. The Princess sighed and looked at the Lady Pleasingly to listen to her. Aera closed her eyes for a few seconds and then open them to reveal the real color of her eyes.

Aera then takes her canteen and splashes some of the water on her hair, just the bottom of it. She lets the color disappear revealing the Silver-Gold hair making the woman gasp.

"Forgive, My Lady. The only way I could travel around without creating attention. I plan to help my sister by gathering allies to take back the Seven Kingdoms." Aera said truthfully.

"You wanted to take back the 7 kingdoms?" Lady Catelyn asked and Aera nodded.

"I know this is surprising but I assure you that all my intention were pure. I just my mother in you, the woman who died after giving birth to me" Aera said looking at the woman.

"Queen Rhaella" Lady Catelyn said and Aera nodded.

"I promise you that everything that happen was true. I only meant to help my sister retake our home, indeed, I'm only passing by when I saw you." Aera said she needs the woman's trust.

"Is it true?" Catelyn asked. "That you and your sister can defeat the Lannister?" Catelyn asked and Aera nodded.

Catelyn doesn't care anymore about who will rule the 7 kingdoms, she knows Aera in a meantime, and seeing how kind the girl is, she wanted Daenerys to be the Queen. She wanted them to crush the Lannister into pieces for ruining their peaceful life.

Catelyn sighed and approach the girl to hug her, she indeed treated the girl like her daughter. Aera hugs back, she needed that hug more than anything.

They both do.


A few days have come and Robb still isn't waking up Aera made some liquid foods for the man to take. She's been taking care of him night and day.

She will just let the man slowly drink it with the help of Catelyn Stark. She made some fluids nutrients and vitamins for the man.

Catelyn Stark starts helping around the place like feeding Bart and the dragons, at first the woman is scared but right now she will just toss the dead sheep and let them ravish it while Bart loves fish and honey.

"They like you," Aera said looking at the Dragons and turning to Catelyn.

"Still terrified me," Catelyn said making Aera smiles.

"My Lady, it's time for me to go to Kingslanding and observe, can leave you here?" Aera asked and the woman nodded.

They have months of food in the storage and the bowl that Visenya gave Aera is in her room where no one can enter aside from her. The room doesn't have a Key it's just Aera who could enter there because of magic.

"Few miles from here you will see a market in the ease if you want to buy some stuff," Aera said and gives the woman some dragon gold. "Here, you will get lost once you leave this place, no one can enter anymore so wear this and you will always find your place here," Aera said giving the woman a ring.

Lady Catelyn takes it. Aera turned to her dragons." How about them? " Catelyn asked.

" They're coming with me, in the past, they will stay here and fly around but now they didn't leave my side, always flying above the clouds guiding me. "Aera said looking at her dragons. " Bart will be here with you," Aera said and the bear groans. The Princess looked around for the dire wolf, and she saw him, earlier running around the forest.

" Hey! I always feed you don't give me that attitude" Lady Catelyn lectures that bears making Aera smiles.

" When he wakes up, I will be here. " Aera said talking about Robb and Catelyn nodded hugging the girl.

" Take care of yourself, Aerasanne. Don't exhaust your strength and come back here anytime. I will be waiting for your return. " Lady Catelyn said and made Aera smiles. Catelyn does see her as her child, but now she's worried that the girl will leave again and she's here taking care of her firstborn.

Aera arrives at Kingslanding in Sansa's chamber where she wanted no one to approach her not even Shae or Lord Tyrion.

"Sansa" Aera called out making the girl look at her, she's been crying over the death of her Mother and Brother.

Sansa runs up to her and hugs her while she cried on her shoulder. "They're dead! My mother and brother are dead! Traitors! The Bolton are traitors!" Sansa snaps while she cried on Aera's shoulder.

They both fall on the ground while Sansa cried on her shoulder. "Shh... Don't worry, My Lady. The winter would come to them." Aera said stroking the back of Sansa.

" Listen, My Lady. One of these days you will escape, away from here. Then I will take you somewhere, where you will be safe. " Aera whispered making Sansa turn to her.

" Take me now! " Sansa said but Aera shake her head.

" Not yet, I need to make sure of the safety of our depart. One of these days, Littlefinger will take you away from here and then you will have to wait and I will find to escape." Aera said making the girl turn to her.

"Lord Baelish?" Sansa asked and Aera nodded.

Aera would not let Ramsay take advantage of Sansa, she will prevent that from happening. "You just have to wait, My Lady. I will accomplish my promise to your mother and will take you to safety." Aera said and Sansa nodded.
