27. The girl is beautiful and charming

Associated Names :   女配她千娇百媚

Link : https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fm.shubaow.net%2F183%2F183727%2F

Type : Chinese Novel

Genre : Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, System , Transmigration, Historical.

Rating: (9.5 / 10)


Fu Jinyu, who passed into the house and became a vicious female partner, was forced to bind a sign-in system just after he got rid of the fate of scamming the heroine and getting scammed.

 The sign-in system rewards are all modern items, but it requires mental energy. 

In the next few days, she will have sore hands and feet, and listless spirits.

 By chance, she discovered that touching the male protagonist's little uncle, today's emperor, Jing Wang Cui Jiuling, could speed up the recovery of mental power.

 Fu Jinyu rubbed his hands. Is she getting started? Still get started? Still get started? *

 Jing Wang Cui Jiuling, a high-ranking authority, unparalleled in appearance, but cold and arrogant, not close to female, countless noble ladies throw olive branches at him, and they are ruthlessly trampled by him with a "crack". 

When Fu Jinyu approached, Cui Jiuling was very resistant to her at first: 

"Don't think that you saved my mother and concubine, and you can bring your kindness and retribution to my king's promise."

 After a while, he stared at the food box in her hand. 

"Don't think that you have pleased my princess, and you will cook a few rare foods to make my king submit."

 Later, she saved his life with Western antipyretics, and he again emphasized: 

"Silver money, or You can accept your father and brother's official position, but this king can't do it." 

He became jealous and mad when he saw her and his cousin go in and out, and then he realized that the little woman did not know when, he actually attacked his heart.

 Stuck. He caught her in the palace, pressed her against the wall and kissed fiercely, and asked in a cold voice:

 "If you provoke this king, you should stick to it. Who will allow you to give up halfway?"

 Even though he has a heart of stone, how can she be charming?

Read the text tips: 1. Double C. 2. The heroine is not a dodder flower, and has a systematic golden finger. 3. Sweet text, sweet text, sweet text.

Content tag: Traveling through time and space, female with sweet text and wearing a book.

Search keywords: Protagonist: Fu Jinyu, Cui Jiuling┃ Supporting role: ┃ Other: Chuanshu, petting, sweet text. Brief introduction: I will be an uncle and grandmother for the hero: a happy life Fight on your own

Review: Very charming story just like its name. Female Lead is smart, cute, bold.. The way she teased Male Lead is so funny and lovely..
